Question for Iraq war supporters

As I recall, even after the Clinton acquittal some of those Senators who voted to acquit issued statements to the effect that they believed he had lied under oath and interfered with evidence. The crux of the matter, for them, was that they did not believe the conduct rose to the high standard required for impeachment and removal from office, so they voted to acquit even though they agreed that Clinton did those things.
As I recall, even after the Clinton acquittal some of those Senators who voted to acquit issued statements to the effect that they believed he had lied under oath and interfered with evidence. The crux of the matter, for them, was that they did not believe the conduct rose to the high standard required for impeachment and removal from office, so they voted to acquit even though they agreed that Clinton did those things.

No wonder Bush is the Teflon President.
He was acquitted. Half thought he should be ousted but you need 2/3.

The supreme court was fairly convinced he'd committed perjury and obstructed justice, otherwise they wouldn't have disbarred him. I'd say it's easier to be convicted of a crime than to get disbarred.
who disbarred him?

and you'd say a lot of stupid shit that you don't know fuck-all about.
so you are denying the substance of the link from the national geographic survey of 18-24 year old americans because it was reported by the BBC? Are you using that as your reason to deny that I proved to you that americans can't find Iraq on a map?

pretty fuckin' weak.

Not being able to find Iraq on a map proves nothing,] except ignorance. much less that anyone is stupid.
Lots of intelligent people wouldnt be able to find Iraq on a map.
so... a survey about geography from the world's most respected organization concerning geography is "weak"? Did you even READ the article, which, or course, answers your lameass questions?

give it up. You asked for a source other than CNN and I gave it to you. Sit on it.

IT wasnt a survey about geography, it was about the intelligence of AMericans, or at least the part you brought up. The geography part was used to try to show their conclusions are correct.

Try again. DId they do a similar survey on other countries.?
IT wasnt a survey about geography, it was about the intelligence of AMericans, or at least the part you brought up. The geography part was used to try to show their conclusions are correct.

Try again. DId they do a similar survey on other countries.?

who cares? why do I need to try anything again? the point is: a majority of those Americans surveyed could not find Iraq on a map. that was my assertion and the survey proves my point.

Either keep up or stay the fuck out.
So it does not matter that no attempt is made to show the supposed intelligence or lack there of ( using the same method as used on the US) all the Countries that supposedly agree with your position?
So it does not matter that no attempt is made to show the supposed intelligence or lack there of ( using the same method as used on the US) all the Countries that supposedly agree with your position?

my position in this issue was that Americans were ignorant of the world and that most could not even find Iraq on a map. Allie questioned that assertion. I provided her a link that proved my point.
Outside of your fair borders I must agree with MM. Most of us see the US as very ethno- ego centric and pretty damn ignorant. What is even more surprising is most neocons and right-wing nutjobs answer this by going "well, of course we look after our own interests, doesn't everyone".....Um, no, we don't. We actually give a shit about the rest of the world. And to make things every more absurb/weird/just plain crazy, most righties think the world is either jealous of the US, and just can't understand how the "most free country in the world and the greatest place in the world" isn't loved by anyone.

Off the top of my head I can name four countries that are easily more "free" than the US....and more in keeping within the spirit of its constitution. You guys invented modern freedom for sure (along with the Frogs in 1789)..been pretty downhill since then really!
Outside of your fair borders I must agree with MM. Most of us see the US as very ethno- ego centric and pretty damn ignorant. What is even more surprising is most neocons and right-wing nutjobs answer this by going "well, of course we look after our own interests, doesn't everyone".....Um, no, we don't. We actually give a shit about the rest of the world. And to make things every more absurb/weird/just plain crazy, most righties think the world is either jealous of the US, and just can't understand how the "most free country in the world and the greatest place in the world" isn't loved by anyone.

Off the top of my head I can name four countries that are easily more "free" than the US....and more in keeping within the spirit of its constitution. You guys invented modern freedom for sure (along with the Frogs in 1789)..been pretty downhill since then really!

You care so much the US does all the heavy lifting in every world wide disaster and every major problem in the world, sure thing.
Just one would do, where he claimed absolute certainty. Which, by the way, we didnt need to justify our taking out Saddam.

say, i noticed you didn't reply to my lode of bush quotes.

is the epitome of your input going to be U R a stupid liar?
say, i noticed you didn't reply to my lode of bush quotes.

is the epitome of your input going to be U R a stupid liar?

I notice you have never explained why Bush lied but none of the quotes from all the democrats saying the SAME thing are lies. Are we just going to get " they were hoodwinked" from you?

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