Question for Democrats: Will spewing out hatred be your strategy for the next four years?

Question for Democrats: Will spewing out hatred be your strategy for the next four years?

^Presented as a serious question without thought about the last eight years.

I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.
No we saw behaving badly eventually pays off. We will win 2018 like you won 2010.

We will shut the government down like Ted Cruz! Lol
Nah, they'll figure out, in two years when they get their ass kicked in the midterms that it ain't work'n.
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

If Trump's policies work, the Democratic Party as currently instituted will cease to exist. That is the far more likely outcome. Your side sold its soul to the socialist left wing & that did not end well. You already chased out all the old blue dog Democrats so there is nothing left in the middle.
That's a hoot. We lost because we were Republican light.

Will the gop fight trump? Because they've always been anti labor

This version of the GOP (Ryan-McConnell version) is not a Conservative party. Not even close. The Dems have lost the past few elections because your policies/positions are garbage. You also lost because you annoited the worst candidate ever..
What is Ryan McConnell if not conservative?

The Democrats lost because they weren't liberal enough. They act too much like conservatives. Look at free trade
A progressive...

You're not very good at this Liberty stuff,,are you.....
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.

They've given up on the American People. THat is why they are so against the Wall.

They want to import people from the Third World who will vote for Third World Politics.

They just have to make sure that Trump A. doesn't improve the lives of minorities or B. get credit for it.
All of these RWnut posts declaring the end of the Democratic party are going to look pretty goddam funny when the pendulum INEVITABLY swings back in the Democrats' favor.
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.
No we saw behaving badly eventually pays off. We will win 2018 like you won 2010.

We will shut the government down like Ted Cruz! Lol
Nah, they'll figure out, in two years when they get their ass kicked in the midterms that it ain't work'n.
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

If Trump's policies work, the Democratic Party as currently instituted will cease to exist. That is the far more likely outcome. Your side sold its soul to the socialist left wing & that did not end well. You already chased out all the old blue dog Democrats so there is nothing left in the middle.
That's a hoot. We lost because we were Republican light.

Will the gop fight trump? Because they've always been anti labor

This version of the GOP (Ryan-McConnell version) is not a Conservative party. Not even close. The Dems have lost the past few elections because your policies/positions are garbage. You also lost because you annoited the worst candidate ever..
What is Ryan McConnell if not conservative?

The Democrats lost because they weren't liberal enough. They act too much like conservatives. Look at free trade

Neither Ryan or McConnell are anything near conservative.
Nah, they'll figure out, in two years when they get their ass kicked in the midterms that it ain't work'n.
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

I guess you have your head under your pillow the last few weeks and haven't heard about all the jobs being created since Trump won. Kroger just announced today they are hiring 10,000 new FULL TIME employees now that the maobamacare mandates are going away. Thats just the beginning. You whiny little bitches ain't got a chance.

Obama created 40k jobs/wk on average. UE is at 4.7%.
Trump has some work to do before bragging about anything.
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

I guess you have your head under your pillow the last few weeks and haven't heard about all the jobs being created since Trump won. Kroger just announced today they are hiring 10,000 new FULL TIME employees now that the maobamacare mandates are going away. Thats just the beginning. You whiny little bitches ain't got a chance.
Ha ha! Kroger's and MCD already hiring stupid! For 9.50 hr. Great jobs.

Gm laying off 2000. Did you see that?

No, I didn't see that, it will be temporary, they'll be selling more cars once these other folks get back to work.
On Kroger wages? I doubt that.

When/if the economy gets better Kroger will have to start paying better. But your way former GM employees will be flooding the market so Kroger can hire them cheap. So wages are going down because no one is going to pay those 2000 people what GM was paying them.
What GM employees?

GM Announces 7,000 U.S. Jobs, Builds Off Strong Track Record
Dear Trump: Please save my GM factory job in Lordstown, Ohio
Nah, they'll figure out, in two years when they get their ass kicked in the midterms that it ain't work'n.
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

I guess you have your head under your pillow the last few weeks and haven't heard about all the jobs being created since Trump won. Kroger just announced today they are hiring 10,000 new FULL TIME employees now that the maobamacare mandates are going away. Thats just the beginning. You whiny little bitches ain't got a chance.

Obama created 40k jobs/wk on average. UE is at 4.7%.
Trump has some work to do before bragging about anything.

Yeah, you want fries with that? LMAO
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.
No we saw behaving badly eventually pays off. We will win 2018 like you won 2010.

We will shut the government down like Ted Cruz! Lol
Nah, they'll figure out, in two years when they get their ass kicked in the midterms that it ain't work'n.
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

If Trump's policies work, the Democratic Party as currently instituted will cease to exist. That is the far more likely outcome. Your side sold its soul to the socialist left wing & that did not end well. You already chased out all the old blue dog Democrats so there is nothing left in the middle.
That's a hoot. We lost because we were Republican light.

Will the gop fight trump? Because they've always been anti labor

This version of the GOP (Ryan-McConnell version) is not a Conservative party. Not even close. The Dems have lost the past few elections because your policies/positions are garbage. You also lost because you annoited the worst candidate ever..
What is Ryan McConnell if not conservative?

The Democrats lost because they weren't liberal enough. They act too much like conservatives. Look at free trade

LMAO! The Democrats lost because, in their arrogance, they ran a corrupt corporate whore who they expected everyone to support in spite of her corruption. Luckily, there were enough people with integrity to resist that.
No we saw behaving badly eventually pays off. We will win 2018 like you won 2010.

We will shut the government down like Ted Cruz! Lol
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

If Trump's policies work, the Democratic Party as currently instituted will cease to exist. That is the far more likely outcome. Your side sold its soul to the socialist left wing & that did not end well. You already chased out all the old blue dog Democrats so there is nothing left in the middle.
That's a hoot. We lost because we were Republican light.

Will the gop fight trump? Because they've always been anti labor

This version of the GOP (Ryan-McConnell version) is not a Conservative party. Not even close. The Dems have lost the past few elections because your policies/positions are garbage. You also lost because you annoited the worst candidate ever..
What is Ryan McConnell if not conservative?

The Democrats lost because they weren't liberal enough. They act too much like conservatives. Look at free trade
A progressive...

You're not very good at this Liberty stuff,,are you.....
So you don't know what a fascist is or a progressive.
No we saw behaving badly eventually pays off. We will win 2018 like you won 2010.

We will shut the government down like Ted Cruz! Lol
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

If Trump's policies work, the Democratic Party as currently instituted will cease to exist. That is the far more likely outcome. Your side sold its soul to the socialist left wing & that did not end well. You already chased out all the old blue dog Democrats so there is nothing left in the middle.
That's a hoot. We lost because we were Republican light.

Will the gop fight trump? Because they've always been anti labor

This version of the GOP (Ryan-McConnell version) is not a Conservative party. Not even close. The Dems have lost the past few elections because your policies/positions are garbage. You also lost because you annoited the worst candidate ever..
What is Ryan McConnell if not conservative?

The Democrats lost because they weren't liberal enough. They act too much like conservatives. Look at free trade

LMAO! The Democrats lost because, in their arrogance, they ran a corrupt corporate whore who they expected everyone to support in spite of her corruption. Luckily, there were enough people with integrity to resist that.

No, they lost because you are stupid.

“Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.”
No we saw behaving badly eventually pays off. We will win 2018 like you won 2010.

We will shut the government down like Ted Cruz! Lol
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

If Trump's policies work, the Democratic Party as currently instituted will cease to exist. That is the far more likely outcome. Your side sold its soul to the socialist left wing & that did not end well. You already chased out all the old blue dog Democrats so there is nothing left in the middle.
That's a hoot. We lost because we were Republican light.

Will the gop fight trump? Because they've always been anti labor

This version of the GOP (Ryan-McConnell version) is not a Conservative party. Not even close. The Dems have lost the past few elections because your policies/positions are garbage. You also lost because you annoited the worst candidate ever..
What is Ryan McConnell if not conservative?

The Democrats lost because they weren't liberal enough. They act too much like conservatives. Look at free trade

Neither Ryan or McConnell are anything near conservative.

Who is? And what are they then?
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.

Shhhhhhhh....let them go on. They shouldn't be anywhere near real power. We need to get rid of them all, not help them.
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.

Shhhhhhhh....let them go on. They shouldn't be anywhere near real power. We need to get rid of them all, not help them.

The best thing we can do is just shut up and let you guys "lead". Then the poorly educated blue collar workers will realize they were lied to. Or they'll realize Republicans are not for them, they are against them. Watch when Republicans start fighting Trump. You do realize everything good about Trump is his liberal policies, right?

Trump gets to work for his blue-collar base -

He also gave notice that he hopes to get a better deal for American workers by renegotiating the North America Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico. The President put a bug in the ear of business executives, warning in a meeting they would face huge tariffs if they send manufacturing abroad. And he huddled with union leaders, promising a torrent of new jobs and factories.

"We are going to put a lot of people back to work. We are going to use common sense and we are going to do it the way it is supposed to be done," Trump said Monday.

I like what I hear but lets see the results.

From now on, Trump said, the US will seek bilateral deals that will most of all benefit Americans and be quickly terminated if US partners cheat.
His action quickly scrambled political lines in Washington, as he set himself against large sections of his own Republican Party and consolidated his position on economic territory long occupied by Democrats.

Trump's success in transcending party lines -- at least for now -- was evident in an approving statement about his TPP move from the AFL-CIO, the powerhouse union that endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton for President last year.
"Today's announcement that the US is withdrawing from TPP and seeking a reopening of NAFTA is an important first step toward a trade policy that works for working people," said AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka.
In a political sense, Trump's busy first weekday in office also put Democrats on the back foot. He used the power and visibility of the presidency to impress his midwestern base of union and blue-collar voters -- even as the demoralized party of ex-President Barack Obama struggles to settle on a message to win them back.

Its answer was a swift display of executive power to generate a sense of momentum for his new administration as forthcoming attempts to create jobs through legislation, such as an infrastructure package that many Republicans oppose, could take months.

Disrupting NAFTA may also be dangerous: Trade between the US, Canada and Mexico hit $1.1 trillion in 2016, according to a Wharton Business School report. Supporters of the pact say it supports millions of jobs in the United States that could be at risk if it falters.

While Democrats risked being outmaneuvered by Trump on the trade issue -- which played a powerful role in shaping the party's presidential primary, there remain plenty of other areas of contention that suggest the President's honeymoon with unions could be short-lived.
The President's labor secretary nominee, Andrew Puzder, for instance opposes calls for a rise in the minimum wage -- an issue that glues Democrats to trade union voters. His administration's business-first mantra could involve efforts to weaken labor protections. And if as expected, Trump chooses a conservative Supreme Court justice, he could rebalance the court in a way that could be damaging to union rights.

"Trump shirts and ties are made in China. Trump furniture is made in Turkey. While he's importuning on others to "make it in America," he should start by demanding it of his own business."
In retrospect, it was what Republicans did for 8 years, directed at Obama.

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Yes, it's not like they opposed liberals before Obama. That's a whole different thing than the non-stop vitriol emanating from the left now
I don't recall Republicans threatening to blow up the White House, which is what Madonna just did.

Not surprising that you " don't recall".
It's common among the intellectually lazy.

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

Where do they express a desire to blow up the WH? I don't see anything about that in your link. I see a bunch of people getting together for mutual aid and protection because the government had decided to ignore Federal law as pertains illegal immigrants. When it comes to the intellectually lazy, and the more important intellectually dishonest, you progressives lead the way.
Nah, they'll figure out, in two years when they get their ass kicked in the midterms that it ain't work'n.
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

I guess you have your head under your pillow the last few weeks and haven't heard about all the jobs being created since Trump won. Kroger just announced today they are hiring 10,000 new FULL TIME employees now that the maobamacare mandates are going away. Thats just the beginning. You whiny little bitches ain't got a chance.

Obama created 40k jobs/wk on average. UE is at 4.7%.
Trump has some work to do before bragging about anything.

Labor participation rate ( a far more accurate number) is the lowest since the 1970's. obummer had destroyed the full time, high paying, and benefit receiving jobs, and turned them into low wage part time jobs. And morons like you think that's good.

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