Question for those pushing a "living wage"

Those bastards! That's disgusting!

Disgusting is them getting extremely poor wages in return.

Actually, we know they pay good wages because they have so many employees. Each one of those employees decided that the Walmart wage was better than any other job opportunity they had. No one took Walmart when they had a better offer. For an employer to be able to hire and retain that many employees is proof they are paying good wages and fair wages.

You mean walmart and the government are paying them.
The logical fallacy you just committed is begging the question.

So let's say wal-mart raises wages to $15 an hour or whatever you want. So then they fire all their current employees and hire better ones. Then their current employees are back entirely on welfare.

How did this help you exactly?

What makes you think the current employees wouldn't earn the higher wage? Now they would have more incentive to do a good job. Now they might get my business.

You've obviously never managed anyone in your life, it doesn't work that way. No one works harder because they are paid more and no one who has ever managed anyone would say that.

You can hire a lot more reliable employee in the $10-$12 range than minimum wage. And you can hire a lot better employee than that when you get to $15 an hour. So obviously Walmart paying more will hire better employees and the ones now are going to be on the street.

So again, how did this help you exactly? Now you're paying the full freight.

Contradicted himself. :eusa_shifty::confused:
A complex society needs workers at all pick crops, clean toilets, teach children, pick up garbage, flip burgers, put out fires, run offices etc...
And even "retards" need to live...and not necessarily be ambitious to "move up"...
Doing a good job at whatever work someone is cut out for ...that we all depend on...should earn her/him enough to live ...however modestly.

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A complex society needs workers at all pick crops, clean toilets, teach children, pick up garbage, flip burgers, put out fires, run offices etc...
And even "retards" need to live...and not necessarily be ambitious to "move up"...
Doing a good job at whatever work someone is cut out for ...that we all depend on...should earn her/him enough to live ...however modestly.

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Can anyone point to people dying in the streets cause their paychecks are not enough to live on?
A complex society needs workers at all pick crops, clean toilets, teach children, pick up garbage, flip burgers, put out fires, run offices etc...
And even "retards" need to live...and not necessarily be ambitious to "move up"...
Doing a good job at whatever work someone is cut out for ...that we all depend on...should earn her/him enough to live ...however modestly.

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Can anyone point to people dying in the streets cause their paychecks are not enough to live on?

I can show you some billionaires using corporate welfare to pay their employees.
You've obviously never managed anyone in your life, it doesn't work that way. No one works harder because they are paid more and no one who has ever managed anyone would say that.

You can hire a lot more reliable employee in the $10-$12 range than minimum wage. And you can hire a lot better employee than that when you get to $15 an hour. So obviously Walmart paying more will hire better employees and the ones now are going to be on the street.

So egain, how did you help them exactly?

I disagree. Now they have a better job worth holding onto. I have manages people, not sure what you have managed.

I've spent my career in management, management consulting and then as a business owner, and what makes sense to you is irrelevant. That doesn't happen in real life. In real life, people are paid what they decide to be worth, they never, ever rise to the level of what you pay them. As I said, you've obviously never managed anyone.

Efficiency Wage Theory | Economics Help
A complex society needs workers at all pick crops, clean toilets, teach children, pick up garbage, flip burgers, put out fires, run offices etc...
And even "retards" need to live...and not necessarily be ambitious to "move up"...
Doing a good job at whatever work someone is cut out for ...that we all depend on...should earn her/him enough to live ...however modestly.

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Can anyone point to people dying in the streets cause their paychecks are not enough to live on?

I can show you some billionaires using corporate welfare to pay their employees.

Deflection Alert!!!!!!!
God are you a sick fuck. Embarrassing that you call yourself an American

Are you really trying to say that to be American is to coddle lazy ass loosers?

That's exactly what he's saying. Those of us who work hard are the freaks to be scorned, there's something wrong with us. People who are like him, do the least every day they can get away with are the normal ones.
You mean to say those of us that are footing the bill to pay his dumbass are the freaks? Really? Guess his parents never taught him NOT to bite the hand that feeds you. That concept must be alien.
A complex society needs workers at all pick crops, clean toilets, teach children, pick up garbage, flip burgers, put out fires, run offices etc...
And even "retards" need to live...and not necessarily be ambitious to "move up"...
Doing a good job at whatever work someone is cut out for ...that we all depend on...should earn her/him enough to live ...however modestly.

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Can anyone point to people dying in the streets cause their paychecks are not enough to live on?

I can show you some billionaires using corporate welfare to pay their employees.

Why would you use tax free cash to pay for something that's tax deductible?
In another thread someone claimed that people have a right to be paid enough to support a family. I'd like to hear input from others on this.

Does a person with a paper route have the right to be paid enough to support a family?

Should a grocery bagger get paid enough to support a family?

What is the lowest level of job where you think the employers should be required to pay their employees enough to support a family? And how large of a family should this job be able to support?

If my brother quit his computer job and went to work as a Wal-Mart stocker, should he be able to expect Wal-Mart to pay him enough to support his six children?

If a husband and wife both work full-time, they should be able to afford to pay their rent, put food on the table, and not have to worry about health insurance. That doesn't mean living the high life. It also means they should not need government aid on top of their wages to make it.

One of the biggest problems with the minimum wage is that when we discuss it, we generally do not take into account cost of living by area. If someone believes the minimum wage should be $15 per hour, is that for those living in New York City, or those living in Mississippi, or both? Obviously it costs much more to make it in NY City than it does in Mississippi or even Ohio.
Please tell me what percentage of the population fall into that category.
Then explain why law should be written to benefit such a minuscule proportion of the population.
Don't ya just hate it?

They are poor for a reason. If they don't suffer, everyone will want to be poor

You and I have different definitions of suffering.

Conservative ideal for poor Americans


Liberal accusation of Conservative ideal for poor Americans.

No basis of fact or reality for rightwinger's posted picture and accompanying commentary, but I'm sure he feels good about it, what with his moral superiority and all.
The employer created the need for it. I've looked at the numbers, you still have to be very poor to collect. The Waltons are making billions, the execs are making millions, and the workers are making so little they collect welfare. Sorry but there is something wrong with that.

there IS something wrong with that; it's called your petty jealousy.
people are supposed to not want to stay at those jobs; they are supposed to want to get educated and get better jobs; there will always be people richer than others

So you're ok with the Waltons getting rich off corporate welfare? And I suppose you call yourself a conservative?

I love how conservatives are no longer for small government. Now they are for making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Corporate welfare and military spending good. Any spending that helps poor people bad. And the government grows.
Do you realize that under the liberal Obama administration of bigger government, the gap between the rich and the poor has expanded beyond anything under any conservative president?
Are you daft, or do you just choose to ignore facts?
Then work several part time jobs

We are talking 30 million poor people not one poor person

There are not 30 million part time jobs out there
This is what these rancid far RW bastards don't seem to understand.

They keep talking about these mythical part time jobs out there.

Do you mean the mythical part time jobs that all the mythical single parent moms have to work in order to feed their mythical bastard children while living in their mythical poverty caused by the mythical evil corporations that caused them to have children or caused them to be single parents?
I think he is conceding the need for a living wage. That is a good first step out of poverty

If the 15 trillion we have spent on anti-poverty programs hasn't helped how is a couple extra dollars an hour going to help?

Fed a lot of people, provided homes, education, healthcare, jobs programs

What is you alternative? let them die?

I may let them die.
If their family and friends voluntarily wants to house, feed and clothe them, then they are free to do so. I don't have a problem with that. The moment one uses the government as a means to force me to support another, yeah, I have a problem with that.
I think he is conceding the need for a living wage. That is a good first step out of poverty

If the 15 trillion we have spent on anti-poverty programs hasn't helped how is a couple extra dollars an hour going to help?

It helped.

The poverty rate for blacks is half what it was in the 1960's.

What does color matter? Are you racist?
How much has the US poverty rate moved in the last 50+ years?
Deflection Alert!!!!!!!

Hardly. Without the government assistance we might have people dying in the streets. The billionaires are getting richer by collecting corporate welfare.

Wealth ENVY isn't pretty, is it brainless?

Well let's be honest... we do envy the wealthy.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to convince 50% of the population to vote against their own interests.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to run the country into the ground, blame the government...then ask the same government for help.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to demand the government provide corporate protections, subsidies and welfare, while simultaneously denouncing "dependency" on Government.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to use their wealth to buy US public policy and law.

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