Question For The Gun Haters

The problem with that is we've seen it before in China, Cambodia, Russia, Cuba....etc.
And we're seeing it happening right now.
So your BS arguments are falling on deaf ears.

China does it very little. China is a different bird and one that Westerners have trouble understanding. Cambodia ended up being invaded by Vietnam to end it. Such happens generally when you operate like that until your neighbors get tired of it. Much like if Maduro continues much longer and Brazil decides to end it. The Organization of the Americas are just about fed up with it. Russia is a Dictatorship by all counts so doesn't count. Cuba is a Dictatorship so doesn't count. Got any more you wish to present? You really need to get out more.
Just presenting the obvious to those who can learn.
You ain't one of them. every one of those countries, except maybe Russia, you have no free internet, but we have sort of a free internet in America (other than the censorship going on on Twitter and Facebook), so suckasses like you can spread your nonsense to anyone too young to understand how it all works.

And you have the right to spread you suckass views as well. Welcome to America.
You can’t get anymore suckass than political correctness, Communism is impossible without socialism

But you can have socialism without communism.
But I don't think that's what's going to happen here....since most of the socialists in congress are communists.
China does it very little. China is a different bird and one that Westerners have trouble understanding. Cambodia ended up being invaded by Vietnam to end it. Such happens generally when you operate like that until your neighbors get tired of it. Much like if Maduro continues much longer and Brazil decides to end it. The Organization of the Americas are just about fed up with it. Russia is a Dictatorship by all counts so doesn't count. Cuba is a Dictatorship so doesn't count. Got any more you wish to present? You really need to get out more.
Just presenting the obvious to those who can learn.
You ain't one of them. every one of those countries, except maybe Russia, you have no free internet, but we have sort of a free internet in America (other than the censorship going on on Twitter and Facebook), so suckasses like you can spread your nonsense to anyone too young to understand how it all works.

And you have the right to spread you suckass views as well. Welcome to America.
You can’t get anymore suckass than political correctness, Communism is impossible without socialism

But you can have socialism without communism.
But I don't think that's what's going to happen here....since most of the socialists in congress are communists.

There are NO Socialist Government, blinky. Socialism is like Capitalism which is an economic model. Communism is a Government like a Republic is. You rightwingnutjobs really need to pay attention to a better education.
you people are so full of shit
those humans GREW UP without cars---feeding off the land
without cars/trucks:
no ac/heating
no phones
no MODERN sewage systems
no modern water supply
etc etc etc
humans today need all of that--without it:
and getting to the doctor will not be easy
please tell me how the food will get to the people?

Hey you're the idiot that said human can't live without cars and history proves you wrong since humans have lived without cars longer that they have with cars

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it
I think maybe you should think about what you post before you post it.
Imagine how much more difficult life would be if you didn't have access to a car.
We don't have a decent mass-transit system, so getting around would be very difficult.
You'd have to walk everywhere.
Ever wonder why people are living longer than back 300 years ago?
No, probably not.
The life expectancy was only about 40 years back then.
Now it's in the 70s.
I wonder what makes that all possible?

He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
so godamn stupid
let's see how long you go without a car
stop being stupid--you KNOW humans need vehicles --plain and simple
we know FOR SURE, humans do not need guns to survive

so stupid--comparing cars and guns --so idiotic
guns designed for one thing --to KILL--cars for transportation

I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.
Just presenting the obvious to those who can learn.
You ain't one of them. every one of those countries, except maybe Russia, you have no free internet, but we have sort of a free internet in America (other than the censorship going on on Twitter and Facebook), so suckasses like you can spread your nonsense to anyone too young to understand how it all works.

And you have the right to spread you suckass views as well. Welcome to America.
You can’t get anymore suckass than political correctness, Communism is impossible without socialism

But you can have socialism without communism.
But I don't think that's what's going to happen here....since most of the socialists in congress are communists.

There are NO Socialist Government, blinky. Socialism is like Capitalism which is an economic model. Communism is a Government like a Republic is. You rightwingnutjobs really need to pay attention to a better education.
Socialism is government ownership of business.
Try to figure out the meaning of that.
I am sure that the solution to the random murders by gun problem in this country is more guns. That is NRA and Trump logic in it's purest form.
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
So, you're saying that if he had an operational AR available he would have killed more people?
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
So, you're saying that if he had an operational AR available he would have killed more people?

I think the OP has finally solved the gun control problem. Just legislate that all semi-automatic weapons sold must be inoperative!
And you have the right to spread you suckass views as well. Welcome to America.
You can’t get anymore suckass than political correctness, Communism is impossible without socialism

But you can have socialism without communism.
But I don't think that's what's going to happen here....since most of the socialists in congress are communists.

There are NO Socialist Government, blinky. Socialism is like Capitalism which is an economic model. Communism is a Government like a Republic is. You rightwingnutjobs really need to pay attention to a better education.
Socialism is government ownership of business.
Try to figure out the meaning of that.

Just like Capitalism is the private ownership of a business. Try and figure out the meaning of that. Neither one is a Government although people try and make them sound that way. China is a Communist Nation (about the last one on Earth) and it's heavily capitalistic. Norway is a Federal Republic yet it's heavily socialist. The US is a mixture of both like most successful countries. Once you get to a certain size, you need both. So how about stopping with the trying to pass everything you don't like as leftist socialist. Otherwise, you may just have to stop driving on the public highways, and many other things that heavily affect your life.
You can’t get anymore suckass than political correctness, Communism is impossible without socialism

But you can have socialism without communism.
But I don't think that's what's going to happen here....since most of the socialists in congress are communists.

There are NO Socialist Government, blinky. Socialism is like Capitalism which is an economic model. Communism is a Government like a Republic is. You rightwingnutjobs really need to pay attention to a better education.
Socialism is government ownership of business.
Try to figure out the meaning of that.

Just like Capitalism is the private ownership of a business. Try and figure out the meaning of that. Neither one is a Government although people try and make them sound that way. China is a Communist Nation (about the last one on Earth) and it's heavily capitalistic. Norway is a Federal Republic yet it's heavily socialist. The US is a mixture of both like most successful countries. Once you get to a certain size, you need both. So how about stopping with the trying to pass everything you don't like as leftist socialist. Otherwise, you may just have to stop driving on the public highways, and many other things that heavily affect your life.
Smaller countries can afford to be socialist if they rely on other countries around them to help support them. We cannot expect that.
We cannot expect anyone else to defend us from aggressive nations that want to take our resources. Most socialist countries in Europe rely on NATO to defend them, most of which the US pays for. Canada can't afford to prop up our economy and definitely not Mexico, which relies on the US for 30% of it's GDP.

Not to mention the fact that most of the Democrats are card carrying Communists, not Socialists. What makes you think a bunch of commies only want socialism in America? You must be gullible as fuck, willfully ignorant, or some asshole from another country that's trying to fuck mine up.
The problem with that is we've seen it before in China, Cambodia, Russia, Cuba....etc.
And we're seeing it happening right now.
So your BS arguments are falling on deaf ears.

China does it very little. China is a different bird and one that Westerners have trouble understanding. Cambodia ended up being invaded by Vietnam to end it. Such happens generally when you operate like that until your neighbors get tired of it. Much like if Maduro continues much longer and Brazil decides to end it. The Organization of the Americas are just about fed up with it. Russia is a Dictatorship by all counts so doesn't count. Cuba is a Dictatorship so doesn't count. Got any more you wish to present? You really need to get out more.
Just presenting the obvious to those who can learn.
You ain't one of them. every one of those countries, except maybe Russia, you have no free internet, but we have sort of a free internet in America (other than the censorship going on on Twitter and Facebook), so suckasses like you can spread your nonsense to anyone too young to understand how it all works.

And you have the right to spread you suckass views as well. Welcome to America.
You can’t get anymore suckass than political correctness, Communism is impossible without socialism

But you can have socialism without communism.
Socialism is a perfect incubator for dictatorships
But you can have socialism without communism.
But I don't think that's what's going to happen here....since most of the socialists in congress are communists.

There are NO Socialist Government, blinky. Socialism is like Capitalism which is an economic model. Communism is a Government like a Republic is. You rightwingnutjobs really need to pay attention to a better education.
Socialism is government ownership of business.
Try to figure out the meaning of that.

Just like Capitalism is the private ownership of a business. Try and figure out the meaning of that. Neither one is a Government although people try and make them sound that way. China is a Communist Nation (about the last one on Earth) and it's heavily capitalistic. Norway is a Federal Republic yet it's heavily socialist. The US is a mixture of both like most successful countries. Once you get to a certain size, you need both. So how about stopping with the trying to pass everything you don't like as leftist socialist. Otherwise, you may just have to stop driving on the public highways, and many other things that heavily affect your life.
Smaller countries can afford to be socialist if they rely on other countries around them to help support them. We cannot expect that.
We cannot expect anyone else to defend us from aggressive nations that want to take our resources. Most socialist countries in Europe rely on NATO to defend them, most of which the US pays for. Canada can't afford to prop up our economy and definitely not Mexico, which relies on the US for 30% of it's GDP.

Not to mention the fact that most of the Democrats are card carrying Communists, not Socialists. What makes you think a bunch of commies only want socialism in America? You must be gullible as fuck, willfully ignorant, or some asshole from another country that's trying to fuck mine up.

Let's see, I voted a Dem Ticket last time with one exception. Are you trying to tell me that I lied to the US Military for over 20 years about NOT being a communist which would have been grounds for termination? You really need to rethink things on this one. I spent over 20 years earning YOU the right to spew this nonsense. So you keep throwing all that BS out. It's your right. But it's still the mark of an illiterate buffoon.
China does it very little. China is a different bird and one that Westerners have trouble understanding. Cambodia ended up being invaded by Vietnam to end it. Such happens generally when you operate like that until your neighbors get tired of it. Much like if Maduro continues much longer and Brazil decides to end it. The Organization of the Americas are just about fed up with it. Russia is a Dictatorship by all counts so doesn't count. Cuba is a Dictatorship so doesn't count. Got any more you wish to present? You really need to get out more.
Just presenting the obvious to those who can learn.
You ain't one of them. every one of those countries, except maybe Russia, you have no free internet, but we have sort of a free internet in America (other than the censorship going on on Twitter and Facebook), so suckasses like you can spread your nonsense to anyone too young to understand how it all works.

And you have the right to spread you suckass views as well. Welcome to America.
You can’t get anymore suckass than political correctness, Communism is impossible without socialism

But you can have socialism without communism.
Socialism is a perfect incubator for dictatorships

So is straight capitalism. Again, what is your point? Is it that you u are just spreading doom and gloom? That's a good way to say to the Dems that they don't need to present a decent candidate because they don't have to to win.
I am sure that the solution to the random murders by gun problem in this country is more guns. That is NRA and Trump logic in it's purest form.

Well....actual, real world experience backs that up....kinda ruins your post...doesn't it?

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
But I don't think that's what's going to happen here....since most of the socialists in congress are communists.

There are NO Socialist Government, blinky. Socialism is like Capitalism which is an economic model. Communism is a Government like a Republic is. You rightwingnutjobs really need to pay attention to a better education.
Socialism is government ownership of business.
Try to figure out the meaning of that.

Just like Capitalism is the private ownership of a business. Try and figure out the meaning of that. Neither one is a Government although people try and make them sound that way. China is a Communist Nation (about the last one on Earth) and it's heavily capitalistic. Norway is a Federal Republic yet it's heavily socialist. The US is a mixture of both like most successful countries. Once you get to a certain size, you need both. So how about stopping with the trying to pass everything you don't like as leftist socialist. Otherwise, you may just have to stop driving on the public highways, and many other things that heavily affect your life.
Smaller countries can afford to be socialist if they rely on other countries around them to help support them. We cannot expect that.
We cannot expect anyone else to defend us from aggressive nations that want to take our resources. Most socialist countries in Europe rely on NATO to defend them, most of which the US pays for. Canada can't afford to prop up our economy and definitely not Mexico, which relies on the US for 30% of it's GDP.

Not to mention the fact that most of the Democrats are card carrying Communists, not Socialists. What makes you think a bunch of commies only want socialism in America? You must be gullible as fuck, willfully ignorant, or some asshole from another country that's trying to fuck mine up.

Let's see, I voted a Dem Ticket last time with one exception. Are you trying to tell me that I lied to the US Military for over 20 years about NOT being a communist which would have been grounds for termination? You really need to rethink things on this one. I spent over 20 years earning YOU the right to spew this nonsense. So you keep throwing all that BS out. It's your right. But it's still the mark of an illiterate buffoon.
Wow...I'm impressed. I spent years in 5th Special Forces group on an Alpha Team training foreign troops in Kuwait and Somalia. What were you, a PAC clerk, hero? Chairborn Ranger?
The only person in the military that votes Democrat is either a female, a faggot, or black.
Which one are you?
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
Here is another question. Most countries dont have ppace of worship shooting, school shootings, workplace shootings, family affair shootings, why ?
Hey you're the idiot that said human can't live without cars and history proves you wrong since humans have lived without cars longer that they have with cars

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it
I think maybe you should think about what you post before you post it.
Imagine how much more difficult life would be if you didn't have access to a car.
We don't have a decent mass-transit system, so getting around would be very difficult.
You'd have to walk everywhere.
Ever wonder why people are living longer than back 300 years ago?
No, probably not.
The life expectancy was only about 40 years back then.
Now it's in the 70s.
I wonder what makes that all possible?

He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
so godamn stupid
let's see how long you go without a car
stop being stupid--you KNOW humans need vehicles --plain and simple
we know FOR SURE, humans do not need guns to survive

so stupid--comparing cars and guns --so idiotic
guns designed for one thing --to KILL--cars for transportation

I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
I think maybe you should think about what you post before you post it.
Imagine how much more difficult life would be if you didn't have access to a car.
We don't have a decent mass-transit system, so getting around would be very difficult.
You'd have to walk everywhere.
Ever wonder why people are living longer than back 300 years ago?
No, probably not.
The life expectancy was only about 40 years back then.
Now it's in the 70s.
I wonder what makes that all possible?

He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
so godamn stupid
let's see how long you go without a car
stop being stupid--you KNOW humans need vehicles --plain and simple
we know FOR SURE, humans do not need guns to survive

so stupid--comparing cars and guns --so idiotic
guns designed for one thing --to KILL--cars for transportation

I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow
He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
so godamn stupid
let's see how long you go without a car
stop being stupid--you KNOW humans need vehicles --plain and simple
we know FOR SURE, humans do not need guns to survive

so stupid--comparing cars and guns --so idiotic
guns designed for one thing --to KILL--cars for transportation

I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

I get my water from a well on my property
so godamn stupid
let's see how long you go without a car
stop being stupid--you KNOW humans need vehicles --plain and simple
we know FOR SURE, humans do not need guns to survive

so stupid--comparing cars and guns --so idiotic
guns designed for one thing --to KILL--cars for transportation

I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.
I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
2A guy/etc brought up cars--as do most MUST-have-gunners
where did you get your food? the food you got was brought there by a vehicle/etc
....where did you get your heat/AC?? they need vehicles/trucks/cars so you can have heat/ac/POWER
..the workers that get you POWER/AC/heat NEED cars to get to work!!! DUH
you are so out of it
a car IS a vehicle
YOU are moving the posts
  1. 1.
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

A car is one type of vehicle.

you went from cars to ALL vehicles
the people that provided you water needed cars
I guess you did not use TV/REFRIGERATOR/etc??!!!??
.....if the people who provided you electricity/heat/food did not have cars---you would not have those things
your argument is worthless
your thinking is very shallow

I get my water from a well on my property
So everyone needs to dig their own wells?
Not everyone lives somewhere where they can get free water from a well. Some of us live in places where the watertable doesn't allow that, or they live in a city where the only water sources are from pipes supplied by the city. Being a self-centered socialist like yourself you must think that everyone can do like you do, and that's all you care about. Some people live along the Southern Border and have to deal with wild animals, thousands of people trying to break into their homes, and drug cartels. You want them to use mass-transit and give up their cars. You want everyone to live on the Ponderosa like it's 1860 but you don't want them to be able to defend themselves. So basically you want them all to die.

And you still don't need a car to get water in a city

All you have to do is get off your fat ass and walk to a tap

And once again I have never mentioned anything about getting rid of cars so stop with the faux outrage already

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