Question: If someone leaves the Christian church & becomes an atheist, is he or she still a Chr...?


Nov 7, 2014
I heard someone say once a member of a religion always a member of that religion but if someone leaves the Christian church and becomes an atheist, is that person still a Christian? Or if a Christian converts to Islam is that person still a Christian?...:)

If they become an atheist they don't believe in God, if they convert to Islam they are now Islam....neither compatible to Christian belief and faith
If they become an atheist they don't believe in God, if they convert to Islam they are now Islam....neither compatible to Christian belief and faith

Actually... Islam and Christianity are extremely compatible.

Christians and Muslims worship the same supreme God, tell many of the same stories, revere many of the same people, share similar mythology, they both believe in Heaven and Hell and Celestial beings and Infernal beings, they both believe in a Devil/ Shaaitan, etc.

They can both be used for mass manipulation, indoctrination, exploitation of the masses, social control, etc... and to justify war and violence and murder and torture and conquest... but they can also both be used to embrace a life of peace, love, compassion, respect, and virtue. It's up to the individual do do what you Will, and believe what you Will.

Islam and Christianity are both Abrahamism, and they can be greatly compatible with each other... if it is your Will to open your eyes.

I heard someone say once a member of a religion always a member of that religion but if someone leaves the Christian church and becomes an atheist, is that person still a Christian? Or if a Christian converts to Islam is that person still a Christian?...:)

Different faiths likely have different answers to that. Muslims for instance assert that everyone's born a Muslim regardless of how they may identify themselves. When someone 'becomes Muslim' then they refer to it as 'reversion' not 'conversion.'

Ultimately though, since all religions are invented by Man, I'd think the answer will be dependent upon whatever the given religion says about that sort of thing. But if there's actually a god-in-charge of things, I doubt it has a particular religion and governs everyone regardless of how they may factionalize themselves much as politicians govern all of their constituents regardless of whether they voted for them or not.

I heard someone say once a member of a religion always a member of that religion but if someone leaves the Christian church and becomes an atheist, is that person still a Christian? Or if a Christian converts to Islam is that person still a Christian?...:)


If someone likes to believe in god but is not able to do so then this is not a tragedy. If this is the will of god - why not? One day everyone will see his plan or intention if we don't stop to be attentive. Indeed it's quite normal not always to believe in god. Lots - maybe everyone - made such or similiar experiences. Often such experiences grow to become worthful - but okay: sometimes it seems to be only frustrating. On the other side: to try to live happily with a not ending frustration leads someone maybe to a way of very high art of life.

But if someone is a Muslim then he's not a Christian - that's another religion with another structure. Within the Islam the words of Jesus are the words of an important prophet. Sure is Mohammed in the highest priority - but why should the words of prophets exclude each other? I guess everyone can agree to say: "god is truth", "god is love" and "god is life".

I heard someone say once a member of a religion always a member of that religion but if someone leaves the Christian church and becomes an atheist, is that person still a Christian? Or if a Christian converts to Islam is that person still a Christian?...:)

Different faiths likely have different answers to that. Muslims for instance assert that everyone's born a Muslim regardless of how they may identify themselves. When someone 'becomes Muslim' then they refer to it as 'reversion' not 'conversion.'

Ultimately though, since all religions are invented by Man, I'd think the answer will be dependent upon whatever the given religion says about that sort of thing. But if there's actually a god-in-charge of things, I doubt it has a particular religion and governs everyone regardless of how they may factionalize themselves much as politicians govern all of their constituents regardless of whether they voted for them or not.

So you are saying that it is possible that if a person was born and raised a Christian, he or she cannot become a Muslim?

Or an atheist?

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It depends on the denomination; one or two denominations of Christianity believe that once baptized you are a Christian forever, others do not.
It depends on the denomination; one or two denominations of Christianity believe that once baptized you are a Christian forever, others do not.

That belief would contradict the Bible wouldn't it? There's the life of Judas Iscariot (who left the church as it were haha,) and there's this Bible Scripture:

John 6:66
(66)From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

You can't be a Christian and an atheist at the same time.


The hell you say
Activists, Malcolm Little and Harold Moore (better known as Malcolm X, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad, respectively) are two examples of people leaving a cult or religion and changing their beliefs. They prove that people's beliefs can change; brief documentary from the year, 1964 that discusses the changes in Malcolm X's views:

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It depends on the denomination; one or two denominations of Christianity believe that once baptized you are a Christian forever, others do not.

Also Sir or Ma'am, what would those denominations say about the term "apostate?" or what would they say officially I should ask?

I heard someone say once a member of a religion always a member of that religion but if someone leaves the Christian church and becomes an atheist, is that person still a Christian? Or if a Christian converts to Islam is that person still a Christian?...:)

If they become an atheist they don't believe in God, if they convert to Islam they are now Islam....neither compatible to Christian belief and faith

Actually... Islam and Christianity are extremely compatible.

Christians and Muslims worship the same supreme God, tell many of the same stories, revere many of the same people, share similar mythology, they both believe in Heaven and Hell and Celestial beings and Infernal beings, they both believe in a Devil/ Shaaitan, etc.

They can both be used for mass manipulation, indoctrination, exploitation of the masses, social control, etc... and to justify war and violence and murder and torture and conquest... but they can also both be used to embrace a life of peace, love, compassion, respect, and virtue. It's up to the individual do do what you Will, and believe what you Will.

Islam and Christianity are both Abrahamism, and they can be greatly compatible with each other... if it is your Will to open your eyes.


Jews = all in the family

Christianity = Maude

Mormons = good times

Muslims = Jeffersons
You can't be a Christian and an atheist at the same time.

View attachment 56814

The hell you say
Ah yes. For some it's whatever you feel like saying you are at the moment. We might call it transfaith.

Actually I think people do join and leave faiths. It happened in the Bible (John 6:66, and the life of Judas Iscariot.) It happened in real life, with some real life leaders (Malcolm "Malcolm X" Little, and Harold "Khalid Abdul Muhammad" Moore.) The simple fact is, it happens.

Most of America's converts to Islam are former Christians, agnostics, atheists, etc. Are they still Christians, atheists, and agnostics after they convert to Islam? No they are not. So people do infact leave faiths. :)

I heard someone say once a member of a religion always a member of that religion but if someone leaves the Christian church and becomes an atheist, is that person still a Christian? Or if a Christian converts to Islam is that person still a Christian?...:)

I think what you're referring to is, "Once in grace, always in grace."

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