Question for the Obama haters --

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
When you learn that something you've been told, read, gotten a chain letter about - like the idiotic "President Obama giving away Alaskan Islands" lie ... When you find out that you have been lied to, that the chain letter is a lie, what do you do?

Do you send links back to the people who sent you the lie?

Do you make any move at all to correct that lie?

-- OR --

Because you know it will reflect badly on the president, do you let the lie go on, even spreading it further yourself, even though it makes you look like an idiot?

IOW, do you make any effort to really search out the truth?

Or, like the post about the Alaskan Islands, do you just keep spreading the lies?

Final question:

Are you answering THIS thread honestly?
First of ALL don't presume at least that I hate anyone much less Obama! If there is anything I do hate is willful ignorance though and how many times have I submitted UNBIASED FACTS specifically for example from the IRS SHOWING that Obama's "Buffett Rule" for example is totally wrong!

What Obama has done has pitted people against each other!
Bush NEVER NEVER made any RACIAL or Economic divisive statement and in fact it wasn't till the DEMOCRATS saw the Iraq liberation as a way to convince voters with the complicity of the biased (tell me when the EDITOR of NewsWeek says "Obama is like a God" or Mathews compare Obama to Jesus and he cried over his speeches...) get a reality check!

So please when Obama says OIL production is up under his administration THAT's TRUE except he hasn't done anything BUT put obstacles in the way of releasing Federal lands. Bush opened up the areas that on private lands has created more OIL... Obama and EPA thwarting all efforts!

So again.. NO ONE HATES OBAMA would you get it through your HEAD???

Obama does the same thing that he bitches about the wealthy doing i.e. he took $100,000 off his taxes as LOSSES! He deduct $48,000 for his daughters education. ALL of those I'm fine with!
BUT it is his hypocrisy that by doing this and then making the "Buffett Rule" speeches tearing down the "wealthy" which is again.. economic class warfare BUT HE Does the same thing!!!!
He could take a big step forward by denouncing and returning all the deductions.
Paying the difference between his 20% and his taxes at 35%!
AND THEN HE'd have more standing... but for now... HE's A HYPOCRITE!
Welp, you, RW, Rtard, TM and the like are yet to prove Obam is anything but Bush III... It's pretty fuckin easy to look up and find Obama didn't repeal anything meaningful of Bush's while extending or expanding many of the worst of Bush policies. And yet you will still vote for Obama, because he sold you on a very simple lie. Obama sold you on the lie that he is not the run of the mill full of shit, pit you against the other side, divide the nation politician.

Here you are, day after day posting your hate on a message board while supporting the very definition of everything you claim to be against.
When did you start supporting the Bush era tax cuts
Support doing more tax cuts/credits (through the stimulus) during a time of war rather than raising taxes to pay for the wars
Starting new wars
Expanding old wars (Afghanistan)
Mass subsidies to corporations
Bringing the “war on terror” to the US (NDAA)
Expanding of homeland security
Failing to do ANYTHINGY on immigration
Bail outs
Run historic deficits and not pay for them
And this list literally goes on and on… I simply get tired or posting it only to get ignored.
A guy with an avatar like this is whining about truth in politics?


When you learn that something you've been told, read, gotten a chain letter about - like the idiotic "President Obama giving away Alaskan Islands" lie ... When you find out that you have been lied to, that the chain letter is a lie, what do you do?

Do you send links back to the people who sent you the lie?

Do you make any move at all to correct that lie?

-- OR --

Because you know it will reflect badly on the president, do you let the lie go on, even spreading it further yourself, even though it makes you look like an idiot?

IOW, do you make any effort to really search out the truth?

Or, like the post about the Alaskan Islands, do you just keep spreading the lies?

Final question:

Are you answering THIS thread honestly?

All rhetorical questions, one trusts.

The conservative motto is to repeat a lie often enough until it’s perceived as true.

In the case of Obama, given the 2008 presidential election results and the fact the new president was retaining many Bush-Era policies, republicans found little, if any, actual issues to use as weapons against Obama.

Things consequently became purely partisan, having noting to do with facts, sound governance, or good public policy. As Senate Minority Leader McConnell stated, the GOP’s primary goal was to 'get rid of Obama, ’ what’s good for the Nation be damned.

To realize that goal, the right contrived lies, half-truths, and misinformation designed to make Obama ‘look bad,’ to create a false impression of a president somehow responsible for everything wrong with America, including a recession that began 13 months before he took office.
When you learn that something you've been told, read, gotten a chain letter about - like the idiotic "President Obama giving away Alaskan Islands" lie ... When you find out that you have been lied to, that the chain letter is a lie, what do you do?
I immediately assume that some sort of leftist Obama operative started a false negative rumor about Obama, so Obama can point fingers and gain sympathy.

Do you send links back to the people who sent you the lie?
No, I usually shake my head in disgust, at the hypocrisy and complete lack of integrity of the leftist lemmings.

Do you make any move at all to correct that lie?
Yeah, sometimes I confront the Obamanistas, but after awhile it gets very boring and frustrating debating people with IQs rivaling those of dinner forks..

-- OR --

Because you know it will reflect badly on the president, do you let the lie go on, even spreading it further yourself, even though it makes you look like an idiot?
Nobody needs to fabricate false negative news about Obama. He and his operatives are highly capable of screwing things up enough that fabrications are not necessary.

IOW, do you make any effort to really search out the truth?
Since the vast majority of the news media are nothing more than cheerleaders and pimps for Obama, searching out the truth can be difficult, but it is attainable.

Or, like the post about the Alaskan Islands, do you just keep spreading the lies?
Obama has his own vast army of "lie spreaders", so he doesn't need Obama haters like me to spread lies about him.

Final question:

Are you answering THIS thread honestly?
Since you, "luddly.neddite", wouldn't recognize HONESTY if it knocked you to the ground and stole your wallet, it is not necessary for me to answer this last question of yours.

Things consequently became purely partisan, having noting to do with facts, sound governance, or good public policy. As Senate Minority Leader McConnell stated, the GOP’s primary goal was to 'get rid of Obama, ’ what’s good for the Nation be damned.


I thought you were above this sort of distortion.

No, really I did.

You usually seem so fact-based and spin free. At least when I've noticed your posts.
I was not aware disagreeing with someone over political policies equated to hating them.

Me, either. It's not exactly a newsflash that liberals and Republicans disagree on virtually everything when it come to running the country.
When you learn that something you've been told, read, gotten a chain letter about - like the idiotic "President Obama giving away Alaskan Islands" lie ... When you find out that you have been lied to, that the chain letter is a lie, what do you do?

Do you send links back to the people who sent you the lie?

Do you make any move at all to correct that lie?

-- OR --

Because you know it will reflect badly on the president, do you let the lie go on, even spreading it further yourself, even though it makes you look like an idiot?

IOW, do you make any effort to really search out the truth?

Or, like the post about the Alaskan Islands, do you just keep spreading the lies?

Final question:

Are you answering THIS thread honestly?

All rhetorical questions, one trusts.

The conservative motto is to repeat a lie often enough until it’s perceived as true.

In the case of Obama, given the 2008 presidential election results and the fact the new president was retaining many Bush-Era policies, republicans found little, if any, actual issues to use as weapons against Obama.

Things consequently became purely partisan, having noting to do with facts, sound governance, or good public policy. As Senate Minority Leader McConnell stated, the GOP’s primary goal was to 'get rid of Obama, ’ what’s good for the Nation be damned.

To realize that goal, the right contrived lies, half-truths, and misinformation designed to make Obama ‘look bad,’ to create a false impression of a president somehow responsible for everything wrong with America, including a recession that began 13 months before he took office.

Part of the goal has been to turn citizens against each other. When times are hard, its important to have someone to blame. The r's have demonized brown, black and anyone who is pro-middle class, pro-poor. They throw a lot of ideological spaghetti against the wall and go with what ever sticks.

Anything is better than staying with the issues that they themselves refuse to address.

And we fall for it.
Part of the goal has been to turn citizens against each other. When times are hard, its important to have someone to blame. The r's have demonized brown, black and anyone who is pro-middle class, pro-poor. They throw a lot of ideological spaghetti against the wall and go with what ever sticks.

Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.[1]

Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When you learn that something you've been told, read, gotten a chain letter about - like the idiotic "President Obama giving away Alaskan Islands" lie ... When you find out that you have been lied to, that the chain letter is a lie, what do you do?

Do you send links back to the people who sent you the lie?

Do you make any move at all to correct that lie?

-- OR --

Because you know it will reflect badly on the president, do you let the lie go on, even spreading it further yourself, even though it makes you look like an idiot?

IOW, do you make any effort to really search out the truth?

Or, like the post about the Alaskan Islands, do you just keep spreading the lies?

Final question:

Are you answering THIS thread honestly?

All rhetorical questions, one trusts.

The conservative motto is to repeat a lie often enough until it’s perceived as true.

In the case of Obama, given the 2008 presidential election results and the fact the new president was retaining many Bush-Era policies, republicans found little, if any, actual issues to use as weapons against Obama.

Things consequently became purely partisan, having noting to do with facts, sound governance, or good public policy. As Senate Minority Leader McConnell stated, the GOP’s primary goal was to 'get rid of Obama, ’ what’s good for the Nation be damned.

To realize that goal, the right contrived lies, half-truths, and misinformation designed to make Obama ‘look bad,’ to create a false impression of a president somehow responsible for everything wrong with America, including a recession that began 13 months before he took office.

Part of the goal has been to turn citizens against each other. When times are hard, its important to have someone to blame. The r's have demonized brown, black and anyone who is pro-middle class, pro-poor. They throw a lot of ideological spaghetti against the wall and go with what ever sticks.

Anything is better than staying with the issues that they themselves refuse to address.

And we fall for it.


Ludd ... you're a trip!


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