Question for Iraq war supporters

Ah, the old "We do everything around the world, therefore that gives us the right to ride roughshod over everyone else in the world." Another rightwing nutjob mantra to make the patriots feel good about themselves. Here's the thing - per head of population, you guys aren't on top the heap. In fact, you're pretty much down the bottom. The next will be "ah, but what about private donations" which I always reply "you don't think other countries have private donors, too?"

You sound like you're arguing with yourself. Well, I guess that way, for once, you get to win the arguement.
if I've argued this point once I've argued it 100 times. It goes something like this

Foreigner (that be me): Why are you always interferring in the internal polices of other countries, such as Panama, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam blah blah blah.

Right-wing American Nutjob (that being you): Nobody complains when we send them aid.

THAT is the crux of the matter. A piss weak argument by the US right, but one I have had many times!

You're in Europe? HAAHHA, fuck, like, yea, we like to mess in other countries politics. I know you guys dont, YOU JUST FUCKING START WARS AND TAKE THEM OVER. You guys have been going to war with each other for centuries. And he, for centuries, dont mess with other countries policies, just go and take their country from them. French in indo china, British in China, Iraq, South Africa, India. French in Northern africa, Dutch and Germans all throughout the world too.

Germany attacks Britian. France attacks Britian. Germany attacks France. Italy attacks France. Germany attacks Russia. Russia attacks Finland. Britian attacks France. it has been going on endlessly.

He buddy, who spent BILLIONS of dollars rebuilding Europe after we saved your asses from Hitler? Fucking talk about a nut job. Yea, you guys should get on your knees and kiss our asses and be grateful for what AMERICA has done to save your fucked up continent.

The French tried to build the Panama canal and failed, so America went in and did it.

EU tried to get a Euro currency to compete with the US, cuz NOT ONE OF YOUR FUCKING COUNTRIES COULD COMPETE WITH US ONE ON ONE, and yet its still the DOLLAR that rules. I could spend American dollars anywhere in the world I traveled, not so with Euros.

We kicked all your guys asses, except occasionally the steriod laden Russian men, errr women, in the Olympics.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You're in Europe? HAAHHA, fuck, like, yea, we like to mess in other countries politics. I know you guys dont, YOU JUST FUCKING START WARS AND TAKE THEM OVER. You guys have been going to war with each other for centuries. And he, for centuries, dont mess with other countries policies, just go and take their country from them. French in indo china, British in China, Iraq, South Africa, India. French in Northern africa, Dutch and Germans all throughout the world too.

Germany attacks Britian. France attacks Britian. Germany attacks France. Italy attacks France. Germany attacks Russia. Russia attacks Finland. Britian attacks France. it has been going on endlessly.

He buddy, who spent BILLIONS of dollars rebuilding Europe after we saved your asses from Hitler? Fucking talk about a nut job. Yea, you guys should get on your knees and kiss our asses and be grateful for what AMERICA has done to save your fucked up continent.

The French tried to build the Panama canal and failed, so America went in and did it.

EU tried to get a Euro currency to compete with the US, cuz NOT ONE OF YOUR FUCKING COUNTRIES COULD COMPETE WITH US ONE ON ONE, and yet its still the DOLLAR that rules. I could spend American dollars anywhere in the world I traveled, not so with Euros.

We kicked all your guys asses, except occasionally the steriod laden Russian men, errr women, in the Olympics.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No, I'm not in Europe.
You're in Europe? HAAHHA, fuck, like, yea, we like to mess in other countries politics. I know you guys dont, YOU JUST FUCKING START WARS AND TAKE THEM OVER. You guys have been going to war with each other for centuries. And he, for centuries, dont mess with other countries policies, just go and take their country from them. French in indo china, British in China, Iraq, South Africa, India. French in Northern africa, Dutch and Germans all throughout the world too.

Germany attacks Britian. France attacks Britian. Germany attacks France. Italy attacks France. Germany attacks Russia. Russia attacks Finland. Britian attacks France. it has been going on endlessly.

He buddy, who spent BILLIONS of dollars rebuilding Europe after we saved your asses from Hitler? Fucking talk about a nut job. Yea, you guys should get on your knees and kiss our asses and be grateful for what AMERICA has done to save your fucked up continent.

The French tried to build the Panama canal and failed, so America went in and did it.

EU tried to get a Euro currency to compete with the US, cuz NOT ONE OF YOUR FUCKING COUNTRIES COULD COMPETE WITH US ONE ON ONE, and yet its still the DOLLAR that rules. I could spend American dollars anywhere in the world I traveled, not so with Euros.

We kicked all your guys asses, except occasionally the steriod laden Russian men, errr women, in the Olympics.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hehe, I sort of like this post
That isnt remotely close to what he said. Go back and read it. I cant believe how really, REALLY stupid you guys are. You take that post of spidey and turn it into what you said above?

And fucking candy ass man, MM, he is all over the board. First he calls Americans stupid, then claims a survey proved it, then he claims the survey was about geography, then he claims he said Americans are ignorant, which is not the same as stupid.

GOOD GODD, no wonder you guys loved the flip flopper Kerry so much.

As for Americans not being able to find Iraq on a map, so what? It only proves they arent interested in learning that. It proves NOTHING about their intelligence.
I know I'm teaching my 4 year old to find places on the map now.

I'd really like to know where that poll came from, and who they were polling. If it was a CNN phone-in, all it proves is that people who respond to CNN polls are retards.
I notice you have never explained why Bush lied but none of the quotes from all the democrats saying the SAME thing are lies. Are we just going to get " they were hoodwinked" from you?

Why would I bother defending the stupididty of hoodwinked Dems when I've told you at least 6 times that I'd throw each one of them under a bus?

Fighting to stay relevant is like a fish trying to swim in a sandbox for you, isnt it?
Ahh ok, I guess we should now support the theory we should not help anyone, lets see how well THAT works for the rest of the world, You guys can step up and take over, since after all your doing so much now, right?

Indeed, we'll do just that in 08. get to the back of the bus, bitch.
Holy crap dude !! You need to get a life. I tried to find your quote by going to "all posts by shogun" and two whole pages and it was still on posting of 1/23.

give me the post number,,, i probably missed it, I dont spend hours and hours on here like you do, I have a life.

No, what you don't have is a point beyond the usual rhetorical nonsense which is pretty much the standard on your side of the political spectrum. Of course you can't find it. finding it would mean having to admit something that you don't want to admit. It's cool, I'm used to batting down silly right-wing bastards like you anyway. Truthfully, I didn't really expect to much out of you. Maybe you can find a way to take a few hours out of your awesome life to do a little research before posting stupid shit next time?

Hell, it takes an I.Q. of 160 to start going back pages in this very thread, doesn't it?
So, you won't be voting for Hillary?

no. I've stated as much several times on this board. If only generalizing liberals wasn't a GOP reflex....

I'm voting for Obama if he gets the dem nomination and RP if not.
no. I've stated as much several times on this board. If only generalizing liberals wasn't a GOP reflex....

I'm voting for Obama if he gets the dem nomination and RP if not.

And if neither are running and it is Just Hillary and what ever Republican wins the Nomination?
Originally Posted by RetiredGySgt
I notice you have never explained why Bush lied but none of the quotes from all the democrats saying the SAME thing are lies. Are we just going to get " they were hoodwinked" from you?

Why would I bother defending the stupididty of hoodwinked Dems when I've told you at least 6 times that I'd throw each one of them under a bus?

Fighting to stay relevant is like a fish trying to swim in a sandbox for you, isnt it?

Bitch, you start out bitching that I only post rhetorical nonsense, and then you post this crap below? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You didnt make one substantive statement in this post. "WAAAAAAAAAAA, WAAAAAAAAAAA,,,, all you do is post rhetoric, and you wont look things up, waaaaaaaaaaa wWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

Just because you make more posts than right wingers in a thread doesnt mean you whacked em. Just because you falsly claim we are full of rhetoric and lazy, doesnt mean you whacked em. Just because you wont answer any of our questions (because the answer makes you look stupid or wrong, or both) doesnt mean you whacked em.

No, what you don't have is a point beyond the usual rhetorical nonsense which is pretty much the standard on your side of the political spectrum. Of course you can't find it. finding it would mean having to admit something that you don't want to admit. It's cool, I'm used to batting down silly right-wing bastards like you anyway. Truthfully, I didn't really expect to much out of you. Maybe you can find a way to take a few hours out of your awesome life to do a little research before posting stupid shit next time?

Hell, it takes an I.Q. of 160 to start going back pages in this very thread, doesn't it?

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