Question for those who believe in climate change

Globalism - the rich got richer.

Covid lockdowns - rich got richer.

Climate alarmism - the rich will get richer.

These have all been pushed with massive propaganda campaigns and the result is always the same, the 1% further consolidate wealth and everyone else gets fucked.

If the ones pushing these systemic changes believed what they were saying we'd see it in their actions. We don't. We see them buy 'carbon offsets' so their lifestyles don't change, if they even bother with that useless virtue signaling bullshit, and further their wealth in these markets, while others are told they must change ie, reduce their lifestyles, and are forced to do so through skyrocketing energy and fuel costs, by these same assholes dictating from their jets and yachts. There is a large component of this that is just the latest scam, and obviously so.

If, after watching these people manipulate a huge number of people during covid, a person still does not see the scams and propaganda machine, they never will.
Is AGW a world wide international conspiracy?
I see. So it's a international conspiracy of almost 200 science agencies?
They claimed that a day or so ago was THE HOTTEST DAY EVER!
We only have 100 or so years of data, but fuck it, HOTTEST DAY EVER!!!!!!
What does that tell you about the power hungry control freaks that made that ridiculous statement?????
They claimed that a day or so ago was THE HOTTEST DAY EVER!
We only have 100 or so years of data, but fuck it, HOTTEST DAY EVER!!!!!!
What does that tell you about the power hungry control freaks that made that ridiculous statement?????
I asked a question. I could talk to you about ice core samples and tree ring data but answer the question first
I asked a question. I could talk to you about ice core samples and tree ring data but answer the question first
I live on a giant glacial moraine in NY called Long Island. There used to be a mile thick ice sheet here just about 12,000 years ago.
What melted the Laurentide ice sheet?
Mammoth farts?

Science today is POLLUTED with POLITICS, and therefore CANNOT be trusted, unfortunately.
I live on a giant glacial moraine in NY called Long Island. There used to be a mile thick ice sheet here just about 12,000 years ago.
What melted the Laurentide ice sheet?
Mammoth farts?

Science today is POLLUTED with POLITICS, and therefore CANNOT be trusted, unfortunately.
You still haven't answered my question.

Why would I answer yours?
I live on a giant glacial moraine in NY called Long Island. There used to be a mile thick ice sheet here just about 12,000 years ago.
What melted the Laurentide ice sheet?
Mammoth farts?

Science today is POLLUTED with POLITICS, and therefore CANNOT be trusted, unfortunately.

"Science today is POLLUTED with POLITICIANS AND CORRUPT SCIENTISTS, and therefore CANNOT be trusted, unfortunately."


But your version was otherwise spot on.

Always is.

Science is dynamic and spans many DIFFERENT things. Climate "science" is but ONE component, not to be conflate with REALITY.
I see. So it's only climate science that is corrupted. In every country on earth. Almost 200 scientific organizations.

That's quite a conspiracy
I see. So it's only climate science that is corrupted. In every country on earth. Almost 200 scientific organizations.

That's quite a conspiracy
Is Globalism a conspiracy or a GOAL?
Use your brain, ditch your emotions.
This question is for those who believe in climate change.

Is there any price not worth paying to try and decrease the global temperature? Is there a freedom you would not part with, a monetary price that is too high, or a moral boundary you would not cross to decrease population levels to try and achieve your climate utopian goals?
It's too late to fix now anyways.

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