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Question from a non-American. Do you guys really hate each other?

I am not American but I do find American politics to be quite interesting in a sort of soap opera sort of way but one thing I really don't get is in America, unlike my own country (Australia) there seems to be a genuine hatred between the left and right, as in both would love to completely destroy the other and pretty much hate everything that the other side stands for.

I know my country the left wing party (Labor) and the right wing party (Liberals) are not too far away from each other politically, and while there is a lot of animosity there is not really any hatred. In America though I get the impression that the Republicans would have welcomed a recession when Obama was in charge as that way he would have been blamed, and Democrats would welcome a market crash now because he would be blamed, it seemingly not mattering that your country would be falling down a toilet, as long as the other side gets the blame for it.

Admittedly I don't know the politics of every fully Democratic nation, that would be impossible, but as far as I know America is quite unique in just how much both sides hate each other.

My question is do both sides genuinely hate each other, would each side be happy to see America burn if they could blame the other side, and if this is the case?

I also must admit that the differences between the US states is quite amazing. I go from one state in my own country to another, and basically they are the same, more or less anyway, but in America I get the feeling that New York and California are so different to Texas and Alabama that they may as well be in different countries in terms of beliefs and general ideology on almost every issue. I find it amazing that these states are in the same country as it almost feels as convoluted as the Austro-Hungarian empire, with dozens of different ethnic groups within the one country, all wanting very different things and none of them feeling that united.

So my general question is how divided is America, is it so divided that one side of politics would love to see America enter a deep depression just so the other political party could be blamed for it, and if so is that a healthy situation to be in?

Not that I am advocating for it, but with the massive differences between the red and the blue states America from an outsiders point of view seems like it is in a very unhappy marriage where both parties are staying together for the sake of the children, but end up fighting a lot in front of the children and making them cry so I wonder, if what I am saying is remotely accurate why isn't there more talk about an amicable divorce, where the blue states go their own way and the red states go another, where both sides can go the direction they want to go and seemingly not being held back by the other side.

I mean, do the people of Alabama really care that much about the people of New York, or vice-versa? Also is politics and America in general as divided as I have made out, or is America more like siblings who hate each other and will kick the crap out of each other but deep down love each other as well, even though they would never admit it?
Republican economics only serve the haves not the have nots. So how do the rich get so many have nots to vote for them? By using wedge issues that divide us.

God, gays, guns and racism.

Are the people in your country fighting ove4 these things?

Where do you get your opinions from? If you really believe the rich "Snow" the poor into voting for them, how do you explain the fact that it is the Democrats who are the party of the rich?

Party of the rich: In Congress, it's the Democrats

Republicans are the party of the rich, right? It's a label that has stuck for decades, and you're hearing it again as Democrats complain about GOP opposition to raising the minimum wage and extending unemployment benefits.

But in Congress, the wealthiest among us are more likely to be represented by a Democrat than a Republican. Of the 10 richest House districts, only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six, sprinkled along the East and West coasts. Most are in overwhelmingly Democratic states like New York and California.

The richest: New York's 12th Congressional District, which includes Manhattan's Upper East Side, as well as parts of Queens and Brooklyn. Democrat Carolyn Maloney is in her 11th term representing the district.

Per capita income in Maloney's district is $75,479. That's more than $75,000 a year for every man, woman and child. The next highest income district, which runs along the southern California coast, comes in at $61,273. Democrat Henry Waxman is in his 20th term representing the Los Angeles-area district.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco district comes in at No. 8.

Across the country, Democratic House districts have an average per capita income of $27,893. That's about $1,000 higher than the average income in Republican districts. The difference is relatively small because Democrats also represent a lot of poor districts, putting the average in the middle.

Democrats say the "party of the rich" label is more about policies than constituents.

During the 2012 presidential election, Republican nominee Mitt Romney declared, "We're not the party of the rich. We're the party of the people who want to get rich."

The famously wealthy Romney also uttered a more famous quote about the 47 percent of Americans who pay no federal income tax.

"My job is not to worry about those people," Romney said in a secretly taped speech at a private fundraiser. "I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

In the election, Romney carried only one income group: people making $100,000 or more, according to exit polls. But when it comes to Congress, the rich districts like their Democrats.

Riots after a Presidential election, a Republican Senator shot at a baseball game, a women slamming into another car because of a Trump bumper sticker, ANTIFA, a man's car set on fire because of a Trump bumper sticker, denied service in a restaurant because you support a President, a man harassed because of his MAGA hat, a teen harassed because of a MAGA hat.

Sorry, I don't buy into your claim, I think your partisan agenda seems to have taken over.

None of those people are dead. Your kind murders people they disagree with with automobiles. Murder trumps random violence every time.

Yeah, the guy that shot the Senator was a bad shot, so it doesn't count? You idiots are too funny.

You're funnier. Why do you support murderers?

Can't answer my question? Thanks, I wasn't expecting you to.

You know I can, wingertard: shame on you. Violence begets violence. A Senator is shot. Then it escalates. The people you support encourage more of this behavior. I think they're all fucking traitors and they should all fucking hang. Clear enough?

Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.
I am not American but I do find American politics to be quite interesting in a sort of soap opera sort of way but one thing I really don't get is in America, unlike my own country (Australia) there seems to be a genuine hatred between the left and right, as in both would love to completely destroy the other and pretty much hate everything that the other side stands for.

I know my country the left wing party (Labor) and the right wing party (Liberals) are not too far away from each other politically, and while there is a lot of animosity there is not really any hatred. In America though I get the impression that the Republicans would have welcomed a recession when Obama was in charge as that way he would have been blamed, and Democrats would welcome a market crash now because he would be blamed, it seemingly not mattering that your country would be falling down a toilet, as long as the other side gets the blame for it.

Admittedly I don't know the politics of every fully Democratic nation, that would be impossible, but as far as I know America is quite unique in just how much both sides hate each other.

My question is do both sides genuinely hate each other, would each side be happy to see America burn if they could blame the other side, and if this is the case?

I also must admit that the differences between the US states is quite amazing. I go from one state in my own country to another, and basically they are the same, more or less anyway, but in America I get the feeling that New York and California are so different to Texas and Alabama that they may as well be in different countries in terms of beliefs and general ideology on almost every issue. I find it amazing that these states are in the same country as it almost feels as convoluted as the Austro-Hungarian empire, with dozens of different ethnic groups within the one country, all wanting very different things and none of them feeling that united.

So my general question is how divided is America, is it so divided that one side of politics would love to see America enter a deep depression just so the other political party could be blamed for it, and if so is that a healthy situation to be in?

Not that I am advocating for it, but with the massive differences between the red and the blue states America from an outsiders point of view seems like it is in a very unhappy marriage where both parties are staying together for the sake of the children, but end up fighting a lot in front of the children and making them cry so I wonder, if what I am saying is remotely accurate why isn't there more talk about an amicable divorce, where the blue states go their own way and the red states go another, where both sides can go the direction they want to go and seemingly not being held back by the other side.

I mean, do the people of Alabama really care that much about the people of New York, or vice-versa? Also is politics and America in general as divided as I have made out, or is America more like siblings who hate each other and will kick the crap out of each other but deep down love each other as well, even though they would never admit it?
Personally I DESPISE leftists,communists,cuckservatives,conservatives who put money before their race and those who put a foreign country and a people before their own people,nonwhites,Jews,homosexuals etc. If you aren't straight and white and politically sane I probably despise you. Religion wise I don't give a shit. If you are racially aware we can get along pretty well and even when people aren't racially aware they can become so over time. Race IS our nation and those who ignore that,try to destroy that etc ARE our enemies.
I am not American but I do find American politics to be quite interesting in a sort of soap opera sort of way but one thing I really don't get is in America, unlike my own country (Australia) there seems to be a genuine hatred between the left and right, as in both would love to completely destroy the other and pretty much hate everything that the other side stands for.

I know my country the left wing party (Labor) and the right wing party (Liberals) are not too far away from each other politically, and while there is a lot of animosity there is not really any hatred. In America though I get the impression that the Republicans would have welcomed a recession when Obama was in charge as that way he would have been blamed, and Democrats would welcome a market crash now because he would be blamed, it seemingly not mattering that your country would be falling down a toilet, as long as the other side gets the blame for it.

Admittedly I don't know the politics of every fully Democratic nation, that would be impossible, but as far as I know America is quite unique in just how much both sides hate each other.

My question is do both sides genuinely hate each other, would each side be happy to see America burn if they could blame the other side, and if this is the case?

I also must admit that the differences between the US states is quite amazing. I go from one state in my own country to another, and basically they are the same, more or less anyway, but in America I get the feeling that New York and California are so different to Texas and Alabama that they may as well be in different countries in terms of beliefs and general ideology on almost every issue. I find it amazing that these states are in the same country as it almost feels as convoluted as the Austro-Hungarian empire, with dozens of different ethnic groups within the one country, all wanting very different things and none of them feeling that united.

So my general question is how divided is America, is it so divided that one side of politics would love to see America enter a deep depression just so the other political party could be blamed for it, and if so is that a healthy situation to be in?

Not that I am advocating for it, but with the massive differences between the red and the blue states America from an outsiders point of view seems like it is in a very unhappy marriage where both parties are staying together for the sake of the children, but end up fighting a lot in front of the children and making them cry so I wonder, if what I am saying is remotely accurate why isn't there more talk about an amicable divorce, where the blue states go their own way and the red states go another, where both sides can go the direction they want to go and seemingly not being held back by the other side.

I mean, do the people of Alabama really care that much about the people of New York, or vice-versa? Also is politics and America in general as divided as I have made out, or is America more like siblings who hate each other and will kick the crap out of each other but deep down love each other as well, even though they would never admit it?
Here, if you live in a far left-wing area such as a university with a one-sided viewpoint, you can look for criminal mischief on your car if you place a Bumper sticker on your car that has an elephant logo (Republican Party) affixed on the bumper. You can thank US Rep. Maxine Watters for her similar bid to her constituents to harass members of the Executive Branch by following them to restaurants and screaming inanities at them over various issues. The history/political department heads are intolerant of conservative professors and are paid to ensure only DNC supporters train America's youth to hate America, push for removal of Constitutional freedoms, and refuse to cooperate with anything the consrvatives tell them, the most deadly one is the irresponsibility of increasing the national debt to the point of no return, which means foreigners will own and direct America if it does not pay them back pretty soon.

I think America is getting a little sick of leftist lies oozing ink all over formerly truth-telling newspapers. Bigger town newspapers are losing readership and are having to go out of business because people are sick to their stomachs of reading lie after DNC lie and paying for it. They're herding the loser reporters into small town papers, and pretty soon, that will be the end of free lying press bullshit. I haven't read papers for 9 years now. I just don't need garbage and angry people spitting vitriol in so much verbiage at each other. Printed lies are like pickpockets. People just learn to not put valuables where they can be found by those clever at relieving you of your assets.
Actual facts and history mean that Republicans should be never voted in, and their propaganda machine is basically non-stop lies and Hate. The supposed leftist propaganda is actually the 95% of media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. They are called journalists.
Still projecting much, FrancoHFW? lol

I know you will deny it, but America actually doesn't have journalists any longer. They've been replaced by Party Talking Heads, Political activists, and political infomercials that campaign not for a few months, but for four long years between presidential elections. We're not getting information based on facts nor on journalists who put truthful information into the nation's notice, but lies about crimes that are neither crimes nor were the deeds committed half the time, and badmouthing good leaders, giving their children the hopeless despair of not having respectable futures without examples of leaders that are constantly lied about, and every mean and false thing they can think of to discredit Republicans whom they cannot control with their smarmy lies.
Read a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch and you'll rediscover journalism. I'm disgusted by CNN Fox and MSNBC, since they all have non-stop never ending talking head gabfests. but the Democratic talking heads don't lie and do retract mistakes, unlike your propagandists and your orange president.
You said: GOP America doesn't have journalists and haven't for 30 years, Super Duper. Everyone else in the world has journalists, brainwashed functional moron. Try c
Some media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. speaking of Australia and assholes who have been thrown out of their own country basically

Then you said: Read a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch and you'll rediscover journalism. I'm disgusted by CNN Fox and MSNBC, since they all have non-stop never ending talking head gabfests. but the Democratic talking heads don't lie and do retract mistakes, unlike your propagandists and your orange president.​

It's hard to be brainwashed when I have no television service in my home any more. Often stuff is more than a day old when I read of it online or visit youtube. I never said 30 years anything. How can I be a brainwashed functional moron when I don't depend on the media? I don't know anything about Rupert Murdoch, therefore, I wonderful why you are channeling all your hatred toward me for making up my own mind about what I do hear, and I do my best to go to more than one places for information, then I decide since today's reporters are such attention whores they want to make news rather than to report factual evidence from the notes they take at informational sessions. One reporter recently started telling the speaker what he was going to say and why his (the reporter's) ideas were better and went off topic. He was told he was off topic and had already been answered, and finally took questions from another reporter who was reporting the same DNC-sourced slander, but was given an answer. Not only was he temporarily denied admission, but now, they're talking about removing the press sessions entirely, because they have turned the President's home into a place where they crudely try to turn it into a Supreme Court dissention and target area, bringing up false charges that would not see the light of day in any criminal court, since the bit about "crime" has been misrepresented by these insane people who get their information ahead of time from people who aren't invited into confidential meeting rooms and are ready to load the rifles of the ninnyhammer press before they even go to information centers that will soon be closed to them if they supply the answers before the question is asked by loading their speech with false accusations.

My opinion is that the American public deserves better than that, I haven't listened to the news for 3 years, yet you are here telling me I listen to propagandists? The deal is I do not listen to the propagandists out there trying to shame the President first, and get him to make a mistake so they can beat up on him some more. If I were the President, I would have stopped hatemongers from coming into my home long before the second time they planned to throw a second stink bomb on my property. This President has been patient and diligent to prepare statements of fact to these ninnyhammers, which the public is tired of hearing some reporter blasting the President and failing to give him the opportunity to respond to a question by bombasting him with everything negative they can think of about him without mentioning the topic of current events. It won't make any difference to me, because I know who's naughty and who's nice just the minute I see them open their mouths. It's just that simple. You don't care for me because I am not doing propaganda that pleases your sensibilities, I think for myself by those out there, and one thing President Trump has that no one in the country has is information he gets from the sources who visit his home using diplomatic communications. So far, all the garbage hurled at President Trump, he and his team have quickly responded with what they know to be the truth when they are faced with hubris that is not intended to correct, it is leveled at ousting the people's elected President with no recourse. People only do that when they're having a tantrum. Tantrums do not amuse me. I'd rather listen to the winner, decider, and President of the United States. I didn't vote in November, 2016, because my husband of 44 years died and my sister of 63 years died just before the election, and I was numbed by personal sorrows at the time and a whole year later, was still not in the mood to return to the television liars, talking heads, and the more and more hateful political screaming who label each other in full hubris mode as criminals.just like you did when I was trying to make some sense of what you said. Projection is a term that describes a communications behavior. Calling someone a moron whose IQ is high enough to have been listed in the National President's List yearbook while in college is a lie, pure and simple. Please stop projecting, belittling, and marginalizing me. I am not the topic of this discourse, and I make my decisions as best I can from what I can determine are facts because I learned to make good decisions in a short amount of time because I had the very best professors in the world whose chief aim was to make a thinking person out of their charges, and not disable them by telling them to go ninnyhammer someone because of their political party membership, nor to carry falsehoods to be used as ammunition in a discussion aimed at problem solving. Oh, yes, and how to determine if a claim is good or bad for consumers based on known information or known hubris. Based on your ignorance, I'd recommend abstention from speaking until I could confirm my opinion with something other than DNC talking points, considering the fanfare they gave to Christine Blasey Ford, a political advocate who feigned a doctoral degree andthen iced the cake with a false testimony alleging her victimization her witnesses could not affirm, since it never happened, with only the devil applauding, not to mention Diane Feinstein and Charles Schumer. I saw the whole thing on you Tube, that provided assessment based on not only speech, but body language as well.

You are wasting your time on Franco, he is an extremist hateful bigot. Hate is all he has.
I am not American but I do find American politics to be quite interesting in a sort of soap opera sort of way but one thing I really don't get is in America, unlike my own country (Australia) there seems to be a genuine hatred between the left and right, as in both would love to completely destroy the other and pretty much hate everything that the other side stands for.

I know my country the left wing party (Labor) and the right wing party (Liberals) are not too far away from each other politically, and while there is a lot of animosity there is not really any hatred. In America though I get the impression that the Republicans would have welcomed a recession when Obama was in charge as that way he would have been blamed, and Democrats would welcome a market crash now because he would be blamed, it seemingly not mattering that your country would be falling down a toilet, as long as the other side gets the blame for it.

Admittedly I don't know the politics of every fully Democratic nation, that would be impossible, but as far as I know America is quite unique in just how much both sides hate each other.

My question is do both sides genuinely hate each other, would each side be happy to see America burn if they could blame the other side, and if this is the case?

I also must admit that the differences between the US states is quite amazing. I go from one state in my own country to another, and basically they are the same, more or less anyway, but in America I get the feeling that New York and California are so different to Texas and Alabama that they may as well be in different countries in terms of beliefs and general ideology on almost every issue. I find it amazing that these states are in the same country as it almost feels as convoluted as the Austro-Hungarian empire, with dozens of different ethnic groups within the one country, all wanting very different things and none of them feeling that united.

So my general question is how divided is America, is it so divided that one side of politics would love to see America enter a deep depression just so the other political party could be blamed for it, and if so is that a healthy situation to be in?

Not that I am advocating for it, but with the massive differences between the red and the blue states America from an outsiders point of view seems like it is in a very unhappy marriage where both parties are staying together for the sake of the children, but end up fighting a lot in front of the children and making them cry so I wonder, if what I am saying is remotely accurate why isn't there more talk about an amicable divorce, where the blue states go their own way and the red states go another, where both sides can go the direction they want to go and seemingly not being held back by the other side.

I mean, do the people of Alabama really care that much about the people of New York, or vice-versa? Also is politics and America in general as divided as I have made out, or is America more like siblings who hate each other and will kick the crap out of each other but deep down love each other as well, even though they would never admit it?
It appears tRump's kissers at being partners in his treason are probably ok with the idea of making it to hell.
None of those people are dead. Your kind murders people they disagree with with automobiles. Murder trumps random violence every time.

Yeah, the guy that shot the Senator was a bad shot, so it doesn't count? You idiots are too funny.

You're funnier. Why do you support murderers?

Can't answer my question? Thanks, I wasn't expecting you to.

You know I can, wingertard: shame on you. Violence begets violence. A Senator is shot. Then it escalates. The people you support encourage more of this behavior. I think they're all fucking traitors and they should all fucking hang. Clear enough?

Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.

I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?
Yeah, the guy that shot the Senator was a bad shot, so it doesn't count? You idiots are too funny.

You're funnier. Why do you support murderers?

Can't answer my question? Thanks, I wasn't expecting you to.

You know I can, wingertard: shame on you. Violence begets violence. A Senator is shot. Then it escalates. The people you support encourage more of this behavior. I think they're all fucking traitors and they should all fucking hang. Clear enough?

Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.

I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?
Yes, the hatred is real. People in Alabama and people in New York are not just geographically different, but ethnically different having come from different countries and settling in different areas. This leads to religious differences too, which also had a violent history in this country. This brings me to a question: with all the priests who were found to be child molesters, have any gone to jail or are they just sent to a religious retreat?
WTF? People in Alabama and New York are ....different? Maybe the biggest problem we are facing is the sub-standard education that leads ignorant (Americans?) to believe that people in one state are different than people in another state. Claiming that the good people in Alabama are somehow different from the people in New York is example of mostly left wing ignorant bigotry and hatred. The Catholic church may have been covering for homosexual predator Priests for years but it has nothing to do with the original premise of the post. Look around for God's sake. There has never been a time in history when a political party was so filled with hatred and anger over an election as democrats are today.
Alabama has rebels, New York has yankees. Alabama has Protestants, New York has Catholics. The income difference is vast, the accents as different as could be. I don't know why you are so upset, I prefer people in Alabama to New Yorkers, if you thought before you typed accusations, you would see why my comments make sense. The question I had was for anyone who knew, and if you didn't you could have passed on it. And by the way, the Democrat party was more hateful before the Civil War, when Brooks beat Sumner with a cane in Congress over an anti slavery speech. And, dear whitehall, I am anything but left wing.
You're funnier. Why do you support murderers?

Can't answer my question? Thanks, I wasn't expecting you to.

You know I can, wingertard: shame on you. Violence begets violence. A Senator is shot. Then it escalates. The people you support encourage more of this behavior. I think they're all fucking traitors and they should all fucking hang. Clear enough?

Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.

I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?

I *DO* remember what I poste
You're funnier. Why do you support murderers?

Can't answer my question? Thanks, I wasn't expecting you to.

You know I can, wingertard: shame on you. Violence begets violence. A Senator is shot. Then it escalates. The people you support encourage more of this behavior. I think they're all fucking traitors and they should all fucking hang. Clear enough?

Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.

I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?

1. You support The Orange Virus, do you not?
2. Case fucking closed, deplorable.
Here, if you live in a far left-wing area such as a university with a one-sided viewpoint, you can look for criminal mischief on your car if you place a Bumper sticker on your car that has an elephant logo (Republican Party) affixed on the bumper. You can thank US Rep. Maxine Watters for her similar bid to her constituents to harass members of the Executive Branch by following them to restaurants and screaming inanities at them over various issues. The history/political department heads are intolerant of conservative professors and are paid to ensure only DNC supporters train America's youth to hate America, push for removal of Constitutional freedoms, and refuse to cooperate with anything the consrvatives tell them, the most deadly one is the irresponsibility of increasing the national debt to the point of no return, which means foreigners will own and direct America if it does not pay them back pretty soon.

I think America is getting a little sick of leftist lies oozing ink all over formerly truth-telling newspapers. Bigger town newspapers are losing readership and are having to go out of business because people are sick to their stomachs of reading lie after DNC lie and paying for it. They're herding the loser reporters into small town papers, and pretty soon, that will be the end of free lying press bullshit. I haven't read papers for 9 years now. I just don't need garbage and angry people spitting vitriol in so much verbiage at each other. Printed lies are like pickpockets. People just learn to not put valuables where they can be found by those clever at relieving you of your assets.
Actual facts and history mean that Republicans should be never voted in, and their propaganda machine is basically non-stop lies and Hate. The supposed leftist propaganda is actually the 95% of media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. They are called journalists.
Still projecting much, FrancoHFW? lol

I know you will deny it, but America actually doesn't have journalists any longer. They've been replaced by Party Talking Heads, Political activists, and political infomercials that campaign not for a few months, but for four long years between presidential elections. We're not getting information based on facts nor on journalists who put truthful information into the nation's notice, but lies about crimes that are neither crimes nor were the deeds committed half the time, and badmouthing good leaders, giving their children the hopeless despair of not having respectable futures without examples of leaders that are constantly lied about, and every mean and false thing they can think of to discredit Republicans whom they cannot control with their smarmy lies.
Read a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch and you'll rediscover journalism. I'm disgusted by CNN Fox and MSNBC, since they all have non-stop never ending talking head gabfests. but the Democratic talking heads don't lie and do retract mistakes, unlike your propagandists and your orange president.
You said: GOP America doesn't have journalists and haven't for 30 years, Super Duper. Everyone else in the world has journalists, brainwashed functional moron. Try c
Some media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. speaking of Australia and assholes who have been thrown out of their own country basically

Then you said: Read a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch and you'll rediscover journalism. I'm disgusted by CNN Fox and MSNBC, since they all have non-stop never ending talking head gabfests. but the Democratic talking heads don't lie and do retract mistakes, unlike your propagandists and your orange president.​

It's hard to be brainwashed when I have no television service in my home any more. Often stuff is more than a day old when I read of it online or visit youtube. I never said 30 years anything. How can I be a brainwashed functional moron when I don't depend on the media? I don't know anything about Rupert Murdoch, therefore, I wonderful why you are channeling all your hatred toward me for making up my own mind about what I do hear, and I do my best to go to more than one places for information, then I decide since today's reporters are such attention whores they want to make news rather than to report factual evidence from the notes they take at informational sessions. One reporter recently started telling the speaker what he was going to say and why his (the reporter's) ideas were better and went off topic. He was told he was off topic and had already been answered, and finally took questions from another reporter who was reporting the same DNC-sourced slander, but was given an answer. Not only was he temporarily denied admission, but now, they're talking about removing the press sessions entirely, because they have turned the President's home into a place where they crudely try to turn it into a Supreme Court dissention and target area, bringing up false charges that would not see the light of day in any criminal court, since the bit about "crime" has been misrepresented by these insane people who get their information ahead of time from people who aren't invited into confidential meeting rooms and are ready to load the rifles of the ninnyhammer press before they even go to information centers that will soon be closed to them if they supply the answers before the question is asked by loading their speech with false accusations.

My opinion is that the American public deserves better than that, I haven't listened to the news for 3 years, yet you are here telling me I listen to propagandists? The deal is I do not listen to the propagandists out there trying to shame the President first, and get him to make a mistake so they can beat up on him some more. If I were the President, I would have stopped hatemongers from coming into my home long before the second time they planned to throw a second stink bomb on my property. This President has been patient and diligent to prepare statements of fact to these ninnyhammers, which the public is tired of hearing some reporter blasting the President and failing to give him the opportunity to respond to a question by bombasting him with everything negative they can think of about him without mentioning the topic of current events. It won't make any difference to me, because I know who's naughty and who's nice just the minute I see them open their mouths. It's just that simple. You don't care for me because I am not doing propaganda that pleases your sensibilities, I think for myself by those out there, and one thing President Trump has that no one in the country has is information he gets from the sources who visit his home using diplomatic communications. So far, all the garbage hurled at President Trump, he and his team have quickly responded with what they know to be the truth when they are faced with hubris that is not intended to correct, it is leveled at ousting the people's elected President with no recourse. People only do that when they're having a tantrum. Tantrums do not amuse me. I'd rather listen to the winner, decider, and President of the United States. I didn't vote in November, 2016, because my husband of 44 years died and my sister of 63 years died just before the election, and I was numbed by personal sorrows at the time and a whole year later, was still not in the mood to return to the television liars, talking heads, and the more and more hateful political screaming who label each other in full hubris mode as criminals.just like you did when I was trying to make some sense of what you said. Projection is a term that describes a communications behavior. Calling someone a moron whose IQ is high enough to have been listed in the National President's List yearbook while in college is a lie, pure and simple. Please stop projecting, belittling, and marginalizing me. I am not the topic of this discourse, and I make my decisions as best I can from what I can determine are facts because I learned to make good decisions in a short amount of time because I had the very best professors in the world whose chief aim was to make a thinking person out of their charges, and not disable them by telling them to go ninnyhammer someone because of their political party membership, nor to carry falsehoods to be used as ammunition in a discussion aimed at problem solving. Oh, yes, and how to determine if a claim is good or bad for consumers based on known information or known hubris. Based on your ignorance, I'd recommend abstention from speaking until I could confirm my opinion with something other than DNC talking points, considering the fanfare they gave to Christine Blasey Ford, a political advocate who feigned a doctoral degree andthen iced the cake with a false testimony alleging her victimization her witnesses could not affirm, since it never happened, with only the devil applauding, not to mention Diane Feinstein and Charles Schumer. I saw the whole thing on you Tube, that provided assessment based on not only speech, but body language as well.

You are wasting your time on Franco, he is an extremist hateful bigot. Hate is all he has.
sure, troll LOL
Well you see, America was founded on a certain set of principles that the left are constantly trying to pervert in an effort to make all citizenry serfs (for some unknown reason). "Conservatives" are trying to conserve the way the Founding Fathers set this country up to run.

It was more a country of motivated entrepeneurs than a penal colony.
Sorry bro, legal slavery and discrimination arent coming back.
Can't answer my question? Thanks, I wasn't expecting you to.

You know I can, wingertard: shame on you. Violence begets violence. A Senator is shot. Then it escalates. The people you support encourage more of this behavior. I think they're all fucking traitors and they should all fucking hang. Clear enough?

Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.

I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?

I *DO* remember what I poste
Can't answer my question? Thanks, I wasn't expecting you to.

You know I can, wingertard: shame on you. Violence begets violence. A Senator is shot. Then it escalates. The people you support encourage more of this behavior. I think they're all fucking traitors and they should all fucking hang. Clear enough?

Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.

I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?

1. You support The Orange Virus, do you not?
2. Case fucking closed, deplorable.

Your last post said you “don’t know who I support, so you lying then or now?
I am not American but I do find American politics to be quite interesting in a sort of soap opera sort of way but one thing I really don't get is in America, unlike my own country (Australia) there seems to be a genuine hatred between the left and right, as in both would love to completely destroy the other and pretty much hate everything that the other side stands for.

I know my country the left wing party (Labor) and the right wing party (Liberals) are not too far away from each other politically, and while there is a lot of animosity there is not really any hatred. In America though I get the impression that the Republicans would have welcomed a recession when Obama was in charge as that way he would have been blamed, and Democrats would welcome a market crash now because he would be blamed, it seemingly not mattering that your country would be falling down a toilet, as long as the other side gets the blame for it.

Admittedly I don't know the politics of every fully Democratic nation, that would be impossible, but as far as I know America is quite unique in just how much both sides hate each other.

My question is do both sides genuinely hate each other, would each side be happy to see America burn if they could blame the other side, and if this is the case?

I also must admit that the differences between the US states is quite amazing. I go from one state in my own country to another, and basically they are the same, more or less anyway, but in America I get the feeling that New York and California are so different to Texas and Alabama that they may as well be in different countries in terms of beliefs and general ideology on almost every issue. I find it amazing that these states are in the same country as it almost feels as convoluted as the Austro-Hungarian empire, with dozens of different ethnic groups within the one country, all wanting very different things and none of them feeling that united.

So my general question is how divided is America, is it so divided that one side of politics would love to see America enter a deep depression just so the other political party could be blamed for it, and if so is that a healthy situation to be in?

Not that I am advocating for it, but with the massive differences between the red and the blue states America from an outsiders point of view seems like it is in a very unhappy marriage where both parties are staying together for the sake of the children, but end up fighting a lot in front of the children and making them cry so I wonder, if what I am saying is remotely accurate why isn't there more talk about an amicable divorce, where the blue states go their own way and the red states go another, where both sides can go the direction they want to go and seemingly not being held back by the other side.

I mean, do the people of Alabama really care that much about the people of New York, or vice-versa? Also is politics and America in general as divided as I have made out, or is America more like siblings who hate each other and will kick the crap out of each other but deep down love each other as well, even though they would never admit it?
I hate the establishment. I voted for Trump to throw them all out Republican and Democrat. We need to run our country like a business and do what is best for all our stockholders/citizens. The way it is now the politicians only care about their own careers, and their own pockets. Both sides suck. Too bad we can't elect people who care more about our country than they do their own selfish self. Oh wait we did, Trump.
Actual facts and history mean that Republicans should be never voted in, and their propaganda machine is basically non-stop lies and Hate. The supposed leftist propaganda is actually the 95% of media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. They are called journalists.
Still projecting much, FrancoHFW? lol

I know you will deny it, but America actually doesn't have journalists any longer. They've been replaced by Party Talking Heads, Political activists, and political infomercials that campaign not for a few months, but for four long years between presidential elections. We're not getting information based on facts nor on journalists who put truthful information into the nation's notice, but lies about crimes that are neither crimes nor were the deeds committed half the time, and badmouthing good leaders, giving their children the hopeless despair of not having respectable futures without examples of leaders that are constantly lied about, and every mean and false thing they can think of to discredit Republicans whom they cannot control with their smarmy lies.
Read a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch and you'll rediscover journalism. I'm disgusted by CNN Fox and MSNBC, since they all have non-stop never ending talking head gabfests. but the Democratic talking heads don't lie and do retract mistakes, unlike your propagandists and your orange president.
You said: GOP America doesn't have journalists and haven't for 30 years, Super Duper. Everyone else in the world has journalists, brainwashed functional moron. Try c
Some media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. speaking of Australia and assholes who have been thrown out of their own country basically

Then you said: Read a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch and you'll rediscover journalism. I'm disgusted by CNN Fox and MSNBC, since they all have non-stop never ending talking head gabfests. but the Democratic talking heads don't lie and do retract mistakes, unlike your propagandists and your orange president.​

It's hard to be brainwashed when I have no television service in my home any more. Often stuff is more than a day old when I read of it online or visit youtube. I never said 30 years anything. How can I be a brainwashed functional moron when I don't depend on the media? I don't know anything about Rupert Murdoch, therefore, I wonderful why you are channeling all your hatred toward me for making up my own mind about what I do hear, and I do my best to go to more than one places for information, then I decide since today's reporters are such attention whores they want to make news rather than to report factual evidence from the notes they take at informational sessions. One reporter recently started telling the speaker what he was going to say and why his (the reporter's) ideas were better and went off topic. He was told he was off topic and had already been answered, and finally took questions from another reporter who was reporting the same DNC-sourced slander, but was given an answer. Not only was he temporarily denied admission, but now, they're talking about removing the press sessions entirely, because they have turned the President's home into a place where they crudely try to turn it into a Supreme Court dissention and target area, bringing up false charges that would not see the light of day in any criminal court, since the bit about "crime" has been misrepresented by these insane people who get their information ahead of time from people who aren't invited into confidential meeting rooms and are ready to load the rifles of the ninnyhammer press before they even go to information centers that will soon be closed to them if they supply the answers before the question is asked by loading their speech with false accusations.

My opinion is that the American public deserves better than that, I haven't listened to the news for 3 years, yet you are here telling me I listen to propagandists? The deal is I do not listen to the propagandists out there trying to shame the President first, and get him to make a mistake so they can beat up on him some more. If I were the President, I would have stopped hatemongers from coming into my home long before the second time they planned to throw a second stink bomb on my property. This President has been patient and diligent to prepare statements of fact to these ninnyhammers, which the public is tired of hearing some reporter blasting the President and failing to give him the opportunity to respond to a question by bombasting him with everything negative they can think of about him without mentioning the topic of current events. It won't make any difference to me, because I know who's naughty and who's nice just the minute I see them open their mouths. It's just that simple. You don't care for me because I am not doing propaganda that pleases your sensibilities, I think for myself by those out there, and one thing President Trump has that no one in the country has is information he gets from the sources who visit his home using diplomatic communications. So far, all the garbage hurled at President Trump, he and his team have quickly responded with what they know to be the truth when they are faced with hubris that is not intended to correct, it is leveled at ousting the people's elected President with no recourse. People only do that when they're having a tantrum. Tantrums do not amuse me. I'd rather listen to the winner, decider, and President of the United States. I didn't vote in November, 2016, because my husband of 44 years died and my sister of 63 years died just before the election, and I was numbed by personal sorrows at the time and a whole year later, was still not in the mood to return to the television liars, talking heads, and the more and more hateful political screaming who label each other in full hubris mode as criminals.just like you did when I was trying to make some sense of what you said. Projection is a term that describes a communications behavior. Calling someone a moron whose IQ is high enough to have been listed in the National President's List yearbook while in college is a lie, pure and simple. Please stop projecting, belittling, and marginalizing me. I am not the topic of this discourse, and I make my decisions as best I can from what I can determine are facts because I learned to make good decisions in a short amount of time because I had the very best professors in the world whose chief aim was to make a thinking person out of their charges, and not disable them by telling them to go ninnyhammer someone because of their political party membership, nor to carry falsehoods to be used as ammunition in a discussion aimed at problem solving. Oh, yes, and how to determine if a claim is good or bad for consumers based on known information or known hubris. Based on your ignorance, I'd recommend abstention from speaking until I could confirm my opinion with something other than DNC talking points, considering the fanfare they gave to Christine Blasey Ford, a political advocate who feigned a doctoral degree andthen iced the cake with a false testimony alleging her victimization her witnesses could not affirm, since it never happened, with only the devil applauding, not to mention Diane Feinstein and Charles Schumer. I saw the whole thing on you Tube, that provided assessment based on not only speech, but body language as well.

You are wasting your time on Franco, he is an extremist hateful bigot. Hate is all he has.
sure, troll LOL

Oh cool a fuckin has been loser school teacher, you have been trolling me all day you hypocritical piece of shit. So I finally called your ass out. Funny you don’t refute anything I said. Take care loser boi.
You know I can, wingertard: shame on you. Violence begets violence. A Senator is shot. Then it escalates. The people you support encourage more of this behavior. I think they're all fucking traitors and they should all fucking hang. Clear enough?

Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.

I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?

I *DO* remember what I poste
You know I can, wingertard: shame on you. Violence begets violence. A Senator is shot. Then it escalates. The people you support encourage more of this behavior. I think they're all fucking traitors and they should all fucking hang. Clear enough?

Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.

I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?

1. You support The Orange Virus, do you not?
2. Case fucking closed, deplorable.

Your last post said you “don’t know who I support, so you lying then or now?

Call it an educated guess, you thick prick.
Actual facts and history mean that Republicans should be never voted in, and their propaganda machine is basically non-stop lies and Hate. The supposed leftist propaganda is actually the 95% of media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. They are called journalists.
Still projecting much, FrancoHFW? lol

I know you will deny it, but America actually doesn't have journalists any longer. They've been replaced by Party Talking Heads, Political activists, and political infomercials that campaign not for a few months, but for four long years between presidential elections. We're not getting information based on facts nor on journalists who put truthful information into the nation's notice, but lies about crimes that are neither crimes nor were the deeds committed half the time, and badmouthing good leaders, giving their children the hopeless despair of not having respectable futures without examples of leaders that are constantly lied about, and every mean and false thing they can think of to discredit Republicans whom they cannot control with their smarmy lies.
Read a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch and you'll rediscover journalism. I'm disgusted by CNN Fox and MSNBC, since they all have non-stop never ending talking head gabfests. but the Democratic talking heads don't lie and do retract mistakes, unlike your propagandists and your orange president.
You said: GOP America doesn't have journalists and haven't for 30 years, Super Duper. Everyone else in the world has journalists, brainwashed functional moron. Try c
Some media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. speaking of Australia and assholes who have been thrown out of their own country basically

Then you said: Read a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch and you'll rediscover journalism. I'm disgusted by CNN Fox and MSNBC, since they all have non-stop never ending talking head gabfests. but the Democratic talking heads don't lie and do retract mistakes, unlike your propagandists and your orange president.​

It's hard to be brainwashed when I have no television service in my home any more. Often stuff is more than a day old when I read of it online or visit youtube. I never said 30 years anything. How can I be a brainwashed functional moron when I don't depend on the media? I don't know anything about Rupert Murdoch, therefore, I wonderful why you are channeling all your hatred toward me for making up my own mind about what I do hear, and I do my best to go to more than one places for information, then I decide since today's reporters are such attention whores they want to make news rather than to report factual evidence from the notes they take at informational sessions. One reporter recently started telling the speaker what he was going to say and why his (the reporter's) ideas were better and went off topic. He was told he was off topic and had already been answered, and finally took questions from another reporter who was reporting the same DNC-sourced slander, but was given an answer. Not only was he temporarily denied admission, but now, they're talking about removing the press sessions entirely, because they have turned the President's home into a place where they crudely try to turn it into a Supreme Court dissention and target area, bringing up false charges that would not see the light of day in any criminal court, since the bit about "crime" has been misrepresented by these insane people who get their information ahead of time from people who aren't invited into confidential meeting rooms and are ready to load the rifles of the ninnyhammer press before they even go to information centers that will soon be closed to them if they supply the answers before the question is asked by loading their speech with false accusations.

My opinion is that the American public deserves better than that, I haven't listened to the news for 3 years, yet you are here telling me I listen to propagandists? The deal is I do not listen to the propagandists out there trying to shame the President first, and get him to make a mistake so they can beat up on him some more. If I were the President, I would have stopped hatemongers from coming into my home long before the second time they planned to throw a second stink bomb on my property. This President has been patient and diligent to prepare statements of fact to these ninnyhammers, which the public is tired of hearing some reporter blasting the President and failing to give him the opportunity to respond to a question by bombasting him with everything negative they can think of about him without mentioning the topic of current events. It won't make any difference to me, because I know who's naughty and who's nice just the minute I see them open their mouths. It's just that simple. You don't care for me because I am not doing propaganda that pleases your sensibilities, I think for myself by those out there, and one thing President Trump has that no one in the country has is information he gets from the sources who visit his home using diplomatic communications. So far, all the garbage hurled at President Trump, he and his team have quickly responded with what they know to be the truth when they are faced with hubris that is not intended to correct, it is leveled at ousting the people's elected President with no recourse. People only do that when they're having a tantrum. Tantrums do not amuse me. I'd rather listen to the winner, decider, and President of the United States. I didn't vote in November, 2016, because my husband of 44 years died and my sister of 63 years died just before the election, and I was numbed by personal sorrows at the time and a whole year later, was still not in the mood to return to the television liars, talking heads, and the more and more hateful political screaming who label each other in full hubris mode as criminals.just like you did when I was trying to make some sense of what you said. Projection is a term that describes a communications behavior. Calling someone a moron whose IQ is high enough to have been listed in the National President's List yearbook while in college is a lie, pure and simple. Please stop projecting, belittling, and marginalizing me. I am not the topic of this discourse, and I make my decisions as best I can from what I can determine are facts because I learned to make good decisions in a short amount of time because I had the very best professors in the world whose chief aim was to make a thinking person out of their charges, and not disable them by telling them to go ninnyhammer someone because of their political party membership, nor to carry falsehoods to be used as ammunition in a discussion aimed at problem solving. Oh, yes, and how to determine if a claim is good or bad for consumers based on known information or known hubris. Based on your ignorance, I'd recommend abstention from speaking until I could confirm my opinion with something other than DNC talking points, considering the fanfare they gave to Christine Blasey Ford, a political advocate who feigned a doctoral degree andthen iced the cake with a false testimony alleging her victimization her witnesses could not affirm, since it never happened, with only the devil applauding, not to mention Diane Feinstein and Charles Schumer. I saw the whole thing on you Tube, that provided assessment based on not only speech, but body language as well.

You are wasting your time on Franco, he is an extremist hateful bigot. Hate is all he has.
sure, troll LOL
Here, if you live in a far left-wing area such as a university with a one-sided viewpoint, you can look for criminal mischief on your car if you place a Bumper sticker on your car that has an elephant logo (Republican Party) affixed on the bumper. You can thank US Rep. Maxine Watters for her similar bid to her constituents to harass members of the Executive Branch by following them to restaurants and screaming inanities at them over various issues. The history/political department heads are intolerant of conservative professors and are paid to ensure only DNC supporters train America's youth to hate America, push for removal of Constitutional freedoms, and refuse to cooperate with anything the consrvatives tell them, the most deadly one is the irresponsibility of increasing the national debt to the point of no return, which means foreigners will own and direct America if it does not pay them back pretty soon.

I think America is getting a little sick of leftist lies oozing ink all over formerly truth-telling newspapers. Bigger town newspapers are losing readership and are having to go out of business because people are sick to their stomachs of reading lie after DNC lie and paying for it. They're herding the loser reporters into small town papers, and pretty soon, that will be the end of free lying press bullshit. I haven't read papers for 9 years now. I just don't need garbage and angry people spitting vitriol in so much verbiage at each other. Printed lies are like pickpockets. People just learn to not put valuables where they can be found by those clever at relieving you of your assets.
Actual facts and history mean that Republicans should be never voted in, and their propaganda machine is basically non-stop lies and Hate. The supposed leftist propaganda is actually the 95% of media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. They are called journalists.
Still projecting much, FrancoHFW? lol

I know you will deny it, but America actually doesn't have journalists any longer. They've been replaced by Party Talking Heads, Political activists, and political infomercials that campaign not for a few months, but for four long years between presidential elections. We're not getting information based on facts nor on journalists who put truthful information into the nation's notice, but lies about crimes that are neither crimes nor were the deeds committed half the time, and badmouthing good leaders, giving their children the hopeless despair of not having respectable futures without examples of leaders that are constantly lied about, and every mean and false thing they can think of to discredit Republicans whom they cannot control with their smarmy lies.
Read a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch and you'll rediscover journalism. I'm disgusted by CNN Fox and MSNBC, since they all have non-stop never ending talking head gabfests. but the Democratic talking heads don't lie and do retract mistakes, unlike your propagandists and your orange president.
You said: GOP America doesn't have journalists and haven't for 30 years, Super Duper. Everyone else in the world has journalists, brainwashed functional moron. Try c
Some media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. speaking of Australia and assholes who have been thrown out of their own country basically

Then you said: Read a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch and you'll rediscover journalism. I'm disgusted by CNN Fox and MSNBC, since they all have non-stop never ending talking head gabfests. but the Democratic talking heads don't lie and do retract mistakes, unlike your propagandists and your orange president.​

It's hard to be brainwashed when I have no television service in my home any more. Often stuff is more than a day old when I read of it online or visit youtube. I never said 30 years anything. How can I be a brainwashed functional moron when I don't depend on the media? I don't know anything about Rupert Murdoch, therefore, I wonderful why you are channeling all your hatred toward me for making up my own mind about what I do hear, and I do my best to go to more than one places for information, then I decide since today's reporters are such attention whores they want to make news rather than to report factual evidence from the notes they take at informational sessions. One reporter recently started telling the speaker what he was going to say and why his (the reporter's) ideas were better and went off topic. He was told he was off topic and had already been answered, and finally took questions from another reporter who was reporting the same DNC-sourced slander, but was given an answer. Not only was he temporarily denied admission, but now, they're talking about removing the press sessions entirely, because they have turned the President's home into a place where they crudely try to turn it into a Supreme Court dissention and target area, bringing up false charges that would not see the light of day in any criminal court, since the bit about "crime" has been misrepresented by these insane people who get their information ahead of time from people who aren't invited into confidential meeting rooms and are ready to load the rifles of the ninnyhammer press before they even go to information centers that will soon be closed to them if they supply the answers before the question is asked by loading their speech with false accusations.

My opinion is that the American public deserves better than that, I haven't listened to the news for 3 years, yet you are here telling me I listen to propagandists? The deal is I do not listen to the propagandists out there trying to shame the President first, and get him to make a mistake so they can beat up on him some more. If I were the President, I would have stopped hatemongers from coming into my home long before the second time they planned to throw a second stink bomb on my property. This President has been patient and diligent to prepare statements of fact to these ninnyhammers, which the public is tired of hearing some reporter blasting the President and failing to give him the opportunity to respond to a question by bombasting him with everything negative they can think of about him without mentioning the topic of current events. It won't make any difference to me, because I know who's naughty and who's nice just the minute I see them open their mouths. It's just that simple. You don't care for me because I am not doing propaganda that pleases your sensibilities, I think for myself by those out there, and one thing President Trump has that no one in the country has is information he gets from the sources who visit his home using diplomatic communications. So far, all the garbage hurled at President Trump, he and his team have quickly responded with what they know to be the truth when they are faced with hubris that is not intended to correct, it is leveled at ousting the people's elected President with no recourse. People only do that when they're having a tantrum. Tantrums do not amuse me. I'd rather listen to the winner, decider, and President of the United States. I didn't vote in November, 2016, because my husband of 44 years died and my sister of 63 years died just before the election, and I was numbed by personal sorrows at the time and a whole year later, was still not in the mood to return to the television liars, talking heads, and the more and more hateful political screaming who label each other in full hubris mode as criminals.just like you did when I was trying to make some sense of what you said. Projection is a term that describes a communications behavior. Calling someone a moron whose IQ is high enough to have been listed in the National President's List yearbook while in college is a lie, pure and simple. Please stop projecting, belittling, and marginalizing me. I am not the topic of this discourse, and I make my decisions as best I can from what I can determine are facts because I learned to make good decisions in a short amount of time because I had the very best professors in the world whose chief aim was to make a thinking person out of their charges, and not disable them by telling them to go ninnyhammer someone because of their political party membership, nor to carry falsehoods to be used as ammunition in a discussion aimed at problem solving. Oh, yes, and how to determine if a claim is good or bad for consumers based on known information or known hubris. Based on your ignorance, I'd recommend abstention from speaking until I could confirm my opinion with something other than DNC talking points, considering the fanfare they gave to Christine Blasey Ford, a political advocate who feigned a doctoral degree andthen iced the cake with a false testimony alleging her victimization her witnesses could not affirm, since it never happened, with only the devil applauding, not to mention Diane Feinstein and Charles Schumer. I saw the whole thing on you Tube, that provided assessment based on not only speech, but body language as well.

You are wasting your time on Franco, he is an extremist hateful bigot. Hate is all he has.
Well, he believes what he chooses to. Papageorgio, Thanks for the thumbs up, and may God bless us all who love our country and defend it against annihilation. Have a Blessed evening. :)
Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.

I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?

I *DO* remember what I poste
Who do I support, you want to come kill me? You are nothing but a lowlife ignorant hate filled bigot. Go ahead start your killing, moron, just proving how right I am and how wrong you are.

I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?

1. You support The Orange Virus, do you not?
2. Case fucking closed, deplorable.

Your last post said you “don’t know who I support, so you lying then or now?

Call it an educated guess, you thick prick.

Well dumbshit you are wrong, and a fuckin liar. You extreme righty and lefties are just plain moronic and dumber than a piece of shit. Night little bitch.
I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?

I *DO* remember what I poste
I don't know who you support, and no, I don't want to kill you. You're a little too far, bud. Stay off the drink a little, eh?

Dummy, you claimed to know who I support, were you lying? Are you a liar as well as a hateful bigot? Do you even remember what you posted?

1. You support The Orange Virus, do you not?
2. Case fucking closed, deplorable.

Your last post said you “don’t know who I support, so you lying then or now?

Call it an educated guess, you thick prick.

Well dumbshit you are wrong, and a fuckin liar. You extreme righty and lefties are just plain moronic and dumber than a piece of shit. Night little bitch.
Stop coming on here and acting like a dyed in the wool GOP voter, and then going ballistic when somebody takes you for a dupe.
Interesting OP showing what the rest of the world is seeing out of us. I'd imagine the mythical "suburban white women" are going "WTF have we done putting those burned-out old leftists back in charge of the nation's checking account?" We'll see if the physical assaults on prominent GOP pols and pundits starts up again. Hillary claimed it wouldn't but the House has no real power with the WH and Senate in adult hands so who knows? Antifa could use a good old fashioned Kent State reminder that yes, Ms. America, we will kill your children should the need arise.
So genuine question, if you dislike them so much, why do you want the West Coast states, and the states in the North East to be apart of America? If given the choice, would you want them to be their own country? I mean you just said that these states essentially go against what being American is all about.

If you want them to still be a part of America, how does that work when you say they are anti-American?

Kalifornia will bankrupt itself by 2024 bringing the rest of the US down with them. At that point we will default on the debt and reorganize into regional countries that can't be enjoined by the debt the communists have put us in. As the world financial markets recover, we'll come up with a common currency and go back to making everything we need here in the US....which is the best part because that's how we always did it before, and that needs to be remembered. Law and order will be vigilante style until the new states get up and running. Crime might come to a standstill...Commit a murder or a rape and instead of being read your rights, you get strung up in the nearest tree. Still with me? In say 5 years, we rejoin the Constitutional Republic, go back to interstate commerce with the lessons learned in mind......no income tax, tariffs finance our government and not a single dollar will be borrowed from anybody.

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