Question for Mr. Jones Only Part II

Aw, what's the matter, Pookie? Couldn't figure out a way to modify my last post?

Don't worry, I reported your changing of my other post, as it is a violation of the board's rules. Let's see if they approve of your completely changing everything I posted.

You can't handle the truth. It's very disturbing. You post horribly rated videos from youtube, outdated ones, and outright absurd ones. i post ones with great ratings, majority approval and factual videos that provide evidence and a clear picture. Report me for a quote violation, mock me like a child, obscure the discussions at hand, do what you need to do to blind yourself and others from the truth, its your dignity, not mine. Disrespecting yourself is the lowest you could go, and it's your hobby.....

My dignity is completely intact.

I post from a position of truth. 19 disciples of Bin Laden crashed 2 planes into the WTC, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 into a reclaimed strip mine in PA. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

Your "concrete cores", "DoD manufactured, C-4 coated, secured and welded", and "digitally timered" theory is the ultimate disrespect.

How could you say your dignity is intact and then instantly lie?

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

This is a complete lie, very disturbing one at that.

NYC Coalition For Accountability Now
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth FF 911 Truth
BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?
World for 9-11 Truth | 9-11 News, documentary films, interviews and more | 9-11 Truth Movement
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Scholars For 9/11 Truth
Pilots For 9/11 Truth




When are you going to stop posting fallacies? Why do you think this is a joke? Why are you blinding yourself and others? This is embarrassing for not only your own dignity, but for your own self respect as well.
Hopefully this one will catch Mr. Jones attention.

It is your contention that the hi-jackers showed up alive after 9/11.

This is what you wrote:

* Several hijackers turned up alive after the attack.

My question to you is this; given that any such discovery would blow apart the government story, can you elaborate on why no reporter has simply arranged for a single interview with these hijackers? Not anybody from Al Jezeera has interviewed them on video. Geraldo Rivera, Alex Jones, or Jessie Ventura have not interviewed them on video.

Can you come up with a plausible, non-lame explanation for this not having taken place? If you can't, are you willing to concede that the hijackers are, in-fact, dead and died on 9/11 hijacking our planes? If not, why not?
My answer to you is here-
and here-
I hope it is sufficient for you and others. If you have further questions you want to address to me personally, feel free to use the PM function. Really no need to waste everybody's time making new threads.
You can't handle the truth. It's very disturbing. You post horribly rated videos from youtube, outdated ones, and outright absurd ones. i post ones with great ratings, majority approval and factual videos that provide evidence and a clear picture. Report me for a quote violation, mock me like a child, obscure the discussions at hand, do what you need to do to blind yourself and others from the truth, its your dignity, not mine. Disrespecting yourself is the lowest you could go, and it's your hobby.....

My dignity is completely intact.

I post from a position of truth. 19 disciples of Bin Laden crashed 2 planes into the WTC, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 into a reclaimed strip mine in PA. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

Your "concrete cores", "DoD manufactured, C-4 coated, secured and welded", and "digitally timered" theory is the ultimate disrespect.

How could you say your dignity is intact and then instantly lie?

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

This is a complete lie, very disturbing one at that.

NYC Coalition For Accountability Now
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth FF 911 Truth
BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?
World for 9-11 Truth | 9-11 News, documentary films, interviews and more | 9-11 Truth Movement
The 9/11 Truth Movement -
Scholars For 9/11 Truth
Pilots For 9/11 Truth




When are you going to stop posting fallacies? Why do you think this is a joke? Why are you blinding yourself and others? This is embarrassing for not only your own dignity, but for your own self respect as well.

So you post your your own fallacies, and ascribe them to all Americans?

Your theories, whether you list them as "PhysicsExist" or "Christophera" are a series of lies.

Your theories are the joke. Whenever the two of your "selves" get together and can post a unified "concrete controlled unified conspiracy theory", please let us know.

Until them, here is the truth.

You can't handle the truth. It's very disturbing. You post horribly rated videos from youtube, outdated ones, and outright absurd ones. i post ones with great ratings, majority approval and factual videos that provide evidence and a clear picture. Report me for a quote violation, mock me like a child, obscure the discussions at hand, do what you need to do to blind yourself and others from the truth, its your dignity, not mine. Disrespecting yourself is the lowest you could go, and it's your hobby.....

My dignity is completely intact.

I post from a position of truth. 19 disciples of Bin Laden crashed 2 planes into the WTC, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 into a reclaimed strip mine in PA. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

Your "concrete cores", "DoD manufactured, C-4 coated, secured and welded", and "digitally timered" theory is the ultimate disrespect.

How could you say your dignity is intact and then instantly lie?

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

This is a complete lie, very disturbing one at that.

NYC Coalition For Accountability Now
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth FF 911 Truth
BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?
World for 9-11 Truth | 9-11 News, documentary films, interviews and more | 9-11 Truth Movement
The 9/11 Truth Movement -
Scholars For 9/11 Truth
Pilots For 9/11 Truth




When are you going to stop posting fallacies? Why do you think this is a joke? Why are you blinding yourself and others? This is embarrassing for not only your own dignity, but for your own self respect as well.

Everyone of these links is a conspiracy laced, fake website, out for spreading lies in your view. You are a joke. You aren't man enough to accept the facts. The reality, the websites, the videos the experts the evidence the testimony ALL infront of you. But instead you ignore it all, call all the links frauds, and keep spreading disinformation. what kind of person has the dignity to call all of those links fake? You are that naive?
My dignity is completely intact.

I post from a position of truth. 19 disciples of Bin Laden crashed 2 planes into the WTC, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 into a reclaimed strip mine in PA. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

Your "concrete cores", "DoD manufactured, C-4 coated, secured and welded", and "digitally timered" theory is the ultimate disrespect.

How could you say your dignity is intact and then instantly lie?

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

This is a complete lie, very disturbing one at that.

NYC Coalition For Accountability Now
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth FF 911 Truth
BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?
World for 9-11 Truth | 9-11 News, documentary films, interviews and more | 9-11 Truth Movement
The 9/11 Truth Movement -
Scholars For 9/11 Truth
Pilots For 9/11 Truth




When are you going to stop posting fallacies? Why do you think this is a joke? Why are you blinding yourself and others? This is embarrassing for not only your own dignity, but for your own self respect as well.

Everyone of these links is a conspiracy laced, fake website, out for spreading lies in your view. You are a joke. You aren't man enough to accept the facts. The reality, the websites, the videos the experts the evidence the testimony ALL infront of you. But instead you ignore it all, call all the links frauds, and keep spreading disinformation. what kind of person has the dignity to call all of those links fake? You are that naive?

So basically, what you're trying to say is.....

Hopefully this one will catch Mr. Jones attention.

It is your contention that the hi-jackers showed up alive after 9/11.

This is what you wrote:

* Several hijackers turned up alive after the attack.

My question to you is this; given that any such discovery would blow apart the government story, can you elaborate on why no reporter has simply arranged for a single interview with these hijackers? Not anybody from Al Jezeera has interviewed them on video. Geraldo Rivera, Alex Jones, or Jessie Ventura have not interviewed them on video.

Can you come up with a plausible, non-lame explanation for this not having taken place? If you can't, are you willing to concede that the hijackers are, in-fact, dead and died on 9/11 hijacking our planes? If not, why not?
My answer to you is here-
and here-
I hope it is sufficient for you and others. If you have further questions you want to address to me personally, feel free to use the PM function. Really no need to waste everybody's time making new threads.

I like displaying your idiocy; almost as much as you do.

First you say they are alive (you lied). Now you say you're not sure. Way to run from your statements.

Second question;

How does one wire 3 occupied buildings for demolition with nobody noticing? Do you think I could wire your house for demolition without you noticing?
You can't handle the truth. It's very disturbing. You post horribly rated videos from youtube, outdated ones, and outright absurd ones. i post ones with great ratings, majority approval and factual videos that provide evidence and a clear picture. Report me for a quote violation, mock me like a child, obscure the discussions at hand, do what you need to do to blind yourself and others from the truth, its your dignity, not mine. Disrespecting yourself is the lowest you could go, and it's your hobby.....

My dignity is completely intact.

I post from a position of truth. 19 disciples of Bin Laden crashed 2 planes into the WTC, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 into a reclaimed strip mine in PA. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

Your "concrete cores", "DoD manufactured, C-4 coated, secured and welded", and "digitally timered" theory is the ultimate disrespect.

How could you say your dignity is intact and then instantly lie?

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

This is a complete lie, very disturbing one at that.

NYC Coalition For Accountability Now
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth FF 911 Truth
BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?
World for 9-11 Truth | 9-11 News, documentary films, interviews and more | 9-11 Truth Movement
The 9/11 Truth Movement -
Scholars For 9/11 Truth
Pilots For 9/11 Truth




When are you going to stop posting fallacies? Why do you think this is a joke? Why are you blinding yourself and others? This is embarrassing for not only your own dignity, but for your own self respect as well.

If your goofy theories have any traction, why doesn't Michael Moore do a documentary about them?

Just wondering.
Hopefully this one will catch Mr. Jones attention.

It is your contention that the hi-jackers showed up alive after 9/11.

This is what you wrote:

My question to you is this; given that any such discovery would blow apart the government story, can you elaborate on why no reporter has simply arranged for a single interview with these hijackers? Not anybody from Al Jezeera has interviewed them on video. Geraldo Rivera, Alex Jones, or Jessie Ventura have not interviewed them on video.

Can you come up with a plausible, non-lame explanation for this not having taken place? If you can't, are you willing to concede that the hijackers are, in-fact, dead and died on 9/11 hijacking our planes? If not, why not?
My answer to you is here-
and here-
I hope it is sufficient for you and others. If you have further questions you want to address to me personally, feel free to use the PM function. Really no need to waste everybody's time making new threads.

I like displaying your idiocy; almost as much as you do.

First you say they are alive (you lied). Now you say you're not sure. Way to run from your statements.

Second question;

How does one wire 3 occupied buildings for demolition with nobody noticing? Do you think I could wire your house for demolition without you noticing?

How does one wire 3 occupied buildings for demolition with nobody noticing? Do you think I could wire your house for demolition without you noticing?
People wouldn't think anybody was suspicious if they assumed they were supposed to be there.
How does one wire 3 occupied buildings for demolition with nobody noticing? Do you think I could wire your house for demolition without you noticing?
People wouldn't think anybody was suspicious if they assumed they were supposed to be there.

Okay....lets assume that everybody working there had blinders on.

Suspicions would have been raised when wiring was running down the hallways. Don't you think?

Complaints would have been filed when they had to saw through plumbing to get to the skeleton of the building. Don't you think?

Obviously the security at the building would have been aware of the work being done, the personnel on site. Don't you think?

The unions would have been notified if there were non-union workers on site. Don't you think?

Whatever was put into place would not have withstood the impact of 757 & 767 aircraft. Engines were thrown several blocks....are you saying the charges would have stood still?

Even if they did stand the impact, they would have been set off by the fires whose smoke was seen from outer space. Don't you think?

If nothing else, the wiring and remote devices would have been subjected to the intense heats that weakened steel. Don't you think?

Let me guess, none of those facts matter to you.

Comments Mr. Jones?
How does one wire 3 occupied buildings for demolition with nobody noticing? Do you think I could wire your house for demolition without you noticing?
People wouldn't think anybody was suspicious if they assumed they were supposed to be there.

Okay....lets assume that everybody working there had blinders on.

Suspicions would have been raised when wiring was running down the hallways. Don't you think?

Complaints would have been filed when they had to saw through plumbing to get to the skeleton of the building. Don't you think?

Obviously the security at the building would have been aware of the work being done, the personnel on site. Don't you think?

The unions would have been notified if there were non-union workers on site. Don't you think?

Whatever was put into place would not have withstood the impact of 757 & 767 aircraft. Engines were thrown several blocks....are you saying the charges would have stood still?

Even if they did stand the impact, they would have been set off by the fires whose smoke was seen from outer space. Don't you think?

If nothing else, the wiring and remote devices would have been subjected to the intense heats that weakened steel. Don't you think?

Let me guess, none of those facts matter to you.

Comments Mr. Jones?
at least AFTER the fact
i know if i saw funky stuff like that and then one day the place i worked at blew up, i'd say but why were these guys in here running wires all over the place
People wouldn't think anybody was suspicious if they assumed they were supposed to be there.

Okay....lets assume that everybody working there had blinders on.

Suspicions would have been raised when wiring was running down the hallways. Don't you think?

Complaints would have been filed when they had to saw through plumbing to get to the skeleton of the building. Don't you think?

Obviously the security at the building would have been aware of the work being done, the personnel on site. Don't you think?

The unions would have been notified if there were non-union workers on site. Don't you think?

Whatever was put into place would not have withstood the impact of 757 & 767 aircraft. Engines were thrown several blocks....are you saying the charges would have stood still?

Even if they did stand the impact, they would have been set off by the fires whose smoke was seen from outer space. Don't you think?

If nothing else, the wiring and remote devices would have been subjected to the intense heats that weakened steel. Don't you think?

Let me guess, none of those facts matter to you.

Comments Mr. Jones?
at least AFTER the fact
i know if i saw funky stuff like that and then one day the place i worked at blew up, i'd say but why were these guys in here running wires all over the place

And that is only a small part of it. I do quite a bit of vendor follow-up; if they are supposed to put in, lets say a new intercom system, they say it will be operational by the 28th, on the 28th, I test it out to see if it works. If the people supposedly planting explosives instead of doing legitimate work, the super will know about it pretty quickly. This fallacy that there are armies of technicians crawling all over buildings with total immunity is speculation to be sure but it is also just plain ignorant. It simply doesn't happen.

It goes on and on. The Twin towers were 80 percent occupied which, for lower Manhattan 4 out of every 5 feet being rented is great! The premise that The landlord wanted his buildings destroyed is about the craziest thing ever...if nothing else, have planes crash into the Chrysler or Shearson can rent more space to new customers.

The idea that somehow these tiny charges will withstand jumbo jets crashing into them, then work flawlessly and leave zero trace of their existence is nonsense.

But lets see if there is a response coming. They're always fascinating and it exposes just how weak a twoofer argument is at it's core. None of the groundwork as they describe it could have happened so all of the bullshit built on top of the groundwork is meaningless.
CDI’s implosion of Hudson’s set three new records:

At 439 ft. tall Hudson’s is the tallest building ever imploded, eclipsing the record held by CDI since 1975 with the felling of the 361 ft. tall Mendez Caldiera Building in Sao Palo, Brazil.

At 439 ft. tall Hudson’s is the tallest structural steel building ever imploded, eclipsing the record CDI set in 1997 with the felling 344 sq. ft. tall #500 Wood Street Building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

J.L. Hudson Department Store | Controlled Demolition, Inc.

Antenna or spire 1 WTC: 1,727 ft (526.3 m)
Roof 1 WTC: 1,368 ft (417.0 m)
2 WTC: 1,362 ft (415.0 m)
Top floor 1 WTC: 1,355 ft (413.0 m)
2 WTC: 1,348 ft (411.0 m)
Last edited:
CDI’s implosion of Hudson’s set three new records:

At 439 ft. tall Hudson’s is the tallest building ever imploded, eclipsing the record held by CDI since 1975 with the felling of the 361 ft. tall Mendez Caldiera Building in Sao Palo, Brazil.

At 439 ft. tall Hudson’s is the tallest structural steel building ever imploded, eclipsing the record CDI set in 1997 with the felling 344 sq. ft. tall #500 Wood Street Building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

J.L. Hudson Department Store | Controlled Demolition, Inc.

Antenna or spire 1 WTC: 1,727 ft (526.3 m)
Roof 1 WTC: 1,368 ft (417.0 m)
2 WTC: 1,362 ft (415.0 m)
Top floor 1 WTC: 1,355 ft (413.0 m)
2 WTC: 1,348 ft (411.0 m)
gee, how come you didnt post the youtube version first?

i know why
cause it would prove a controled demo makes a certain sound before the collapse starts

CDI’s implosion of Hudson’s set three new records:

At 439 ft. tall Hudson’s is the tallest building ever imploded, eclipsing the record held by CDI since 1975 with the felling of the 361 ft. tall Mendez Caldiera Building in Sao Palo, Brazil.

At 439 ft. tall Hudson’s is the tallest structural steel building ever imploded, eclipsing the record CDI set in 1997 with the felling 344 sq. ft. tall #500 Wood Street Building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

J.L. Hudson Department Store | Controlled Demolition, Inc.

Antenna or spire 1 WTC: 1,727 ft (526.3 m)
Roof 1 WTC: 1,368 ft (417.0 m)
2 WTC: 1,362 ft (415.0 m)
Top floor 1 WTC: 1,355 ft (413.0 m)
2 WTC: 1,348 ft (411.0 m)
gee, how come you didnt post the youtube version first?

i know why
cause it would prove a controled demo makes a certain sound before the collapse starts


No..because the point is the towers are a 1000 ft bigger than the record controlled demolition and could very well require non-conventional demo techniques also the there is no effort to sound dampen windows doors insulation carpets furniture .. basically hollowed out ..even parts of the roof have all been removed already making it all louder
No..because the point is the towers are a 1000 ft bigger than the record controlled demolition and could very well require non-conventional demo techniques also the there is no effort to sound dampen windows doors insulation carpets furniture .. basically hollowed out ..even parts of the roof have all been removed already making it all louder

Wait.... let me get this straight. It is the truthtard claim that the towers and WTC 7 had to be controlled demolitions because they look like controlled demolitions and had all the "signs" of controlled demolitions. Now you're saying they had to do something unconventional? :lol: So what is your proof now of an unconventional controlled demolition?

And do you know WHY they remove windows? Because if you set off explosives inside a building with windows you will get windows blowing out very dramatically. Nobody saw that on 9/11.

You also bring up another good point. In a normal controlled demolition, steel supports are cut up to 95% in order to not have to use a lot of explosives, yet you can STILL hear explosives from a LONG distance away. Explosives used to cut the steel beams of the WTC towers would have to be MASSIVE.

Funny how none of the people who survived the collapse in the very place truthtards claim the explosives were going off heard anything but the approaching collapse. How is that possible, eots? Even with unconventional controlled demolitions techniques you can't quite describe, don't you think they would hear the explosives going off?

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