
I’m hoping for some real meaningful dialogue in this thread (perhaps I’m being naive). I’m completely dissatisfied with both the Republican and Democrat parties so I guess I would consider myself an independent. This has left me feeling out on an island politically.

So anyway as I look at myself wanting a legitimate 3rd party this thought has crossed my mind.

What if as long as we have a partisan two-party system there never can be racial reconciliation? Because it doesn’t really benefit either side and then prevents coalitions around a similar issue.

For example African-Americans for the past 50-60 years have traditionally voted for the Democratic Party. So it doesnt really benefit the Democrats for there to be real racial reconciliation because they wouldn’t be able to point to the GOP as racist and keep the loyalty of the black vote.

Then as a Republican if you take up the cause of racial reconciliation you get screamed at for being a leftist socialist, anti-police, and a marxists.

I just wonder if we had a real 3rd moderate party if it would help bring real racial reconciliation.
We already have a third party, the Libertarian party. We also have a fourth party, the Green party.
There are fifth, sixth, seventh, et cetera. Your choices are:
1. Research all of them and select one from the list.
2. Create your own political party, register as such, distribute your leaflets, give your orations and hope for the best. But keep this in mind, it had better be a good one, because mainstream USA has consistently sided with either the formerly Democrat party or the Republican party; not because they were the only political parties available, but because much of each side's policies appealed to the voters and those others, not really.
How about no parties and run on the issues? :aargh:
Most Rs I know...No Taxes, No Business Rules, why haven't they paved my road yet!
Most Ds I know...Tax me to help minorities because I ain't giving a penny to charity.
Both...I want Tresspassers, Business Visas and Off-Shoring because I want lower prices.
This has left me feeling out on an island politically.

It shouldn't. I feel very much the same way.

I despise both dems and repubs...but for different reasons.

Dems because they are corrupt tot he core, lawless communists.

Repubs because they are cowards! They are empty nut sacks who are too afraid to fight the lawless corruption!

But a 3rd party doesn't work. I learned that when I voted for ross perot. It split the vote for bush Sr. and handed the election to clinton. It's not that I loved bush Sr...but I would have picked him over wild bill!

Like it or not...that's how it works!
If there's one and only one point of agreement between the modern republican and democratic parties, it must be that no third political party be given equal voice on the national electoral stage. America's two party system is an ancient machine whose metal surfaces are pitted and worn down to the brittle steal beneath. Creation of an equal third party would require the construction of a whole new add-on to this machine. At the end of the day whatever new party America could get would have to be just as corrupt as the other two in order to compete. The only other path for a new third party is through a level of populism unprecedented in American political history or a rise to power through violence. At the moment BLM's got both those prerequisites covered.

You sir bring a voice of reason and focus to the issues.
Well said!
I think a viable 3rd party would solve a lot of issues.

Show me any success with any party other than R or D.
99% of people don't even know what their platforms are.

I agree that they've been ineffective and unsuccessful.

Hence why I specified viable 3rd party.
You'll have to define viable to the 1% who won't support it.
Where exactly is viable on the issues?
I think a viable 3rd party would solve a lot of issues.

Show me any success with any party other than R or D.
99% of people don't even know what their platforms are.

I agree that they've been ineffective and unsuccessful.

Hence why I specified viable 3rd party.
You'll have to define viable to the 1% who won't support it.
Where exactly is viable on the issues?

Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.
I despise both dems and repubs...but for different reasons.

Repubs because they are cowards! They are empty nut sacks who are too afraid to fight the lawless corruption!

You're going to offend some with all this clarity and honesty. But not to worry, they are harmless. On 2nd thought, no one will say a word.
Also remember...hitler formed a 3rd party (national socialist party...NAZI)...and won with 36% of the vote.

That is a danger with a 3rd party.
I’m hoping for some real meaningful dialogue in this thread (perhaps I’m being naive). I’m completely dissatisfied with both the Republican and Democrat parties so I guess I would consider myself an independent. This has left me feeling out on an island politically.

So anyway as I look at myself wanting a legitimate 3rd party this thought has crossed my mind.

What if as long as we have a partisan two-party system there never can be racial reconciliation? Because it doesn’t really benefit either side and then prevents coalitions around a similar issue.

For example African-Americans for the past 50-60 years have traditionally voted for the Democratic Party. So it doesnt really benefit the Democrats for there to be real racial reconciliation because they wouldn’t be able to point to the GOP as racist and keep the loyalty of the black vote.

Then as a Republican if you take up the cause of racial reconciliation you get screamed at for being a leftist socialist, anti-police, and a marxists.

I just wonder if we had a real 3rd moderate party if it would help bring real racial reconciliation.
We already have a third party, the Libertarian party. We also have a fourth party, the Green party.
There are fifth, sixth, seventh, et cetera. Your choices are:
1. Research all of them and select one from the list.
2. Create your own political party, register as such, distribute your leaflets, give your orations and hope for the best. But keep this in mind, it had better be a good one, because mainstream USA has consistently sided with either the formerly Democrat party or the Republican party; not because they were the only political parties available, but because much of each side's policies appealed to the voters and those others, not really.
How about no parties and run on the issues? :aargh:
Most Rs I know...No Taxes, No Business Rules, why haven't they paved my road yet!
Most Ds I know...Tax me to help minorities because I ain't giving a penny to charity.
Both...I want Trespassers, Business Visas and Off-Shoring because I want lower prices.
Don't forget Marxist/Leninist ideolog that are on the rise: One party only. You will only do what we allow and any complainers will disappear to re-education camps and if still not onboard, will go either to a gulag for imprisonment, or simply disappear.
I think a viable 3rd party would solve a lot of issues.

Show me any success with any party other than R or D.
99% of people don't even know what their platforms are.

I agree that they've been ineffective and unsuccessful.

Hence why I specified viable 3rd party.
You'll have to define viable to the 1% who won't support it.
Where exactly is viable on the issues?

Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.
I know.
The only ground I found between the 2 parties was when Trump (yes, I know you hate him) said "Hire US citizens".
That's my viable 3rd party.
I’m hoping for some real meaningful dialogue in this thread (perhaps I’m being naive). I’m completely dissatisfied with both the Republican and Democrat parties so I guess I would consider myself an independent. This has left me feeling out on an island politically.

So anyway as I look at myself wanting a legitimate 3rd party this thought has crossed my mind.

What if as long as we have a partisan two-party system there never can be racial reconciliation? Because it doesn’t really benefit either side and then prevents coalitions around a similar issue.

For example African-Americans for the past 50-60 years have traditionally voted for the Democratic Party. So it doesnt really benefit the Democrats for there to be real racial reconciliation because they wouldn’t be able to point to the GOP as racist and keep the loyalty of the black vote.

Then as a Republican if you take up the cause of racial reconciliation you get screamed at for being a leftist socialist, anti-police, and a marxists.

I just wonder if we had a real 3rd moderate party if it would help bring real racial reconciliation.
We already have a third party, the Libertarian party. We also have a fourth party, the Green party.
There are fifth, sixth, seventh, et cetera. Your choices are:
1. Research all of them and select one from the list.
2. Create your own political party, register as such, distribute your leaflets, give your orations and hope for the best. But keep this in mind, it had better be a good one, because mainstream USA has consistently sided with either the formerly Democrat party or the Republican party; not because they were the only political parties available, but because much of each side's policies appealed to the voters and those others, not really.
How about no parties and run on the issues? :aargh:
Most Rs I know...No Taxes, No Business Rules, why haven't they paved my road yet!
Most Ds I know...Tax me to help minorities because I ain't giving a penny to charity.
Both...I want Trespassers, Business Visas and Off-Shoring because I want lower prices.
Don't forget Marxist/Leninist ideolog that are on the rise: One party only. You will only do what we allow and any complainers will disappear to re-education camps and if still not onboard, will go either to a gulag for imprisonment, or simply disappear.
GW did that with extreme neo-Conservative bullshit and BLM is accomplishing such with it's own extreme.
I know.
The only ground I found between the 2 parties was when Trump (yes, I know you hate him) said "Hire US citizens".
That's my viable 3rd party.

Trump is a Republican. That's not a 3rd party.

Sorry, still not understanding whatever you're trying to say.
I know.
The only ground I found between the 2 parties was when Trump (yes, I know you hate him) said "Hire US citizens".
That's my viable 3rd party.

Trump is a Republican. That's not a 3rd party.

Sorry, still not understanding whatever you're trying to say.
Trump is more of a Republican than he is a Democrat, but I will never vote for a Globalist from either party.
I know.
The only ground I found between the 2 parties was when Trump (yes, I know you hate him) said "Hire US citizens".
That's my viable 3rd party.

Trump is a Republican. That's not a 3rd party.

Sorry, still not understanding whatever you're trying to say.
Trump is more of a Republican than he is a Democrat, but I will never vote for a Globalist from either party.

I don't doubt that.
We have a viable 3rd party. The libertarians.
I know i know.. They arent statists and believe in actual equality and individual liberty so its a no go..

When they have candidates for president called Thumble Shit Diapers who is really going to take them seriously? Libertarians don't have a clue about equality anyway, nor a way of holding corporations accountable for corruption or environmental impacts. No real way of reigning in capitalism so as to not eat itself and everyone else alive.

Ask Rand Paul about the viability of the Libertarian party.

There is no candidate called Thumble Shit Diapers but wouldn't be half surprised if you tried to look up the name.
I’m hoping for some real meaningful dialogue in this thread (perhaps I’m being naive). I’m completely dissatisfied with both the Republican and Democrat parties so I guess I would consider myself an independent. This has left me feeling out on an island politically.

So anyway as I look at myself wanting a legitimate 3rd party this thought has crossed my mind.

What if as long as we have a partisan two-party system there never can be racial reconciliation? Because it doesn’t really benefit either side and then prevents coalitions around a similar issue.

For example African-Americans for the past 50-60 years have traditionally voted for the Democratic Party. So it doesnt really benefit the Democrats for there to be real racial reconciliation because they wouldn’t be able to point to the GOP as racist and keep the loyalty of the black vote.

Then as a Republican if you take up the cause of racial reconciliation you get screamed at for being a leftist socialist, anti-police, and a marxists.

I just wonder if we had a real 3rd moderate party if it would help bring real racial reconciliation.

We need a viable third party but we don't have one.

The main reason for that is because those of us who aren't democratic or republican are way too fractured in our beliefs to form a third party.

Those of us in the middle can't come together to agree on enough issues to form a third party. The only thing we have in common is that we aren't democratic or republican.

Those of us who don't vote democratic or republican vote a variety of parties. I know I have. So all those other parties would have to merge to one because they divide those of us in the middle.

Getting that many people to come together to vote for one and only one third party is not going to happen.

The only option is to change the two major parties. Work within the system to bring about change. It will take time and patience.

I don't see the Democratic Party trying to stop any racial equality. Your excuse for their motivation to not work for it isn't logical and is too lame. There are so many reasons to not vote for a conservative and the Republican Party. Winning the struggle for equality for all won't harm the Democratic Party at all. In fact it will help them. Especially if the Republican Party stays on the course they've been on for decades. People who want and believe in racial equality won't all of a sudden vote for a republican just because the democrats were successful in making our nation a more equal and just nation.

How is it logical to vote for the people who tried to stop equality if you believe in racial equality?

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