Question for those who believe in climate change

No one said it. My point is that the US gets all of the “heat” from global activists when it comes to Climate Change yet when it comes to China, Russia, India, it’s comparatively silent.

Leftists blasted Trump for pulling out of the Paris Accords; many pointing to China and lauding them for signing.
That is why it is bullshit…. All China did was sign a piece of paper to which few if any hold them accountable..
That’s politics.. You admit the science is sound?
You assholes are panicking over a man made MYTH!
What the FUCK do you mean "give up"????
You control FREAKS want everyone to give up our FREEDOM and LIBERTY for your contrived calamity.
What's the FINAL SOLUTION??????
Up the meds, dude. Ranting doesn’t you make your argument seem very rational!
Science is dynamic and spans many DIFFERENT things. Climate "science" is but ONE component, not to be conflated with REALITY.

Those who bend to kiss the hems of the robes of "Climate Science" are worshiping a dead stone.

Real science is never static or still. Science is vibrant and alive. Science, by definition, can never be "settled".

Is the climate changing for the better, or is it changing for the worse?

Civilizations all over the planet tend to thrive during warmer periods in history and suffer horribly during colder periods in history.

And today the temperature is cooler than it was during the climatic optimum.

During the Medieval Warm Period the Sahara was a lush green savannah full of life rather than the gigantic inhabitable barren fucking desert hellscape of death that it is today.
Do not know, do not care. I am not changing or giving up anything.
The climate is always changing.

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