Questioning The Definition of 'Religion'

Where did Bernie spend his honeymoon? Yes he is married to a RC.

{What is it about worn-out socialist “worker paradises” like the old Soviet Union and Cuba that bring out the romantic in American radical politicians? After Vermont senator Bernie Sanders announced his run for president, Britain’s Guardian newspaper pawed through old archives in his home town of Burlington, Vermont where he served as mayor in the 1980s. They discovered that Sanders really did practice the socialist solidarity he preached about rhetorically. During Bernie’s mayoral tenure, Burlington formed an alliance with the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, 160 miles northeast of Moscow. When in 1988 he married his wife, Jane, the mayor decided it would be a perfect place for his honeymoon. In a tape of his interview with Yaroslavl’s mayor, Alexander Riabkov, Sanders acknowledges that housing and health care appear to be “significantly better” in the U.S. than in the socialist paradise. “However,” he added, “the cost of both services is much, much, higher in the United States.”

Read more at:}
{What is it about worn-out socialist “worker paradises” like the old Soviet Union and Cuba that bring out the romantic in American radical politicians? After Vermont senator Bernie Sanders announced his run for president, Britain’s Guardian newspaper pawed through old archives in his home town of Burlington, Vermont where he served as mayor in the 1980s. They discovered that Sanders really did practice the socialist solidarity he preached about rhetorically. During Bernie’s mayoral tenure, Burlington formed an alliance with the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, 160 miles northeast of Moscow. When in 1988 he married his wife, Jane, the mayor decided it would be a perfect place for his honeymoon. In a tape of his interview with Yaroslavl’s mayor, Alexander Riabkov, Sanders acknowledges that housing and health care appear to be “significantly better” in the U.S. than in the socialist paradise. “However,” he added, “the cost of both services is much, much, higher in the United States.”

Read more at:}

yeah so? Jesus was a socialist too

RC's believe in being socialists. That should be obvious. If only more would practice what they preach.

Jesus was a socialist in the Pharisee mode.
The people who live in catholic monasteries--
priests and nuns----and whatever else ends up
there live SOCIALIST lives albeit with a very
AUTHORITATIVE hierarchy but I have never
heard of "socialism" as a dogma of the catholic church

We believe in giving and charity. Although some live as monks or nuns and do not hurt anyone, seems to me
like a waste. I am not referring to a government, but the RCC teaching.

Canon law was compiled as THE LAW of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and includes issues of economy and social structure. It was not based on socialism-----it was a theocratic government with a capitalistic

You right there was social structure, and like every social structure, all are not equal. The US is based on Roman law before the legalization of Christianity, freedom of religion, but all roads do lead to Rome. The NT taught us well, give to Caesar what is his, obey your rulers. Since I'm not wealthy, I will give to others less fortunate or in need, those Republicans hate freedom, at one time the Democrats did, now just the opposite. Like a wheel, keeps on spinning. I got off long ago.
you just imagine I do------people who are afraid of mice----"see" them in every corner in DIM LIGHT


So then it was not you who wrote;

"in my Nazi town----along with the not yet drafted horror of anti-segregation laws. My Nazi neighbors got dressed up in nylon frilly dresses every sunday and went to church----"

I wrote that correct statement

So you DO screech "Nazi" at others. :thup:
Where did Bernie spend his honeymoon? Yes he is married to a RC.

{What is it about worn-out socialist “worker paradises” like the old Soviet Union and Cuba that bring out the romantic in American radical politicians? After Vermont senator Bernie Sanders announced his run for president, Britain’s Guardian newspaper pawed through old archives in his home town of Burlington, Vermont where he served as mayor in the 1980s. They discovered that Sanders really did practice the socialist solidarity he preached about rhetorically. During Bernie’s mayoral tenure, Burlington formed an alliance with the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, 160 miles northeast of Moscow. When in 1988 he married his wife, Jane, the mayor decided it would be a perfect place for his honeymoon. In a tape of his interview with Yaroslavl’s mayor, Alexander Riabkov, Sanders acknowledges that housing and health care appear to be “significantly better” in the U.S. than in the socialist paradise. “However,” he added, “the cost of both services is much, much, higher in the United States.”

Read more at:}
Where did Bernie spend his honeymoon? Yes he is married to a RC.

{What is it about worn-out socialist “worker paradises” like the old Soviet Union and Cuba that bring out the romantic in American radical politicians? After Vermont senator Bernie Sanders announced his run for president, Britain’s Guardian newspaper pawed through old archives in his home town of Burlington, Vermont where he served as mayor in the 1980s. They discovered that Sanders really did practice the socialist solidarity he preached about rhetorically. During Bernie’s mayoral tenure, Burlington formed an alliance with the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, 160 miles northeast of Moscow. When in 1988 he married his wife, Jane, the mayor decided it would be a perfect place for his honeymoon. In a tape of his interview with Yaroslavl’s mayor, Alexander Riabkov, Sanders acknowledges that housing and health care appear to be “significantly better” in the U.S. than in the socialist paradise. “However,” he added, “the cost of both services is much, much, higher in the United States.”

Read more at:}

yeah so? Jesus was a socialist too

RC's believe in being socialists. That should be obvious. If only more would practice what they preach.

Jesus was a socialist in the Pharisee mode.
The people who live in catholic monasteries--
priests and nuns----and whatever else ends up
there live SOCIALIST lives albeit with a very
AUTHORITATIVE hierarchy but I have never
heard of "socialism" as a dogma of the catholic church

We believe in giving and charity. Although some live as monks or nuns and do not hurt anyone, seems to me
like a waste. I am not referring to a government, but the RCC teaching.

the moralistic teaching that it is good to "give charity" does not constitute a "SOCIALIST
ECONOMY". My description of a monastery as being "socialist" is very limited----it refers to the MONASTERY and its handling of work and assets ---only. It is not a country. When religious law is the law of the land-----then there is a question as to HOW socialist or capitalist the legal system is. The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE economy did not function as "socialist"
{What is it about worn-out socialist “worker paradises” like the old Soviet Union and Cuba that bring out the romantic in American radical politicians? After Vermont senator Bernie Sanders announced his run for president, Britain’s Guardian newspaper pawed through old archives in his home town of Burlington, Vermont where he served as mayor in the 1980s. They discovered that Sanders really did practice the socialist solidarity he preached about rhetorically. During Bernie’s mayoral tenure, Burlington formed an alliance with the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, 160 miles northeast of Moscow. When in 1988 he married his wife, Jane, the mayor decided it would be a perfect place for his honeymoon. In a tape of his interview with Yaroslavl’s mayor, Alexander Riabkov, Sanders acknowledges that housing and health care appear to be “significantly better” in the U.S. than in the socialist paradise. “However,” he added, “the cost of both services is much, much, higher in the United States.”

Read more at:}
yeah so? Jesus was a socialist too

RC's believe in being socialists. That should be obvious. If only more would practice what they preach.

Jesus was a socialist in the Pharisee mode.
The people who live in catholic monasteries--
priests and nuns----and whatever else ends up
there live SOCIALIST lives albeit with a very
AUTHORITATIVE hierarchy but I have never
heard of "socialism" as a dogma of the catholic church

We believe in giving and charity. Although some live as monks or nuns and do not hurt anyone, seems to me
like a waste. I am not referring to a government, but the RCC teaching.

Canon law was compiled as THE LAW of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and includes issues of economy and social structure. It was not based on socialism-----it was a theocratic government with a capitalistic

You right there was social structure, and like every social structure, all are not equal. The US is based on Roman law before the legalization of Christianity, freedom of religion, but all roads do lead to Rome. The NT taught us well, give to Caesar what is his, obey your rulers. Since I'm not wealthy, I will give to others less fortunate or in need, those Republicans hate freedom, at one time the Democrats did, now just the opposite. Like a wheel, keeps on spinning. I got off long ago.

your post is gibberish. "give to ceasar" line------is also gibberish It could, very well, have been an INSULT-----not "kiss his ass" as you seem to imagine. You, certainly did----GET OFF---somewhere along the line
yes----the nuclear family functions using a "SOCIALIST ECONOMY" I never had a course in ECONOMICS ----thus I have no idea what the DOW JONES average means to anyone. I did lots of sociology-----easy A I ended up with a fantastic GPA. I have absolutely no interest in ECONOMICS-----I was forced to read some economic theory---which I did---BAKUNIN WAS A BORE-----but it was actually more like SOCIOLOGY than the


Do you grasp that socialism is an economic system? That he concepts you so clumsily stumble around are in the field of economics? There are elements that can be very contentious in the field, but public utility is not one of them. It is like addition is to math, a basic element.

You argue socialism without even a basic grasp of what the term means.

Socialism is not "anything paid for by the government."
You right there was social structure, and like every social structure, all are not equal. The US is based on Roman law before the legalization of Christianity, freedom of religion, but all roads do lead to Rome. The NT taught us well, give to Caesar what is his, obey your rulers. Since I'm not wealthy, I will give to others less fortunate or in need, those Republicans hate freedom, at one time the Democrats did, now just the opposite. Like a wheel, keeps on spinning. I got off long ago.

Is that what they teach you in those Iranian schools? :eusa_whistle:
yeah so? Jesus was a socialist too

What an utterly stupid claim.

many Christian theologians have tried to place Jesus in the group called ESSENES-----they were actually Pharisee jews who went MONASTIC ------they fled to the wilderness----which was probably southern Israel,, lived in natural structures like caves------in COMMUNE type situations and their LOCAL economy (ie in the caves and in their own little enclave consisted of the UTOPIAN SOCIALIST thing. They held all material stuff in common possession----"unto the mantles upon their
shoulders" (sheeeesh---don't ask me how that worked) ------theory is that they worked at collecting organic sludge BITUMEN which everyone needed for ships and roads and strove to stay as far away from the romans as possible. They were hyper religious
I already did my undergraduate stuff -----and had cream puff courses coming out of my ears at that time

Ah yes, "liberal arts," legitimizing ignorance, one student at a time...

well------yes----liberal arts courses like economics and sociology and crap like that keep the GPA up-------one cannot always depend on organic chem or calculus for an EASY "A"
{What is it about worn-out socialist “worker paradises” like the old Soviet Union and Cuba that bring out the romantic in American radical politicians? After Vermont senator Bernie Sanders announced his run for president, Britain’s Guardian newspaper pawed through old archives in his home town of Burlington, Vermont where he served as mayor in the 1980s. They discovered that Sanders really did practice the socialist solidarity he preached about rhetorically. During Bernie’s mayoral tenure, Burlington formed an alliance with the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, 160 miles northeast of Moscow. When in 1988 he married his wife, Jane, the mayor decided it would be a perfect place for his honeymoon. In a tape of his interview with Yaroslavl’s mayor, Alexander Riabkov, Sanders acknowledges that housing and health care appear to be “significantly better” in the U.S. than in the socialist paradise. “However,” he added, “the cost of both services is much, much, higher in the United States.”

Read more at:}
yeah so? Jesus was a socialist too

RC's believe in being socialists. That should be obvious. If only more would practice what they preach.

Jesus was a socialist in the Pharisee mode.
The people who live in catholic monasteries--
priests and nuns----and whatever else ends up
there live SOCIALIST lives albeit with a very
AUTHORITATIVE hierarchy but I have never
heard of "socialism" as a dogma of the catholic church

We believe in giving and charity. Although some live as monks or nuns and do not hurt anyone, seems to me
like a waste. I am not referring to a government, but the RCC teaching.

Canon law was compiled as THE LAW of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and includes issues of economy and social structure. It was not based on socialism-----it was a theocratic government with a capitalistic

You right there was social structure, and like every social structure, all are not equal. The US is based on Roman law before the legalization of Christianity, freedom of religion, but all roads do lead to Rome. The NT taught us well, give to Caesar what is his, obey your rulers. Since I'm not wealthy, I will give to others less fortunate or in need, those Republicans hate freedom, at one time the Democrats did, now just the opposite. Like a wheel, keeps on spinning. I got off long ago.

Nether the USA legal or social structure is based on the either the ancient ROMAN SYSTEM or the system of the "holy" roman empire------you got that silly idea from your catechism whore who also told you that the system of justice including the INQUISITION of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE was sublime
justice for all
many Christian theologians have tried to place Jesus in the group called ESSENES-----they were actually Pharisee jews who went MONASTIC ------they fled to the wilderness----which was probably southern Israel,, lived in natural structures like caves------in COMMUNE type situations and their LOCAL economy (ie in the caves and in their own little enclave consisted of the UTOPIAN SOCIALIST thing. They held all material stuff in common possession----"unto the mantles upon their
shoulders" (sheeeesh---don't ask me how that worked) ------theory is that they worked at collecting organic sludge BITUMEN which everyone needed for ships and roads and strove to stay as far away from the romans as possible. They were hyper religious

Because Jesus is a fictional character, many people have taken great liberties with molding him to fit their own goals.

That said, the New Testament accounts entirely destroy your claims. The Jesus portrayed was directly at odds with the Pharisees. The view of the Christian Jesus can be gleaned from his interaction with the Pharisee Nicodemus in the book of John.

As for the Essenes the dead sea scrolls make clear that Jesus was not of the group, though they incorporated the Christian message into their own.

I was raised Christian. I got over it, but I do know that the faith teaches.
you just imagine I do------people who are afraid of mice----"see" them in every corner in DIM LIGHT


So then it was not you who wrote;

"in my Nazi town----along with the not yet drafted horror of anti-segregation laws. My Nazi neighbors got dressed up in nylon frilly dresses every sunday and went to church----"

I wrote that correct statement

So you DO screech "Nazi" at others. :thup:

nope------you heard me screech "Nazi"? I describe---usually in writing-----persons who adhere to Nazi principles like "restricted towns" as Nazis. or segregationists as
"Nazis" "COMMUNIST" was used as if it was a filthy INSULT ------like "n#%%@r" in my childhood town which was almost still all restricted when I got there----aged five. The name of the town was WASP-VILLE-----the
village cuisine was WHITE BREAD AND HOSTESS CUPCAKES and the village sport
was filling birds with buckshot
well------yes----liberal arts courses like economics and sociology and crap like that keep the GPA up-------one cannot always depend on organic chem or calculus for an EASY "A"

Economics, liberal arts? :lmao:

You know a great many things.

Sadly, that which you know simply isn't so.
nope------you heard me screech "Nazi"? I describe---usually in writing-----persons who adhere to Nazi principles like "restricted towns" as Nazis. or segregationists as
"Nazis" "COMMUNIST" was used as if it was a filthy INSULT ------like "n#%%@r" in my childhood town which was almost still all restricted when I got there----aged five. The name of the town was WASP-VILLE-----the
village cuisine was WHITE BREAD AND HOSTESS CUPCAKES and the village sport
was filling birds with buckshot

Since there are no "Nazi" towns in America, we can conclude that you calling the one you grew up in this is just hyperbole. You were clearly filled with hate and lashed out against the object of your hate by attributing to them the worst attribute you could. As a Jew, that was to be a Nazi. In truth I doubt there were any who harbored any sympathy toward Hitler or his Reich.
many Christian theologians have tried to place Jesus in the group called ESSENES-----they were actually Pharisee jews who went MONASTIC ------they fled to the wilderness----which was probably southern Israel,, lived in natural structures like caves------in COMMUNE type situations and their LOCAL economy (ie in the caves and in their own little enclave consisted of the UTOPIAN SOCIALIST thing. They held all material stuff in common possession----"unto the mantles upon their
shoulders" (sheeeesh---don't ask me how that worked) ------theory is that they worked at collecting organic sludge BITUMEN which everyone needed for ships and roads and strove to stay as far away from the romans as possible. They were hyper religious

Because Jesus is a fictional character, many people have taken great liberties with molding him to fit their own goals.

That said, the New Testament accounts entirely destroy your claims. The Jesus portrayed was directly at odds with the Pharisees. The view of the Christian Jesus can be gleaned from his interaction with the Pharisee Nicodemus in the book of John.

As for the Essenes the dead sea scrolls make clear that Jesus was not of the group, though they incorporated the Christian message into their own.

I was raised Christian. I got over it, but I do know that the faith teaches.

You learn nothing about Jesus in sunday school---(I attended sunday school----brought their by DO-GOODER wasps) but I also read both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is an excellent source of just what Jesus PROBABLY was-------it is not as HODGE PODGE as you imagine it to be. It describes
a REAL PERSON of that time who was DEFINITELY A PHARISEE. The ---hatred of Pharisee thing is a ROMAN invention---Romans hated Pharisees-----and could not
develope a religion without that hatred just as
Arabia could not develop a religion that did not despise the jews who rejected Muhummad as
DA PROFET. In order to understand Jesus----knowing just who were THE PHARISEES is
vital ----always keep in mind----THE ROMANS HATED THE PHARISEES AND THE PHARISEES HATED ROME. Remember the hero TITUS----he devoted his life to murdering PHARISEES
well------yes----liberal arts courses like economics and sociology and crap like that keep the GPA up-------one cannot always depend on organic chem or calculus for an EASY "A"

Economics, liberal arts? :lmao:

You know a great many things.

Sadly, that which you know simply isn't so.

sure I know----lots of jerks like to ELEVATE sociology and economics to a PURE SCIENCE------like Physics----it makes them feel a little smarter. Most Psychology majors -------are psych majors because they could not get thru CALCULUS
You learn nothing about Jesus in sunday school---(I attended sunday school----brought their by DO-GOODER wasps) but I also read both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is an excellent source of just what Jesus PROBABLY was-------it is not as HODGE PODGE as you imagine it to be. It describes
a REAL PERSON of that time who was DEFINITELY A PHARISEE. The ---hatred of Pharisee thing is a ROMAN invention---Romans hated Pharisees-----and could not
develope a religion without that hatred just as
Arabia could not develop a religion that did not despise the jews who rejected Muhummad as
DA PROFET. In order to understand Jesus----knowing just who were THE PHARISEES is
vital ----always keep in mind----THE ROMANS HATED THE PHARISEES AND THE PHARISEES HATED ROME. Remember the hero TITUS----he devoted his life to murdering PHARISEES

Yep, you're full of shit and are spewing nonsense.

I'll let PC take this one, since she is a Christian and I am not.
sure I know----lots of jerks like to ELEVATE sociology and economics to a PURE SCIENCE------like Physics----it makes them feel a little smarter. Most Psychology majors -------are psych majors because they could not get thru CALCULUS

What does sociology have to do with economics?

Calculus is a prerequisite for applied statistics. Applied statistics is a prerequisite for economics.

Again, you have no clue what you are babbling about.

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