Question for Folks Who Believe in a God They Call "Father"


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:
Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:

Actually Joe, that is a good question.

I call the sky person (who many discredit and say doesn't exist) "Father". But then again, that's what my big brother Jesus called Him.

I call my original mother "Gaia", because that's what she's been called many times before. Some even call Her Mother Earth. But then's a good name, because without the soil, plants wouldn't grow.

I call my big brother Yeshua (some may call Him Jesus) because He's the one who taught me what to do, how to respect Father, and how to care for Gaia.

I also have one other above me. Her name is Big Woman, and she's (notice the non capitalization) the one who shows me how to listen to the other three.

But then can't get far unless you have someone who can be your white board, which means someone you can bounce ideas against.
Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:

If you have the Heavenly Father, then you also have Mother Earth.

If you see the Father as the authority of law through the State
then the Motherly love of all people as children of God is the Church.

Ideally people as the Government
and the people as the Church
are one in spiritual harmony and peace, no matter how we represent this.

We should not divide the family or children if the parents
are having spats over who runs the house and has authority.
it should be shared by partners in marriage, for the sake of protecting the
best interests of the children.

the other metaphor is the Lord is the Law for all people as protectorate/husband
of the Bride or the church body which is all the people collectively as humanity.

so the law of equal justice and peace for all humanity
is supposed to unite all tribes and nations where
we embody and embrace this law and live together in peace as one family.
Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:

What do you want to call god? God the ‘it.’ God the asexual creator.

What’s wrong with god the father? I don’t think that anyone calling god the father actually ascribes sex and fatherhood in the way that it works in the mortal world. It is just a saying that conveys god as both the creator and us as his ‘children.’
Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:

He created all of our souls.
Our Mother and Father makes our bodies.
Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:

What do you want to call god? God the ‘it.’ God the asexual creator.

What’s wrong with god the father? I don’t think that anyone calling god the father actually ascribes sex and fatherhood in the way that it works in the mortal world. It is just a saying that conveys god as both the creator and us as his ‘children.’

I never said that there was anything wrong with referring to God as 'Father'... especially if folks are running around describing themselves as the 'children' of their God.

I'm just curious about what those who refer to God as 'Father' think of the Maternal void that opens up when doing so.
Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:

He created all of our souls.
Our Mother and Father makes our bodies.

So why confuse the issue by calling God 'Father'?

Why not just stick with 'God'?

It's another call attentive
But I didn't get the message
Forever due this Mother Earth is all my life

'N the more I think it out
about the time we spend together
together we'll be sharing all eternity

It's another day
It's another way
It's another feeling in my heart

And the more I try to get it
'Cause I did not change the weather
So the light that shines is always coming out of you

For it was ever to be given
Ever full of blessings
As the message coming clearer, see it coming through

So I come
Open to your heart
Make this song
True right from the start

We all live together
We belong together
This Mother Earth and I

All this song will always be
Better by reason
God's clear light
Make sure you feel this life
Flow all inside of you now

All this song will always be
Better by children
Let them sing
For always be the Light

It's another day
It's another way
It's another feeling in my heart

So if ever there's a question
So in part there is an answer
Remember that it's always in the heart of you

To begin this conversation
So intent to get the level
In everything your sacred life is going through

All I know
Want to be with you
Day after day
Want to be with you
And the more I think of it
It can never change me
I believe that this is truly for me

All this song will always be
Better by reason
God's clear Light
Make sure you feel this life
Flow all inside of you now

All this song will always be
Better by children
Let then sing
For always be the light
Inside of you now

And the more I think of it
Like a dream come true I feel it inside
And the more I think of it
It's the more I dream of it
It's another day
it's another day
If God created the earth isn't He the one we refer to as Mother Earth? And if not, then who is "Mother" Earth's mom? Or does she just have one parent too?
When God wants to obliterate Jezebel's army, or hurl a meteor at Sodom, does He have to ask for Mother's help? And who said mother, was a mother?

God doesn't rely on the reproductive organs or rituals of humans to have children. He sculpts them tenderly by hand and then breathes life into them. :)
Who's your Mommy?

they know what u know even but use it for best lies force existence possibility creations life
they need lies life for constant pretense of being existing

so their mommy is any ground fully objective still that their god the evil guy they call it father or jesus point as being the reference used for a time as absolute thing base that could justify relatively by fakin it, free wills individuality life through so much different individuals that all are fake of course too

so that poor thing is not even useful to their plans for cheapest brag about their skills in fakin true existence in all knowledge abuse
just a need for fake through least truth reference symbolically real bc fake and lies must stay united around smthg in mind otherwise they would get lost fast

it is all so disgustin and too inferior to mention while it is really all

look how they are happy by meanin killin smthg and invent their possessions to

in truth of course there is no relative any

so the ones callin god are the evil ones meanin evil ways of existence through rights and truth abuse
that is why they stand before sciences and intelligent individuals with no shame while strong
bc they know being wrong and take advantage from what right is necessarily relative so always nonexisting, while them with their union they are even alone very strongly supported spiritually regardless how stupid and ignorant and retarded they are about anything which is always the case, wat to expect from what is never related to reality perspectives since liar and what is never real since rejectin truth
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Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:

Maybe the person who can tell you if Adam had a bellybutton can answer that for you.
Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:

He created all of our souls.
Our Mother and Father makes our bodies.

So why confuse the issue by calling God 'Father'?

Why not just stick with 'God'?

Look at what happened to Dolly, the cloned sheep created from man and not God.
She got arthritis at age four and had to be put down at age 6 because of a progressive lung disease added with very severe arthritis, most sheep live to be around 20 years.
God is our Father and our creator of all things.
If God created the earth isn't He the one we refer to as Mother Earth? And if not, then who is "Mother" Earth's mom? Or does she just have one parent too?
When God wants to obliterate Jezebel's army, or hurl a meteor at Sodom, does He have to ask for Mother's help? And who said mother, was a mother?

God doesn't rely on the reproductive organs or rituals of humans to have children. He sculpts them tenderly by hand and then breathes life into them. :)

That there's the answer.

Any and all the paternal attributes of God come straight from the imaginations of those who describe Him.

:eusa_think: I wonder what other attributes of God are imagined?
He created all of our souls.
Our Mother and Father makes our bodies.

So why confuse the issue by calling God 'Father'?

Why not just stick with 'God'?

Look at what happened to Dolly, the cloned sheep created from man and not God.
She got arthritis at age four and had to be put down at age 6 because of a progressive lung disease added with very severe arthritis, most sheep live to be around 20 years.
God is our Father and our creator of all things.

So..... Who's your Mommy?
If God created the earth isn't He the one we refer to as Mother Earth? And if not, then who is "Mother" Earth's mom? Or does she just have one parent too?
When God wants to obliterate Jezebel's army, or hurl a meteor at Sodom, does He have to ask for Mother's help? And who said mother, was a mother?

God doesn't rely on the reproductive organs or rituals of humans to have children. He sculpts them tenderly by hand and then breathes life into them. :)

That there's the answer.

Any and all the paternal attributes of God come straight from the imaginations of those who describe Him.

:eusa_think: I wonder what other attributes of God are imagined?

Regardless if they are imagined or exist independently of human perception,
how can we ALIGN these values or attributes so we can still connect, agree
on principles, and work together despite our different traditions and laws?
That's an interesting jump, Miss Emily...The only way I can think of is for Civil Laws which are agreed upon by community politics to always trump Religious Laws when there's a conflict.

That way any religious person can conduct their life according to their preferred ancient story without infringing on folks who find a different story more to their liking.

The best example is Sharia Law... It's chock full of rules with little basis in reality sans "God says so in an ancient story..."
About 6000 years ago Someone put some symbols that stood for phonetic sounds on a clay tablet to explain who God is.
You must understand that "god" is a title - not a name. We use "God" with a capital "G" when the title is applied to the Creator. In Sumer, 6000 years ago the name of God was Anki. If you translate it literally it means "heaven and earth" but if you take the time to transliterate the definition it comes out as "all that is". So the Creator was defined as all that "It" created. This being was unlike anything mankind could understand, there was no way to connect on a personal level. (This theme repeated in the Hebrew nation with El, the name of the Creator for them) The mythology that was written on that tablet gave a way for Anki to be more "human" like. "in the begginning was void and it was without shape.." from a more familiar book but the tablet says that Anki divided Itself into two parts, An and Ki, the heavens, and the earth or transliterated the mother of the solid world and the father of the etherial world. An was the male, father, image and Ki was the earth or physical existence. These two gave birth to over 250 gods and goddesses, one for every occupation, invention and act that the people of Sumer could think of. They had a god of the plow, fields, forge, marriage, libraries, wheel, herdsman and even a god of writing. They had gods of the four winds and the directions, the sea and the desert and even the goddess of the fresh water upon which the desert rested.
If you were a carpenter then you had a patron god - someone to understand you and sympathise with your problems. So, the oldest civilization connected with their Creator by providing a way for every man woman and child to connect with a personal deity. The Hebrews followed this line of thought when they used "Elohim" (the many faces of El). It was only Christianity and Islam that left out the feminine divine and replaced it with a devil to steal your soul and torture you for eternity. Why no feminine divine? How can you subjugate women who have a goddess to protect them? The world was a place where women served and if they rebelled they were punished but that was a couple of thousand years after Sumer. In Sumer women were an integral part of the creation. They were closer to the goddess than men because they could bring forth life, they could bleed for 7 days and not die - not something a man could do. They were of equal importance to men in Sumer and they held all land, and physical wealth and it was passed from mother to daughter for generations. Before writing was invented it might be hard to know who your father was but a mother always knew her children. Some years after writing was invented that system began to lose importance because women could be bound by contract to a man and there was a written record of it. Men took possession of goods and recorded it. They no longer needed women to hold the property. About the same time some of the goddesses names were changed to a masculine form and the feminine divine began to disappear. If not for the records of the old names and the stories surrounding the goddesses there may have been no record of the divine feminine after the Assyrians finally wiped out Sumer. Abram (Abraham) of Ur (a city in Sumer) certainly did nothing to foster the feminine divine when he fathered the nation of Israel.

So, if my spiritual Father is Anki then that is also my spiritual mother. An is the father aspect of Anki and Ki is the mother aspect of Anki.

Regardless of the religion we practice all of them can be traced back to Sumer, at least historically.

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