Question for Iraq war supporters

Says one of the anti-gun loons that blames the 99.9964% for the misuse of the 0.0036%...

That was a blatant and erroneous change of subject. No. I am not an anti-gun loon that blames the 99.9964% for the misuse of the 0.0036%. I simply think that there should be “reasonable precautions” for gun ownership. That is hardly the equivalent of making me an anti-gun loon. Also, that does not mean that I blame 99.9964% for the misuse of the 0.0036%. Each person is responsible for his own actions.
That was a blatant and erroneous change of subject.
The subject is 'blaming huge majority for the actions of the tiny minority'.
The point is that, apparently, it IS OK to do so, at least as far as guns are concerned.
Given that, there's no argument that the same cannot be applied towards Muslims.

No. I am not an anti-gun loon that blames the 99.9964% for the misuse of the 0.0036%.
why how many woman and children did carter murder for oil ? how many American troops died on his watch ? how many complete failures in intelligence that lead to the deaths of thousands of Americans under carter ?
When reading the historical record and realizing Carter laid the foundation for radical Islam, the answer is he killed thousands for oil, you were most likely not born when "Desert One" happened or you'd not ask such a silly question, and his refusal to listen to the Intel reports about the rising Islamic problem means he killed thousands. Listen--why don't you go to the used book store and pick up a copy of Guest of the Ayatollah, read it, learn a few things, come back and we can talk about it. Carter is, and was, no saint--regardless what the radical Democratic left says.
When reading the historical record and realizing Carter laid the foundation for radical Islam, the answer is he killed thousands for oil, you were most likely not born when "Desert One" happened or you'd not ask such a silly question, and his refusal to listen to the Intel reports about the rising Islamic problem means he killed thousands. Listen--why don't you go to the used book store and pick up a copy of Guest of the Ayatollah, read it, learn a few things, come back and we can talk about it. Carter is, and was, no saint--regardless what the radical Democratic left says.

That's silliness....

More likely our support of the Shah who was oppressing his people contributed. We have always known that a percentage of the muslim populaton believed in jihad. But giving them a basis to recruit normal people probably didn't help.

It's Bush who didn't listen to the intel reports that his father knew about as far back as Gulf I. The anticipated results of destabilization of Iraq was the reason BushI didn't go to Baghdad. Of course, baby Bush didn't listen to "his father", he asked "THE FATHER" and decided to ignore everything we knew.
The subject is 'blaming huge majority for the actions of the tiny minority'.
The point is that, apparently, it IS OK to do so, at least as far as guns are concerned.
Given that, there's no argument that the same cannot be applied towards Muslims.


Speak for yourself and not for me. You said that, with respect to Muslims, (See post 416) you can imagine blaming the 99.995% for the misdeeds of the 0.0049%. I can speak for myself with respect to my position on gun ownership.
Speak for yourself and not for me. You said that, with respect to Muslims, (See post 416) you can imagine blaming the 99.995% for the misdeeds of the 0.0049%
Apparently, you didn't pick up in the part where I said I can imagine how this is possible, given that the anti-gun loons do it all the time.

So, if they can blame the vast vast majority for the tiny tiny minority re: guns, why can't others do the same thing re: Muslims?
Apparently, you didn't pick up in the part where I said I can imagine how this is possible, given that the anti-gun loons do it all the time.

So, if they can blame the vast vast majority for the tiny tiny minority re: guns, why can't others do the same thing re: Muslims?

A very small minority of gun owners cause problems with guns. A very small minority of Muslims cause problems. Without blaming gun owners who do not cause problems, I think that there should be precautions in place to reduce the likelihood of there being more negligent gun use (without outlawing gun ownership for honest law-abiding people). Without blaming Muslims who do not cause problems, I think that peoples should be reasonably observant of Muslims (without becoming prejudicial and paranoid).
A very small minority of gun owners cause problems with guns. A very small minority of Muslims cause problems. Without blaming gun owners who do not cause problems, I think that there should be precautions in place to reduce the likelihood of there being more negligent gun use (without outlawing gun ownership for honest law-abiding people). Without blaming Muslims who do not cause problems, I think that peoples should be reasonably observant of Muslims (without becoming prejudicial and paranoid).

You didnt answer my question.
If they can blame the vast, vast majority for the tiny, tiny minority re: guns, why can't others do the same thing re: Muslims?
You didnt answer my question.
If they can blame the vast, vast majority for the tiny, tiny minority re: guns, why can't others do the same thing re: Muslims?

Your question assumes or implies a premise to which there is no established agreement. Assuming that they can blame the vast, vast majority for the tiny, tiny minority with respect to guns, then it does follow that they can others do the same thing with respect to Muslims?

It still does not make either gross generalization justified.
Your question assumes or implies a premise to which there is no established agreement. Assuming that they can blame the vast, vast majority for the tiny, tiny minority with respect to guns, then it does follow that they can others do the same thing with respect to Muslims?
Why does it not follow?

It still does not make either gross generalization justified.
So, you agree that those that blame the majority of guns/owners for the misus(es) of the tiny minority are wrong.
Every act involves more then 10 people. Lets take Iran, a muslim Country, they openly recruit suicide bombers and martyrs to walk through land mines. They openly PAY and supply Hezbulla in Lebanon to kill for them. I would say there are THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of Iranians that would willingly conduct terror attacks. Then we have Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Pal Authority, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia.... there is a whole lot more then 70 thousand islomo fascists out there AND there are MILLIONS more that support them by donating money, hiding them, turning a blind eye to what they do and openly praising them.

Or are you now going to claim differently?

I am going to "claim" only that you are stating your opinion with ZIP to back it up. I really could give a fuck what YOU "WOULD SAY". What can you show me,other than, your own unsubstantiated opinions that the percentage of muslims who are islamic extremist terrorists is anything other than minuscule? NADA.
I am going to "claim" only that you are stating your opinion with ZIP to back it up. I really could give a fuck what YOU "WOULD SAY". What can you show me,other than, your own unsubstantiated opinions that the percentage of muslims who are islamic extremist terrorists is anything other than minuscule? NADA.

So you deny Iran does pay for, recruit , train and arm terrorists? That Syria does not either, You claim that what I said is wrong?

Several million people are not miniscule no matter the base they come from.
I am going to "claim" only that you are stating your opinion with ZIP to back it up. I really could give a fuck what YOU "WOULD SAY". What can you show me,other than, your own unsubstantiated opinions that the percentage of muslims who are islamic extremist terrorists is anything other than minuscule? NADA.



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