Question for those who actually believe 'transgenderism' is a real thing?

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Too bad. YOu're missing out on a lot Chris. No one is more eloquent on the issue that the people going through it themselves. Just my opinon, like it or not.
Too bad. YOu're missing out on a lot Chris. No one is more eloquent on the issue that the people going through it themselves. Just my opinon, like it or not.

Sorry, I prefer academic knowledge to emoting on videos. :)
If academics were more advanced I'd agree. Not enough research, AND this is a highly individual personal decision.
Too bad. YOu're missing out on a lot Chris. No one is more eloquent on the issue that the people going through it themselves. Just my opinon, like it or not.

Sorry, I prefer academic knowledge to emoting on videos. :)
If academics were more advanced I'd agree. Not enough research, AND this is a highly individual personal decision.

It is, but not everybody is going to accept your viewpoint or agree with you. IMO, no child should be receiving HRT to suspend or prevent their normal bodily functions.
That's too bad. You are missing the opprtunity to see the human beings in the people yor political allies would like to imprison or execute.
Too bad. YOu're missing out on a lot Chris. No one is more eloquent on the issue that the people going through it themselves. Just my opinon, like it or not.

Sorry, I prefer academic knowledge to emoting on videos. :)
If academics were more advanced I'd agree. Not enough research, AND this is a highly individual personal decision.
How strange that people will abuse their children with hormones when there is indeed a lack of research into the effects of using such drugs off label. Even when it is known that there are developmental and other health issues such as compromising bone density and so on. That's why this treatment of kids is called experimental by many. It's disgraceful IMHO.
Too bad. YOu're missing out on a lot Chris. No one is more eloquent on the issue that the people going through it themselves. Just my opinon, like it or not.

Sorry, I prefer academic knowledge to emoting on videos. :)
If academics were more advanced I'd agree. Not enough research, AND this is a highly individual personal decision.

It is, but not everybody is going to accept your viewpoint or agree with you. IMO, no child should be receiving HRT to suspend or prevent their normal bodily functions.
At this point, I agree

AND on a personal level, my son is getting homones. Against my wishes in deference to my wife and her relationship to my son.
Too bad. YOu're missing out on a lot Chris. No one is more eloquent on the issue that the people going through it themselves. Just my opinon, like it or not.

Sorry, I prefer academic knowledge to emoting on videos. :)
If academics were more advanced I'd agree. Not enough research, AND this is a highly individual personal decision.
How strange that people will abuse their children with hormones when there is indeed a lack of research into the effects of using such drugs off label. Even when it is known that there are developmental and other health issues such as compromising bone density and so on. That's why this treatment of kids is called experimental by many. It's disgraceful IMHO.
How strange that you won't listen to parents of transchildrrn and callll them abusive and disgraceful. Speaks of who you are and how much you hate transpeople and their families.
Too bad. YOu're missing out on a lot Chris. No one is more eloquent on the issue that the people going through it themselves. Just my opinon, like it or not.

Sorry, I prefer academic knowledge to emoting on videos. :)
If academics were more advanced I'd agree. Not enough research, AND this is a highly individual personal decision.
How strange that people will abuse their children with hormones when there is indeed a lack of research into the effects of using such drugs off label. Even when it is known that there are developmental and other health issues such as compromising bone density and so on. That's why this treatment of kids is called experimental by many. It's disgraceful IMHO.
How strange that you won't listen to parents of transchildrrn and callll them abusive and disgraceful. Speaks of who you are and how much you hate transpeople and their families.
How strange that you are now admitting that you don't agree with children being given these off label drugs, which is what I've said all along, AND THAT THERE ISNT ENOUGH RESEARCH on outcomes, yet you are still calling me a hater. Lol. How silly and mentally disorganised you are :)
Do we allow children to make their own decisions about drinking, smoking, voting, etc.? No, we do not. But pump them full of potentially dangerous hormones because they are confused and have a past history of abuse possibly? Sure, why not! Where's the sense in that?
I certainly have no influence on anyone who thinks parents of trans kids, and me by extension, as a parent of a trans kid is a child abuser.

You folks just keep that hate coming. I've already heard one say today I should be imprionsed or executed.
We will, you deserve it. You're just too obtuse to get why. You probably grew up taking antidepressants or some other mind altering your ability to use common sense is hampered badly.
I certainly have no influence on anyone who thinks parents of trans kids, and me by extension, as a parent of a trans kid is a child abuser.

You folks just keep that hate coming. I've already heard one say today I should be imprionsed or executed.
We will, you deserve it. You're just too obtuse to get why. You probably grew up taking antidepressants or some other mind altering your ability to use common sense is hampered badly.

Some of these parents are desperate to make their child happy. That is something to keep in mind. I'm sure for some, it is completely inadvertent. I don't really think that Dhara or most parents WANT to harm their children. They don't know what else to do about it. What they need to think about is years ago, there were no such therapies and these people who were gender confused managed, and the suicide rates were not nearly as high as they are nowadays. Perhaps because they kept these matters personal and private back then. Now, they feel the need for "attention" so they flaunt their "stuff" around and when people make fun of them or laugh, it makes them feel sad. If a man wants to wear a dress, why not do so in the privacy of his own home? Why parade yourself around looking like a clown?
People said that about polio vaccines, and the were right. It was way too soon and it saved lives.

You're not a parent Tilly so I don't expect you to understand that I'd rather have a live son than a dead daughter.
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