Question For The Gun Haters

There are NO Socialist Government, blinky. Socialism is like Capitalism which is an economic model. Communism is a Government like a Republic is. You rightwingnutjobs really need to pay attention to a better education.
Socialism is government ownership of business.
Try to figure out the meaning of that.

Just like Capitalism is the private ownership of a business. Try and figure out the meaning of that. Neither one is a Government although people try and make them sound that way. China is a Communist Nation (about the last one on Earth) and it's heavily capitalistic. Norway is a Federal Republic yet it's heavily socialist. The US is a mixture of both like most successful countries. Once you get to a certain size, you need both. So how about stopping with the trying to pass everything you don't like as leftist socialist. Otherwise, you may just have to stop driving on the public highways, and many other things that heavily affect your life.
Smaller countries can afford to be socialist if they rely on other countries around them to help support them. We cannot expect that.
We cannot expect anyone else to defend us from aggressive nations that want to take our resources. Most socialist countries in Europe rely on NATO to defend them, most of which the US pays for. Canada can't afford to prop up our economy and definitely not Mexico, which relies on the US for 30% of it's GDP.

Not to mention the fact that most of the Democrats are card carrying Communists, not Socialists. What makes you think a bunch of commies only want socialism in America? You must be gullible as fuck, willfully ignorant, or some asshole from another country that's trying to fuck mine up.

Let's see, I voted a Dem Ticket last time with one exception. Are you trying to tell me that I lied to the US Military for over 20 years about NOT being a communist which would have been grounds for termination? You really need to rethink things on this one. I spent over 20 years earning YOU the right to spew this nonsense. So you keep throwing all that BS out. It's your right. But it's still the mark of an illiterate buffoon.
Wow...I'm impressed. I spent years in 5th Special Forces group on an Alpha Team training foreign troops in Kuwait and Somalia. What were you, a PAC clerk, hero? Chairborn Ranger?
The only person in the military that votes Democrat is either a female, a faggot, or black.
Which one are you?

First of all, this is the internet. Anyone can claim to be anything. I take your claimed qualifications with a grain of salt.

Second, if you ever did actually serve, you would know that the military is a healthy mix of ideas, politics, religions and many other things. I served with those Females and "Faggots" as you call them. I watched the Gays being systematically removed from the service (usually very quietly) and we lost some good people in the process. And I can't speak for others but I owe my life to at least a couple of "Black" people in the Military as does hundreds of thousands of other Pure "White" Military People. I served for over 20 years. I can see that you didn't. You just wouldn't have made the cut with all that hate. You hated the wrong enemy.
He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
so godamn stupid
let's see how long you go without a car
stop being stupid--you KNOW humans need vehicles --plain and simple
we know FOR SURE, humans do not need guns to survive

so stupid--comparing cars and guns --so idiotic
guns designed for one thing --to KILL--cars for transportation

I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

Do you mean it's a law that Cars have to be power by fossil fuels? Danged, I have been breaking that law since about 2002 and will continue breaking it. More and more people are breaking that law on a daily basis.. I just love narrow arguments that just take up bandwidth.
I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.

Most people that are capable of comprimise, no, we want them to live and flourish. But those that are so adamant about forcing their narrow views shouldn't have guns in the first place. The rest of us will do just fine with ours. At some point, we need to do what is best for the public safety for all. And you just might be forced to have to take a mental health test to find out if you are stable enough to own a gun or even walk the streets unescorted.
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
So, you're saying that if he had an operational AR available he would have killed more people?
That's obvious.
The off duty BSO stated the shooter's AR jammed.
Had it not jammed there's no telling how many more people he would have shot.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.

And you still don't need a car to get water in a city

All you have to do is get off your fat ass and walk to a tap

And once again I have never mentioned anything about getting rid of cars so stop with the faux outrage already
How do you think the workers who maintain the "tap" get to work?
The vast majority of people who maintain the essential public services can not afford to live in areas like Manhattan.
They must commute from miles away.
Train service is very limited to millions of middle class workers who rely on their vehicles to get to where they work.
You really ought to find another dead horse to flog pal.
You are making yourself appear to be a childish fool.
Next you'll be arguing that there are no such things as microwaves b/c mo one can see them.
A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.

And you still don't need a car to get water in a city

All you have to do is get off your fat ass and walk to a tap

And once again I have never mentioned anything about getting rid of cars so stop with the faux outrage already
How do you think the workers who maintain the "tap" get to work?
The vast majority of people who maintain the essential public services can not afford to live in areas like Manhattan.
They must commute from miles away.
Train service is very limited to millions of middle class workers who rely on their vehicles to get to where they work.
You really ought to find another dead horse to flog pal.
You are making yourself appear to be a childish fool.
Next you'll be arguing that there are no such things as microwaves b/c mo one can see them.

Another mental midget

I never once said anything about getting rid of all cars

Go eat some crayons
so godamn stupid
let's see how long you go without a car
stop being stupid--you KNOW humans need vehicles --plain and simple
we know FOR SURE, humans do not need guns to survive

so stupid--comparing cars and guns --so idiotic
guns designed for one thing --to KILL--cars for transportation

I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

Do you mean it's a law that Cars have to be power by fossil fuels? Danged, I have been breaking that law since about 2002 and will continue breaking it. More and more people are breaking that law on a daily basis.. I just love narrow arguments that just take up bandwidth.
How much fossil fuel did it take to make your 'fossil fuel free' vehicle????????
How much fossil fuel does it take to provide the electricity to recharge the car batteries? How much fossil fuel did it take to manufacture virtually everything you touch?
Any idea how much fossil fuel it takes to seed/irrigate/harvest/package/transport/store/sell the fucking plastic bag full of carrots you bought last week?
"But I don't use plastic bags!" Any idea how much fossil fuel to takes to manufacture a fucking paper bag???????
Visit a 'paper making plant' and try to imagine how much fossil fuel it took to make and maintain the equipment needed to make fucking paper!!!!!!
You think the trucks that haul the logs from the forest are going to run on fucking batteries??????????
The batteries needed would fill the fucking logging truck bed you MORON!!!!!!!!
Any idea how the plant workers get to and from the plant?
Fucking WISE UP to reality!
A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.

And you still don't need a car to get water in a city

All you have to do is get off your fat ass and walk to a tap

And once again I have never mentioned anything about getting rid of cars so stop with the faux outrage already
How do you think the workers who maintain the "tap" get to work?
The vast majority of people who maintain the essential public services can not afford to live in areas like Manhattan.
They must commute from miles away.
Train service is very limited to millions of middle class workers who rely on their vehicles to get to where they work.
You really ought to find another dead horse to flog pal.
You are making yourself appear to be a childish fool.
Next you'll be arguing that there are no such things as microwaves b/c mo one can see them.

And you say that I need to burn Gasoline to get there? Funny, on most of my drives, I don't burn an ounce of fuel. My fuel is Electricity which comes from Hydroelectric power. Yes, lubricants are probably fossil fuel based but those can be replaced with synthetics and are slowly being done so. We don't NEED to use fossil fuels in our day to day lives in much of the US. We CHOOSE to use fossil fuels. And we choose to have to clean up the mess it leaves or live with it. Norway has chosen to no longer do that and they don't use Fossil Fuels for MOST of their transportation. They are still using it for aviation but not cars and buses. The CHOOSE to not use it to heat their homes, they CHOOSE to not use it to light their homes. It's a choice. One that can be done. The reason countries like Norway are doing it the first is that they have the most to lose if it continues like it's going. And you know something, we have a lot to lose as well. Not only is Florida going to lose a lot of pristine beaches but it's affecting our weather patterns. We won't talk about global warming, we will talk about Global Weather Change and we contribute heavily to that. Yes, it happens without us but we can choose to allow it to happen naturally which is generally gentle or we can contribute to it and make it drastic. If those are our only two choices (which they are) I choose let Mother Nature do it gently.

So how about giving your BS a rest and just get the hell out of the way.
I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

Do you mean it's a law that Cars have to be power by fossil fuels? Danged, I have been breaking that law since about 2002 and will continue breaking it. More and more people are breaking that law on a daily basis.. I just love narrow arguments that just take up bandwidth.
How much fossil fuel did it take to make your 'fossil fuel free' vehicle????????
How much fossil fuel does it take to provide the electricity to recharge the car batteries? How much fossil fuel did it take to manufacture virtually everything you touch?
Any idea how much fossil fuel it takes to seed/irrigate/harvest/package/transport/store/sell the fucking plastic bag full of carrots you bought last week?
"But I don't use plastic bags!" Any idea how much fossil fuel to takes to manufacture a fucking paper bag???????
Visit a 'paper making plant' and try to imagine how much fossil fuel it took to make and maintain the equipment needed to make fucking paper!!!!!!
You think the trucks that haul the logs from the forest are going to run on fucking batteries??????????
The batteries needed would fill the fucking logging truck bed you MORON!!!!!!!!
Any idea how the plant workers get to and from the plant?
Fucking WISE UP to reality!

Considering I made it, let's see.

The frame is metal using some Steel and some Aluminum. Yes, both did cost fossil fuels to make but the cost was a one time cost. Here it is 16 years later and that cost isn't needed to be spent again. Lasts at least 40 years.

Cost of fossil fuels to make the battery, not Batteries: It's not lead acid, it's Lipo4. Lasts about 7 to 10 years. Some fossil fuel was used to make it orginally but after that, zero cost for fossil fuels.

Motor: also used fossil fuels to produce. One time cost for manufacture. Lasts about 30 years or more.

Tires: Again, it did cost fossil fuels to make them as they are now. But that is because the alternative synthetics aren't being offered for those tires. Lasts about 4 years.

Electricity to operate comes from a solar charger I carry on it or Hydro Electric Power from the outlet. The cost of building the Hydro Power was spent in the late 60s. The cost of the solar charger was spent 6 years ago. So the fossil fuels spent to make it have long since been paid off.

Those are the major costs. You can see that fossil fuels are either a one time charge or amortized out to years. Cost of repair is also a fraction of your gas rig.

As it stands now, Electric car sales, in the US is increasing at a very high rate as the EVs are reaching a point that they can compete with the Gas counterparts. The cost of the EV with exactly the same features is now down to the Gas car. The Cost of operation including maintenance is far below the Gas counterpart. The ranges for the EV is in the excess of 300 miles on a single charge with fast 10 minute charging stations cropping up that can take it up to 80% to get you to your destination (meaning you can go at least 500 miles).

Tesla just Merged (another was of saying bought) Maxwell Batteries. Maxwell has an experimental Battery that is solid state which goes for 100,000 charges, weighs almost zero, puts out about 30 times the density of the Lipo battery, isn't suseptiple to heat, etc.. 2025 is going to be a fun year for EVs and many other things including Cell phones and Computers. It also costs a fraction of the cost to make. Your lead Acid Car battery gets replaced by something the size of a cigarrete pack where the polls are bigger than the battery. Yes, 2025 is only 5 years away.

So, even today, the EV is more than just a possibility. It's here now. And the features that are right around the corner can easily be adapted to them. The only thing left is the battery and that's coming real soon.

Now, in comparison to my EV, what is your Gas rig requiring as a fossil fuel (carbon footprint) to make and operate?
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
So, you're saying that if he had an operational AR available he would have killed more people?
That's obvious.
The off duty BSO stated the shooter's AR jammed.
Had it not jammed there's no telling how many more people he would have shot.
Limiting access to ARs altogether would be worth considering then?
Imagine how many more lives could be saved.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.

And you still don't need a car to get water in a city

All you have to do is get off your fat ass and walk to a tap

And once again I have never mentioned anything about getting rid of cars so stop with the faux outrage already
I don't care if you said it. The point is AOC said that she was going to get rid of them.
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.

And you still don't need a car to get water in a city

All you have to do is get off your fat ass and walk to a tap

And once again I have never mentioned anything about getting rid of cars so stop with the faux outrage already
How do you think the workers who maintain the "tap" get to work?
The vast majority of people who maintain the essential public services can not afford to live in areas like Manhattan.
They must commute from miles away.
Train service is very limited to millions of middle class workers who rely on their vehicles to get to where they work.
You really ought to find another dead horse to flog pal.
You are making yourself appear to be a childish fool.
Next you'll be arguing that there are no such things as microwaves b/c mo one can see them.

Another mental midget

I never once said anything about getting rid of all cars

Go eat some crayons
people always resort to name calling when they know they have lost

hahahahah--you said people can live without cars--you really fked up
now you are saying not ALL cars
should we keep the purple ones?
I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.

And you still don't need a car to get water in a city

All you have to do is get off your fat ass and walk to a tap

And once again I have never mentioned anything about getting rid of cars so stop with the faux outrage already
How do you think the workers who maintain the "tap" get to work?
The vast majority of people who maintain the essential public services can not afford to live in areas like Manhattan.
They must commute from miles away.
Train service is very limited to millions of middle class workers who rely on their vehicles to get to where they work.
You really ought to find another dead horse to flog pal.
You are making yourself appear to be a childish fool.
Next you'll be arguing that there are no such things as microwaves b/c mo one can see them.

Another mental midget

I never once said anything about getting rid of all cars

Go eat some crayons
people always resort to name calling when they know they have lost

hahahahah--you said people can live without cars--you really fked up
now you are saying not ALL cars
should we keep the purple ones?
If you want to get rid of poverty, hate, bigotry, and save the planet, just get rid of all of the Democrats.
Limiting access to ARs altogether would be worth considering then?
On average, 10 people/year are killed with 'assault weapons' of all kinds in a mass shooting.
Limiting access to AR15s makes no sense whatsoever.
I am sure that the solution to the random murders by gun problem in this country is more guns. That is NRA and Trump logic in it's purest form.

No the answer is to reopen the nut houses and put the nuts back inside where they belong. And yes I do realize that would include at least half of the democratic party today.
A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.

And you still don't need a car to get water in a city

All you have to do is get off your fat ass and walk to a tap

And once again I have never mentioned anything about getting rid of cars so stop with the faux outrage already
I don't care if you said it. The point is AOC said that she was going to get rid of them.

You put way too much credit to everything she says. You need to step away from the Rush and Hannity Hour, and go for a walk.
I am sure that the solution to the random murders by gun problem in this country is more guns. That is NRA and Trump logic in it's purest form.

No the answer is to reopen the nut houses and put the nuts back inside where they belong. And yes I do realize that would include at least half of the democratic party today.

And a good number of the guncrazies in here as well.
I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.

And you still don't need a car to get water in a city

All you have to do is get off your fat ass and walk to a tap

And once again I have never mentioned anything about getting rid of cars so stop with the faux outrage already
How do you think the workers who maintain the "tap" get to work?
The vast majority of people who maintain the essential public services can not afford to live in areas like Manhattan.
They must commute from miles away.
Train service is very limited to millions of middle class workers who rely on their vehicles to get to where they work.
You really ought to find another dead horse to flog pal.
You are making yourself appear to be a childish fool.
Next you'll be arguing that there are no such things as microwaves b/c mo one can see them.

Another mental midget

I never once said anything about getting rid of all cars

Go eat some crayons
people always resort to name calling when they know they have lost

hahahahah--you said people can live without cars--you really fked up
now you are saying not ALL cars
should we keep the purple ones?

Yes, the Purple ones as long as it''s only the purple ones that are EVs.
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
So, you're saying that if he had an operational AR available he would have killed more people?
That's obvious.
The off duty BSO stated the shooter's AR jammed.
Had it not jammed there's no telling how many more people he would have shot.
Limiting access to ARs altogether would be worth considering then?
Imagine how many more lives could be saved.

How many.....10 a year...since AR-15s are the least used gun in any sort of crime?

Do you realize that knives kill far more people every single year than AR rifles do...or any rifles?

You are irrational...these rifles kill fewer people than knives, clubs or barehands every single year, and the deaths cars cause are vastly greater than these rifles...

You have no rational argument for banning these guns...

Car deaths....38,000

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696


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