Question for libs re hate speech

Not really. From your link.

On our open campus, speakers shouldn’t be prohibited from publicly delivering a message. However, singling out students and harassing them should be defined as an act of hate and should have a consequence, whether it be a citation or an ejection from campus.

According to the UF Student Conduct Code, “As an educational institution, the University recognizes that the transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, and the development of individuals require the free exchange of ideas on any subject whether or not controversial, self-expression, and the challenging of beliefs and customs.

“This often (although not always) requires respectful speech and conduct ... the University requires civility, respect, and integrity in the curricular program and encourages these behaviors in other activities among all members of the student community.”

UF has the ability to discourage the Turlington preacher from singling out students and insulting them.
Socialist regimes are almost always dictatorships; Castro in cuba, Chavez in Venezuala, Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Saddam was a Socialist too; so is Assad

idiots and hypocrites
Libs are writing opinion pieces almost daily saying hate speech isn't free speech. It's already the rule on state college campuses

The first amendment says....Congress shall pass no laws

What that means is you can't go to jail for what you say. It doesn't mean you are exempt from consequences for what you say. Those consequences can be getting fired from your job, having your business boycotted or getting kicked out of school

Except, of course, if you are Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews or "Reverend" William Barber.

Or, by and large, liberal.

Liberals get fired all the time. Seen Martin Bashir lately? How bout Alec Baldwin?
you can prety much say any vile thing against a person who isnt female or minority

idiots and hypocrites
The first amendment says....Congress shall pass no laws

What that means is you can't go to jail for what you say. It doesn't mean you are exempt from consequences for what you say. Those consequences can be getting fired from your job, having your business boycotted or getting kicked out of school

Except, of course, if you are Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews or "Reverend" William Barber.

Or, by and large, liberal.

Liberals get fired all the time. Seen Martin Bashir lately? How bout Alec Baldwin?

that might have had something to do with their ever-sinking ratings
The first amendment says....Congress shall pass no laws

What that means is you can't go to jail for what you say. It doesn't mean you are exempt from consequences for what you say. Those consequences can be getting fired from your job, having your business boycotted or getting kicked out of school
Wrong if talking about your employer being a state actor

Standards of conduct still apply. I worked 33 years for the Federal Government. If I engaged in hate speech, I would be fired

You'd be able to sue them under the first amendment . You would have standing to do that
The first amendment says....Congress shall pass no laws

What that means is you can't go to jail for what you say. It doesn't mean you are exempt from consequences for what you say. Those consequences can be getting fired from your job, having your business boycotted or getting kicked out of school

Except, of course, if you are Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews or "Reverend" William Barber.

Or, by and large, liberal.

Liberals get fired all the time. Seen Martin Bashir lately? How bout Alec Baldwin?

Msnbc isn't a state actor
Wrong if talking about your employer being a state actor

Standards of conduct still apply. I worked 33 years for the Federal Government. If I engaged in hate speech, I would be fired

You'd be able to sue them under the first amendment . You would have standing to do that

No I wouldn't. I attended annual briefings on ethics and EEO and was provided terms of employment. Engaging in hate speech would have been a violation and would lead to dismissal
Sure you can argue that anything is hate speech.

With flag burning, there is a set procedure for burning flags that have touched the ground or need to be retired, so this is not hateful but respectful.

If you are going to burn a flag as a public protest, I would also argue that is environmentally damaging as unnecessary air pollution, and contributing to global warming!

Libs, in the past advocates for free speech are inching more and more to trying to criminalize hate speech, or short other opinions. If you support this could not conservatives argue flag burning is hate speech too?

In general, how speech should be self-regulated is by not taking free speech out of context with the rest of the First Amendment, but practicing free speech in balance with "the right of the people peaceably to assemble" and to petition "for a redress of grievances." If you respect that whole context, we would all use free speech and press civilly to petition to redress grievances and not abuse these freedoms to bully, harass, coerce, intimidate, exclude or discriminate against other people (see also the Fourteenth Amendment).

We have the right to express anger, objection or even hatred; he flip side is we open ourselves up to others equally protesting and petitioning to redress grievances with us.
You can't yell fire in a theater or libel someone, but anything else is legal in this country. Free Speech is at the core of our democracy. I don't believe that Free Speech extends as far as the present SCOTUS does in that I don't consider political donations by businesses or unions to be part of free speech.
I see the lefties are doing their usual tap dancing, .. This is Hate Speech because it offends such and such, but this isn't because it offends such and such.

Speech that leads to attacks on this person is hate speech, but speech that leads to attacks on that person isn't.
Those policies violate the first amendment. Thank a liberal for taking your rights away

It was Liberals who gave you a first amendment in the first place. Have you read the first amendment?

If so, how do those policies violate it?
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Libs, in the past advocates for free speech are inching more and more to trying to criminalize hate speech, or short other opinions. If you support this could not conservatives argue flag burning is hate speech too?

Conservatives have tried to ban flag burning. They all still get all worked up over Piss Christ, too, all these decades later, even if they have never seen it and only heard about it.

And then you have the Hildabeast Clinton, "we're going to get the guy that made that movie". Damned if they didn't.
Libs, in the past advocates for free speech are inching more and more to trying to criminalize hate speech, or short other opinions. If you support this could not conservatives argue flag burning is hate speech too?

Conservatives have tried to ban flag burning. They all still get all worked up over Piss Christ, too, all these decades later, even if they have never seen it and only heard about it.

Do you need help with the word "redacted"?
Libs, in the past advocates for free speech are inching more and more to trying to criminalize hate speech, or short other opinions. If you support this could not conservatives argue flag burning is hate speech too?

Nobody is criminalizing hate speech. You are free to spout any hateful rhetoric you want to. That does not exempt you from consequences for what you have said

Liberals make sure there are consequences

I remember when liberals railed against the Hollywood "blacklist" in the 1950s under the banner of free speech.
Of course liberals in those days were smart, savvy people. Not like the troglodyte sheep we see today.
I hope someone posts the obligatory ACLU case that shows they are protecting free speech with a phrase stating how "liberals hate free speech".

Has that happened yet?
"I do apologize–not necessarily to the President–but on behalf of much better men than myself," he said in an interview with conservative radio host Ben Ferguson, who's also a CNN political commentator.
Hate speech?
You are such a joke.

Except, of course, if you are Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews or "Reverend" William Barber.

Or, by and large, liberal.

Liberals get fired all the time. Seen Martin Bashir lately? How bout Alec Baldwin?

Msnbc isn't a state actor

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