Question for USMB Republicans


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Are you satisfied with the direction your party has taken?

x many are satisfied with being in The Party of Trump?
i'm not officially, but Trump has brought the republican party kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

remember when the question was asked "will you pledge to support the nominee, Trump was honest in his response. and he kept his promise in the end, while some haven't.

the republican party has undergone growing pains like a teenager, all because of one Patriot. that's impressive.

meanwhile the dems rigged their nominee and won't talk to the media.
Last edited: many are satisfied with being in The Party of Trump?

Hell yes.

"Free Trade" has not produced the expected results. We need to "own" that and change accordingly.

Reagan's amnesty was a complete failure. We need to "own" that and change accordingly.

The Cold War is over, we need to change our policy towards Russia and Europe.
Yes, Running McCain and Romney was stupid. Two losers who were nothing but rinos. Obozo was beatable both times, but the GOP picked McCrazy and Mitty boi.

We finally have a candidate who is a patriot who doesn't need the job but wants to fix the mess created by years of liberal bullshit by both parties.

The establishment in both parties are scared of losing their gravy trains, and that's good for America.

Go Trump!
So what is to become of the Republican Party in the post Trump era?

Will the old guard meekly surrender to the radical right or will they fight for control

the question was asked to republicans, you are not, and never were, a republican. What you are is a liar.
I am and always have been a Republican. You are a late comer and will be shown the door the day after the election. We are going to destroy the far right crazies (think Redfish and Correll and S.J., et al), and we are going to make the socons toe the line.
So what is to become of the Republican Party in the post Trump era?

Will the old guard meekly surrender to the radical right or will they fight for control

They tried to murder Reagan, safe to say they won't go quietly into that good night
So what is to become of the Republican Party in the post Trump era?

Will the old guard meekly surrender to the radical right or will they fight for control

They tried to murder Reagan, safe to say they won't go quietly into that good night
The mainstream will not have to much, because the radical wing is in the process of committing political suicide.
Are you satisfied with the direction your party has taken?


No, but not in the way you are assuming. The GOP went awry somewhere after Reagan was in office. I just can't put my finger on a time or event. Donald Trump is not the one who took them in that direction, Trump is what resulted from the direction they went.

The left doesn't care about their politicians lying to them nor do they care that their politicians don't do what they say they will. Republicans expect honesty and expect their politicians to keep their promises. The GOP has been acting like Democrats for decades now and their voters are rebelling.
So what is to become of the Republican Party in the post Trump era?

Will the old guard meekly surrender to the radical right or will they fight for control

It depends on quite a lot; if Trump wins, and what he actually does as POTUS. If he wins and acts like a Republican, whey will all claim he's the greatest POTUS since Ronald.
Are you satisfied with the direction your party has taken?


No, but not in the way you are assuming. The GOP went awry somewhere after Reagan was in office. I just can't put my finger on a time or event. Donald Trump is not the one who took them in that direction, Trump is what resulted from the direction they went.

The left doesn't care about their politicians lying to them nor do they care that their politicians don't do what they say they will. Republicans expect honesty and expect their politicians to keep their promises. The GOP has been acting like Democrats for decades now and their voters are rebelling.

Democratic Presidents Clinton and Obama delivered what they promised. Conservatives did not like it, but they did what they were elected to do

The problem for Republicans is their base is stupid. They believe what rightwing radio tells them and demand their elected officials toe the line.
That leads to promises that cannot be met. No, you can't really repeal Obamacare, you can't cut taxes and balance the budget at the same time, you can't end abortion and kill Planned Parenthood, you really can't put Hillary in jail

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