Question For Muslims

Mr. Ofo Oao

Sep 19, 2014

I just read an article (@ Iranian talks with Saudi Arabia may signal thaw in relations World news The Guardian about relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran; the article discussed bad relations between the two nations and the article made me want to ask Muslims this question: how can you call yourselves "Sunni," "Shia," etc. when the Qur'an (Surah 6:159) says:

"As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allah. He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did."

Can any Muslim answer this question? Thanks for all answers.:)
Every system eventually splits. Two sides to every coin, etc. If you ever had only good people in the world, eventually you'd see that split into 'more good' and 'less good.' You can never hope to sustain a single verion of thought indefinitely. Even atheists have strong atheism and weak atheism. Jews have Talmudic Judaism and Scriptural Judaism, Christians Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestants. Islam Sunni, Shia, and Kurdish.

In government we have Democrats, Republicans, and a slew of minor parties. Religion has some 25,000 discrete religions which thousands more denominations and traditions among each of them. It's probably human nature to eventually split off from how something began into something new and revised.

Though not Muslim I answered figuring if you were serious you could have simply googled it. :)

I just read an article (@ Iranian talks with Saudi Arabia may signal thaw in relations World news The Guardian about relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran; the article discussed bad relations between the two nations and the article made me want to ask Muslims this question: how can you call yourselves "Sunni," "Shia," etc. when the Qur'an (Surah 6:159) says:

"As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allah. He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did."

Can any Muslim answer this question? Thanks for all answers.:)

It's because Moonslims, like all religious nutjobs, are pathological liars and attention-seekers that want preferential treatment because they've put themselves into an imagined demographic. They don't believe anything they say in their stupid books, but they pretend to when outsiders are around so they can demand to get tax breaks etc.

No Moonslim will admit this, of course. They'll just taqiyya their way out of actually answering your completely legitimate question, OP.
I read that article as well and was glad to hear it (hopefully that is true). Actually the maj of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are yet a sect of sunni.
Wahhabi movement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No different that the hundreds of sects of Protestants and RC's. Growing up in the Bible Belt compared to the Northern US or out west to Utah and Mormon land.

I'm not Muslim either.
Obviously! Otherwise you'd know that Christians are not beheading children in the name of God or kidnapping woman to hold them as sex slaves nor are the Christian women offering themselves up to be sexual jihadists for our military men abroad as Muslim women are for the child murderers called ISIS.

There is no possible connection between the God of Christianity and the god of Islam - none whatsoever! The God of the Bible is the antithesis of the god of Islam.
Prophet Muhammad said that both Christian and Jews have each divided into 72 sects.

And that Muslims would eventually divide into 73 sects in the future. ..... :cool:
Prophet Muhammad said that both Christian and Jews have each divided into 72 sects.

And that Muslims would eventually divide into 73 sects in the future. ..... :cool:

Didn't he also prophesy that at the top of every century a reformer would appear to reform his ummah? If he did, that means that his ummah would have some wrong things about it and sectarianism according to the Qur'an is wrong, isn't it? If it is wrong according to Surah 6:159, why wouldn't Muslims fix that wrong themselves?
Prophet Muhammad said that both Christian and Jews have each divided into 72 sects.

And that Muslims would eventually divide into 73 sects in the future. ..... :cool:

Thanks for proving me right--you did completely sidestep the question. Great job, Moonslim.
Didn't he also prophesy that at the top of every century a reformer would appear to reform his ummah? If he did, that means that his ummah would have some wrong things about it and sectarianism according to the Qur'an is wrong, isn't it? If it is wrong according to Surah 6:159, why wouldn't Muslims fix that wrong themselves?
Muslim's are constantly working on trying to unite the ummah. ..... :cool:

Surah 6:159: "As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allah. He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did."

How are you not wrong calling yourself "Sunni?" I'm not trying to condemn you, I'm just trying to understand you...
How are you not wrong calling yourself "Sunni?" I'm not trying to condemn you, I'm just trying to understand you...
We are called Sunni muslims because we follow the "Sunnah" ...... which means to emulate the ways and teachings of Prophet Muhammad.

Approximately, 90% of the worlds muslims are Sunni's.

The first great split happened after Muhammad's death. It was politically motivated and the breakaway sect was eventually known as the Shia or Shiites......which are called the rebels.

In essence, the Sunni's have basically remained a coherent theological group based on authentic Islamic teachings.

Whereas, the Shia have continually divided into dozens of sects with Islamic doctrines ranging from quasi orthodox Islam to bizarre heretical cults.
We are called Sunni muslims because we follow the "Sunnah" ...... which means to emulate the ways and teachings of Prophet Muhammad.

Approximately, 90% of the worlds muslims are Sunni's.

The first great split happened after Muhammad's death. It was politically motivated and the breakaway sect was eventually known as the Shia or Shiites......which are called the rebels.

In essence, the Sunni's have basically remained one coherent theological group.

Whereas, the Shia have continually divided into dozens of sects with Islamic doctrines ranging from quasi orthodox Islam to bizarre heretical cults.

Aren't you still contributing to the division by calling yourself, "Sunni?" Why not just call yourselves, "Muslims?"
It's kind of like when someone says they are a Christian.

And another person asks, "What church do you go to?"

The response of, Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Church of God, Lutheran, etc., lets the other person know your personal doctrine of belief.
It's kind of like when someone says they are a Christian.

And another person asks, "What church do you go to?"

The response of, Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Church of God, Lutheran, etc., lets the other person know your personal doctrine of belief.

Well they're wrong according to their scriptures, too (1 Corinthians 1:10,) but what would be the point of imitating the Christians? Why not follow the Qur'an (6:159) and just call yourselves, "Muslims" instead of "Sunni Muslims?"
Why not follow the Qur'an (6:159) and just call yourselves, "Muslims" instead of "Sunni Muslims?"
We generally refer to ourselves as muslims if anyone asks.

And the need to self identify as Sunni muslim rarely happens. ..... :cool:
We generally refer to ourselves as muslims if anyone asks.

And the need to self identify as Sunni muslim rarely happens. ..... :cool:

The Qur'an calls sectarianism "polytheistic," so it's not possible to be a "Sunni Muslim" (Holy Qur'an 30:31-32, Mualana Muhammad Ali translation:)

"(31)...and keep your duty to Him, and keep up prayer and be not of the polytheists, (32)Of those who split up their religion and become parties; every sect rejoicing in that which is with it."

This means that you are a polytheist and not a Muslim.

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