Question for Men: Feminine Women

The porn industry uses what sells, and guess what? Women who aren't wearing makeup are apparently not very attractive to most men. Women wear makeup because that is what men like to see.

BTW, that model I posted a picture is supermodel Giselle Bundchen.
She looks much better to me on the left... simple, approachable, natural... and without makeup.

You probably could have picked a better "makeup" picture though. She really doesn't look all that different in either picture.
Does to me.. you can see her skin on the left on the right it's cover up. You can see her eyes on the left on the right the eyeliner changes the shape and depth of her eyes. The shadows on the right narrows her cheeks and raise her cheek bones... on the right she looks gaunt there. The hair even is "taught" on the right where the left it's more natural.

Now look at the one I posted of Giselle where her makeup is done well. You probably wouldn't even realize she was wearing any makeup.
Nah I can tell.

Now this is just getting ridiculous. It's not even a lot of makeup and barely makes a difference. It just brings her nicer features to the forefront. It isn't "hiding" her beauty at all.
The porn industry uses what sells, and guess what? Women who aren't wearing makeup are apparently not very attractive to most men. Women wear makeup because that is what men like to see.

BTW, that model I posted a picture is supermodel Giselle Bundchen.
She looks much better to me on the left... simple, approachable, natural... and without makeup.

You probably could have picked a better "makeup" picture though. She really doesn't look all that different in either picture.
Does to me.. you can see her skin on the left on the right it's cover up. You can see her eyes on the left on the right the eyeliner changes the shape and depth of her eyes. The shadows on the right narrows her cheeks and raise her cheek bones... on the right she looks gaunt there. The hair even is "taught" on the right where the left it's more natural.

Also, IMO, she looks better with makeup on. She looks horribly plain without it.
Not to me. She looks FANTASTIC with out makeup on and good with it on.

Well, I don't think you have very good taste then. :D
I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with Giselle's makeup here. It doesn't look overdone, and she looks beautiful, using the makeup to enhance her features, not to hide them.

Nothing wrong with it but she's prettier without it.

Eww! You really think so? I think she looks MUCH prettier with makeup.
Yeah ... not even close. I do like what she's done to her hair in this pic though. But that whole cheek bone + gaunt look you get with the cheek enhancer and shadow stuff.. meh... I do like the wet look on lips though :) And her eyes are well done here...
I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with Giselle's makeup here. It doesn't look overdone, and she looks beautiful, using the makeup to enhance her features, not to hide them.

Nothing wrong with it but she's prettier without it.

Eww! You really think so? I think she looks MUCH prettier with makeup.
Yeah ... not even close. I do like what she's done to her hair in this pic though. But that whole cheek bone + gaunt look you get with the cheek enhancer and shadow stuff.. meh... I do like the wet look on lips though :) And her eyes are well done here...

Well, a little makeup can enhance your appearance. As long as it isn't too much, it usually looks good. I have to say that I think she looks better because her skin tone looks more even, less blemishes.
Interesting, I think you and Stat have totally different women that you would be attracted to!
Here's my vision of what Stat would like:

When a woman touches her lips like that or keeps looking at your lips and gets on her tip toes to move her face closer to your's, it means that she wants you to kiss her.

Body language 101

I found that pic by random search on Google Images... looked perfect for what Statistikhengst outlined....

She's hot, but I prefer brunettes, all the way. But that really hot, shapely form, yes....
The ultra fem mode that some women believe is a man's ultimate desire, imo, is way off. That ultra fem game is merely part of the women's world, imo, of competition that we men rarely get to see. The observant man finds that world a turn off.

I am not ultra fem (I like to look good, be neat, stay slim etc.) but I don't live at the hairdresser or nail salon.
I never thought men liked that anyway.....
I think you need to be attractive, but, attitude I think is key in keeping a man....

A sense of humor beats eye shadow and polished nails hands down.

Being well groomed does say something about your personality though. We have those who don't care about their appearance and those who do. :D

Well groomed and never leaving the house without looking like a runway model are two different things. My sister-in-law plans her outings based on which days she is going to do her makeup. No make up, no leaving the house. In fact, she won't answer the door without makeup. She's always well groomed, just not made up and therefore to her, not presentable. I like for women to look like women, but I don't want them to look or act like they should be behind class.

I think that's really the thing about makeup. It can be actually kind of an addiction. You get so used to seeing yourself with makeup on, that when you aren't wearing any, you feel ugly and gross even if you don't look ugly and gross. You know what I'm saying?

Being a guy, no. I never dated or married based solely on looks. It was the character of the person that counted. Now, that isn't to say that looks don't count. We aren't interested in people that we are not physically attracted to. All I'm saying is that a made up face isn't what attracts me short term or long term. It's the whole body and the person inside it.
Because, apparently, you have some sort of mental issue about it.

No, it's because I know you are all full of crap. ...

You realize that's an illogical statement, right?

Oh well, if it was true then women without makeup would be posing for magazine covers.

That has nothing to do with your illogical statement. Do you not realize why your statement was illogical?

Most men actually do prefer women with makeup and plastic surgery.

Again, illogical.
I can't speak for men but I only wear make up on special occasions and even then it is very little. I would rather a man notice and appreciate me putting in the effort than to see me that way daily then take notice when I didn't make the effort
Interesting, I think you and Stat have totally different women that you would be attracted to!
Here's my vision of what Stat would like:

I had a nurse I worked with one time - she drove a red ford sedan, and had sandy blonde hair. She worked with me from about June of the year 2003, to about June of the year 2004. She left, after I requested to get off of the shift she was on. Within days of my transfer to another shift, she left the company. My assessment was no more "Sizing me up", and no more...or decreased surveillance. I was transferred from 2nd shift . to 1st shift when she arrived. I was transfer to another shift within days of her arrival. And her repeating to me frequently events about my last job in a metro area.

She = the sandy haired blonde nurse.... handed me a magazine with Jenna Jameson in it. I asked her whom Jenna Jameson was, and she asked me if I really did not know whom Jenna Jameson was...I replied "No, I do not know."

Well, like a dog, she grinned, turned her head sideways and squinted her eyes. Standing in the medical department, she told Jenna Jameson was a porn star. The article was on Jenna and her father.

My landlord has magazines that she use to give me. One magazine was National Geographic. In one of the magazine she handed me, one article was titled something along the lines of "Aztec". A woman standing in a short skirt and blouse ; sporting sunglasses, while a guy walks up stairs behind her. The stairs the guy is walking up, was alongside a building...and angled to the right at about a 45 degree angle.

I researched the article on the internet a few times, and according to the internet the article did not exist. I believe someone had the travel book, and National Geographic books handed to be....were fabricated and printed up by someone. With all the pics of the half-naked women, women in bikini's, women weaing tiny two piece bikini's.......I would believe even more that the magazines she handed me were manipulated and fabricated by someone....and not original publications.

Shadow 355
I can't speak for men but I only wear make up on special occasions and even then it is very little. I would rather a man notice and appreciate me putting in the effort than to see me that way daily then take notice when I didn't make the effort
Generally, I really don't like the taste of makeup.
The porn industry uses what sells, and guess what? Women who aren't wearing makeup are apparently not very attractive to most men. ....

Wow, you are really not getting it.

What is it that I'm not getting?

Pretty much everything. Even the most hormonally-crazed teenager knows that porn isn't real life. By your flawed (to say the least) thinking, men are only attracted to women who are air-brushed because the covers of magazines are air-brushed.

Perhaps the biggest thing that you are not getting is that you do not have the ability to read minds. You really are presenting yourself as a dimwit here.
The porn industry uses what sells, and guess what? Women who aren't wearing makeup are apparently not very attractive to most men. ....

Wow, you are really not getting it.

What is it that I'm not getting?

Pretty much everything. Even the most hormonally-crazed teenager knows that porn isn't real life. By your flawed (to say the least) thinking, men are only attracted to women who are air-brushed because the covers of magazines are air-brushed.

Perhaps the biggest thing that you are not getting is that you do not have the ability to read minds. You really are presenting yourself as a dimwit here.

What? That doesn't change the point of my post at all. Women without makeup on do not sell merchandise. That is why the women are made up and not without makeup on. Duh. Take a look . . .

Sophia Vergara


Katie Holmes

I can't speak for men but I only wear make up on special occasions and even then it is very little. I would rather a man notice and appreciate me putting in the effort than to see me that way daily then take notice when I didn't make the effort
Generally, I really don't like the taste of makeup.

Well, you're not supposed to eat it. :D Stop licking your wife's face!
I am not ultra fem (I like to look good, be neat, stay slim etc.) but I don't live at the hairdresser or nail salon.
I never thought men liked that anyway.....
I think you need to be attractive, but, attitude I think is key in keeping a man....

A sense of humor beats eye shadow and polished nails hands down.

Being well groomed does say something about your personality though. We have those who don't care about their appearance and those who do. :D

Well groomed and never leaving the house without looking like a runway model are two different things. My sister-in-law plans her outings based on which days she is going to do her makeup. No make up, no leaving the house. In fact, she won't answer the door without makeup. She's always well groomed, just not made up and therefore to her, not presentable. I like for women to look like women, but I don't want them to look or act like they should be behind class.

I think that's really the thing about makeup. It can be actually kind of an addiction. You get so used to seeing yourself with makeup on, that when you aren't wearing any, you feel ugly and gross even if you don't look ugly and gross. You know what I'm saying?

Being a guy, no. I never dated or married based solely on looks. It was the character of the person that counted. Now, that isn't to say that looks don't count. We aren't interested in people that we are not physically attracted to. All I'm saying is that a made up face isn't what attracts me short term or long term. It's the whole body and the person inside it.

That's what you all say. :D
The porn industry uses what sells, and guess what? Women who aren't wearing makeup are apparently not very attractive to most men. ....

Wow, you are really not getting it.

What is it that I'm not getting?

Pretty much everything. Even the most hormonally-crazed teenager knows that porn isn't real life. By your flawed (to say the least) thinking, men are only attracted to women who are air-brushed because the covers of magazines are air-brushed.

Perhaps the biggest thing that you are not getting is that you do not have the ability to read minds. You really are presenting yourself as a dimwit here.

What? That doesn't change the point of my post at all. Women without makeup on do not sell merchandise. That is why the women are made up and not without makeup on. Duh. Take a look . . .

Sophia Vergara


Katie Holmes

FYI what you are seeing is the difference between someone that is cold tired and not beaming with a smile in harsh lighting and that same person after a good nights rest in good soft and warm lighting when their face is beaming with a smile. Oh... and Sophia always wears too much makeup which messes up your face.
One more I want to post . . . Mila Kunis . . .


Ok... yes Mila looks better with makeup, she also appears to feel more attractive with makeup on. Still same issue with the lighting. The photographer on the left had harsh lighting.. the photographer on the right had warm lighting.
I can't speak for men but I only wear make up on special occasions and even then it is very little. I would rather a man notice and appreciate me putting in the effort than to see me that way daily then take notice when I didn't make the effort
Generally, I really don't like the taste of makeup.

Well, you're not supposed to eat it. :D Stop licking your wife's face!
She likes to be licked.

But with the taste of makeup, there are rare exceptions. The most notable being the apple lip gloss that my first lover would always wear. We were sitting in a big circle in my parents' garage playing an innocent game of spin the bottle with a bunch of friends and it led to both of us losing our virginity in the back seat of my mother's '72 Chevy station wagon.

She always wore apple lip gloss. I didn't think that tasted bad.

That was when we were only 12 years old. I'm 48 now and sometimes I'll still get an instant woody when I smell apples. Nobody forgets their first time.
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