Question for Iraq war supporters

If you have something to post, can you please limit it to one thread instead of spamming the same post over and over? Thanks.

That would depend wouldn't it? If the information applies to several threads and is not a HUGE post, why wouldn't it get posted in every thread it directly applies too? Now if it is a monster I would recommend it be in its own thread.

The problem I see is that some people demand proof or evidence and if you have some and it applies to several threads why be limited to JUST what ever arbitrary single thread you post in forst?
You care so much the US does all the heavy lifting in every world wide disaster and every major problem in the world, sure thing.

Ah, the old "We do everything around the world, therefore that gives us the right to ride roughshod over everyone else in the world." Another rightwing nutjob mantra to make the patriots feel good about themselves. Here's the thing - per head of population, you guys aren't on top the heap. In fact, you're pretty much down the bottom. The next will be "ah, but what about private donations" which I always reply "you don't think other countries have private donors, too?"

Its a shame to ignore the watch it....

Now you know these Democrats were to stupid to kow they were being mislead, to dumb to know the intel they received independent of the President was secretly ( so secret there is no evidence of it) manipulated by the President.

So we are faced with this dilema... Either the Democrats Lied, as they claim Bush did OR they are just to stupid to be allowed to hold high office in this Country.

Since the Dems insist we were lied to those are the two options available. Which one is it guys?
Now you know these Democrats were to stupid to kow they were being mislead, to dumb to know the intel they received independent of the President was secretly ( so secret there is no evidence of it) manipulated by the President.

So we are faced with this dilema... Either the Democrats Lied, as they claim Bush did OR they are just to stupid to be allowed to hold high office in this Country.

Since the Dems insist we were lied to those are the two options available. Which one is it guys?

Whatever happened to "fool me once, shame on *you*?

Oh right, can't blame the people who actually defrauded us into this nightmare. You should be outraged at them, not apologizing for them.
Ah, the old "We do everything around the world, therefore that gives us the right to ride roughshod over everyone else in the world." Another rightwing nutjob mantra to make the patriots feel good about themselves. Here's the thing - per head of population, you guys aren't on top the heap. In fact, you're pretty much down the bottom. The next will be "ah, but what about private donations" which I always reply "you don't think other countries have private donors, too?"

Ahh ok, I guess we should now support the theory we should not help anyone, lets see how well THAT works for the rest of the world, You guys can step up and take over, since after all your doing so much now, right?
Ahh ok, I guess we should now support the theory we should not help anyone, lets see how well THAT works for the rest of the world, You guys can step up and take over, since after all your doing so much now, right?

Or maybe you could feel good about our contributions without feeling the need to debase and devalue everyone else's?
Or maybe you could feel good about our contributions without feeling the need to debase and devalue everyone else's?

I have done nothing of the sort, but do pretend otherwise. I have though pointed out the constant refrain from retards like Grump are ignorant at best.
Ahh ok, I guess we should now support the theory we should not help anyone, lets see how well THAT works for the rest of the world, You guys can step up and take over, since after all your doing so much now, right?

Per head of population, yes we are. And guess what, we don't have strings attached. We help because it is the right thing to do, not trying to play some political game with other peoples' lives..
Sure thing, next time there is a world disaster we will wait patiently for that EU Carrier Group to arrive and sort it out.

Actually, they do a do we without your help. The whole point of my argument is that you should help out with disasters willingly and with no strings like we do. You don't seem to be arguing for that point, so I deduce you are against such a thing. Nice. Coming from the land of the free and home of the brave...(like there are no other free countries with brave people in
Actually, they do a do we without your help. The whole point of my argument is that you should help out with disasters willingly and with no strings like we do. You don't seem to be arguing for that point, so I deduce you are against such a thing. Nice. Coming from the land of the free and home of the brave...(like there are no other free countries with brave people in

And you would simply be wrong, be so kind as to point out our demands in all the previous disasters we have helped out in around the world.... List them by disaster and by demand. I won't hold my breath waiting for that list though.

Ohh and then explain, since you and others contend we are in a war against all muslims why we routinely help muslim countries, again with no strings attached?
And you would simply be wrong, be so kind as to point out our demands in all the previous disasters we have helped out in around the world.... List them by disaster and by demand. I won't hold my breath waiting for that list though.

Ohh and then explain, since you and others contend we are in a war against all muslims why we routinely help muslim countries, again with no strings attached?

if I've argued this point once I've argued it 100 times. It goes something like this

Foreigner (that be me): Why are you always interferring in the internal polices of other countries, such as Panama, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam blah blah blah.

Right-wing American Nutjob (that being you): Nobody complains when we send them aid.

THAT is the crux of the matter. A piss weak argument by the US right, but one I have had many times!
if I've argued this point once I've argued it 100 times. It goes something like this

Foreigner (that be me): Why are you always interferring in the internal polices of other countries, such as Panama, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam blah blah blah.

Right-wing American Nutjob (that being you): Nobody complains when we send them aid.

THAT is the crux of the matter. A piss weak argument by the US right, but one I have had many times!

Ohh so you have no real evidence and no actually demands at all, just the usual left wing US bashing and the attempt to twist what is said to fit your agenda. Thanks for playing, run along now, we don't fall for your shit.
who cares? why do I need to try anything again? the point is: a majority of those Americans surveyed could not find Iraq on a map. that was my assertion and the survey proves my point.

Either keep up or stay the fuck out.

You dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Not only was the topic not on geography as you erroneously stated, but your assertation was that Americans are stupid, not as you erroneously state above . Dont you remember that far back? Or are you that stupid?
How come the Dial-A-Bride dude has turned up again??

Whats a dial a bride?

Originally Posted by Dr Grump

Ah, the old "We do everything around the world, therefore that gives us the right to ride roughshod over everyone else in the world." Another rightwing nutjob mantra to make the patriots feel good about themselves. Here's the thing - per head of population, you guys aren't on top the heap. In fact, you're pretty much down the bottom. The next will be "ah, but what about private donations" which I always reply "you don't think other countries have private donors, too?"

You sound like you're arguing with yourself. Well, I guess that way, for once, you get to win the arguement.
Why is that a lie? We did jump too soon into war in Iraq and Afghanistan. And war is never the only solution, it is the last solution.

That isnt remotely close to what he said. Go back and read it. I cant believe how really, REALLY stupid you guys are. You take that post of spidey and turn it into what you said above?

And fucking candy ass man, MM, he is all over the board. First he calls Americans stupid, then claims a survey proved it, then he claims the survey was about geography, then he claims he said Americans are ignorant, which is not the same as stupid.

GOOD GODD, no wonder you guys loved the flip flopper Kerry so much.

As for Americans not being able to find Iraq on a map, so what? It only proves they arent interested in learning that. It proves NOTHING about their intelligence.
say, i noticed you didn't reply to my lode of bush quotes.

is the epitome of your input going to be U R a stupid liar?

Holy crap dude !! You need to get a life. I tried to find your quote by going to "all posts by shogun" and two whole pages and it was still on posting of 1/23.

give me the post number,,, i probably missed it, I dont spend hours and hours on here like you do, I have a life.

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