Questions about Death Sentence


Air Force DEP
Nov 14, 2010
1. Why does it cost so much?

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them toe experience pain at all.

3. Is lethal injection the only way allowed for the death penalty?

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?

Thanks for any answers, I'd like some links if possible. I am hoping to be able to form a informed opinion on this topic to help get ready a political platform I am hoping to assemble.
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methods of execution in the USIt's so expensive because there are so many mandatory appeals before sentence is carried out.
My solution would be to issue a .357 to judges in death penalty cases so that sentence can be carried out post haste costing roughly fifty cents each. Environmentalists should be made aware that judges could be required to recycle their brass for reloading, substantially reducing costs.
1. Why does it cost so much?

Because it takes so long before it is imposed. I don't think the actual imposition of the sentence costs that much, compared to the cost of maintaining the condemned prisoner throughout the lengthy appeal process.

Why does it take so long for the appeal process? Because of the extreme seriousness of the death penalty. The criminal justice system does not want to ever execute an innocent person.

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them to experience pain at all.

We like to think we are a civilized society. The execution of a person is done at the hands of society. A murder is done at the hands of an individual. That individual is far from civilized when he commits the murder. That does not mean that our society should act in an uncivilized manner when it executes him.

Executing someone is bad enough. Civilized societies make the process as humane as possible, as well they should. Sure, murderers could be hung. They could be flogged to death, drawn and quartered, there is no end to the terrible things that could be done to a murderer in order to execute him.

History has shown that the more horrible the form of execution, the quicker the involved society opposes it. It is no accident that all executions done in the United States are not done in public. If they were, it would quickly turn our society against the death penalty.

3. Is lethal injection the only way allowed for the death penalty?

No, but it is the method used in the majority of states. Most states allow the condemned person a choice. Other options include the gas chamber and firing squad. I don't know if hanging and/or electric chair are still offered as options in any states. I kind of think they are.

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take effect for prisoners?

See my answer to your first question.

Thanks for any answers, I'd like some links if possible. I am hoping to be able to form a informed opinion on this topic to help get ready a political platform I am hoping to assemble.

You are more than welcome. While I am a criminal defense lawyer, I have never handled a death penalty case. As such, my knowledge on this subject may not be quite as sharp as someone who has handled capital cases or otherwise worked with that particular process.

The answers I give here a quite brief. Hopefully, others will provide more information. I wish you luck with your upcoming forum.
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1. Why does it cost so much?

Because it takes so long before it is imposed. I don't think the actual imposition of the sentence costs that much, compared to the cost of maintaining the condemned prisoner throughout the lengthy appeal process.

Why does it take so long for the appeal process? Because of the extreme seriousness of the death penalty. The criminal justice system does not want to ever execute an innocent person.

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them to experience pain at all.

We like to think we are a civilized society. The execution of a person is done at the hands of society. A murder is done at the hands of an individual. That individual is far from civilized when he commits the murder. That does not mean that our society should act in an uncivilized manner when it executes him.

Executing someone is bad enough. Civilized societies make the process as humane as possible, as well they should. Sure, murderers could be hung. They could be flogged to death, drawn and quartered, there is no end to the terrible things that could be done to a murderer in order to execute him.

No, but it is the method used in the majority of states. Most states allow the condemned person a choice. Other options include the gas chamber and firing squad. I don't know if hanging and/or electric chair are still offered as options in any states. I kind of think they are.

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?
See my answer to your first question.

You are more than welcome. While I am a criminal defense lawyer, I have never handled a death penalty case. As such, my knowledge on this subject may not be quite as sharp as someone who has handled capital cases or otherwise worked with that particular process.

The answers I give here a quite brief. Hopefully, others will provide more information. I wish you luck with your upcoming forum.

Check my link, George.
1. Why does it cost so much?

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them toe experience pain at all.

3. Is lethal injection the only way allowed for the death penalty?

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?

Thanks for any answers, I'd like some links if possible. I am hoping to be able to form a informed opinion on this topic to help get ready a political platform I am hoping to assemble.

You might want to pick up the United States Constitution.

I'll help you out a bit.

Fifth Amendment
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Sixth Amendment
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
Eighth Amendment
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Keep this handy.
U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

I also find it interesting that very same people who don't trust the government to do just about anything..has full faith it will make the right decision each and every time it takes a life.

1. Why does it cost so much?

Because it takes so long before it is imposed. I don't think the actual imposition of the sentence costs that much, compared to the cost of maintaining the condemned prisoner throughout the lengthy appeal process.

Why does it take so long for the appeal process? Because of the extreme seriousness of the death penalty. The criminal justice system does not want to ever execute an innocent person.

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them to experience pain at all.

We like to think we are a civilized society. The execution of a person is done at the hands of society. A murder is done at the hands of an individual. That individual is far from civilized when he commits the murder. That does not mean that our society should act in an uncivilized manner when it executes him.

Executing someone is bad enough. Civilized societies make the process as humane as possible, as well they should. Sure, murderers could be hung. They could be flogged to death, drawn and quartered, there is no end to the terrible things that could be done to a murderer in order to execute him.

History has shown that the more horrible the form of execution, the quicker the involved society opposes it. It is no accident that all executions done in the United States are not done in public. If they were, it would quickly turn our society against the death penalty.

No, but it is the method used in the majority of states. Most states allow the condemned person a choice. Other options include the gas chamber and firing squad. I don't know if hanging and/or electric chair are still offered as options in any states. I kind of think they are.

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?
See my answer to your first question.

You are more than welcome. While I am a criminal defense lawyer, I have never handled a death penalty case. As such, my knowledge on this subject may not be quite as sharp as someone who has handled capital cases or otherwise worked with that particular process.

The answers I give here a quite brief. Hopefully, others will provide more information. I wish you luck with your upcoming forum.

I do not see how waiting for such a length is worth it. I mean, waiting to find out if their innocent I thought was the whole point of a trial, whether to find them innocent or guilty?

I do not see how killing them one way is better then another. I understand some ways being found wrong, ex. torturing, but ways such as beheading, or hanging, if done properly, shouldn't take long, and I would think the amount of pain caused would be null since the end effect is death.

I do not see why they are allowed a choice, I believe if your incriminated your choices should not exist, although in the sentence of death, I could understand allowing them to have a choice of their style of death.

Thanks for the answers, I found them informative.
1. Why does it cost so much?

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them toe experience pain at all.

3. Is lethal injection the only way allowed for the death penalty?

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?

Thanks for any answers, I'd like some links if possible. I am hoping to be able to form a informed opinion on this topic to help get ready a political platform I am hoping to assemble.

You might want to pick up the United States Constitution.

I'll help you out a bit.

Fifth Amendment
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Sixth Amendment
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
Eighth Amendment
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Keep this handy.
U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

I also find it interesting that very same people who don't trust the government to do just about anything..has full faith it will make the right decision each and every time it takes a life.


Sarcasm? I do not understand, none of that answers my questions. It gives me the constitution's look on the death penalty, but it does not answer them that I can see. Or am I missing something?

It does not tell me why the death penalty costs so much.
It does not tell me why people complain about the pain.
It does not tell me about lethal injection.
It does not tell me why it takes so long for it to take affect, although it does say what their allowed to do during the trial and such.

I also find that interesting, Sallow.
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I have often wondered if I could sit on a jury for a trial involving the death penalty. I think I could arrive at a guilty verdict if the evidence pointed to that, but could I then vote for the death penalty? That I don't know. I've never had to find out.

I do think there are some crimes that are so vile, so cruel, so indefensible on any grounds, that the guilty person should forfeit all rights including the right to life. But could I pull the switch on the 'chair' or inject the lethal substance? No I could not.

So on the issue of the death penalty, philosophically I support it; emotionally I'm a train wreck, and have a very difficult time arguing for or against.

I do think Cain's questions are reasonable and should be looked at by society though. When the death sentenced are outliving the lifers, we probably aren't being honest about what we're doing.
1. Why does it cost so much?

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them toe experience pain at all.

3. Is lethal injection the only way allowed for the death penalty?

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?

Thanks for any answers, I'd like some links if possible. I am hoping to be able to form a informed opinion on this topic to help get ready a political platform I am hoping to assemble.

It looks like you got your questions answered. Here are my 2 cents:

If there is even a smidgen of a morsel of a hint of a doubt about the possibility of innocence, the death penalty must not be administered. Period. The Government cannot be trusted for most things and that includes the death penalty.
1. Why does it cost so much?

Because of our fucked up system and greedy bottomfeeding Lawyers.

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them toe experience pain at all.

Because they are hpocritical assholes who seem to think that they have some moral high ground to decide what is right, and what is wrong. However they never take any action or have any solution. They sit on the sidelines while innocent people suffer terrible deaths.

3. Is lethal injection the only way allowed for the death penalty?

Unfortunately, Yes. They really should burn these maggots alive, and slowly. Also, Provide it on pay per view as well for education for possible future offenders.

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?

Again, Because of our fucked up system and greedy bottomfeeding Lawyers. (see question 1#'s answer)

Thanks for any answers, I'd like some links if possible. I am hoping to be able to form a informed opinion on this topic to help get ready a political platform I am hoping to assemble.

Hey you betcha! I dunno about any links though bro. Links for what, Greedy bottomfeeding lawyers? :lol: ~BH
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1. Why does it cost so much?

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them toe experience pain at all.

3. Is lethal injection the only way allowed for the death penalty?

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?

Thanks for any answers, I'd like some links if possible. I am hoping to be able to form a informed opinion on this topic to help get ready a political platform I am hoping to assemble.

It looks like you got your questions answered. Here are my 2 cents:

If there is even a smidgen of a morsel of a hint of a doubt about the possibility of innocence, the death penalty must not be administered. Period. The Government cannot be trusted for most things and that includes the death penalty.

I think you meant "guilt"? I know what you meant, but just saying. I agree as well. This corrupt Government cannot be trusted with anything, let alone concerning life, unless of course there is 100% DNA proof. Otherwise, it should be life in Solitary confinement until one's innocence can be proven. Atleast the bottomfeeding lawyers can rape their client, or The State, a little more. ~BH
1. Why does it cost so much?

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them toe experience pain at all.

3. Is lethal injection the only way allowed for the death penalty?

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?

Thanks for any answers, I'd like some links if possible. I am hoping to be able to form a informed opinion on this topic to help get ready a political platform I am hoping to assemble.

It looks like you got your questions answered. Here are my 2 cents:

If there is even a smidgen of a morsel of a hint of a doubt about the possibility of innocence, the death penalty must not be administered. Period. The Government cannot be trusted for most things and that includes the death penalty.

I think you meant "guilt"? I know what you meant, but just saying. I agree as well. This corrupt Government cannot be trusted with anything, let alone concerning life, unless of course there is 100% DNA proof. Otherwise, it should be life in Solitary confinement until one's innocence can be proven. Atleast the bottomfeeding lawyers can rape their client, or The State, a little more. ~BH

It's late. What did I say? :) And if there is undeniable proof, I'll volunteer my time to pull the trigger. I hate reading stories like this:

Former San Diego County man doesn't outlive daughter's killer - San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 -
I do not see how waiting for such a length is worth it. I mean, waiting to find out if their innocent I thought was the whole point of a trial, whether to find them innocent or guilty?
I do not see how killing them one way is better then another. I understand some ways being found wrong, ex. torturing, but ways such as beheading, or hanging, if done properly, shouldn't take long, and I would think the amount of pain caused would be null since the end effect is death.

I do not see why they are allowed a choice, I believe if your incriminated your choices should not exist, although in the sentence of death, I could understand allowing them to have a choice of their style of death.

Thanks for the answers, I found them informative.

There has been many who have been released because of evidence found 'after' their trials. We know their has been some on death row who were innocent due to DNA testing. Once someone is put to death their cases are closed. However, in some cases their has been evidence found that there WAS a reasonable doubt that they were guilty, but due to the cases being closed, their is nothing on record showing that an innocent person was put to death.

The Innocence Project - The Innocent and the Death Penalty

Executed But Possibly Innocent | Death Penalty Information Center

The death penalty has been part of this countries legal system form the start. Due to what we DO know, there is a huge possibility that many innocent people have been executed by the death penalty. Though I do believe their are plenty of people who deserve the death penalty, there is no doubt in my mind that this has happened many times in our country's history.
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1. Why does it cost so much?

Because it takes so long before it is imposed. I don't think the actual imposition of the sentence costs that much, compared to the cost of maintaining the condemned prisoner throughout the lengthy appeal process.

Why does it take so long for the appeal process? Because of the extreme seriousness of the death penalty. The criminal justice system does not want to ever execute an innocent person.

We like to think we are a civilized society. The execution of a person is done at the hands of society. A murder is done at the hands of an individual. That individual is far from civilized when he commits the murder. That does not mean that our society should act in an uncivilized manner when it executes him.

Executing someone is bad enough. Civilized societies make the process as humane as possible, as well they should. Sure, murderers could be hung. They could be flogged to death, drawn and quartered, there is no end to the terrible things that could be done to a murderer in order to execute him.

No, but it is the method used in the majority of states. Most states allow the condemned person a choice. Other options include the gas chamber and firing squad. I don't know if hanging and/or electric chair are still offered as options in any states. I kind of think they are.

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?

Check my link, George.

I cannot find a link in the post, could you re-post it or pm it to me?

I do not see how waiting for such a length is worth it. I mean, waiting to find out if their innocent I thought was the whole point of a trial, whether to find them innocent or guilty?
I do not see how killing them one way is better then another. I understand some ways being found wrong, ex. torturing, but ways such as beheading, or hanging, if done properly, shouldn't take long, and I would think the amount of pain caused would be null since the end effect is death.

I do not see why they are allowed a choice, I believe if your incriminated your choices should not exist, although in the sentence of death, I could understand allowing them to have a choice of their style of death.

Thanks for the answers, I found them informative.

There has been many who have been released because of evidence found 'after' their trials. We know their has been some on death row who were innocent due to DNA testing. Once someone is put to death their cases are closed. However, in some cases their has been evidence found that there WAS a reasonable doubt that they were guilty, but due to the cases being closed, their is nothing on record showing that an innocent person was put to death.

The Innocence Project - The Innocent and the Death Penalty

Executed But Possibly Innocent | Death Penalty Information Center

The death penalty has been part of this countries legal system form the start. Due to what we DO know, there is a huge possibility that many innocent people have been executed by the death penalty. Though I do believe their are plenty of people who deserve the death penalty, there is no doubt in my mind that this has happened many times in our country's history.

I understand that it is possible a problem has happened, but I'd hope that in the case of the death penalty, that evidence has been found beyond question. If so, then I think the death penalty should be done asap. Thanks for links :)
3. Is lethal injection the only way allowed for the death penalty?
[ame=]YouTube - Part 1 - How to Kill a Human Being - BBC Horizon[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Part 2 - How to Kill a Human Being - BBC Horizon[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Part 3 - How to Kill a Human Being - BBC Horizon[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Part 4 - How to Kill a Human Being - BBC Horizon[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Part 5 - How to Kill a Human Being - BBC Horizon[/ame]
1. Why does it cost so much?

Because of our fucked up system and greedy bottomfeeding Lawyers.

2. Why do people complain about the pain of a death sentence? I do not understand this, it's death. The person being subjugated to this obviously has committed pain to others in a form. I do not understand how people can say it is wrong for them toe experience pain at all.
Because they are hpocritical assholes who seem to think that they have some moral high ground to decide what is right, and what is wrong. However they never take any action or have any solution. They sit on the sidelines while innocent people suffer terrible deaths.

Unfortunately, Yes. They really should burn these maggots alive, and slowly. Also, Provide it on pay per view as well for education for possible future offenders.

4. Why does the death penalty take so long to take affect for prisoners?
Again, Because of our fucked up system and greedy bottomfeeding Lawyers. (see question 1#'s answer)

Thanks for any answers, I'd like some links if possible. I am hoping to be able to form a informed opinion on this topic to help get ready a political platform I am hoping to assemble.
Hey you betcha! I dunno about any links though bro. Links for what, Greedy bottomfeeding lawyers? :lol: ~BH
Witness Clears Man Executed In Texas for 1985 Slaying -

Barry Scheck: Innocent, but Executed
I do not see how waiting for such a length is worth it. I mean, waiting to find out if their innocent I thought was the whole point of a trial, whether to find them innocent or guilty?
I do not see how killing them one way is better then another. I understand some ways being found wrong, ex. torturing, but ways such as beheading, or hanging, if done properly, shouldn't take long, and I would think the amount of pain caused would be null since the end effect is death.

I do not see why they are allowed a choice, I believe if your incriminated your choices should not exist, although in the sentence of death, I could understand allowing them to have a choice of their style of death.

Thanks for the answers, I found them informative.

There has been many who have been released because of evidence found 'after' their trials. We know their has been some on death row who were innocent due to DNA testing. Once someone is put to death their cases are closed. However, in some cases their has been evidence found that there WAS a reasonable doubt that they were guilty, but due to the cases being closed, their is nothing on record showing that an innocent person was put to death.

The Innocence Project - The Innocent and the Death Penalty

Executed But Possibly Innocent | Death Penalty Information Center

The death penalty has been part of this countries legal system form the start. Due to what we DO know, there is a huge possibility that many innocent people have been executed by the death penalty. Though I do believe their are plenty of people who deserve the death penalty, there is no doubt in my mind that this has happened many times in our country's history.

If an innocent man is killed by the State, we are all murderers

[ame=]YouTube - P&T Bullshit!-The Death Penalty Part 1[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - P&T Bullshit!-The Death Penalty Part 2[/ame]
I cant answer the whys and wherefores. Nor do I have statistics to prove my point of Ill just give my personal opinion:

If those who commit such horrendous crimes knew they would be put to death immediately instead of being housed, fed, clothed and can appeal.....I think crime would go down. Right now, the only punishment they have is being incarcerated and being careful not to drop the soap or make an enemy that knows how to fashion a shank. But thats a walk in the park compared to what they did to get there in the first place. Im not talking about robberies or drugs, etc.
Murders, child perverts, torturers, serial killers.....if they are found guilty via DNA and its proven without a shadow of doubt they are guilty.....they are removed from the courtroom and immediately executed. Might make those who do crimes similar, think twice.

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