Question for Iraq war supporters

Of course this premise requires the belief that the American people are so stupid they can't figure things out on their own, and the only people we listen to are politicians. Whom we believe blindly.

What a load.

please explain to me why, years after the attack, a majority of Americans believed that Saddam had planned 9/11.

and the majority of Americans ARE so ill-informed that they don't even know who our Vice President is and cannot find Iraq on a map of the world. That is a sad, but true fact.
I don't think that's true. I think that's b.s. that's put out there by liberals, who have been saying for so long that Saddam wasn't responsible for 911 that they've either come to believe, or don't believe but still push, the idea that everybody thinks Saddam was behind 9/11.

The liberal press paints us as a bunch of dufuses, and the libs believe it.

Honest. We're not that dumb. You aren't the smartest guy on the block. Doubly so since apparently you're buying your own press, which is complete hogwash.
Honest. We're not that dumb. You aren't the smartest guy on the block. Doubly so since apparently you're buying your own press, which is complete hogwash.
Does anyone personally know someone that thinks Iraq was involved with 9/11? If, as is claimed, Buch managed to convince 70% of the people think so, then surely you know someone.
I don't think that's true. I think that's b.s. that's put out there by liberals, who have been saying for so long that Saddam wasn't responsible for 911 that they've either come to believe, or don't believe but still push, the idea that everybody thinks Saddam was behind 9/11.

The liberal press paints us as a bunch of dufuses, and the libs believe it.

Honest. We're not that dumb. You aren't the smartest guy on the block. Doubly so since apparently you're buying your own press, which is complete hogwash.

the press is always hogwash when it doesn't conform to your viewpoints, it would seem.
I don't do polls. Like I said, you're buying your own press. Time/CNN. Hahahaha

Do you know anyone who believes what you're saying the majority believes? I don't...
I don't do polls. Like I said, you're buying your own press. Time/CNN. Hahahaha

Do you know anyone who believes what you're saying the majority believes? I don't...

so if the press all lies, how do you find out what is happening in the world? Are there any press organizations that do not cause you to laugh?

I actually DID know several people who believed that Saddam had planned 9/11. According to them, the pastor at their church had said so.

But now, who would ever admit to being that dumb in 2003?:rofl:
Well I don't know who you hang out with. Do those two people constitute 70 percent of your friends?

CNN and TIME magazine are two of the most leftist rags we have in the US. I prefer news that, instead of theorizing and polling people actually goes out and reports the news.

I look into things on my own. I don't let the press tell me what to think, which is exactly what those polls are meant to do.
Well I don't know who you hang out with. Do those two people constitute 70 percent of your friends?

CNN and TIME magazine are two of the most leftist rags we have in the US. I prefer news that, instead of theorizing and polling people actually goes out and reports the news.

I look into things on my own. I don't let the press tell me what to think, which is exactly what those polls are meant to do.

and I said several, not two. And if you are asking me about my FRIENDS, I hang out with much smarter folks than the average American who is completely clueless about the world.

Oh...and you "look into things on your own", do you? How, pray tell, do you go about "looking into things on your own" concerning Iraq? Have you been over to Iraq and driven around the countryside and looked into things on your own, or do you, like everyone else in this country and in the world, rely primarily on the reports of journalists in the field?

And are you actually suggesting that CNN and TIME would concoct fake polling data and then publish it?

But I suppose YOUR favorite media outlet would NEVER do such a thing?

Do you really think that your shit doesn't stink???:rofl:
So you and your friends are much smarter than the average American?

Like I said. Libs are typically elitist assholes.

And maybe you should look into the history of TIME and CNN. They've concocted and passed on all sorts of drivel through the years....
So you and your friends are much smarter than the average American?

Like I said. Libs are typically elitist assholes.

And maybe you should look into the history of TIME and CNN. They've concocted and passed on all sorts of drivel through the years....

my friends and I can all find Iraq on the map.

and please provide a link that shows where TIME OR CNN has concocted completely fictional survey data for political purposes.

I'll wait.
And most of your fellow Americans can't?

Look, we've found a pocket of really smart people co-existing with the retarded Americans! And it consists of this guy and his buddies!

Elitist piece of shit.
Gov't 'satisfied' with apology from Time magazine
Mar 14, 02 2:36am
......Time's Feb 11 issue carried reports claiming that Malaysia was a regional financial and planning hub linked to the al-Qaeda terrorist network.
WASHINGTON, DC – Responding to months of protests organized by Armenian National Committee branches around the world, TIME Magazine's European edition published, in its October 17th issue, a brief apology to the Armenian community and all its readers for its dissemination earlier this year of a 70-minute DVD advertisement denying the Armenian Genocide.

TIME's apology was printed alongside an extensive letter to editors of TIME-Europe by leading Armenian, Jewish and human rights organizations....

Here's a funny one, it's a real mistake, but it's super funny:

CNN Apologizes for Mistaken Headline

Jan 2 02:42 PM US/Eastern
NEW YORK (AP) - CNN apologized Tuesday for mistakenly promoting a story on the search for Osama bin Laden with the headline "Where's Obama?"
A spokesman for Illinois Sen. Barack Obama said the apology was accepted.
"CNN’s lack of professionalism has raised the ire of Web sites all over the country. The following are recent quotes taken from web journalists across the nation:

“I don’t see how a respected news organization such as CNN – or any responsible journalist, for that matter – could omit Cena’s initial response to the question, which was a clear and direct denial to having ever taken steroids.” – Kevin Eck, Baltimore Sun, November 12, 2007

“I have to agree with the WWE here. The way the interview was edited was unfair, taking out the part where Cena states clearly that he hasn't used steroids and leaving in an ambiguous, out-of-context statement.” – Michael David Smith,, November 12, 2007

It's a case of "he said -- but you didn't get to hear it." –, November 12, 2007

“This past week, CNN did their part to inaccurately portray the wrestling industry." – Patrick Imig,, November 12, 2007

John Cena is still waiting for a public apology from CNN. An exclusive interview with Cena will take place tonight and will be posted on immediately following WWE’s presentation of ECW on Sci Fi on the Sci Fi Network from 10 to 11 pm ET....
CNN Misleads on Catholic Bishops’ Abortion Views, Quotes Only Liberal Dissenters
By Matthew Balan | November 16, 2007 - 11:38 ET
CNN, during a report on Thursday’s "The Situation Room," mislead its viewers by reporting that a new document issued by the Catholic bishops on voting stated that "the candidate who supports abortion rights shouldn't necessarily be counted out for your vote." Besides this misrepresentation, the report also highlighted the issue of denying pro-abortion politicians Communion. CNN correspondent Mary Snow reported that some "critics" state that "the Communion question was created by extremists, and they hope they're shut out of this election cycle." Speaking of "shutting out," conservative and faithful Catholics were not featured at all in the report. Instead, Snow played two sound bites from prominent liberal Catholics.

CNN misrepresents Spelman College Students on Don Imus

You want more? These are just the initial hits. I imagine I could find meatier stuff.

Like this from wikipedia:

Operation Tailwind
In 1998, CNN, in partnership with corporate sister Time magazine, ran a report that Operation Tailwind in 1970 in Indochina included use of Sarin gas to kill a group of defectors from the United States military. The Pentagon denied the story. Skeptics deemed it improbable that such an extraordinary and risky atrocity could have gone unnoticed at the height of the Vietnam War's unpopularity. CNN, after a two-week inquiry, issued a retraction.[7].

Ooooh...or this!
Eason Jordan

[edit] Admits lobbying and minimizing atrocities
In April 2003, Eason Jordan, CNN's chief news executive, wrote an op-ed in the New York Times stating that he had lobbied the Iraqi government for 12 years in order to maintain a CNN presence in Iraq. He also admitted to withholding what would be considered newsworthy information of the government's atrocities, citing fears that releasing news would potentially endanger the lives of Iraqis working for CNN in Baghdad, some of whom had already been subject to beatings and torture. [8]

[edit] Resignation after accusations by blogger
In February 2005, Jordan resigned from CNN. The resignation came in response to controversy sparked after bloggers wrote that, at the recent World Economic Forum, Jordan had seemed to accuse the U.S. military of having purposely killed journalists. While Jordan acknowledged his remarks were not sufficiently clear, he denied that this was what he had meant to imply, saying that he had "great admiration and respect for the men and women of the U.S. armed forces."[16]

[edit] Rick Kaplan
Rick Kaplan served as president of CNN from 1997 to 2000. He is a personal friend, since 1977, of Bill Clinton, who was President of the United States during Kaplan's tenure. According to the Media Research Center, Kaplan's friendship, and political affinity, with Clinton affected the way the network covered the Monica Lewinsky scandal: "As the Lewinsky scandal broke, Kaplan leapt into action at CNN with two-hour specials attacking any and all Clinton critics. The programs included 'Media Madness,' which asked 'what the hell are you people doing' probing Bill Clinton’s sex life?; and 'Investigating the Investigator,' which described Ken Starr as 'suspect' over his 'religious and Republican roots.'"[17] Conservative commentator John Fund wrote that "During Mr. Kaplan's CNN tenure, there were no obvious examples of his coming to Mr. Clinton's aid," but that CNN's "executives create a perception problem when they hobnob with politicians."[18]
I don't think that's true. I think that's b.s. that's put out there by liberals, who have been saying for so long that Saddam wasn't responsible for 911 that they've either come to believe, or don't believe but still push, the idea that everybody thinks Saddam was behind 9/11.

The liberal press paints us as a bunch of dufuses, and the libs believe it.

Honest. We're not that dumb. You aren't the smartest guy on the block. Doubly so since apparently you're buying your own press, which is complete hogwash.

And yet you believe that 9/11 was caused by people that are jealous of us and hate that we are Christian. You also believe that Bush did not lie and that Iraq was a threat to our security. This isn't looking good for your argument.
Well I don't know who you hang out with. Do those two people constitute 70 percent of your friends?

CNN and TIME magazine are two of the most leftist rags we have in the US. I prefer news that, instead of theorizing and polling people actually goes out and reports the news.

I look into things on my own. I don't let the press tell me what to think, which is exactly what those polls are meant to do.

Wow, what news media outlet does that?
And most of your fellow Americans can't?

Look, we've found a pocket of really smart people co-existing with the retarded Americans! And it consists of this guy and his buddies!

Elitist piece of shit.

most americans cannot show you where Iraq is on a map. fact.

stupid "See You Next Tuesday"

national geographic THERE'S a lefty pinko group, eh? :rofl:

About as lefty as they get.

CNN polls weighted
This is particularly interesting:
"Only half of sample asked certain questions?

Then we get to the odd choice of asking only half those interviewed some of the questions from the poll. What was the deal with this? At least questions 28 through 33 were only presented to half those interviewed. One of those questions pertained to how respondents viewed the report general Petraeus would be giving next month.

33. As you may know, in September the top U.S. commander in Iraq will report to the President and Congress about how the war is going. Do you trust him to report what's really going on in Iraq without making the situation sound better than it actually is, or don't you feel that way? (ASKED OF HALF SAMPLE)"

Who conducted the "Idiot American" poll?

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