Question for Ryan and supporters of the Tax Bill

Do you support the cut of corporate taxes, or support a tax credit?

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Why have the republicans given corporations a tax cut, and not a tax credit for profits stored overseas?

The Republican's claim this repatriated money will be used to provide jobs, but there is no guarantee it will be used to do so.

Any "credit for job creation" will be immediately and massively complicated and abused.

What SHOULD happen with the lowered corporate taxes -- is to STRIP all those "targeted tax credits" for producing stuff that are MATURE PRODUCTS and already available on the market.

NEITHER party will touch that. Thats why we need NEW parties. GE "paid no taxes" because they got $50 for every "energy efficient" appliance they produced. NOT because of their "tax rate" or "marginal tax rate"..
The GOP have been trying, and have succeeded, at lowering corporate taxes since the 1920's. They caused the Great Depression and the Bush Recession. They have no new ideas and simply stick with proven failure, claiming Jesus rode around on a dinosaur using his AK to shoot the miserable poor. lmao
The GOP have been trying, and have succeeded, at lowering corporate taxes since the 1920's. They caused the Great Depression and the Bush Recession. They have no new ideas and simply stick with proven failure, claiming Jesus rode around on a dinosaur using his AK to shoot the miserable poor. lmao

Not entirely true.

Their one new idea from the last 40 years was to make the GOP platform more pro-Russia.

But everything else has remained unchanged.
The GOP have been trying, and have succeeded, at lowering corporate taxes since the 1920's. They caused the Great Depression and the Bush Recession. They have no new ideas and simply stick with proven failure, claiming Jesus rode around on a dinosaur using his AK to shoot the miserable poor. lmao

What I fail to understand is why anyone who isn’t already wealthy keeps swallowing the economic lies that Republicans consistently feed them.

In Canada we booted the governments that tried this bulkshit on us and basically destroyed the parties that did it. The Progressive Conservative government of Brian Mulroney, who gifted us with NAFTA, was reduced to 4 seats in the House of Commons and lost “Party Status”, which meant no free offices in the government block and no taxpayer money for election campaigns. The PC’s were absorbed by the Reform Party under the name Conservative Party.

The Conservative Party under the leadership of Stephen Harper was turfed in 2015 after 10 years in power - the first 5 A’s a minority government because, quite frankly, we didn’t trust the bastards, and the last 5 as a majority which proved were right in not trusting them.

Trudeau won in a massive landslide as Harper denied climate change, muzzled governmental science offices, cut taxes for the rich, cut social programs for the poor, gutted the Ministry of Environment and kept us in Afghanistan. He also ran a corrupt government which was plagued with scandals.

Harper was a lot like Trump except he wasn’t a narcissistic bombastic retard. More of a calm, seemingly reasonable, control freak.

But Americans keep voting for Republicans over and over, despite the lies, the incompetence and the flagrant disregard for the people who vote for them, in the service of the wealthy and large corporations.
But Americans keep voting for Republicans over and over, despite the lies, the incompetence and the flagrant disregard for the people who vote for them, in the service of the wealthy and large corporations.

Propaganda works. That's why Russia spent a few million dollars buying ads on Facebook and Twitter. It's also why companies spend billions on advertising.
But Americans keep voting for Republicans over and over, despite the lies, the incompetence and the flagrant disregard for the people who vote for them, in the service of the wealthy and large corporations.

Propaganda works. That's why Russia spent a few million dollars buying ads on Facebook and Twitter. It's also why companies spend billions on advertising.

Too true. Lies Republicans tell you:

1. The poor are only poor because they’re lazy and stupid;

2. Tax cut create jobs;

3. Unions are the reason companies outsource;

4. Democrats are communists;

5. The United States is not a socialist country. It is and it always has been. From the day the first public school and public library opened. Public schools, fire departments, community owned hospitals libraries and even police departments and the court system are all part and parcel of a socialist government.

Personally I’d like to see the tax exempt status pulled from every church where the minister directs his/her parishioners on which candidate to vote for. Churches are supposed to be apolitical. They’re supposed to be tending to the spiritual needs of the congregation. I don’t see the spiritual needs of the congregation being met when they direct votes to a candidate who admits to sexual assault or one who dates girls who have just barely achieved puberty.
But Americans keep voting for Republicans over and over, despite the lies, the incompetence and the flagrant disregard for the people who vote for them, in the service of the wealthy and large corporations.

Propaganda works. That's why Russia spent a few million dollars buying ads on Facebook and Twitter. It's also why companies spend billions on advertising.

Too true. Lies Republicans tell you:

1. The poor are only poor because they’re lazy and stupid;

2. Tax cut create jobs;

3. Unions are the reason companies outsource;

4. Democrats are communists;

5. The United States is not a socialist country. It is and it always has been. From the day the first public school and public library opened. Public schools, fire departments, community owned hospitals libraries and even police departments and the court system are all part and parcel of a socialist government.

Personally I’d like to see the tax exempt status pulled from every church where the minister directs his/her parishioners on which candidate to vote for. Churches are supposed to be apolitical. They’re supposed to be tending to the spiritual needs of the congregation. I don’t see the spiritual needs of the congregation being met when they direct votes to a candidate who admits to sexual assault or one who dates girls who have just barely achieved puberty.


As far as I'm concerned, religion is a business and its commodity is faith. Like any other business, it should have to pay taxes.
Sadly this excellent post will not be read and considered by the supporters of the Republican Party, Trump, the leader of the Plutocratic Party and single issue voters who value their guns and control of Women and their rights to birth control, in all aspects.

I read it, I agree with some of it, and I voted for Trump.

Dont be so paranoid.

You can be actually reasonable from time to time.
With the exception of your first sentence I agree with the rest of you post, and here is why. If I understand the Republican argument, money repatriated will be used to hire and expand their business within the states.

IMO, unless there is a mandate to do so, they will use the money to for whatever they decide they want to do. And, that I will bet not to increase wages, benefits or number of employees. I suspect they will buy out competitors and line the pockets of the executive management and benefit preferred stock holders, not those who hold common stocks.

Some of the tax incentive money will go to creating jobs, some will go to update capital and some will go into investments, depending in each company and the industry that they are in.

I agree that some incentives are needed to help maximize the amount going to hiring new workers though.
Some of the tax incentive money will go to creating jobs,

What makes you think that? Magic?

some will go to update capital and some will go into investments, depending in each company and the industry that they are in.

We've already had a tax repatriation holiday in 2004 and the top firms that took advantage of that holiday ended up cutting jobs, not adding them. And the federal deficit reached a record high in 2004 too.

I agree that some incentives are needed to help maximize the amount going to hiring new workers though.

A business will only hire a worker if there is demand that requires it. Giving a company a tax break doesn't increase consumer demand. Giving the wealthy a tax cut doesn't increase consumer demand. What increases consumer demand is higher wages for working people. This tax bill does nothing to increase wages. In fact, all this tax bill does is raise taxes on the working class and middle class by 2027, while adding $1.5T to the debt. According to Goldman Sachs, the most growth we'll likely see over a ten year period is 0.3%. Currently, the economy is growing above 3%, so there's no need for this. This tax plan will also create a housing crisis by 2020 because home prices will drop thanks to the removing of the housing deductions that are built into home prices. So we will have a repeat of 2008, only this time housing prices will drop thanks to direct actions taken by Conservatives in the tax code, not because of foreclosures.
How does this make America Great Again?

Bringing a couple of trillion dollars back to our shores sounds like a good idea to me.
By rewarding bad behavior.

Earning money is bad behavior? Is interest theft?

Ask the fellows at Enron.

Corporations abused the tax law and that hurt America & you love them for it.

And the banker & mortgage sellers & Mortgage backed securities dealers did no bad making money that nearly caused a financial meltdown, According to you, that was great.

You;re a fucking moron.

Ask the fellows at Enron.

Every corporation with foreign earnings is Enron?
Were you born brain damaged, or was it a more recent occurrence?

Corporations abused the tax law

Which ones abused which law? How?

According to you, that was great.

That's a great straw man you've built there. And it's renewable!!!!

You said corporations earning money can't be bad.

You keep defending this bad behavior so you musty thonk it is great.
We want this money to come back.
Adding hoops will reduce the amount returned, reduce the benefit of money that does.

Corporations are already awash in cash and they’re not spending it on hiring or increased wages. They won’t be hiring or giving out raises with this money either.

Corporations are already awash in cash

And they didn't build that, eh?

and they’re not spending it on hiring

After all those jobs Obama created (or saved)?

They won’t be hiring or giving out raises with this money either.

Well then we'll have to watch for the added dividend tax revenue, the added CEO income tax revenue, the added capital gains tax revenue and the added sales growth from all those rich dudes spending their dividends and raises.

Trickle down didn’t work under Reagan and it didn’t work under W. Third time is NOT the charm. The only thing tax cuts have achieved is the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen - all of it from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Republicans are, by definition, insane.

Trickle down didn’t work under Reagan

View attachment 164294


Even Reagan’s economic advisors have admitted that the rise in GDP was the result in the huge increase in government spending on military equipment and Star Wars technology and nothing to do with tax cuts.

Even Reagan’s economic advisors

Let me guess.....was it that whiney twat Stockman?
Why have the republicans given corporations a tax cut, and not a tax credit for profits stored overseas?

The Republican's claim this repatriated money will be used to provide jobs, but there is no guarantee it will be used to do so.

Any "credit for job creation" will be immediately and massively complicated and abused.

What SHOULD happen with the lowered corporate taxes -- is to STRIP all those "targeted tax credits" for producing stuff that are MATURE PRODUCTS and already available on the market.

NEITHER party will touch that. Thats why we need NEW parties. GE "paid no taxes" because they got $50 for every "energy efficient" appliance they produced. NOT because of their "tax rate" or "marginal tax rate"..

With the exception of your first sentence I agree with the rest of you post, and here is why. If I understand the Republican argument, money repatriated will be used to hire and expand their business within the states.

IMO, unless there is a mandate to do so, they will use the money to for whatever they decide they want to do. And, that I will bet not to increase wages, benefits or number of employees. I suspect they will buy out competitors and line the pockets of the executive management and benefit preferred stock holders, not those who hold common stocks.

I suspect they will buy out competitors and line the pockets of the executive management and benefit preferred stock holders,

I see you don't understand how preferred stock works.
We want this money to come back.
Adding hoops will reduce the amount returned, reduce the benefit of money that does.

Corporations are already awash in cash and they’re not spending it on hiring or increased wages. They won’t be hiring or giving out raises with this money either.

Corporations are already awash in cash

And they didn't build that, eh?

and they’re not spending it on hiring

After all those jobs Obama created (or saved)?

They won’t be hiring or giving out raises with this money either.

Well then we'll have to watch for the added dividend tax revenue, the added CEO income tax revenue, the added capital gains tax revenue and the added sales growth from all those rich dudes spending their dividends and raises.

Trickle down didn’t work under Reagan and it didn’t work under W. Third time is NOT the charm. The only thing tax cuts have achieved is the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen - all of it from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Republicans are, by definition, insane.

Trickle down didn’t work under Reagan

View attachment 164294


National Debt:

Education | Why did the national debt in the hands of the public increase from approximately $700 billion to over $2,400 billion during the 1980s?

"About one-half of the publicly held federal government debt outstanding at the end of 2000 was accumulated in the 1980s...."

Thanks, that means Obama's $9.3 trillion in debt can be ignored.
Why have the republicans given corporations a tax cut, and not a tax credit for profits stored overseas?

The Republican's claim this repatriated money will be used to provide jobs, but there is no guarantee it will be used to do so.

Any "credit for job creation" will be immediately and massively complicated and abused.

What SHOULD happen with the lowered corporate taxes -- is to STRIP all those "targeted tax credits" for producing stuff that are MATURE PRODUCTS and already available on the market.

NEITHER party will touch that. Thats why we need NEW parties. GE "paid no taxes" because they got $50 for every "energy efficient" appliance they produced. NOT because of their "tax rate" or "marginal tax rate"..
The GOP have been trying, and have succeeded, at lowering corporate taxes since the 1920's. They caused the Great Depression and the Bush Recession. They have no new ideas and simply stick with proven failure, claiming Jesus rode around on a dinosaur using his AK to shoot the miserable poor. lmao

The GOP have been trying, and have succeeded, at lowering corporate taxes since the 1920's. They caused the Great Depression and the Bush Recession.

Bush didn't cut corporate taxes.
Bringing a couple of trillion dollars back to our shores sounds like a good idea to me.
By rewarding bad behavior.

Earning money is bad behavior? Is interest theft?

Ask the fellows at Enron.

Corporations abused the tax law and that hurt America & you love them for it.

And the banker & mortgage sellers & Mortgage backed securities dealers did no bad making money that nearly caused a financial meltdown, According to you, that was great.

You;re a fucking moron.

Ask the fellows at Enron.

Every corporation with foreign earnings is Enron?
Were you born brain damaged, or was it a more recent occurrence?

Corporations abused the tax law

Which ones abused which law? How?

According to you, that was great.

That's a great straw man you've built there. And it's renewable!!!!

You said corporations earning money can't be bad.

You keep defending this bad behavior so you musty thonk it is great.

You said corporations earning money can't be bad.

No, I said, "Bringing a couple of trillion dollars back to our shores sounds like a good idea to me"

Question for Ryan and supporters of the Tax Bill

Why have the republicans given corporations a tax cut, and not a tax credit for profits stored overseas?

The Republican's claim this repatriated money will be used to provide jobs, but there is no guarantee it will be used to do so.
The Corporate tax is a thinly veiled Federal sales tax.

If so, though I don't see your reasoning (corporations are people too?). The fact is the corporate tax is a legal tax and not theft, corporations earn money by using highways, airports sea ports,, streets, yellow zones, police and fire services, etc. etc. All of which are paid for by tax payers.
You do realise that business do not pay corporate taxes. They add this cost to the price of goods and services.

OMG not this stupid argument again.

I don't buy my own groceries, my employer does.
What ?
The fake tax cut provide their masters with a fake tax cut as they're already mostly paying less then this in offshored accounts. The real meat of this bill is the ass fucking of the poor, middle class and it allows the republican party to do what they will do next...

Next as in go after anything that helps the poor or middle class and all social protection in the work place.

they're already mostly paying less then this in offshored accounts

I wonder if that's the reason the money is offshore?
I wonder why people don't understand true capitalism. A capitalist reinvests in their businesses and pay higher wages so the majority can afford to buy their products making these rich folks more profitable. Hiding your funds in foreign accounts where you earn interest without paying taxes, reinvesting or increasing your consumer base is not capitalism...It's hoarding which is a mental disorder.

Capitalism is flawed because it cannot provide an adequate standard of living for the working class.
Capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than any economic system in history.
Why have the republicans given corporations a tax cut, and not a tax credit for profits stored overseas?

The Republican's claim this repatriated money will be used to provide jobs, but there is no guarantee it will be used to do so.

Any "credit for job creation" will be immediately and massively complicated and abused.

What SHOULD happen with the lowered corporate taxes -- is to STRIP all those "targeted tax credits" for producing stuff that are MATURE PRODUCTS and already available on the market.

NEITHER party will touch that. Thats why we need NEW parties. GE "paid no taxes" because they got $50 for every "energy efficient" appliance they produced. NOT because of their "tax rate" or "marginal tax rate"..

With the exception of your first sentence I agree with the rest of you post, and here is why. If I understand the Republican argument, money repatriated will be used to hire and expand their business within the states.

IMO, unless there is a mandate to do so, they will use the money to for whatever they decide they want to do. And, that I will bet not to increase wages, benefits or number of employees. I suspect they will buy out competitors and line the pockets of the executive management and benefit preferred stock holders, not those who hold common stocks.

I suspect they will buy out competitors and line the pockets of the executive management and benefit preferred stock holders,

I see you don't understand how preferred stock works.

I do, those who hold preferred stock get paid first, and common stock holders only get paid what the Board of Directors decide they get, if anything

When Romney buys the company, the Board of Directors and preferred stock holders are paid off by the sale of the property and its tangible assets, common stock holders end up with a penny stock going down fast and not salable.

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