Zone1 Question for my Orthodox Jewish Friends….

What makes you think I want to get remarried? And how is that even relevant?

And you need to stop mocking Jewish people’s beliefs. It’s not funny.
You're the one mocking Jewish beliefs. I'm just relating funny stories that have happened in the past. Well, as far as you losing your husband, it was probably over your lack of humor :springbed:
You're the one mocking Jewish beliefs. I'm just relating funny stories that have happened in the past. Well, as far as you losing your husband, it was probably over your lack of humor :springbed:
How in the world am I mocking Jewish beliefs? And as far as my ex, it was MY choice, not that it’s any of your business.
How in the world am I mocking Jewish beliefs? And as far as my ex, it was MY choice, not that it’s any of your business.
I'm sure he was a man with a sense of humor and you couldn't stand that. Jews are normally funny people with great sense of humor. Thus, you are mocking their sense of humor. I'm Jewish although I don't follow the false traditions as I've converted to the truth of Jesus Christ. :spinner:
I'm sure he was a man with a sense of humor and you couldn't stand that. Jews are normally funny people with great sense of humor. Thus, you are mocking their sense of humor. I'm Jewish although I don't follow the false traditions as I've converted to the truth of Jesus Christ. :spinner:
You’re not Jewish. You converted to Christianity. And then you come onto a thread asking what to take to dinner at a strictly kosher home with a suggestion of bacon, and then telling a Jew that Jesus is the son of Gd.

You sure are nasty.
You’re not Jewish. You converted to Christianity. And then you come onto a thread asking what to take to dinner at a strictly kosher home with a suggestion of bacon, and then telling a Jew that Jesus is the son of Gd.

You sure are nasty.
Nope. I’m quite not nasty. But your reactions are nasty. Of course I’m Jewish. Mon and dad had me circumcised too. My mother was quite a prophetess when I was born. She looked at me and knew I would marry outside the Jewish faith and I did. Interesting that my parents and brother are A+ blood type and I’m O+. My parents and brother are brown eyes and I’m blue. They are most likely of the tribe if Judah and I’m of the tribe of Joseph through Ephraim. In a dark time I prayed to Father and asked him to save a friend and if He had a Son, Jesus Christ, I would follow Him. My friend miraculously recovered and I saw the veil over my mind and the Holy Ghost bore witness to my soul Jehovah is Jesus. It took me 5 more years before I found the truth where I knew which Church is true. That was 45 years ago. And it’s still true. May God teach you patience.
Yet, he kept all of his campaign promises. Unlike Biden who is now going to find out how prison feels with new information about the Biden Cartel...

😂 Like the wall and healthcare? Trump is a gasbag.
😂 Like the wall and healthcare? Trump is a gasbag.
He was building the wall. Are you blind? Had he won in 2020, he would have finished the wall and we would not have all these illegals coming in with drugs and cartel killers.
As far as healthcare? What are you talking about? I thought you loved Obamacare? You know, the one that was supposed to save us health insurance and health care costs that ended up being a lie by Obama. There are definitely things Trump should have done in those first two years he had both houses of Congress. But, that doesn't mean if he had both houses of Congress the final two years that he would have finished those things. As you remember, Pelosi spent two years trying to kick him out of office. No, there is a 26 page list I have of what he said he would do that he did do.
He was building the wall. Are you blind? Had he won in 2020, he would have finished the wall and we would not have all these illegals coming in with drugs and cartel killers.
As far as healthcare? What are you talking about? I thought you loved Obamacare? You know, the one that was supposed to save us health insurance and health care costs that ended up being a lie by Obama. There are definitely things Trump should have done in those first two years he had both houses of Congress. But, that doesn't mean if he had both houses of Congress the final two years that he would have finished those things. As you remember, Pelosi spent two years trying to kick him out of office. No, there is a 26 page list I have of what he said he would do that he did do.

Trump lost by a landslide in 2020. Obamacare wasn't finished. Trump said his plan would be better.
Trump lost by a landslide in 2020. Obamacare wasn't finished. Trump said his plan would be better.
It would have been if the Democrats didn't steal the 2022 midterms. It's called ballot harvesting and Democrats are good at that. People aren't really voting as much as Democrats are harvesting fake ballots as well as going into the cities and harvesting ballots better than Republicans. If we had used the 2016 method that the founders really wanted, then Trump would have won 2020. Do you really believe Biden got more votes than Obama? Really?
It would have been if the Democrats didn't steal the 2022 midterms. It's called ballot harvesting and Democrats are good at that. People aren't really voting as much as Democrats are harvesting fake ballots as well as going into the cities and harvesting ballots better than Republicans. If we had used the 2016 method that the founders really wanted, then Trump would have won 2020. Do you really believe Biden got more votes than Obama? Really?

The American people fired Trump.
Trump had opposition from the entire Democratic party. Anything he wanted to do to secure the borders they ridiculed and sabotaged AMAP.

Lol naturally.. Trump has never been accountable in his life... And, you're still making excuses for him.

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