Question for Mr. Jones Only Part II

No..because the point is the towers are a 1000 ft bigger than the record controlled demolition and could very well require non-conventional demo techniques also the there is no effort to sound dampen windows doors insulation carpets furniture .. basically hollowed out ..even parts of the roof have all been removed already making it all louder

Wait.... let me get this straight. It is the truthtard claim that the towers and WTC 7 had to be controlled demolitions because they look like controlled demolitions and had all the "signs" of controlled demolitions. Now you're saying they had to do something unconventional? :lol: So what is your proof now of an unconventional controlled demolition?

And do you know WHY they remove windows? Because if you set off explosives inside a building with windows you will get windows blowing out very dramatically. Nobody saw that on 9/11.

You also bring up another good point. In a normal controlled demolition, steel supports are cut up to 95% in order to not have to use a lot of explosives, yet you can STILL hear explosives from a LONG distance away. Explosives used to cut the steel beams of the WTC towers would have to be MASSIVE.

Funny how none of the people who survived the collapse in the very place truthtards claim the explosives were going off heard anything but the approaching collapse. How is that possible, eots? Even with unconventional controlled demolitions techniques you can't quite describe, don't you think they would hear the explosives going off?

Did he really just say that...unconventional techiques?

So lets review:

The people allegedly planning this--take your pick of whatever perps you want to name, Wolfowitz, Cheney, Bush, Rice, The Carlyle Group, PNAC--are all filthy stinking rich to start with and powerful as anybody else on average. Right? So, for some reason these men and women are supposed to get on board with destroying 3 buildings using techniques that have never ever been used before. The downside of which is, in the best case scenario, eternal public ridicule for the rest of their lives, 3,000 charges of murder, about 10,000 charges of attempted murder, eternal damnation, and the GOP being thought of one step below the Nazi party. And they would risk this on something never-before used, never-before tried, and "unconventional".

Sometimes its best to just let the twoofers bury themselves. I'll be glad to keep handing them shovels as they do so.
Okay....lets assume that everybody working there had blinders on.

Suspicions would have been raised when wiring was running down the hallways. Don't you think?
This assumes a lot of things. First, it assumes that people are actually paying attention. Even if people raised questions would someone have listened to them? There was work going on at the WTC quite a few times from whet I can find on the web. The Port Authority of New York informed tenants there would be a “power down” on the weekend of Sept. 8 and 9, 2001. Security cameras and security door locks were non-operational for about 36 hours. “Remember there were no security locks on doors or security cameras, so access was free unless a door was locked by a manual key. Seeing so many ‘strangers’ who didn’t work at the WTC was unusual,” a tenant said. “There were guys in work clothes with huge tool boxes and reels of cable walking around the building that weekend,” he said. He wrote to the Port Authority and to the 9/11 Commission to bring his suspicions about the power down to their attention. He never received any acknowledgment of his letters, and no mention of any of this made it into the 9/11 Commission Report.
Is this enough time to wire buildings of that size? Hell no! So one has to keep searching. I am assuming, like you that it would take a great deal of time, so I found that between 1996 and 2000, Securicom installed a new security system in the World Trade Center. Unfortunately, the details of what work they did were destroyed along with the towers on 9/11. That's 4 years right there. There were many vacancies in the towers, and William Rodriguez says that he heard major work being done on some vacant floors. Others have also described odd work being done in the towers, and that they were evacuated numerous times from their offices in the upper floors of the South Tower. They were also moved from one floor to another.
There was also an opportunity during the Labor
Union problems in 1996, where a lot of personnel changes occurred including long time union security guards at the WTC.
Union labor was replaced by cheaper non-union help that were relative strangers to the buildings. There were changes in cleaning crews, who work at night. Did this action pave the way for non-union contractors with illegal alien workers to gain access to buildings formerly under union contract? It seems opportunities were there.

Complaints would have been filed when they had to saw through plumbing to get to the skeleton of the building. Don't you think?
How do you know what had to be sawed through? Does everything have to be done during the day?

Obviously the security at the building would have been aware of the work being done, the personnel on site. Don't you think?
Don't you think that this could be easily circumvented?

The unions would have been notified if there were non-union workers on site. Don't you think?
This would have been already explained.

Whatever was put into place would not have withstood the impact of 757 & 767 aircraft. Engines were thrown several blocks....are you saying the charges would have stood still?
You or I do not know the exact mechanism used to attach the charges. One can not discount an alternative theory because of this. The WTC imploded, any fool can see that, not being able to figure out how it was done exactly is not a viable reason to dismiss the entire CD theory or concern.

Even if they did stand the impact, they would have been set off by the fires whose smoke was seen from outer space. Don't you think?
You can see a license plate from outer space. You implying the smoke being seen was because of huge fires? LOL!

If nothing else, the wiring and remote devices would have been subjected to the intense heats that weakened steel. Don't you think?
I have read that little det cord needed to be used, and could have been set off remotely. It could have been done, there was opportunity, motive, and financial as well as technical ability to do it.

Comments Mr. Jones?
You still can't rule out CD theory.
you never get bored giving trolls Moron In the hat, candyass and parrot their usual ass beatings they get here from you everyday do you Mr Jones? doesnt it get tiresome having to repeat the same things over and over to them again just to watch them make things up to try and save face in their posts to admit defeat since the evidence and facts dont go along with their version of events? well you did have helpt from Eots and Physics Exist handing their asses to them on a platter but still.candyass and Parrot are just seeking attention and your taking their do know they go around to all these different message boards spending hours on end trolling like the agents they are dont you?
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you never get bored giving trolls Moron In the hat, candyass and parrot their usual ass beatings they get here from you everyday do you Mr Jones? doesnt it get tiresome having to repeat the same things over and over to them again just to watch them make things up to try and save face in their posts to admit defeat since the evidence and facts dont go along with their version of events? well you did have helpt from Eots and Physics Exist handing their asses to them on a platter but still.candyass and Parrot are just seeking attention and your taking their do know they go around to all these different message boards spending hours on end trolling like the agents they are dont you?
Yeah I know they spend a great deal of time trying to discredit the reasons people have doubts on other forums, and the people with who they argue there say they same things about them. It does make one wonder if they are agents like you suspect or if they truly are as blind to reason as they portray themselves to be. You would think that with all the evidence of doubt that has been submitted to them they would finally acknowledge the reasons are valid and move on to learn more about it, they still don't have to agree or believe, and that is their right, but they shouldn't knock our right to question either. I think they are just OCTASSes- Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist Stupid Sheep.
you never get bored giving trolls Moron In the hat, candyass and parrot their usual ass beatings they get here from you everyday do you Mr Jones? doesnt it get tiresome having to repeat the same things over and over to them again just to watch them make things up to try and save face in their posts to admit defeat since the evidence and facts dont go along with their version of events? well you did have help from Eots and Physics Exist handing their asses to them on a platter but still.candyass and Parrot are just seeking attention and your taking their do know they go around to all these different message boards spending hours on end trolling like the agents they are dont you?
Yeah I know they spend a great deal of time trying to discredit the reasons people have doubts on other forums, and the people with who they argue there say they same things about them. It does make one wonder if they are agents like you suspect or if they truly are as blind to reason as they portray themselves to be. You would think that with all the evidence of doubt that has been submitted to them they would finally acknowledge the reasons are valid and move on to learn more about it, they still don't have to agree or believe, and that is their right, but they shouldn't knock our right to question either. I think they are just OCTASSes- Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist Stupid Sheep.

oh yeah those two and Moron In the hat are definetly agents,thats a no brainer.They got these agents like them on message boards would be surprised to know that they got them trolling on boards like even movie discussion boards.that they have penetrated even sites like that.They are paid to come on here and disrupt discussions on 9/11 truth.worst thing to do it reply to them.your just taking their bait and falling into their trap.Divecunt I used to think was one as well but he doesnt fit the pattern,he doesnt even try and argue.He is just a kid with no life with nothing better to do than troll. the other site I post at that candytroll is there at as well someone even made a thread there titled- Is CandyCorn On your ignore list? Nobody can go to different message boards and spend hours on end all day long like those two do unless they are paid agents.
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Explosives used to cut the steel beams of the WTC towers would have to be MASSIVE
. That is not necessarily true and has already been addressed with the thermitic agent theory.

Funny how none of the people who survived the collapse in the very place truthtards claim the explosives were going off heard anything but the approaching collapse.
Numerous videos of survivors accounts are in existence saying the exact opposite.
How is that possible, eots? Even with unconventional controlled demolitions techniques you can't quite describe, don't you think they would hear the explosives going off?
They did hear explosions, why do you refute this when it has been pointed out in numerous threads with links and videos? Pretending it doesn't exist is lame and ignoring it solidifies that you can't be trusted to tell the truth.
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CDI’s implosion of Hudson’s set three new records:

At 439 ft. tall Hudson’s is the tallest building ever imploded, eclipsing the record held by CDI since 1975 with the felling of the 361 ft. tall Mendez Caldiera Building in Sao Palo, Brazil.

At 439 ft. tall Hudson’s is the tallest structural steel building ever imploded, eclipsing the record CDI set in 1997 with the felling 344 sq. ft. tall #500 Wood Street Building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

J.L. Hudson Department Store | Controlled Demolition, Inc.

Antenna or spire 1 WTC: 1,727 ft (526.3 m)
Roof 1 WTC: 1,368 ft (417.0 m)
2 WTC: 1,362 ft (415.0 m)
Top floor 1 WTC: 1,355 ft (413.0 m)
2 WTC: 1,348 ft (411.0 m)
gee, how come you didnt post the youtube version first?

i know why
cause it would prove a controled demo makes a certain sound before the collapse starts


Look at all those "puffs" occurring before it collapses. Looks familiar.
CDI’s implosion of Hudson’s set three new records:

At 439 ft. tall Hudson’s is the tallest building ever imploded, eclipsing the record held by CDI since 1975 with the felling of the 361 ft. tall Mendez Caldiera Building in Sao Palo, Brazil.

At 439 ft. tall Hudson’s is the tallest structural steel building ever imploded, eclipsing the record CDI set in 1997 with the felling 344 sq. ft. tall #500 Wood Street Building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

J.L. Hudson Department Store | Controlled Demolition, Inc.

Antenna or spire 1 WTC: 1,727 ft (526.3 m)
Roof 1 WTC: 1,368 ft (417.0 m)
2 WTC: 1,362 ft (415.0 m)
Top floor 1 WTC: 1,355 ft (413.0 m)
2 WTC: 1,348 ft (411.0 m)
gee, how come you didnt post the youtube version first?

i know why
cause it would prove a controled demo makes a certain sound before the collapse starts


Look at all those "puffs" occurring before it collapses. Looks familiar.
that makes them very different
but you are too fucking stupid to understand what you actually SEE

and did you notice it was more than one at the same time?
and that they coincided with the explosive sounds as well?
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gee, how come you didnt post the youtube version first?

i know why
cause it would prove a controled demo makes a certain sound before the collapse starts

Look at all those "puffs" occurring before it collapses. Looks familiar.
that makes them very different
but you are too fucking stupid to understand what you actually SEE

and did you notice it was more than one at the same time?
and that they coincided with the explosive sounds as well?
The same puffs could be seen at the wtc, so you are proving that the wtc displayed this characteristic of a CD. The wtc was also 110 stories tall, and many puffs appeared below the falling portions of the building. You are too stupid to realize this? I guess so.
Look at all those "puffs" occurring before it collapses. Looks familiar.
that makes them very different
but you are too fucking stupid to understand what you actually SEE

and did you notice it was more than one at the same time?
and that they coincided with the explosive sounds as well?
The same puffs could be seen at the wtc, so you are proving that the wtc displayed this characteristic of a CD. The wtc was also 110 stories tall, and many puffs appeared below the falling portions of the building. You are too stupid to realize this? I guess so.
no, not the "same"
you dipshit
you had NO explosions with those puffs and they were only air pressure pushing out the path of least resistance

on a CD the puffs came BEFORE the collapse you moronic fool
Look at all those "puffs" occurring before it collapses. Looks familiar.
that makes them very different
but you are too fucking stupid to understand what you actually SEE

and did you notice it was more than one at the same time?
and that they coincided with the explosive sounds as well?
The same puffs could be seen at the wtc, so you are proving that the wtc displayed this characteristic of a CD. The wtc was also 110 stories tall, and many puffs appeared below the falling portions of the building. You are too stupid to realize this? I guess so.
YOU are a fucking idiot. If you watch a TRUE CD there are a DOZEN explosions before the building even starts to fall and that is at THE BASE of the building. Your ignorant ass is talking about compressed air 2-3 floors BELOW the collapse expelling dust and debris out of broken windows from the pressure of the above floors coming down.:lol::lol:
Okay....lets assume that everybody working there had blinders on.

Suspicions would have been raised when wiring was running down the hallways. Don't you think?
This assumes a lot of things. First, it assumes that people are actually paying attention.
Paying attention to wiring running down hallways? You don't have to be paying attention to see that because, you know, it's a tripping hazard. Thats not an assumption. Dumbfuck.

Even if people raised questions would someone have listened to them?
Thanks for admitting that nobody did. They would have been listened to then and they would have been listened to by morons like you now. Dumbfuck.

There was work going on at the WTC quite a few times from whet I can find on the web. The Port Authority of New York informed tenants there would be a “power down” on the weekend of Sept. 8 and 9, 2001. Security cameras and security door locks were non-operational for about 36 hours.
You're the one making the assumption. Power went off in my building before for quite a while. Guess what happened. Emergency generators kicked in and we had limited lighting. Whether or not security cameras and door locks were effected by a power down is conjecture.

“Remember there were no security locks on doors or security cameras, so access was free unless a door was locked by a manual key.
You have zero proof of that.

Seeing so many ‘strangers’ who didn’t work at the WTC was unusual,” a tenant said. “There were guys in work clothes with huge tool boxes and reels of cable walking around the building that weekend,” he said.
Gee, so they announced they would be there? Not likely.

He wrote to the Port Authority and to the 9/11 Commission to bring his suspicions about the power down to their attention. He never received any acknowledgment of his letters, and no mention of any of this made it into the 9/11 Commission Report.
Because people saw planes hit the buildings and knew what brought them down.

Is this enough time to wire buildings of that size? Hell no! So one has to keep searching. I am assuming, like you that it would take a great deal of time, so I found that between 1996 and 2000, Securicom installed a new security system in the World Trade Center.
Unfortunately, the details of what work they did were destroyed along with the towers on 9/11. That's 4 years right there.
So you're saying that instead of installing a security system, the building had none for 4 years and instead had bombs planted--for four years. Your idiocy is on full display yet again. Dumbfuck.

There were many vacancies in the towers, and William Rodriguez says that he heard major work being done on some vacant floors.
William Rodriguez is a proven liar. But don't let that stop you from swallowing it. Makes you look even more desperate.

Others have also described odd work being done in the towers, and that they were evacuated numerous times from their offices in the upper floors of the South Tower. They were also moved from one floor to another.
Really, who?

There was also an opportunity during the Labor
Union problems in 1996, where a lot of personnel changes occurred including long time union security guards at the WTC.
Union labor was replaced by cheaper non-union help that were relative strangers to the buildings. There were changes in cleaning crews, who work at night. Did this action pave the way for non-union contractors with illegal alien workers to gain access to buildings formerly under union contract? It seems opportunities were there.
Yeah, I'm sure Maricella and Helga were working to wire the building with bombs--4 years prior to 9/11. Dumbfuck.

How do you know what had to be sawed through? Does everything have to be done during the day?
Apparently the crew was moving people from floor to floor during the day according to you. You weren't lying again were you?

Don't you think that this could be easily circumvented?

You or I do not know the exact mechanism used to attach the charges. One can not discount an alternative theory because of this. The WTC imploded, any fool can see that, not being able to figure out how it was done exactly is not a viable reason to dismiss the entire CD theory or concern.

You're an idiot. A fucking idiot.

Tell me, what type of fastening could withstand the impact of a Jet doing 400-500 knots. You mentioned people were running around with spools of cable so that obviously means that the cable was subject to the impact too. Yet it survived the impact, the fires, and escaped notice by any and all people working and visiting there, all workers working the pile at ground zero.

Amazingly, the miles of cable that were used--you said the cable was there--all of it disappeared immediately! Amazing!

You can see a license plate from outer space. You implying the smoke being seen was because of huge fires? LOL!
Astronauts on the ISS saw it out the window. You're talking about KH-11 satellites. Dumbfuck.

I have read that little det cord needed to be used, and could have been set off remotely.
No, you said there were people running around with cable. Lying yet again. One would think you'd be better at it you do it so often. Dumbfuck.

It could have been done, there was opportunity, motive, and financial as well as technical ability to do it.

No way it hell it was done. You may grow a foot out of your head tomorrow. It would probably explain quite a bit about your stupidity. It could happen. It won't so we're left wondering what caused you to be suck a rampant dumbfuck.

There was no motive.
There was no financial motive.
And the technical capabilities of remote detonation are murky at best since, you know, two planes hit the towers damaging the transmitters/receivers/wiring, etc.. But somehow you gloss over these facts because they are inconvenient and prove one thing. You're a dumbfuck.
YOU are a fucking idiot. If you watch a TRUE CD there are a DOZEN explosions before the building even starts to fall and that is at THE BASE of the building.
This was no run of the mill CD though, and there were reports of explosions before it collapsed ,and at the lower level/base according to witnesses. Assuming it was a planned event, they would not want it to look like a CD as that would make it look too obvious, maybe that's why it is suggested that thermite was used as a cutting agent with limited explosions needed.

Your ignorant ass is talking about compressed air 2-3 floors BELOW the collapse expelling dust and debris out of broken windows from the pressure of the above floors coming down.:lol::lol:
You are trying to advance the pancake scenario that NIST already dismissed. Besides many puffs were seen well below the collapsing floor, not just 2 or 3, so why didn't the "air" just escape through the nearest window opening instead of traveling multiple stories below?
I only call people names when they start shit with me first, therefore YOU are the ignorant ass, and stupid idiot.
We could discuss this more civilized if you want to, it's up to you. :doubt:
there is no hope of a civil discussion with moronic troofers
they are not capable of it
This assumes a lot of things. First, it assumes that people are actually paying attention.
Paying attention to wiring running down hallways? You don't have to be paying attention to see that because, you know, it's a tripping hazard. Thats not an assumption. Dumbfuck.
A tripping hazard? You are a fucking tripping hazard. You assume like an ass that all these wires would be going from office front door to office front door? What an idiot asshole you are! How about the support columns being able to be assessed through the elevator shafts? Idiot!

Thanks for admitting that nobody did. They would have been listened to then and they would have been listened to by morons like you now. Dumbfuck.
I said someone did say something and mentioned it, but they WEREN'T listened to you stupid fuck.

You're the one making the assumption. Power went off in my building before for quite a while. Guess what happened. Emergency generators kicked in and we had limited lighting. Whether or not security cameras and door locks were effected by a power down is conjecture.
I am not the one making assumptions like you are. What I said came from a witness who received the letter from the Port Authority, but you only quote the parts of my statement that are convenient for you to try to fuck up. Another disingenuous troll. If a power down is necessary to do whatever it is they had to do, what sense would it make to have the back up generators come on stupid ass? And no it is not conjecture, it is a statement from a witness. You are the ass that is full of conjecture, misquotes and bullshit, having to leave out parts of my statement when you quote it. You are misquoting what I say on purpose you lying fuck.

You have zero proof of that.
You have zero proof it didn't happen otherwise :lol:

Because people saw planes hit the buildings and knew what brought them down.
More bullshit as a reply. He was ignored per the cover up needing to ignore credible witnesses concerns.

So you're saying that instead of installing a security system, the building had none for 4 years and instead had bombs planted--for four years. Your idiocy is on full display yet again. Dumbfuck.
You are the only one assuming that, and looking like a fool again. The point is there were ample opportunities to plant devices in the building. What would prevent them from installing a "security" system at the same time troll?

William Rodriguez is a proven liar. But don't let that stop you from swallowing it. Makes you look even more desperate.
You are a known liar not Rodriguez, he's a hero Bush said so.

Really, who?

Yeah, I'm sure Maricella and Helga were working to wire the building with bombs--4 years prior to 9/11. Dumbfuck.
You aren't and can't be sure of anything dickhead! The point is that here were many personnel changes at the WTC and an trusted workers replaced with strangers. There is your opportunity to rig the buildings throughout a considerably sufficient amount of time.

Apparently the crew was moving people from floor to floor during the day according to you. You weren't lying again were you?
Who said the crew was moving people you lying asshole? You are again purposefully twisting what I say and creating your own assumptions to be the lying prick you always are. You can't reply to anything the way it is stated or intended. The sign of a weal coward with no answers :lol:

Then you're a stupid closed minded fool.

You're an idiot. A fucking idiot.
That would be you, among other things. That's all you can say, because you know I'm right in what I say and you have nothing to back up your BS, so you resort to your old standby of having a fit and calling names, you suck at this, LOL!

Tell me, what type of fastening could withstand the impact of a Jet doing 400-500 knots.
Well what speed is it, I'm sure 100 knots makes a big difference.

You mentioned people were running around with spools of cable so that obviously means that the cable was subject to the impact too. Yet it survived the impact, the fires, and escaped notice by any and all people working and visiting there, all workers working the pile at ground zero
. I didn't say that, a witness said that and I mentioned it to you. I wasn't there and neither were you.

Amazingly, the miles of cable that were used--you said the cable was there--all of it disappeared immediately! Amazing!
The building was practically pulverized asshole! And how do you know how much was used? You don't you are guessing! You know that too, you have to pretend to be as obtuse as possible to try to make your argument, you are a joke and a piss poor debater.

Astronauts on the ISS saw it out the window. You're talking about KH-11 satellites. Dumbfuck.
So? I already told you a license plate is visible from space. Your point?

No, you said there were people running around with cable. Lying yet again. One would think you'd be better at it you do it so often. Dumbfuck.
A witness said it, I mentioned what he said to you. You are proving absolutely nothing except what a asshole you are. You aren't convincing anyone otherwise, and not making a good case for what you believe in.

It could have been done, there was opportunity, motive, and financial as well as technical ability to do it.
No way it hell it was done.
Sure it could have, you haven't proved otherwise idiot, no matter how hard you cry about it.

There was no motive.
Yes huge motive. You know it too! What a pussy!

There was no financial motive.
For sure people know what a liar you are now, thanks for helping me prove it!

And the technical capabilities of remote detonation are murky at best since, you know, two planes hit the towers damaging the transmitters/receivers/wiring, etc..
Bullshit, look it up you lazy cock whore. Your ability to debunk the allegations are murky at best, get another job you troll!

But somehow you gloss over these facts because they are inconvenient and prove one thing. You're a dumbfuck.
But somehow YOU gloss over the facts that are presented, and ignore them because they scare you, or you don't care about the nation, which proves you are a dumb treasonous PIECE OF SHIT! now go do what you do best, brush your teeth first you skank.
I have spent enough time making you look like an ass. No one can say I didn't waste enough time on you. I am now done with your worthless. Later fruitcake.
btw, jones, still waiting on your opinion of the concrete core hoax
The one in you head? Isn't it a steel plate or something?
the one you guys seem to ignore
the one christophera keeps pushing
some of you guys have defended him, but you never say if you actually believe the WTC towers had the solid concrete core that dipshit claims
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there is no hope of a civil discussion with moronic troofers
they are not capable of it

Which is why I gave up in his case. I tried...look at the question at the beginning of the thread.

He said, "I stated it (hijackers were still alive) but did so in a different context" then tried to say "I don't know if they're still alive".

Obviously they're all dead but he can't say that because he has to try to save face.

Now it's "we don't know how the bombs were attached but they were able to withstand the impact of a plane doing 500 knots". When asked what could possibly been used, he cops out and says something could withstand 400 knots but not 500 knots.

He's just a dumbfuck who will never say anything for sure because he's incapable of defending anything.

Have a great new year; I'm outta here for a bit.
there is no hope of a civil discussion with moronic troofers
they are not capable of it

Which is why I gave up in his case. I tried...look at the question at the beginning of the thread.

He said, "I stated it (hijackers were still alive) but did so in a different context" then tried to say "I don't know if they're still alive".

Obviously they're all dead but he can't say that because he has to try to save face.

Now it's "we don't know how the bombs were attached but they were able to withstand the impact of a plane doing 500 knots". When asked what could possibly been used, he cops out and says something could withstand 400 knots but not 500 knots.

He's just a dumbfuck who will never say anything for sure because he's incapable of defending anything.

Have a great new year; I'm outta here for a bit.
just like they ignore my question about the concrete core hoax goof-o-phera is pushing
ya know, curvelight was an idiot, but at least he did take on other troofers that posted clearly bullshit theories
these guys dont even have the balls to do that

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