Question for Democrats: Will spewing out hatred be your strategy for the next four years?

Well if the dummy dimocrats do it for the next four years they'll have it down pat for Trump's second term. Sounds like they're planning ahead to me.

I will gladly sacrifice 2020 if we can make gains in 2018, 2022 and then win back the white house in 2024. That's what you guys did.

You forget you won't have Trump running in 2018 just like we didn't have Obama running in 2010. Will Trump supporters show up to vote for Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan?
I guess you have your head under your pillow the last few weeks and haven't heard about all the jobs being created since Trump won. Kroger just announced today they are hiring 10,000 new FULL TIME employees now that the maobamacare mandates are going away. Thats just the beginning. You whiny little bitches ain't got a chance.

Obama created 40k jobs/wk on average. UE is at 4.7%.
Trump has some work to do before bragging about anything.

Labor participation rate ( a far more accurate number) is the lowest since the 1970's. obummer had destroyed the full time, high paying, and benefit receiving jobs, and turned them into low wage part time jobs. And morons like you think that's good.

LPR is not a measure of unemployment at all.
Talk about intellectual dishonesty.

It is a far more accurate measure of an economy. obummer chased so many jobs away that he killed a huge part of the manufacturing sector and chased it over seas and out of this country. It take s atrue moron, such as yourself, to simply take whatever an admin gives you and ignore the fact that they will lie to make themselves look good. YOU are the lazy person here snowflake. Not I.

It's not an accurate measure of anything other than the total number of people in the workforce.
Attempting to ascribe further significance is completely dishonest.

Critics of Obama think it shows that his liberal policies are damaging the economy and prompting Americans to drop out of the job market. They think it shows the Democratic neo-welfare state this president constructed is rewarding laziness by doling out government handouts. They think it somehow shows that the sharp decline in the US unemployment rate is a fraud.

But it doesn’t show these things. All it shows is that the labor force—the number of people either employed or “actively looking for work”—is a shrinking share of the US population. In absolute terms, the labor force could be shrinking, or it could just be growing more slowly than the population as a whole. So which is it?

A lot of the people dropping out of the labor force are just, well, old. That’s because the demographic bulge known as the baby boom generation is aging out of the workforce.

This is where the critics of Obama—to the extent that he actually is responsible for the slow pace of recovery—might appear to have a legitimate point. Some folks do appear to have dropped out of the workforce all together. The BLS counts a category of people called discouraged workers (fifth chart)—those who haven’t looked for a job in the past four weeks, specifically because they believe there aren’t any jobs for them. Even though they want work, these people aren’t counted as part of the labor force because they’re not actively looking.

And, indeed, years into the economic recovery, the number of discouraged workers remains high. This is related to “unusual aspects of the slow recovery that led workers to become discouraged and permanently drop out of the labor force,” wrote the CBO.

However, this may not be all that surprising, given the depth of the recession, which was preceded by the worst financial panic in nearly a century. And since 2010 the number of discouraged workers has been declining, a sign that the ongoing improvement in the economy is beginning to coax more workers back into employment.
Not surprising that you " don't recall".
It's common among the intellectually lazy.

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

Where do they express a desire to blow up the WH? I don't see anything about that in your link. I see a bunch of people getting together for mutual aid and protection because the government had decided to ignore Federal law as pertains illegal immigrants. When it comes to the intellectually lazy, and the more important intellectually dishonest, you progressives lead the way.

More intellectual laziness.

What part of anti-govt don't you understand?
What do you imagine would happen in a conflict with the govt? Would shit blow up?

You're the lazy one silly girl. I asked you for a link to rightwingers expressing a desire to blow the WH up. Instead you post a link to bunch of militias who's primary goal was self defense. Then when that is pointed out to you you respond with this ":laugh:". That is the very definition of lazy. Silly person....

Yep, no talk of civil war or overthrowing the govt from a single one of those groups.

Provide evidence of it silly girl. If they were doing it so frequently you should be able to trot out an example likkity split. So HOP TO IT!

Show us voter fraud in California. Show us thousands of muslim Americans cheered after 9-11. Show us Obama was born in Kenya. You don't need evidence when Trump lies but you need evidence when we tell the truth? Wow!
Where do they express a desire to blow up the WH? I don't see anything about that in your link. I see a bunch of people getting together for mutual aid and protection because the government had decided to ignore Federal law as pertains illegal immigrants. When it comes to the intellectually lazy, and the more important intellectually dishonest, you progressives lead the way.

More intellectual laziness.

What part of anti-govt don't you understand?
What do you imagine would happen in a conflict with the govt? Would shit blow up?

You're the lazy one silly girl. I asked you for a link to rightwingers expressing a desire to blow the WH up. Instead you post a link to bunch of militias who's primary goal was self defense. Then when that is pointed out to you you respond with this ":laugh:". That is the very definition of lazy. Silly person....

Yep, no talk of civil war or overthrowing the govt from a single one of those groups.

Provide evidence of it silly girl. If they were doing it so frequently you should be able to trot out an example likkity split. So HOP TO IT!

Show us voter fraud in California. Show us thousands of muslim Americans cheered after 9-11. Show us Obama was born in Kenya. You don't need evidence when Trump lies but you need evidence when we tell the truth? Wow!

I didn't make the claim silly boy. Thus I don't need to prove that which I didn't say. Do you understand how that works?
Hatred and division is all the Democrats have, right now they are just trying to hold onto their base of middle class workers.
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.

No just facts. We shall call bs every time it happens. No Trump is not getting a away with his crap, now he wants to claim the maj vote, what a loser.

Loser? checked the DOW lately?
But when we said that when Obama was president you said that didn't matter. Now it's cool to point to the stock market? Hypocritees.

Don't forget the rich got richer under Obama? So showing me them getting even richer is impressive now?

Funny how last months negative is this months positive
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.

No just facts. We shall call bs every time it happens. No Trump is not getting a away with his crap, now he wants to claim the maj vote, what a loser.

Loser? checked the DOW lately?
It goes down just as fast as up.

And we all knew the gop is good for wallstreet. It's mainsteet we're worried about

That's just bs. The proof is that Hillary was supported by Wall Street and big banks.

What a jerk off you must be. Look at Wallstreet. Do they look like they would prefer Hillary?

What jerkoffs like you don't realize is that you voted against Hillary because she took money from Wallstreet but then you voted for Trump who put Wallstreet in his cabinet.

Americans are just too fucking stupid. That includes you. You will be easily distracted by Trumps tweets about BS while he's fucking us.

Half the time I like what I'm hearing from Trump but then half the time it's painfully honest this is a big scam. I felt the same way after 9-11 and Bush. I was even on board for the Iraq war. But a part of me knew something wasn't right. Then ultimately Bush was a lying devil. Well it is very obvious what is going on. A sheep herder uses a whistle and dogs to herd their sheep. Trump just tweets and he has you under full control.

I'm just laughing. I'm a liberal but I should be a republican. I just can't be a republican because I have a brain and a heart. So anyways, I'm not poor, I have savings, my shits paid off. I can't wait till the GOP fucks the blue collar like I know they will. And if I'm wrong I'll apologize. But I won't be wrong.

You ignorant piece of trash, Wall Street, in the form of Securities and investment companies, Finance Companies and Commercial banks gave Clinton $64.3 million. You would have us believe it was for shits and giggles? No, they were buying future favors and you know it. YOU are just too stupid. I can't take you seriously at all. You shouldn't be a republican and you're definitely no Liberal. You're a cynical, corrupt Clintonista troll who supported a cynical corrupt corporate whore and you're all butthurt that your choice was rejected. I don't need you to apologize for being wrong. I need you to apologize for being such a waste of skin. Just delete this account.
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.
I would have to say yes, since that seems to be their go to play.
No just facts. We shall call bs every time it happens. No Trump is not getting a away with his crap, now he wants to claim the maj vote, what a loser.

Loser? checked the DOW lately?
It goes down just as fast as up.

And we all knew the gop is good for wallstreet. It's mainsteet we're worried about

That's just bs. The proof is that Hillary was supported by Wall Street and big banks.

What a jerk off you must be. Look at Wallstreet. Do they look like they would prefer Hillary?

What jerkoffs like you don't realize is that you voted against Hillary because she took money from Wallstreet but then you voted for Trump who put Wallstreet in his cabinet.

Americans are just too fucking stupid. That includes you. You will be easily distracted by Trumps tweets about BS while he's fucking us.

Half the time I like what I'm hearing from Trump but then half the time it's painfully honest this is a big scam. I felt the same way after 9-11 and Bush. I was even on board for the Iraq war. But a part of me knew something wasn't right. Then ultimately Bush was a lying devil. Well it is very obvious what is going on. A sheep herder uses a whistle and dogs to herd their sheep. Trump just tweets and he has you under full control.

I'm just laughing. I'm a liberal but I should be a republican. I just can't be a republican because I have a brain and a heart. So anyways, I'm not poor, I have savings, my shits paid off. I can't wait till the GOP fucks the blue collar like I know they will. And if I'm wrong I'll apologize. But I won't be wrong.

You ignorant piece of trash, Wall Street, in the form of Securities and investment companies, Finance Companies and Commercial banks gave Clinton $64.3 million. You would have us believe it was for shits and giggles? No, they were buying future favors and you know it. YOU are just too stupid. I can't take you seriously at all. You shouldn't be a republican and you're definitely no Liberal. You're a cynical, corrupt Clintonista troll who supported a cynical corrupt corporate whore and you're all butthurt that your choice was rejected. I don't need you to apologize for being wrong. I need you to apologize for being such a waste of skin. Just delete this account.
You are the perfect rwnj. Welcome.

You don't get it. You don't care that wallstreet is embedded into our government now thru trump but you hold any democrat up to a much higher standard. If you were a liberal or moderate you'd have some credibility but you're just being a hypocrite aren't you?
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.

No just facts. We shall call bs every time it happens. No Trump is not getting a away with his crap, now he wants to claim the maj vote, what a loser.

Loser? checked the DOW lately?
It goes down just as fast as up.

And we all knew the gop is good for wallstreet. It's mainsteet we're worried about

That's just bs. The proof is that Hillary was supported by Wall Street and big banks.
So is trump. So what?
Loser? checked the DOW lately?
It goes down just as fast as up.

And we all knew the gop is good for wallstreet. It's mainsteet we're worried about

That's just bs. The proof is that Hillary was supported by Wall Street and big banks.

What a jerk off you must be. Look at Wallstreet. Do they look like they would prefer Hillary?

What jerkoffs like you don't realize is that you voted against Hillary because she took money from Wallstreet but then you voted for Trump who put Wallstreet in his cabinet.

Americans are just too fucking stupid. That includes you. You will be easily distracted by Trumps tweets about BS while he's fucking us.

Half the time I like what I'm hearing from Trump but then half the time it's painfully honest this is a big scam. I felt the same way after 9-11 and Bush. I was even on board for the Iraq war. But a part of me knew something wasn't right. Then ultimately Bush was a lying devil. Well it is very obvious what is going on. A sheep herder uses a whistle and dogs to herd their sheep. Trump just tweets and he has you under full control.

I'm just laughing. I'm a liberal but I should be a republican. I just can't be a republican because I have a brain and a heart. So anyways, I'm not poor, I have savings, my shits paid off. I can't wait till the GOP fucks the blue collar like I know they will. And if I'm wrong I'll apologize. But I won't be wrong.

You ignorant piece of trash, Wall Street, in the form of Securities and investment companies, Finance Companies and Commercial banks gave Clinton $64.3 million. You would have us believe it was for shits and giggles? No, they were buying future favors and you know it. YOU are just too stupid. I can't take you seriously at all. You shouldn't be a republican and you're definitely no Liberal. You're a cynical, corrupt Clintonista troll who supported a cynical corrupt corporate whore and you're all butthurt that your choice was rejected. I don't need you to apologize for being wrong. I need you to apologize for being such a waste of skin. Just delete this account.
You are the perfect rwnj. Welcome.

You don't get it. You don't care that wallstreet is embedded into our government now thru trump but you hold any democrat up to a much higher standard. If you were a liberal or moderate you'd have some credibility but you're just being a hypocrite aren't you?

"perfect rwnj". Funny. Everyone, even you, knows I was a Bernie guy and ended up voting for Jill Stein. You argued with me about it and showed your lack of integrity before the election, but now you want to label me a "rwnj" so you can use your canned talking points like the pathetic buffoon that you are.

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