Question for Democrats: Will spewing out hatred be your strategy for the next four years?

No, I didn't see that, it will be temporary, they'll be selling more cars once these other folks get back to work.
On Kroger wages? I doubt that.

When/if the economy gets better Kroger will have to start paying better. But your way former GM employees will be flooding the market so Kroger can hire them cheap. So wages are going down because no one is going to pay those 2000 people what GM was paying them.
What GM employees?

GM Announces 7,000 U.S. Jobs, Builds Off Strong Track Record

Your information is old?

Dear Trump: Please save my GM factory job in Lordstown, Ohio

Robert Sheridan is a 40-year-old GM worker who voted for Donald Trump. He can barely contain his excitement about Inauguration Day, even though it will be a rough day for him on a personal level.
He's one of 2,000 GM factory workers losing their jobs on Friday, the same day that Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president.

So how many jobs has Trump added to the economy? None. He's negative 2000 right now.

And earlier today someone bragged that Kroger is adding jobs. Big fucking deal you losers. Those are $10 hr. jobs.

Ah, I see the Bush years are back.

And you ignore the fact that obummers net contribution was to turn full time jobs into masses of part time service sector jobs, that pay less than that.

Now, fair

Obama had one great achievement: the election of Donald Trump

This was in November
U.S. Economy In Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth | The Huffington Post

Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth

Now GM announced on Trumps first day on the job they will be laying 2000 workers off in early 2017. Will Trump keep up the job growth?

What are you guys doing about the people who've been unemployed so long they aren't even being counted? What is the real unemployment number Trump has today? And how will you know if it's higher or lower next month? Your "real" unemployment number was unverifiable.
On Kroger wages? I doubt that.

When/if the economy gets better Kroger will have to start paying better. But your way former GM employees will be flooding the market so Kroger can hire them cheap. So wages are going down because no one is going to pay those 2000 people what GM was paying them.
What GM employees?

GM Announces 7,000 U.S. Jobs, Builds Off Strong Track Record

Your information is old?

Dear Trump: Please save my GM factory job in Lordstown, Ohio

Robert Sheridan is a 40-year-old GM worker who voted for Donald Trump. He can barely contain his excitement about Inauguration Day, even though it will be a rough day for him on a personal level.
He's one of 2,000 GM factory workers losing their jobs on Friday, the same day that Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president.

So how many jobs has Trump added to the economy? None. He's negative 2000 right now.

And earlier today someone bragged that Kroger is adding jobs. Big fucking deal you losers. Those are $10 hr. jobs.

Ah, I see the Bush years are back.

And you ignore the fact that obummers net contribution was to turn full time jobs into masses of part time service sector jobs, that pay less than that.

Now, fair

Obama had one great achievement: the election of Donald Trump

This was in November
U.S. Economy In Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth | The Huffington Post

Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth

Now GM announced on Trumps first day on the job they will be laying 2000 workers off in early 2017. Will Trump keep up the job growth?

What are you guys doing about the people who've been unemployed so long they aren't even being counted? What is the real unemployment number Trump has today? And how will you know if it's higher or lower next month? Your "real" unemployment number was unverifiable.

If it's a record how does that compare with the record amount not even in the labor pool? You see sealy, there's "numbers. Damned numbers, and statistics". The obama admin was nothing if not guilty of extreme propaganda. Their numbers tell a small part of the story while leaving out the biggest part.
On Kroger wages? I doubt that.

When/if the economy gets better Kroger will have to start paying better. But your way former GM employees will be flooding the market so Kroger can hire them cheap. So wages are going down because no one is going to pay those 2000 people what GM was paying them.
What GM employees?

GM Announces 7,000 U.S. Jobs, Builds Off Strong Track Record

Your information is old?

Dear Trump: Please save my GM factory job in Lordstown, Ohio

Robert Sheridan is a 40-year-old GM worker who voted for Donald Trump. He can barely contain his excitement about Inauguration Day, even though it will be a rough day for him on a personal level.
He's one of 2,000 GM factory workers losing their jobs on Friday, the same day that Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president.

So how many jobs has Trump added to the economy? None. He's negative 2000 right now.

And earlier today someone bragged that Kroger is adding jobs. Big fucking deal you losers. Those are $10 hr. jobs.

Ah, I see the Bush years are back.

And you ignore the fact that obummers net contribution was to turn full time jobs into masses of part time service sector jobs, that pay less than that.

Now, fair

Obama had one great achievement: the election of Donald Trump

This was in November
U.S. Economy In Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth | The Huffington Post

Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth

Now GM announced on Trumps first day on the job they will be laying 2000 workers off in early 2017. Will Trump keep up the job growth?

What are you guys doing about the people who've been unemployed so long they aren't even being counted? What is the real unemployment number Trump has today? And how will you know if it's higher or lower next month? Your "real" unemployment number was unverifiable.

One of the problems for national the Democrats once how dumb their acolytes are.... in particular.

Your masters, the elites are way past that lie....any lie....dealing with how wonderful a job Obama did.

He didn't.

He was an abject failure....and you didn't incorporate the message.

This, from the Politico:

"Every path back to power runs through figuring out how to get voters to believe again that the Democratic Party, founded on and forever about a fairer economy, is aware that millions of Americans feel the economy’s been unfair to them and think Democrats have no real plans to do anything about it." Democrats in the Wilderness's Catch 22 (You didn't read that huh?)
If you foot-soldiers were smarter, you'd be au courant with the latest propaganda....but if you were smarter, you wouldn't be a Democrat voter.

Your information is old?

Dear Trump: Please save my GM factory job in Lordstown, Ohio

Robert Sheridan is a 40-year-old GM worker who voted for Donald Trump. He can barely contain his excitement about Inauguration Day, even though it will be a rough day for him on a personal level.
He's one of 2,000 GM factory workers losing their jobs on Friday, the same day that Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president.

So how many jobs has Trump added to the economy? None. He's negative 2000 right now.

And earlier today someone bragged that Kroger is adding jobs. Big fucking deal you losers. Those are $10 hr. jobs.

Ah, I see the Bush years are back.

And you ignore the fact that obummers net contribution was to turn full time jobs into masses of part time service sector jobs, that pay less than that.

Now, fair

Obama had one great achievement: the election of Donald Trump

This was in November
U.S. Economy In Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth | The Huffington Post

Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth

Now GM announced on Trumps first day on the job they will be laying 2000 workers off in early 2017. Will Trump keep up the job growth?

What are you guys doing about the people who've been unemployed so long they aren't even being counted? What is the real unemployment number Trump has today? And how will you know if it's higher or lower next month? Your "real" unemployment number was unverifiable.

One of the problems for national the Democrats once how dumb their acolytes are.... in particular.

Your masters, the elites are way past that lie....any lie....dealing with how wonderful a job Obama did.

He didn't.

He was an abject failure....and you didn't incorporate the message.

This, from the Politico:

"Every path back to power runs through figuring out how to get voters to believe again that the Democratic Party, founded on and forever about a fairer economy, is aware that millions of Americans feel the economy’s been unfair to them and think Democrats have no real plans to do anything about it." Democrats in the Wilderness's Catch 22 (You didn't read that huh?)
If you foot-soldiers were smarter, you'd be au courant with the latest propaganda....but if you were smarter, you wouldn't be a Democrat voter.

Yes he did. And Bush did a lot worst than you admitted in 2009 so fuck off stupid. The American people will find out.

Your information is old?

Dear Trump: Please save my GM factory job in Lordstown, Ohio

Robert Sheridan is a 40-year-old GM worker who voted for Donald Trump. He can barely contain his excitement about Inauguration Day, even though it will be a rough day for him on a personal level.
He's one of 2,000 GM factory workers losing their jobs on Friday, the same day that Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president.

So how many jobs has Trump added to the economy? None. He's negative 2000 right now.

And earlier today someone bragged that Kroger is adding jobs. Big fucking deal you losers. Those are $10 hr. jobs.

Ah, I see the Bush years are back.

And you ignore the fact that obummers net contribution was to turn full time jobs into masses of part time service sector jobs, that pay less than that.

Now, fair

Obama had one great achievement: the election of Donald Trump

This was in November
U.S. Economy In Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth | The Huffington Post

Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth

Now GM announced on Trumps first day on the job they will be laying 2000 workers off in early 2017. Will Trump keep up the job growth?

What are you guys doing about the people who've been unemployed so long they aren't even being counted? What is the real unemployment number Trump has today? And how will you know if it's higher or lower next month? Your "real" unemployment number was unverifiable.

One of the problems for national the Democrats once how dumb their acolytes are.... in particular.

Your masters, the elites are way past that lie....any lie....dealing with how wonderful a job Obama did.

He didn't.

He was an abject failure....and you didn't incorporate the message.

This, from the Politico:

"Every path back to power runs through figuring out how to get voters to believe again that the Democratic Party, founded on and forever about a fairer economy, is aware that millions of Americans feel the economy’s been unfair to them and think Democrats have no real plans to do anything about it." Democrats in the Wilderness's Catch 22 (You didn't read that huh?)
If you foot-soldiers were smarter, you'd be au courant with the latest propaganda....but if you were smarter, you wouldn't be a Democrat voter.

If the American people were smarter Hillary would be POTUS and Democrats would be in control of both houses. I guess the last great recession wasn't lesson enough.

2010 proved voters are really fucking stupid. You have been stupid the entire time.
Your information is old?

Dear Trump: Please save my GM factory job in Lordstown, Ohio

Robert Sheridan is a 40-year-old GM worker who voted for Donald Trump. He can barely contain his excitement about Inauguration Day, even though it will be a rough day for him on a personal level.
He's one of 2,000 GM factory workers losing their jobs on Friday, the same day that Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president.

So how many jobs has Trump added to the economy? None. He's negative 2000 right now.

And earlier today someone bragged that Kroger is adding jobs. Big fucking deal you losers. Those are $10 hr. jobs.

Ah, I see the Bush years are back.

And you ignore the fact that obummers net contribution was to turn full time jobs into masses of part time service sector jobs, that pay less than that.

Now, fair

Obama had one great achievement: the election of Donald Trump

This was in November
U.S. Economy In Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth | The Huffington Post

Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth

Now GM announced on Trumps first day on the job they will be laying 2000 workers off in early 2017. Will Trump keep up the job growth?

What are you guys doing about the people who've been unemployed so long they aren't even being counted? What is the real unemployment number Trump has today? And how will you know if it's higher or lower next month? Your "real" unemployment number was unverifiable.

One of the problems for national the Democrats once how dumb their acolytes are.... in particular.

Your masters, the elites are way past that lie....any lie....dealing with how wonderful a job Obama did.

He didn't.

He was an abject failure....and you didn't incorporate the message.

This, from the Politico:

"Every path back to power runs through figuring out how to get voters to believe again that the Democratic Party, founded on and forever about a fairer economy, is aware that millions of Americans feel the economy’s been unfair to them and think Democrats have no real plans to do anything about it." Democrats in the Wilderness's Catch 22 (You didn't read that huh?)
If you foot-soldiers were smarter, you'd be au courant with the latest propaganda....but if you were smarter, you wouldn't be a Democrat voter.

If the American people were smarter Hillary would be POTUS and Democrats would be in control of both houses. I guess the last great recession wasn't lesson enough.

2010 proved voters are really fucking stupid. You have been stupid the entire time.

Wow. I think you really ARE stupid. The progressives have ignored the middle class at best, and promulgated policies that actively hurt them at worst. The reason why the trumpster was able to blow away the shrilary's blue wall is because they are tired of getting fucked over. Any POTUS who is a globalist, and that's pretty much all of them since Reagan, sacrifices American workers, and wages, for a global agenda.

It is their belief that the only way the globe as a whole can be better is to punish the first world nations. Of course, because they are the elite they feel no pain, but their actions have caused tremendous pain to the middle class in the first world. The trumpster is the first POTUS to come along in a long time who doesn't believe in that horse shit. Good for him, and more importantly good for the USA.
And you ignore the fact that obummers net contribution was to turn full time jobs into masses of part time service sector jobs, that pay less than that.

Now, fair

Obama had one great achievement: the election of Donald Trump

This was in November
U.S. Economy In Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth | The Huffington Post

Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth

Now GM announced on Trumps first day on the job they will be laying 2000 workers off in early 2017. Will Trump keep up the job growth?

What are you guys doing about the people who've been unemployed so long they aren't even being counted? What is the real unemployment number Trump has today? And how will you know if it's higher or lower next month? Your "real" unemployment number was unverifiable.

One of the problems for national the Democrats once how dumb their acolytes are.... in particular.

Your masters, the elites are way past that lie....any lie....dealing with how wonderful a job Obama did.

He didn't.

He was an abject failure....and you didn't incorporate the message.

This, from the Politico:

"Every path back to power runs through figuring out how to get voters to believe again that the Democratic Party, founded on and forever about a fairer economy, is aware that millions of Americans feel the economy’s been unfair to them and think Democrats have no real plans to do anything about it." Democrats in the Wilderness's Catch 22 (You didn't read that huh?)
If you foot-soldiers were smarter, you'd be au courant with the latest propaganda....but if you were smarter, you wouldn't be a Democrat voter.

If the American people were smarter Hillary would be POTUS and Democrats would be in control of both houses. I guess the last great recession wasn't lesson enough.

2010 proved voters are really fucking stupid. You have been stupid the entire time.

Wow. I think you really ARE stupid. The progressives have ignored the middle class at best, and promulgated policies that actively hurt them at worst. The reason why the trumpster was able to blow away the shrilary's blue wall is because they are tired of getting fucked over. Any POTUS who is a globalist, and that's pretty much all of them since Reagan, sacrifices American workers, and wages, for a global agenda.

It is their belief that the only way the globe as a whole can be better is to punish the first world nations. Of course, because they are the elite they feel no pain, but their actions have caused tremendous pain to the middle class in the first world. The trumpster is the first POTUS to come along in a long time who doesn't believe in that horse shit. Good for him, and more importantly good for the USA.

Michigan, Wisconsin and PA did not vote for any traditional Republicans. Trump beat up the GOP just like he beat Hillary. Because he was the change candidate. Hope and Change. LOL.

You really are a stupid bitch huh? You don't even know that you flip flopped on NAFTA. Well guess what honey? Ya did. You sound like me last year. Yea we weren't happy about NAFTA and TPP but we didn't know you Republicans were against them. That's because until Trump, you weren't.

One month before Donald Trump launched his campaign for the presidency, Pew Research asked Republican voters whether free-trade agreements had been a good or bad thing for the United States. Fifty-one percent said that such deals had been good for America, while 39 percent said the opposite. Now, 14 months into the GOP nominee’s quest to make America great again, those numbers have flipped.

According to a Pew Research survey released Thursday, 61 percent of Republicans think free-trade agreements have hurt their country, while just 32 percent think they’ve helped. GOP voters have never viewed “free trade” this negatively since Pew first began soliciting their views on the subject in 2009.
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.

You voted for the King of the Haters. Fuck off.

And you voted for the Queen of Corruption. You and everyone else SHOULD have voted for Bernie.
Now, fair

Obama had one great achievement: the election of Donald Trump

This was in November
U.S. Economy In Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth | The Huffington Post

Record 73-Month Streak Of Job Growth

Now GM announced on Trumps first day on the job they will be laying 2000 workers off in early 2017. Will Trump keep up the job growth?

What are you guys doing about the people who've been unemployed so long they aren't even being counted? What is the real unemployment number Trump has today? And how will you know if it's higher or lower next month? Your "real" unemployment number was unverifiable.

One of the problems for national the Democrats once how dumb their acolytes are.... in particular.

Your masters, the elites are way past that lie....any lie....dealing with how wonderful a job Obama did.

He didn't.

He was an abject failure....and you didn't incorporate the message.

This, from the Politico:

"Every path back to power runs through figuring out how to get voters to believe again that the Democratic Party, founded on and forever about a fairer economy, is aware that millions of Americans feel the economy’s been unfair to them and think Democrats have no real plans to do anything about it." Democrats in the Wilderness's Catch 22 (You didn't read that huh?)
If you foot-soldiers were smarter, you'd be au courant with the latest propaganda....but if you were smarter, you wouldn't be a Democrat voter.

If the American people were smarter Hillary would be POTUS and Democrats would be in control of both houses. I guess the last great recession wasn't lesson enough.

2010 proved voters are really fucking stupid. You have been stupid the entire time.

Wow. I think you really ARE stupid. The progressives have ignored the middle class at best, and promulgated policies that actively hurt them at worst. The reason why the trumpster was able to blow away the shrilary's blue wall is because they are tired of getting fucked over. Any POTUS who is a globalist, and that's pretty much all of them since Reagan, sacrifices American workers, and wages, for a global agenda.

It is their belief that the only way the globe as a whole can be better is to punish the first world nations. Of course, because they are the elite they feel no pain, but their actions have caused tremendous pain to the middle class in the first world. The trumpster is the first POTUS to come along in a long time who doesn't believe in that horse shit. Good for him, and more importantly good for the USA.

Michigan, Wisconsin and PA did not vote for any traditional Republicans. Trump beat up the GOP just like he beat Hillary. Because he was the change candidate. Hope and Change. LOL.

You really are a stupid bitch huh? You don't even know that you flip flopped on NAFTA. Well guess what honey? Ya did. You sound like me last year. Yea we weren't happy about NAFTA and TPP but we didn't know you Republicans were against them. That's because until Trump, you weren't.

One month before Donald Trump launched his campaign for the presidency, Pew Research asked Republican voters whether free-trade agreements had been a good or bad thing for the United States. Fifty-one percent said that such deals had been good for America, while 39 percent said the opposite. Now, 14 months into the GOP nominee’s quest to make America great again, those numbers have flipped.

According to a Pew Research survey released Thursday, 61 percent of Republicans think free-trade agreements have hurt their country, while just 32 percent think they’ve helped. GOP voters have never viewed “free trade” this negatively since Pew first began soliciting their views on the subject in 2009.

The trumpster beat up on globalists and the political class. The very people who have been destroying the middle class. And you support THEM, rather than the middle class. In other words, you're stupid.
I guess you have your head under your pillow the last few weeks and haven't heard about all the jobs being created since Trump won. Kroger just announced today they are hiring 10,000 new FULL TIME employees now that the maobamacare mandates are going away. Thats just the beginning. You whiny little bitches ain't got a chance.
Ha ha! Kroger's and MCD already hiring stupid! For 9.50 hr. Great jobs.

Gm laying off 2000. Did you see that?

No, I didn't see that, it will be temporary, they'll be selling more cars once these other folks get back to work.
On Kroger wages? I doubt that.

When/if the economy gets better Kroger will have to start paying better. But your way former GM employees will be flooding the market so Kroger can hire them cheap. So wages are going down because no one is going to pay those 2000 people what GM was paying them.
What GM employees?

GM Announces 7,000 U.S. Jobs, Builds Off Strong Track Record

Your information is old?

Dear Trump: Please save my GM factory job in Lordstown, Ohio

Robert Sheridan is a 40-year-old GM worker who voted for Donald Trump. He can barely contain his excitement about Inauguration Day, even though it will be a rough day for him on a personal level.
He's one of 2,000 GM factory workers losing their jobs on Friday, the same day that Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president.

So how many jobs has Trump added to the economy? None. He's negative 2000 right now.

And earlier today someone bragged that Kroger is adding jobs. Big fucking deal you losers. Those are $10 hr. jobs.

Ah, I see the Bush years are back.
Old? It was dated 1/17/2017.
Reagan hated american working class people. Don't use him as some kind of example!e to follow. Failed actor.
In retrospect, it was what Republicans did for 8 years, directed at Obama.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

Nope, not true. Obama was given a chance, and he immediately started race war. "the Cambridge police acted stupidly" NO, obozo, they did their jobs
"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon" Probably, a thug for a son, wow

Obama's goal from day one was to divide this nation in order to bring it to its knees and punish it for real or imagined racial bias.
preposterous prattle. "obama was given a chance", lol. what a clumsy lying oaf.
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.

You're not a very good judge of the current political climate and current public opinion, are you?
. At 80 years old I can take care of myself. I hope to alienate as many as possible....and I didn't vote democrat but I do have to put on my winter boots which sit on top of my flag so the dirt doesn't stain the floor. Can't see the bars anymore.
Please don't discourage democrats. They believe that their behavior is the way to a majority in 2018 and back to the White House in 2020. Don't spoil it. You can laugh behind their backs but encourage them to carry on the winning strategy.
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.

No- we will not be acting like you.
In retrospect, it was what Republicans did for 8 years, directed at Obama.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

Nope, not true. Obama was given a chance, and he immediately started race war. "the Cambridge police acted stupidly" NO, obozo, they did their jobs
"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon" Probably, a thug for a son, wow

Obama's goal from day one was to divide this nation in order to bring it to its knees and punish it for real or imagined racial bias.
preposterous prattle. "obama was given a chance", lol. what a clumsy lying oaf.

The media loved him, they would not say shit if he dumped in their face. He was given special treatment his entire 8 years, and what did he do? Started a race war, started a war on cops, created a terrorist group known as BLM, doubled the national debt, and made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

Yes, he was given a chance and he blew it bigtime.
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.
No we saw behaving badly eventually pays off. We will win 2018 like you won 2010.

We will shut the government down like Ted Cruz! Lol
Nah, they'll figure out, in two years when they get their ass kicked in the midterms that it ain't work'n.
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

If Trump's policies work, the Democratic Party as currently instituted will cease to exist. That is the far more likely outcome. Your side sold its soul to the socialist left wing & that did not end well. You already chased out all the old blue dog Democrats so there is nothing left in the middle.
That's a hoot. We lost because we were Republican light.

Will the gop fight trump? Because they've always been anti labor

This version of the GOP (Ryan-McConnell version) is not a Conservative party. Not even close. The Dems have lost the past few elections because your policies/positions are garbage. You also lost because you annoited the worst candidate ever..
I think you're going to alienate yourselves even more from the American people. They will see your hate and want no part of it. For your own sakes, you should rein in the hatred and start acting like normal people.
No we saw behaving badly eventually pays off. We will win 2018 like you won 2010.

We will shut the government down like Ted Cruz! Lol
Nah, they'll figure out, in two years when they get their ass kicked in the midterms that it ain't work'n.
We don't have to do anything. It's what you do the next two years that'll win us the next midterms

If Trump's policies work, the Democratic Party as currently instituted will cease to exist. That is the far more likely outcome. Your side sold its soul to the socialist left wing & that did not end well. You already chased out all the old blue dog Democrats so there is nothing left in the middle.
That's a hoot. We lost because we were Republican light.

Will the gop fight trump? Because they've always been anti labor

This version of the GOP (Ryan-McConnell version) is not a Conservative party. Not even close. The Dems have lost the past few elections because your policies/positions are garbage. You also lost because you annoited the worst candidate ever..
What is Ryan McConnell if not conservative?

The Democrats lost because they weren't liberal enough. They act too much like conservatives. Look at free trade

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