Question for those who believe in climate change saying everything is a wedge politically in this dump....lololol........that was funny darling

77????....that is i mean no air and ball drippin humidity and 55 in the winter and no can make it at 55

godda start a thread in enviro section soon....never have.i invite you soon
Might wanna sober up first. :) you know the envioronmental impact making the fucking things has??...the child slave labor to do end up with a dead battery in a land fill
A similar environmental impact that making cars, textiles, and other manufactured good have had over the past two centuries. And we even did child labor, right here in the good ole U.S of A. :)

As with everything, the first iterations are made to get quickly to market. They don't usually take into account environmental impact. Then, technology advances and helps to create a more efficient and lower cost product that might be more environmentally friendly. That's the way things work.
Let's just go full Aztec and do Human sacrifices to appease the weather gods.
It worked so well for them :rolleyes:
Why are those who believe humans can effect the climate any more hard-headed than those who don’t? Isn’t it a fact that CO2 and certain other gases can absorb energy and re-emit it later? Haven’t the concentrations of those gases been going up, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution?
Water vapor is THE #1 greenhouse gas.
Water vapor is THE #1 greenhouse gas.
Human activity cannot directly affect atmospheric levels of water vapor because it is a precipitable component. CO2 is not.

Water vapor levels are responsive to temperature and act as a strong positive feedback to warming from other sources.
Human activity cannot directly affect atmospheric levels of water vapor because it is a precipitable component. CO2 is not.

Water vapor levels are responsive to temperature and act as a strong positive feedback to warming from other sources.
CO2 levels are a LAGGING indicator of warmth, NOT a DRIVER of warmth.
You control freaks are no better than the Aztecs, so rev up your genocidal final solution!
4.5 Billion years old? I’d say the climate is changing and I don’t believe the impact is from white guys in red states driving oversized SUVs.
Who said it was just them? Is it because they’re whining the loudest?
Why is there so much water vapor in the air? Could it be because it’s warmer?
75% of the earth's surface is water.
Anyway, humans do not drive the climate, and the insistence of the POLITICAL LEFT that we do is a POWER GRAB full stop! :eusa_hand:
75% of the earth's surface is water.
Anyway, humans do not drive the climate, and the insistence of the POLITICAL LEFT that we do is a POWER GRAB full stop! :eusa_hand:
Full stops don’t occur just because you say so! :rolleyes-41:
CO2 levels are a LAGGING indicator of warmth, NOT a DRIVER of warmth.
Atmospheric CO2 has two functions wrt temperature: 1) Like all gases, its solubility in water is inversely proportional to temperature. As temperature rises - for whatever reason - the amount of CO2 that can be dissolved in the Earth's oceans declines. And vice versa 2) It is a greenhouse gas. As CO2 increases, the mean free path of IR radiation falls and the Earth warms.
So, you’re saying, give up it’s too late?
You assholes are panicking over a man made MYTH!
What the FUCK do you mean "give up"????
You control FREAKS want everyone to give up our FREEDOM and LIBERTY for your contrived calamity.
What's the FINAL SOLUTION??????
Who said it was just them? Is it because they’re whining the loudest?
No one said it. My point is that the US gets all of the “heat” from global activists when it comes to Climate Change yet when it comes to China, Russia, India, it’s comparatively silent.

Leftists blasted Trump for pulling out of the Paris Accords; many pointing to China and lauding them for signing.
That is why it is bullshit…. All China did was sign a piece of paper to which few if any hold them accountable..
Globalism - the rich got richer.

Covid lockdowns - rich got richer.

Climate alarmism - the rich will get richer.

These have all been pushed with massive propaganda campaigns and the result is always the same, the 1% further consolidate wealth and everyone else gets fucked.

If the ones pushing these systemic changes believed what they were saying we'd see it in their actions. We don't. We see them buy 'carbon offsets' so their lifestyles don't change, if they even bother with that useless virtue signaling bullshit, and further their wealth in these markets, while others are told they must change ie, reduce their lifestyles, and are forced to do so through skyrocketing energy and fuel costs, by these same assholes dictating from their jets and yachts. There is a large component of this that is just the latest scam, and obviously so.

If, after watching these people manipulate a huge number of people during covid, a person still does not see the scams and propaganda machine, they never will.
You assholes are panicking over a man made MYTH!
What the FUCK do you mean "give up"????
You control FREAKS want everyone to give up our FREEDOM and LIBERTY for your contrived calamity.
What's the FINAL SOLUTION??????
We cast more votes than idiots like you.
But the Left, who runs everything, does not like nuclear power

Now what?

And thanks for not answering the question of what you would not give up to achieve a climate utopia.
I'm on the Left and I like nuclear power so your simplistic statement is false. I answered the question with 'low hanging fruit". I'm will in to give up somethings but not everything and I think everyone would everywhere would agree. If you have concrete examples for me I'll happily evaluate them.
/----/ Most libs I knew back in the 1970s were in favor of nuke power, until this movie came out. Then they were scared shytless.
It was a scary movie. and appealed to the conspiracy theorist in all of us.

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