Question for democrats, who is a white supremacist?

It's not clear to me that Manafort was still on the Trump campaign at the time. At any rate, Trump was totally unaware of it.
Yes, Manafort was still on the campaign and you know damn good and well Trump knew about it. He’s a micromanager.
Actually the British brought slavery here. The Americans banned the slave trade nearly as soon as the country was formed. It just took nearly ninety more years to overcome the political power of the south to ban it altogether.

Libs don't care about facts.
Yes, Manafort was still on the campaign and you know damn good and well Trump knew about it. He’s a micromanager.
Trump is a control freak. One of the reasons he can’t keep anyone. He knows all the creepy stuff.
Facts don't matter to liberals.
Really ? 200 to one. Number of criminals under gop charged with crimes during gop admins.
That’s a fact you care not to talk about. Lying ? You want to discuss how many of these were for lying ?
Let’s start with lying about climate change, a fact most conservatives don’t even believe.

How utterly stupid do conservatives have be in order to claim every accredited university, Govt, and major corporation is wrong, but they are right in their denials of AGW. The list of denial of facts by idiot conservatives goes on and on.
Serious question for democrats, who is a white supremacist?

With the recent accusations of white supremacy Joe Biden made regarding the shooter Rittenhouse, I began to wonder why Joe Biden knows so much about him, especially since Rittenhouse shot and killed white males.

Since democrats think that the whole country is systemically racist, does this include the DNC? Does it include the NAACP, et.c.? Or are those organizations that support the DNC exempt from the white supremacy charge? And should we only use the accusation that someone is a white supremacist based only on the occurrence that they oppose the DNC in any way?

In fact, why even have a trial for Rittenhouse since the President of the United States is telling the jury and judge that the man is a guilty white supremacist whose hate caused him to murder?

This could actually be good. We could fire all lawyers and judges and juries and let Biden declare edicts for everyone

Think of the savings.
And the serious answer is all white people who don't support BLM
Really ? 200 to one. Number of criminals under gop charged with crimes during gop admins.
That’s a fact you care not to talk about. Lying ? You want to discuss how many of 5ese were for lying ?
Let’s start with lying about climate change, a fact most conservatives don’t even believe.

How utterly stupid do conservatives have be in order to claim every accredited university, Govt, and major corporation is wrong, but they are right in their denials of AGW. The list of denial of facts by idiot conservatives goes on and on.
When an obedient Trumpster, of all people, says that facts don't matter to liberals, you know you're wasting your time.

Remember, "alternate facts".

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