Question for those who believe in climate change

We are leaving the world a better place and assholes like you are doing your best to wreck it......

You are either in on the scam, or you are an idiot...likely both.

As the left wing saying me me later, give me everything you have or we will murder you..........
i guarantee you those flapping their purple gums are the biggest wasters of natural resources around
Then for the moment in the near future, focus on renewables.
Fission, no matter how you slice it, always has the potential for accidents and the waste it creates hangs forever. :)
why don't you show us how to live by air cond, keeping your house at 55 during the winter, use public transportation us....lololol.......all you can do is point fingers and FLAP YOUR PURPLE GUMS...LOL.....YOU WOULD NOT LIFT A FINGER EXCEPT TO POINT
We are leaving the world a better place and assholes like you are doing your best to wreck it......

You are either in on the scam, or you are an idiot...likely both.

As the left wing saying me me later, give me everything you have or we will murder you..........
Sigh, leave it to Captain Kirk to take a serious discussion and turn into a political battering ram. Typical.
Sorry, Jim, not taking the bait. stay on topic please. Not interested in your alt-right views.
why don't you show us how to live by air cond, keeping your house at 55 during the winter, use public transportation us....lololol.......all you can do is point fingers and FLAP YOUR PURPLE GUMS...LOL.....YOU WOULD NOT LIFT A FINGER EXCEPT TO POINT
I bought a house in '94 and lived without air condition for over 7 years. The house is always set at 77 during the summer. Wife hates it. :)
Honestly, none of you can stay on topic and EVERYTHING is a wedge to be used politically.
Yep....they do not want plentiful, reliable, cheap energy......those things create more people, they create more freedom......the left winger is a totalitarian by nature....they have an insane, irrational, need to they clamp down on anything that allows an individual to have freedom of choice and movement....
I think the goal is depopulation. Simply reduce the number of people, thus reduce the number of carbon footprints.

But how does the Left sell that idea as there is no humane way to reduce the population numbers?

The solution is to have people commit self genocide I think. Instead of the killing fields of Pol Pot, or the Holocaust, or the Stalinist regimes that murdered more than the two previous combined, I think the idea is to promote policies that lead to human demise, such as supporting such thigs as abortion, gay sex, gender transformation, drugs flowing across the border that murders about 200 people a day, or support economic policies of destruction, that leads to even more human misery and death.

But at the end of the day, the political leaders can then escape the Nuremburg trials if they ever occur because they were not directly conducting genocide.
The Left, which is destructive regarding everything as it is nothing more than a cancer, is just looking to use the issue to destroy and all economic prosperity.

Problem is, they rule the roost

Nuclear power would provide much cheaper energy in the long run, which is why I think the Left opposes it.
We need affordable power to live a comfortable life. And move to newer ones as we can in a responsible way. These gods on earth never suffer for themselves though. Youi hear them talk with masses who are privileged as they pay no attention to those not privileged except to blame others for their plight. If Progs win in 2024 the move to insane energy policies will increase ten times more. The stupid morons voting for it will be told to lame those who live slightly better than them again. Rebuild our infrastructure. Use our domestic energy reserves to do it with the cleanest way to do it at the most economical price that does not put people in danger. Ask parts of Canada to join us. Ask parts of old America to leave it. Cut ties to any of our territories where it is a soap opera.
Then for the moment in the near future, focus on renewables.
Fission, no matter how you slice it, always has the potential for accidents and the waste it creates hangs forever. :)
So you oppose fission?

Again, is carbon emissions destroying the planet or not? Fission certainly is not. So choose something that will not help destroy the planet.

Just more proof that you don't really believe what you purport to believe, whether you realize it nor not

You just follow the DNC talking points is all.

Now John McCain, who I detested, ran for President trying to sell fission power as a solution when he ran against Obama. For you see, you converted John into being a true believer in Climate Change, so he provided a viable solution which you and the rest of the Left loathed and later defeated him for.

Don't get me wrong, I loathed him as well, but for other reasons, such as his war mongering and compromising endlessly with the Left, someone who tried to be what we would call today a "moderate"

But you destroyed John calling him a racist like you do all your political opponents, and you elected Obama instead who did NOTHING about your little problem instead and who stoked the racist flames more than any politician in American history to boot. The US has never been more divided since Obama, and now problems like this fade in the backdrop of the Obama hyper partisan divisions..

i would start listening if those obsessively concerned about this would throw themselves in a lava lake

if all of them did it, it should reverse the carbon numbers

if you are that worried, do fucking something

i would start listening if those obsessively concerned about this would throw themselves in a lava lake

if all of them did it, it should reverse the carbon numbers

if you are that worried, do fucking something
Do something?

Someone tried to save the human race and they nailed him to a cross instead.

But this is how I feel about most of the cult members of the Climate cult

No viable solutions will be offered as human nature dictates that people with power will be corrupt and short sided as a rule.

Humans will find a way to destroy themselves, whether it be with climate change or AI or some other technological way to destroy themselves like WMD's.

Then turn to Revelations to see how God will be the one to rescue us all.........................again.
like BATTERIES RIGHT.....lololololololol

you would not give up shit...only finger point

I don’t have a problem with batteries.
We just need to dump them in Red States that have relaxed their environmental rules and will look the other way
I bought a house in '94 and lived without air condition for over 7 years. The house is always set at 77 during the summer. Wife hates it. :)
Honestly, none of you can stay on topic and EVERYTHING is a wedge to be used politically.

I keep my house at 78 in the summer and 68 in the winter.

In the summer, I wear shorts and a t shirt and am comfortable
In the winter, I wear a sweatshirt and jeans and am comfortable

So you oppose fission?

Again, is carbon emissions destroying the planet or not? Fission certainly is not. So choose something that will not help destroy the planet.

Just more proof that you don't really believe what you purport to believe, whether you realize it nor not

You just follow the DNC talking points is all.

Now John McCain, who I detested, ran for President trying to sell fission power as a solution when he ran against Obama. For you see, you converted John into being a true believer in Climate Change, so he provided a viable solution which you and the rest of the Left loathed and later defeated him for.

Don't get me wrong, I loathed him as well, but for other reasons, such as his war mongering and compromising endlessly with the Left, someone who tried to be what we would call today a "moderate"

But you destroyed John calling him a racist like you do all your political opponents, and you elected Obama instead who did NOTHING about your little problem instead and who stoked the racist flames more than any politician in American history to boot. The US has never been more divided since Obama, and now problems like this fade in the backdrop of the Obama hyper partisan divisions..

"I" didn't do anything to destroy John McCain. I liked him. And thought he actually could have won had he not bowed to the right wing Christian fundamentalists and chosen the grass eating dog as his running mate. :)
Fission by its nature is dangerous and creates waste. These are not talking points. These are facts.

You right wingers demonstrate a LOT of fear in regard to discussing climate change. I've always wondered why. In Post #47, you start to come clean about your ultimate fears. But I believe white replacement is also one of your unsaid fears.

It's sad because this should be a topic that concerns everyone who wants to leave a better world to our children.
4.5 Billion years old? I’d say the climate is changing and I don’t believe the impact is from white guys in red states driving oversized SUVs.
But the Left never explains what the goals are, other than less of something

Therefore, it becomes a never-ending crisis with never ending concessions on our freedoms and finances.

And thanks for not answering the question as well.

I did not assume any Leftist would because truth his abhorrent to them.

Less of something that they, themselves, are not willing to give up. It's always that way. Ask Greta and Al and Bill and Klaus.

‘If’ is not the question, rather ‘why?’ Just because the climate changed for one reason in the past, doesn’t mean it couldn’t be different this time. What’s usually ignored by deniers is the timeline. Changes in the past have, barring a catastrophic “nuclear winter/asteroid impact” scenario, occurred over tens of thousands to millions of years. The AGW debate, however, is about what’s been happening over the last two hundred, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution and the increase of carbon in the atmosphere.
You go sit in a cave while I enjoy my life. NO, I am not giving anything up.
I bought a house in '94 and lived without air condition for over 7 years. The house is always set at 77 during the summer. Wife hates it. :)
Honestly, none of you can stay on topic and EVERYTHING is a wedge to be used politically.
It's the other hundred million progs and tens of millions more who may not.
I don’t have a problem with batteries.
We just need to dump them in Red States that have relaxed their environmental rules and will look the other way you know the envioronmental impact making the fucking things has??...the child slave labor to do end up with a dead battery in a land fill
There is no man made component to climate change so anything that we do is just causing undue hardships.

Only idiots believe in this silly unscientific AGW scam.
I bought a house in '94 and lived without air condition for over 7 years. The house is always set at 77 during the summer. Wife hates it. :)
Honestly, none of you can stay on topic and EVERYTHING is a wedge to be used politically. saying everything is a wedge politically in this dump....lololol........that was funny darling

77????....that is i mean no air and ball drippin humidity and 55 in the winter and no can make it at 55

godda start a thread in enviro section soon....never have.i invite you soon

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