Question For Conservatives.Hillary's Small Rally Crowds.How Come We Never See Them?

Large blue states have more people

What is foolish is allowing small red states to have so much power

Having more Democrats should not be a consideration for the GOP nomination process.

Its not

States like NY and California have more Republicans in them than Wyoming, Montana, Dakotas, Mississippi combined

Shouldn't their votes count?

Fuck off, rabble. I already explained it. You're a Democrat, you get no say in the matter.

What do you mean I don't get a say?

Didn't you just post that Democrats pick your candidates for you?
Large blue states have more people

What is foolish is allowing small red states to have so much power

Having more Democrats should not be a consideration for the GOP nomination process.

Its not

States like NY and California have more Republicans in them than Wyoming, Montana, Dakotas, Mississippi combined

Shouldn't their votes count?

Fuck off, rabble. I already explained it. You're a Democrat, you get no say in the matter.

You explained nothing idiota. You give yourself far too much credit.

I guess reading is not your strong suit?
Hillary is unstoppable. You should give up.

Yep. Everyone owns a piece of her. The banks and the Saudi's can't wait to cash in on their investment.



Yeah, he is beholden to no foreign body or government.
You picked him and now you are stuck with him

Isn't it funny that the average Democrat is more excited about Trump's nomination than the average Republican. One might almost wonder if all those millions of people switching their registration from D to R was some kind of Trojan Horse.

You can say that with a straight face with all the trump idolaters on this board? :lol:

Since when did the membership of this board reflect anything in real life? If we're to see this board as the example, 90% of Americans must have IQs below 75.
Why doesn't the media demand that Hillary answer tough questions? Because they don't want to hear the answers? Hillary hasn't had a press conference in six months and the only questions she seems comfortable with are softballs by fawning former employees of the Clinton administration like George Stepenopolis.
You guys also blamed the Democrats for giving you McCain and Romney

Don't you ever take responsibility for your picks?

I believe that the claim was that "Rinos" were responsible. Then again I never bought that bullshit. Any other broad brushstrokes you'd like me to reduce to rubble for you?
You guys also blamed the Democrats for giving you McCain and Romney

Don't you ever take responsibility for your picks?

I believe that the claim was that "Rinos" were responsible. Then again I never bought that bullshit. Any other broad brushstrokes you'd like me to reduce to rubble for you?

Oh yes....the good old RINOs

And Republicans pick a former Democrat who supported gun control and abortion but he isn't a "RINO"
hillary's best rallies happened at the election booth, each and every super tuesday.

she received MILLIONS more votes than bernie sanders or donald trump. :thup:
The party didn't pick him, stop and think, period. The doom and gloom is funny on both sides. The economy will likely be the deciding factor for many and he is leading in that area. Most people don't believe more of the same shit will yield different results. And he's only down 5 or 6 points AND Hillary has had little to no bad advertising yet while Trump has had the kitchen sink thrown at him.

Are you trying to say all those people who voted for him aren't republicans? More republicans voted for him than any of the others, because they wanted crazy. That's how it works.

Crazy is believing an establishment DC insider owned by Wall Street is going to reform our financial system ...

Trying to change the subject? We were talking about the stupid republicans wanting a stupid candidate. He got the most votes. He is what most Republicans wanted.

And crazy is what most Democrats wanted. You don't see how that pertains to the discussion? Of course you don't ...

Yes, Hillary is what the Democrats wanted. 15 million voters, Presidents Obama, Clinton and Carter, Vice Presidents Biden and Gore, Democratic leaders in both the House and Senate...all support her candidacy

Trump got Sarah Palin to support him
What happened to her after that?.....sure disappeared.
It's true. Clinton doesn't get anywhere near the same number of people Trump gets at his rallies like the one below.

Is anyone actually saying that either one of these fools is a good choice ?

Truthfully ?

Clinton is a great choice for President.

Best resume of anyone to seek the office since Bush 41.
I have to call partisan blinders on that one. Hillary is a deeply flawed candidate. Trump is too, but we're talking about her. How can anyone in good conscience vote for her after the way she treated those women who (she NOW says) deserve to be heard and believed?

are you opposed to a woman supporting her husband?
Are you trying to say all those people who voted for him aren't republicans? More republicans voted for him than any of the others, because they wanted crazy. That's how it works.

Crazy is believing an establishment DC insider owned by Wall Street is going to reform our financial system ...

Trying to change the subject? We were talking about the stupid republicans wanting a stupid candidate. He got the most votes. He is what most Republicans wanted.

And crazy is what most Democrats wanted. You don't see how that pertains to the discussion? Of course you don't ...

Yes, Hillary is what the Democrats wanted. 15 million voters, Presidents Obama, Clinton and Carter, Vice Presidents Biden and Gore, Democratic leaders in both the House and Senate...all support her candidacy

Trump got Sarah Palin to support him
What happened to her after that?.....sure disappeared.

Being a drunken brawler must be a full time job. Looks like she has finally found something she is good at.
What? Are you trying to say it's democrats fault that you stupid republicans chose an idiot? Here's a hint. Republicans chose Trump. Democrats have their own nominating process, and don't effect yours.


I said it was foolish to allow large blue states to have so much influence. No need to put words into my mouth.

I guess you lost me. How did whether a state is blue, or red, or bright orange like your nominee have anything to do with your primaries? They were REPUBLICAN primaries voted in by REPUBLICANS.

Trump did the best in States with open primaries. Grasp the obvious ...


Not sure what point you're trying to make
Is anyone actually saying that either one of these fools is a good choice ?

Truthfully ?

Clinton is a great choice for President.

Best resume of anyone to seek the office since Bush 41.
I have to call partisan blinders on that one. Hillary is a deeply flawed candidate. Trump is too, but we're talking about her. How can anyone in good conscience vote for her after the way she treated those women who (she NOW says) deserve to be heard and believed?

are you opposed to a woman supporting her husband?
Isn't that a rather extreme leap of logic, somewhat akin to asking an anti-gun activist if they support women being raped? Of course I'm not opposed to it, any more than an anti-gun activist would be opposed to his mother being protected from a rapist by a gun-wielding concealed carry permit holder. Would you care to rephrase your question in a more meaningful way so as to elicit a more meaningful answer?

Hillary's problem in this instance is that she took part in destroying the characters of women who accused her husband of sexual malfeasance, but now claims that those very same women should be heard and believed. She has not addressed the way she treated those women and did not defend Bubba by simply saying that she believed in him and that he would not act that way. Instead, she took part in trashing them and preventing them from being heard and believed, but now wants to pretend she's a champion for women in just that situation.
The race hasn't started, neither candidate has been nominated by their party. But quibble over that or not, clearly your view they are in the last lap is ridiculous. And again you ignore that the candidate with the "tight, disciplined campaign" has a deeply entrenched 55% negative rating while Trump clearly has the opportunity to change his rating significantly. Most fall voters are only going so far by the media reporting of Trump.

I do find the tight, disciplined campaign to be comical, you really think Fido has done that? :lmao: What a partisan Democrat hack ...

Disciplined campaign... :haha:


Poor delusional hack.

Look who's talking, you would give your ass up just to be right on something, and you would still lose.

So, call me any way you want honey, but you can't deny the truth.
Last Count. all of Hillary's rallies since June 2015...............54,987

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