question : Is Trump a Stooge? If he is legit, how do you feel about him?

Trump is a legitimate candidate. If he is, how do you feel about him?

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I admire Trump's courage in taking on touchy issues that others avoid. I absolutely agree with him that a temporary halt in Muslim immigration is a perfectly rational, sane proposal. I respect his business accomplishments. His tax plan is a good one. I think he would get our budget under control.

But, I don't like the fact that he needlessly insults people and that he picks fights that do not need to be fought (such as when he told a gathering of Republican Jews that they won't support him because he doesn't need their money). He takes criticism too personally and engages in personal attacks in return.

I fear he would lose to Hillary.

He's stroking his ego

Exactly. Looking at the definition:

noun: stooge; plural noun: stooges
  1. 1.derogatory
    a person who serves merely to support or assist others, particularly in doing unpleasant work.
    "you fell for that helpless-female act and let her make you a stooge"
    synonyms: underling, minion, lackey, subordinate;More henchman;
    puppet, pawn, cat's paw; informalsidekick
    "a government stooge"

---- he's clearly acting as a "stooge" for himself, which is exactly how he has run his entire life. His pseudocandidacy exists only to feed himself. Were he an actual legitimate candidate, he would need supporters not in the audience but running with him, since, fortunately for We the People, a single megalomaniac cannot act alone, which is why Congress exists. Having no fellow travelers in the cause of Rump-Egoism, he would be unable to act at all. Which is a major reason he'll never attain that position.

Basically he's a clown side show. As the Bard described, "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing". If this were actual election season we could call it making a mockery of the process, but really all it shows in a constructive way is the gullibility of the unwashed.

Interestingly, to continue the same definition above in verb form:
verb: stooge; 3rd person present: stooges; past tense: stooged; past participle: stooged; gerund or present participle: stooging
  1. 1.
    move around aimlessly; drift or cruise.
    "she stooged around in the bathroom for a while"

--- not a common usage as such but it does call to mind:


-- it applies in a metaphoric sense too; as soon as somebody in the media starts asking for details is exactly where Rump starts looking for the exit door. When he has to come up with answers deeper than "I hire unbelievable people" and actually connect dot A to dot B in terms of how things would get done -- that's exactly the point where he goes down in flames faster than you can say "Atlantic City Casino".
Trump has the audacity to say what people want to say, he's not political correct and doesn't give a shit about the establishment
Here's the deal with Trump. The media and the left are trying desperately to paint Trump as a clown car side-show, but they do that at their peril. Trump resonates for a few reasons:

- People are pissed. On both sides of the aisle people are completely pissed off and while they direct it mostly at the opposing party, the truth is people are pissed off at politicians in general, even those from their own party. People have reached the point where they believe career politicians are corrupt, lying, scum regardless of party and they are sick of it. That's not an issue Trump has.

- People believe that politicians are puppets to their financial supporters. When you elect a politician you are not electing that person, you are electing the people/businesses/industries/unions who gave them the most money. That's not an issue Trump has. Trump is not indebted to anyone so he can tell special interests to go screw themselves and he will be fine.

- Trump can say some stupid shit, but I think people overlook that many things Trump says are what people want to say, but can't. So there is a "finally somebody said it" effect happening so while it pisses some people off, others gain respect for him because he has the balls to say what a lot of people are thinking but can't say for fear of retaliation by the overly-sensitive, politically correct environment in society today.

Now all of that is not to say that Trump would be a good president. I don't know if he will or won't be. I tend to agree with Mike that he is petty, obnoxious, and abrasive, but here's the deal....I won't vote for Hillary, not only because I disagree with her policies, but because she is a corrupt, lying, scum bag who represents exactly what the problem with government today is. She is the poster child for government corruption. I would rather not vote for Rubio, Cruz, etc because I am sick to death of career politicians. They are just like everyone else on both sides of the aisle. I don't think Carson has the yarbles to do what needs to be done, so by default...guess who that leaves?

I think a lot of Trump supporters feel the same way
Trump is from Queens, Long Island NY...about ten miles from where I lived in the 50s. Who isn't obnoxious there? It's in the job description.
Trump can say some stupid shit, but I think people overlook that many things Trump says are what people want to say, but can't. So there is a "finally somebody said it" effect happening so while it pisses some people off, others gain respect for him because he has the balls to say what a lot of people are thinking but can't say for fear of retaliation by the overly-sensitive, politically correct environment in society today.

That explains the "polls" at present (and I put "polls" in quotes because there is no imminent election for them to refer to) --- it's the one avenue the common people have to express a mass opinion, much like that petition to have him banned from the UK serves the same purpose there.

But that's in essence an opinion poll on rhetoric, certainly not a vote on actual candidacy, let alone an election. When that time comes, the decisions will be very differently based, as then (next year) it will no longer be about whether one echoes the emotion of the rhetoric but about actually hiring for the job. And that's a very different process.
Let's look at this rationally - if that's possible.

Trump vs Hillary won't happen as the FBI will force a showdown with a Grand Jury on her activities while Secretary of State.

Bernie might be the Democrat candidate but his base isn't big enough to gain the White House.

Trump's REAL adversary is the GOP Establishment who are more scared of him than the Democrats. His election to signal massive changes in the Republican infrastructure.

And The Donald is destroying the pundits who cannot find a slot to put him into.

He will win with a massive turnout of first-time voters and those dissatisfied with the status quo. Probably equal to Reagan's win.
Trump can say some stupid shit, but I think people overlook that many things Trump says are what people want to say, but can't. So there is a "finally somebody said it" effect happening so while it pisses some people off, others gain respect for him because he has the balls to say what a lot of people are thinking but can't say for fear of retaliation by the overly-sensitive, politically correct environment in society today.

That explains the "polls" at present (and I put "polls" in quotes because there is no imminent election for them to refer to) --- it's the one avenue the common people have to express a mass opinion, much like that petition to have him banned from the UK serves the same purpose there.

But that's in essence an opinion poll on rhetoric, certainly not a vote on actual candidacy, let alone an election. When that time comes, the decisions will be very differently based, as then (next year) it will no longer be about whether one echoes the emotion of the rhetoric but about actually hiring for the job. And that's a very different process.

Perhaps, but nothing is going to change for Hillary in the next year. She's corrupt and even most Democrats will admit that. It's not like she is going to become squeaky clean in the next year and start gaining people's trust. I really don't think opinions are going to change much. I don't see anything happening in the next year that will make people start to have faith in government or career politicians. People want something different
Trump can say some stupid shit, but I think people overlook that many things Trump says are what people want to say, but can't. So there is a "finally somebody said it" effect happening so while it pisses some people off, others gain respect for him because he has the balls to say what a lot of people are thinking but can't say for fear of retaliation by the overly-sensitive, politically correct environment in society today.

That explains the "polls" at present (and I put "polls" in quotes because there is no imminent election for them to refer to) --- it's the one avenue the common people have to express a mass opinion, much like that petition to have him banned from the UK serves the same purpose there.

But that's in essence an opinion poll on rhetoric, certainly not a vote on actual candidacy, let alone an election. When that time comes, the decisions will be very differently based, as then (next year) it will no longer be about whether one echoes the emotion of the rhetoric but about actually hiring for the job. And that's a very different process.

Perhaps, but nothing is going to change for Hillary in the next year. She's corrupt and even most Democrats will admit that. It's not like she is going to become squeaky clean in the next year and start gaining people's trust. I really don't think opinions are going to change much. I don't see anything happening in the next year that will make people start to have faith in government or career politicians. People want something different

Why do so many wags keep defaulting to "Hillary" as if it's a fait accompli? What kind of thinking is that?

There are no faits accompli, and that certainly includes Rump. Conventions aren't until 2016, and not even the primaries have started yet.
Trump's REAL adversary is the GOP Establishment who are more scared of him than the Democrats. His election to signal massive changes in the Republican infrastructure.

That I fully agree with. And that's why the RP will never allow a Rump candidacy, if it even got as far as the convention.

More likely Rump will bolt and pull a Strom Thurmond and in effect get similar results except that Thurmond's support was geographicaly concentrated enough to win a few states. Rump has no such geographic constituency. In effect he'll pull a Ross Perot, and end up with the same level of support Perot did for the same reasons.

Actually Rump's "candidacy" resembles Perot in a lot of ways -- rich, unaffiliated, tapping the anti-SOS stream --- except Perot had enough sense not to go around alienating ..... women.... Latinos.... Jews.... Muslims.... Scots.... the disabled.... etc etc.

He will win with a massive turnout of first-time voters and those dissatisfied with the status quo. Probably equal to Reagan's win.

In your dreams. When Reagan ran he had a political party behind him, willingly. Now read the first part of your post above and see why you can't get here from there.
Trump can say some stupid shit, but I think people overlook that many things Trump says are what people want to say, but can't. So there is a "finally somebody said it" effect happening so while it pisses some people off, others gain respect for him because he has the balls to say what a lot of people are thinking but can't say for fear of retaliation by the overly-sensitive, politically correct environment in society today.

That explains the "polls" at present (and I put "polls" in quotes because there is no imminent election for them to refer to) --- it's the one avenue the common people have to express a mass opinion, much like that petition to have him banned from the UK serves the same purpose there.

But that's in essence an opinion poll on rhetoric, certainly not a vote on actual candidacy, let alone an election. When that time comes, the decisions will be very differently based, as then (next year) it will no longer be about whether one echoes the emotion of the rhetoric but about actually hiring for the job. And that's a very different process.

Perhaps, but nothing is going to change for Hillary in the next year. She's corrupt and even most Democrats will admit that. It's not like she is going to become squeaky clean in the next year and start gaining people's trust. I really don't think opinions are going to change much. I don't see anything happening in the next year that will make people start to have faith in government or career politicians. People want something different

Why do so many wags keep defaulting to "Hillary" as if it's a fait accompli? What kind of thinking is that?

There are no faits accompli, and that certainly includes Rump. Conventions aren't until 2016, and not even the primaries have started yet.

Yes polling is a snapshot of a race and a lot of things can change, but she is so far ahead of Sanders for the nomination something really significant would have to happen for her not to get it. Like federal charges being brought against her or something like that. I think the DNC is kind of in the same boat with Hillary as the GOP is with Trump. I really don't think the Democrats wants Hillary to get the nomination because she is terribly vulnerable. All her scandals, she is polarizing, people don't really like her personally, they don't trust her, and let's be honest....there is a lot of gender bias out there and a lot of people who simply won't vote for a woman.
I don't care for being negative, and when I am, afterwards I generally regret it. I respect Trump's supporters and will leave it at that.
The More the Media Attacks Him the More Trump Supporters Like Him

The pundits are puzzled. They admit they've never seen anything like it. Five or six months ago, the “experts” were prophesying he was a flash in the pan and wouldn't last more than a few weeks at most. So, here we are a little over a month away from the first “primary” and he's leading by even more.

What do Trump supporters want most? "I want Trump to look at Obama on Election Day and go, 'You’re fired.'"

Read more @ Watch: The One Reason Trump Is NOT Going Away Was Just Revealed On Fox News

6 Times the Media has Declared ‘The End of Donald Trump’ @ 6 Times the Media has Declared 'The End of Donald Trump'

And guess who supports The Donald on the ban of refugees? Rupert Murdoch! A regular Trump foe. Read @ The Last Person You'd Expect Just Stepped Up And Defended Trump - Obama Will HATE It

The “Trump Derangement Syndrome” among GOP leadership is playing directly into the hands of the left and the Hildabeast supporters. Read more @ Articles: Donald Trump Isn't the Problem. Trump Derangement Syndrome Is.

Republican power brokers trying to steal nomination @ Republican power brokers trying to steal nomination

* Saudi Prince Says Trump Should Give up his Presidential Ambitions @ Donald Trump in Twitter spat with Saudi Prince Alwaleed - BBC News Trump's response?


And I've read at least eight articles about the GOP Establishment making plans for a brokered convention to nominate someone other than Trump – and lot calling Romney's name. Do they really want to hand the election to the Democrats? Again? No wonder The Donald is so popular.

Trump's Cunning Plan Revealed

Donald Trump - Bigot, zealot, xenophobe, racist, hitler-ite? Or Donald Trump - cunning strategist who knows Americans better than the "leave us alone up here on our Hill" career politicians and their lackey liberal media partners?

You decide. Read the full piece @ Trump's Cunning Plan Revealed | Zero Hedge

You want to go see Hillary, Bernie, Ben, Ted, or any of the others, you shell out $$$. Not The Donald. Just got an invitation to his rally here in Vegas on the 14th of December and IT'S FREE. Check it out @ Donald J. Trump in Las Vegas, NV
Let's look at this rationally - if that's possible.

Trump vs Hillary won't happen as the FBI will force a showdown with a Grand Jury on her activities while Secretary of State.

Bernie might be the Democrat candidate but his base isn't big enough to gain the White House.

Trump's REAL adversary is the GOP Establishment who are more scared of him than the Democrats. His election to signal massive changes in the Republican infrastructure.

And The Donald is destroying the pundits who cannot find a slot to put him into.

He will win with a massive turnout of first-time voters and those dissatisfied with the status quo. Probably equal to Reagan's win.
You think Donald Trump will become the next President and win the vast majority? Is he the one that makes his present wife jealous of her successor ahead of time? :rolleyes:
Let's look at this rationally - if that's possible.

Trump vs Hillary won't happen as the FBI will force a showdown with a Grand Jury on her activities while Secretary of State.

Bernie might be the Democrat candidate but his base isn't big enough to gain the White House.

Trump's REAL adversary is the GOP Establishment who are more scared of him than the Democrats. His election to signal massive changes in the Republican infrastructure.

And The Donald is destroying the pundits who cannot find a slot to put him into.

He will win with a massive turnout of first-time voters and those dissatisfied with the status quo. Probably equal to Reagan's win.
You think Donald Trump will become the next President and win the vast majority? Is he the one that makes his present wife jealous of her successor ahead of time? :rolleyes:

Personally, I don't know if Trump would beat Hillary but I think he can. I DO think he gives Hillary her best shot. I think just about any other GOP contender would slaughter Hillary once it's all said and done but I think Trump can beat her.
Trump can say some stupid shit, but I think people overlook that many things Trump says are what people want to say, but can't. So there is a "finally somebody said it" effect happening so while it pisses some people off, others gain respect for him because he has the balls to say what a lot of people are thinking but can't say for fear of retaliation by the overly-sensitive, politically correct environment in society today.

That explains the "polls" at present (and I put "polls" in quotes because there is no imminent election for them to refer to) --- it's the one avenue the common people have to express a mass opinion, much like that petition to have him banned from the UK serves the same purpose there.

But that's in essence an opinion poll on rhetoric, certainly not a vote on actual candidacy, let alone an election. When that time comes, the decisions will be very differently based, as then (next year) it will no longer be about whether one echoes the emotion of the rhetoric but about actually hiring for the job. And that's a very different process.

Perhaps, but nothing is going to change for Hillary in the next year. She's corrupt and even most Democrats will admit that. It's not like she is going to become squeaky clean in the next year and start gaining people's trust. I really don't think opinions are going to change much. I don't see anything happening in the next year that will make people start to have faith in government or career politicians. People want something different

Why do so many wags keep defaulting to "Hillary" as if it's a fait accompli? What kind of thinking is that?

There are no faits accompli, and that certainly includes Rump. Conventions aren't until 2016, and not even the primaries have started yet.

Yes polling is a snapshot of a race and a lot of things can change, but she is so far ahead of Sanders for the nomination something really significant would have to happen for her not to get it. Like federal charges being brought against her or something like that. I think the DNC is kind of in the same boat with Hillary as the GOP is with Trump. I really don't think the Democrats wants Hillary to get the nomination because she is terribly vulnerable. All her scandals, she is polarizing, people don't really like her personally, they don't trust her, and let's be honest....there is a lot of gender bias out there and a lot of people who simply won't vote for a woman.

Eh -- I don't know about that. Same has been said about people not voting for a black man, and certainly some didn't and still won't, but clearly there were enough.

What gives you the idea that sexism is more exclusive than racism?

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