Question for Folks Who Believe in a God They Call "Father"

Em, no need to imagine. Our Father clearly describes His attributes in the Bible. And so you don't think He is the figment of someone's imagination, He goes on to predict future events, something our imaginations can't do.
He is the power of nature, the Creator of the universe. He is the Alpha and the Omega, and He is our Abba. You are a child of the Most High and heir to all He has created.
Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:

If you have the Heavenly Father, then you also have Mother Earth.

If you see the Father as the authority of law through the State
then the Motherly love of all people as children of God is the Church.

Ideally people as the Government
and the people as the Church
are one in spiritual harmony and peace, no matter how we represent this.

We should not divide the family or children if the parents
are having spats over who runs the house and has authority.
it should be shared by partners in marriage, for the sake of protecting the
best interests of the children.

the other metaphor is the Lord is the Law for all people as protectorate/husband
of the Bride or the church body which is all the people collectively as humanity.

so the law of equal justice and peace for all humanity
is supposed to unite all tribes and nations where
we embody and embrace this law and live together in peace as one family.

Nope..................sorry...................but the church is NOT the "mother", because if it was, then why are there so many disagreements between various religious factions, from Catholics to Baptist, to Episcopalians, to Mormons? And that's just the Christian ones. states in the Bible that when God comes back, He's gonna take the Earth as His Bride.

I just hope that He's not pissed that her children have beaten her up so badly.
Who's your Mommy?

My conclusion thus far is that the term "Mother Earth" fits the evidence and, ass-u-me-ing Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is "Time".

If your conclusion thus far is that God is our Father, is He a single dad? :dunno:

Adam was lonely and needed a mate.

My Father didn't need any help

Nope..................sorry...................but the church is NOT the "mother", because if it was, then why are there so many disagreements between various religious factions, from Catholics to Baptist, to Episcopalians, to Mormons? And that's just the Christian ones. states in the Bible that when God comes back, He's gonna take the Earth as His Bride.

I just hope that He's not pissed that her children have beaten her up so badly.

1. the problem causing division is Unforgiveness, which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. so you are right, this totally befalls the very spirit of the church, by dividing and conquering.

However, where relations are healed by forgiveness, then you see the opposite occur which is the purpose of the church, to unite all tribes in christ as one family so we do have peace.

if you look far enough, you can see both processes going on.
on the outside you see the symptoms of division going on.
if you look inside you see people learning to forgive, heal and resolve issues and that is where the Kingdom of God resides within and among us where we forgive one another.

2. yes, the earth the whole of the people on the planet, all that will be made new and one
joined together with God through Christ. the people under various tribes or churches are the different branches of laws. Christ as the Lord of all these lesser lords or laws eventually unites all in one spirit of truth justice and peace. in the process of that unity coming about, we use the different laws to rebuke and correct one another, in christ jesus, to establish the truth that we may be set free from strife and suffering. So these laws and factions are part of the process of assimilating our knowledge, experience and understanding as one truth.

the Bride is trying to prepare for her Groom, but who has the wick, and who has the oil for the lamp. Which group is supposed to have the ring, and the veil. we don't have our act together yet, we don't get which group is here for what purpose, but eventually the marriage will take place and all will be included when we figure out God's purpose for each.
Yes, humanity is a huge mess. But most Brides are before the big day, totally unprepared until the very last minute, and stressing out because things aren't where they should be yet!
Dear AJ: putting civil/constitutional laws before religious laws under them works in the practical sense. in the spiritual sense, since people often have to forgive first before working out solutions second, the spiritual laws come first and then the natural laws follow.
So I see both going on, and yes I found some people stack the authorities in opposite orders, some putting church before state, others state before church, etc. That is why it is important to agree point by point REGARDLESS which authority you assess it to.
In the end, agreement requires aligning by both the spirit and the letter, so which ever way people justify in their minds doesn't necessarily have to match each other! one person can see it totally as God doing the work through Jesus, while the secular mind will see it as people coming together following civil due process and arriving at consensus by reason.

That's an interesting jump, Miss Emily...The only way I can think of is for Civil Laws which are agreed upon by community politics to always trump Religious Laws when there's a conflict.

That way any religious person can conduct their life according to their preferred ancient story without infringing on folks who find a different story more to their liking.

The best example is Sharia Law... It's chock full of rules with little basis in reality sans "God says so in an ancient story..."

ps yes I have addressed this issue that any kind of religious policy (whether Christian, Muslim etc, and I even question if party agenda should count as political beliefs treated as religion) should not be mandated through govt, but kept localized by the free and individual choice of citizens. you can mandate things through your church for yourself, but i would still recommend that any large or collective organization whether church nonprofit business or corporation be rquired in their licensing to respect due process and equal protection of interests of its members or public affected and never abuse the colelctive influence/authority/resources of their entity to deny the equal rights of individuals to petition to redress grievances. so this would prevent either religious or corporate authority from being abused, not just Islam not just Walmart, etc but any group at risk of abuse.

what do you think of this idea? requiring states to include in licensing and incorporation documents some clauses similar to the Bill of Rights or Code of Ethics for Govt Service but for corporations and organizations to respect due process and protection of individuals? and set up means for mediation and resolving conflicts by consensus to prevent or reduce the risk of abuse by collective entities?
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FA it was in response to this quote by Mr. H.

I think the Bible may be the transcribed overblown imaginations of well-meaning believers.

But I want to address the real myth in Avg-Joe's response concerning prophecy:
Have a base understanding of Monkey nature and keep your predictions vague.

If Einstein had a base understanding of the Bible, he would have know there were 4+ dimensions. Same with Hawking.

As for vague prediction. That is the myth. God is precise.

For instance,
Ishmael will be a wild ass whose hand will be against every man.

Arab nations, will surround Israel, with the intention of removing Israel from the region.
Israel will return to their land, on May 14, 1948.
that the Jews would revert to their pure language. No displaced group of people have ever done that.
The Messiah would be hung on a tree. That prediction was given to us 500 years before Romans started hanging people on trees.

I can go on but let's start with the vagueness of those predictions AVG-Joe. Find vague. :eusa_angel:
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1. the problem causing division is Unforgiveness, which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. so you are right, this totally befalls the very spirit of the church, by dividing and conquering.

However, where relations are healed by forgiveness, then you see the opposite occur which is the purpose of the church, to unite all tribes in christ as one family so we do have peace.

if you look far enough, you can see both processes going on.
on the outside you see the symptoms of division going on.
if you look inside you see people learning to forgive, heal and resolve issues and that is where the Kingdom of God resides within and among us where we forgive one another.

2. yes, the earth the whole of the people on the planet, all that will be made new and one
joined together with God through Christ. the people under various tribes or churches are the different branches of laws. Christ as the Lord of all these lesser lords or laws eventually unites all in one spirit of truth justice and peace. in the process of that unity coming about, we use the different laws to rebuke and correct one another, in christ jesus, to establish the truth that we may be set free from strife and suffering. So these laws and factions are part of the process of assimilating our knowledge, experience and understanding as one truth.

the Bride is trying to prepare for her Groom, but who has the wick, and who has the oil for the lamp. Which group is supposed to have the ring, and the veil. we don't have our act together yet, we don't get which group is here for what purpose, but eventually the marriage will take place and all will be included when we figure out God's purpose for each.
Yes, humanity is a huge mess. But most Brides are before the big day, totally unprepared until the very last minute, and stressing out because things aren't where they should be yet!

pathetic what u go inventin thinkin sellin smthg to cheapest wills, mainly exhibitin evil business being u and ur god face live

keep dreamin that u can fool everyone that all is u and ur lousy problems, while u r meanin god force satanic skills to turn worse tortures on livin rights possessed to an object of art for new generation of rats

truth is objective superiority, so whatever force u want to use to look big thing, u r nothing at all objectively
go to the end of ur dreams where nightmare life is expectin u for lunch, u could always prepare urself end with same things of the bride that u describe, get u all to hell with ur rings and veils holders for a piece of peace from ur disgustin stories of penis and sacrifices, at least for a good night sleep
GOD is mother too. We call him a he but I believe God embodies both.

when I had my miscarriage,I struggled with how a male God can understand a very female thing. It took a week for me to let God back into my heart but when I did I just knew he got what I was feeling. Personally I think if man was made in the image of God ,men have one half of God's personality type and females have the other. Together we make a whole part of a fraction of God's personality.

Men think they got a better deal from God because they,from a biblical perspective,they get to rule. But I think women got the better part because we get a glimpse of the creator by having life created in US.
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FA it was in response to this quote by Mr. H.

I think the Bible may be the transcribed overblown imaginations of well-meaning believers.

But I want to address the real myth in Avg-Joe's response concerning prophecy:
Have a base understanding of Monkey nature and keep your predictions vague.

If Einstein had a base understanding of the Bible, he would have know there were 4+ dimensions. Same with Hawking.

As for vague prediction. That is the myth. God is precise.

For instance,
Ishmael will be a wild ass whose hand will be against every man.

Arab nations, will surround Israel, with the intention of removing Israel from the region.
Israel will return to their land, on May 14, 1948.
that the Jews would revert to their pure language. No displaced group of people have ever done that.
The Messiah would be hung on a tree. That prediction was given to us 500 years before Romans started hanging people on trees.

I can go on but let's start with the vagueness of those predictions AVG-Joe. Find vague. :eusa_angel:

Show me the chapter and verse where that appears in any version or translation of the ancient story commonly referred to as 'The Bible', and I'll kiss your ass on the fifty yard line of any game you buy the tickets for.
GOD is mother too. We call him a he but I believe God embodies both.

when I had my miscarriage,I struggled with how a male God can understand a very female thing. It took a week for me to let God back into my heart but when I did I just knew he got what I was feeling. Personally I think if man was made in the image of God ,men have one half of God's personality type and females have the other. Together we make a whole part of a fraction of God's personality.

Men think they got a better deal from God because they,from a biblical perspective,they get to rule. But I think women got the better part because we get a glimpse of the creator by having life created in US.

So the Patriarchal and male nature of God is something we should attribute solely to the writers of the stories and the culture in which those stories were written? :eusa_eh:

:eusa_think: I wonder what other attributes of God are literary license in the imaginations of those ancient authors.....

:cool: Word.

Yanno Joe................the Jewish version of God has both male AND female attributes to it. Check out their understanding of it sometime.

Personally? I think that when Yeshua (Jesus) told His disciples that they would be the ones to build the church, considering the prevailing views of the people at the time (very much a patriarch structure), it's really not surprising that women would be left out of the ministry.
I see that as more evidence that God was created in the image of Man, not the other way 'round.

I see the flexibility among religions today to review their patriarchal systems, making them more palatable to a modern marketplace, where female Monkeys have real economic power, as more evidence that 'God' is a creation of the Monkeys.

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