Questions for Donald Trump

A perfect reason to ignore ongoing climate change and continue to dump toxins into our atmosphere.

We shouldnt do anything until Ray is convinced there actually is climate change. Should take a century or more.
The solution, to build the largest least efficient electric plants in the world does exactly what you stated. Dumps toxins in the air

The climate is always changing and those who think we can build more to change it back to some point of change they think is better are naive and or ignorant.
A perfect reason to ignore ongoing climate change and continue to dump toxins into our atmosphere.

We shouldnt do anything until Ray is convinced there actually is climate change. Should take a century or more.

In a century from now, a teacher will tell her class that back in 2020, man thought they could control the climate, and the class of children bust out in laughter, the same way we did when our teacher told us that man once thought the earth was flat, and if you drift off too far, you'll fall off.
In a century from now, a teacher will tell her class that back in 2020, man thought they could control the climate, and the class of children bust out in laughter, the same way we did when our teacher told us that man once thought the earth was flat, and if you drift off too far, you'll fall off.
A century from now, all teachers will tell their class that we could have done something about climate change but did nothing because we were blocked by Conservatives.
Climate is an average everywhere. Weather is reality. And we have seen more than a 2% increase per year in the last 5 years. With a seasonal average of 32+- degrees, and a real temp of 40 to 58 degrees (yes, we hit 58 degrees yesterday) it's bad. And our weather patterns affects the entire western part of the united states. When we have a poor year for water (which we have had for a number of years) the states that depend on us for water have severe droughts.
if you mean California, they deserve all the droughts they are seeing the have abused their water table for decades. One can't have lavish golf courses, yards, wineries, and other things that require huge amounts of water due to living in a desert without consequences. They deserve every wildfire they get
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A century from now, all teachers will tell their class that we could have done something about climate change but did nothing because we were blocked by Conservatives.
No they can't, you are doing something. Democrats are spending trillions on wind turbines and solar panels. They started over 25 years ago.
hey donny - what makes you think with all that makeup & hair product you sport, you are really an alpha when it really just makes you a bitch?
I have a solution to global warming that should make everyone happy.

We should make the entire state of Nevada into a giant solar farm. Then we can use illegal immigrants and negroes to keep the mirrors clean and the brush clear.

On a more serious note, I am surprised Mexico has not taken advantage of their climate to build a zillion solar farms and sell the electricity to the US.

Our entire electrical grid is on the verge of collapse.
I ain't trolling,

Where are you speaking of?

Even cacti convert co2 into oxygen, why do you destroy miles of desert and the life that lives there.

And you can not address how all this new manufacturing by heavy industry creating even more co2 solves the problem.

How, please explain

And where do you speak of.

You still won't stop trolling. Say goodnight, Gracie and have a nice life.
A century from now, all teachers will tell their class that we could have done something about climate change but did nothing because we were blocked by Conservatives.
Actually they will say, liberals destroyed their natural resources like in California with decades of water table abuse and then looked to blame conservatives because their lifestyles were unsustainable
Trump supporters have higher IQs than democrats.
You don't want to call anyone dumb, especially when democrats are borderline retards.
Americans are dropping like flies after taking the Kung Flu vaccine.

The Covid vaccine alters your DNA.

Covid is no worse than the flu.

Covid is a hoax.

Only 9 people have died from Covid.*

“Cheese pizza” is Democrat code for child pornography.

Jewish space lasers started the fires in California.

Democratic leaders should be executed.

As of September 2015, Crooked Hillary had only six months to live.


Sleepy Joe Biden will be determined to be too far mentally gone to continue in office within his first six months in the White House and Phony Kamala Harris will take over.

The Italian defense, security and aerospace company Leonardo SpA used military satellites to change votes for Trump to votes for Biden.

Deceased Venezuelan Marxist Hugo Chavez rigged Dominion voting machines to change Trump votes to Biden votes.

Donald Trump will be reinstated in the White House in August 2021.

The DNC servers are in Ukraine.

Windmill noise causes cancer.

Trump won the 2020 election.

Deep State! Deep State!

ObaMao is a Muslim. We know this because he attended the Trinity United Church of Christ for decades and killed more Muslims than any other president, including the Muslim responsible for the greatest attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

President Trump is facing down a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles, including Crooked Hillary, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, John Podesta, and other high-ranking Democrats.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya. We know this because there is zero evidence his mother ever visited there.

Deep State! Deep State!

Jeffrey Epstein was killed by Bill Clinton.

Every God-fearing American knows it is okay to cheat on your hot third wife as long as it is with a horse-faced whore who sells her body for money. After all, she has big fake tits and there’s a verse in the Bible somewhere about that being a loophole.

If you are a Christian who loves and observes the Holy Bible, it is entirely sensible to sell your mind, body, and eternal soul to a thoroughly unrepentant, thrice married, serial adulterer and pathological liar who bears false witness against others on practically a daily basis. Every good Christian must back an unapologetic con artist who made his fortune by exploiting every human weakness with gambling houses, contests of the flesh, and a reality TV show, and robbed the elderly through a fake university. It is also incumbent upon you to slander every other Republican candidate who you once vociferously supported. Because the Republican Party is the party of Family Values.

Lyin’ Ted Cruz's dad was complicit in the assassination of JFK.

Deep State! Deep State!

It is the epitome of honesty to constantly whine aloud about Obama’s spending as he cut the deficit by more than half, and then be completely silent as Trump and the GOP Congress doubled the deficit in his first two years, because the Republican Party is the party of small government.

Anyone who lies has no credibility. Except Trump.

It is everyone’s job to meekly fall in line with Trump’s claim Saddam never had WMDs, after you spent 12 years claiming Saddam did have WMDs.

It’s okay to still vote for Trump if he commits murder on Fifth Avenue. What the hell, he’s broken all the other Commandments thousands of times, what’s one more?

Obummer used a “Muslim prayer curtain” as a backdrop in the East Room for public appearances.





These, and other batshit insane beliefs, are ricocheting around the inside of the skulls of Trump and his supporters.

*Two people on this forum actually made this claim on this forum. I shit you not. God help us all.
if you mean California, the deserve all the droughts they are seeing the have abused their water table for decades. One can't have lavish golf courses, yards, wineries, and other things that require huge amounts of water due to living in a desert without consequences. They deserve every wildfire they get

Oh, I agree that they should have done better. We are at the beginning of the water cycled and are very careful about building. LA uses some of our water along with Las Vegas and others. The build like drunken sailors.

But, while they may deserve the wildfires, we don't. And that smoke goes for over a thousand miles.
Americans are dropping like flies after taking the Kung Flu vaccine.

The Covid vaccine alters your DNA.

Covid is no worse than the flu.

Covid is a hoax.

Only 9 people have died from Covid.*

“Cheese pizza” is Democrat code for child pornography.

Jewish space lasers started the fires in California.

Democratic leaders should be executed.

As of September 2015, Crooked Hillary had only six months to live.


Sleepy Joe Biden will be determined to be too far mentally gone to continue in office within his first six months in the White House and Phony Kamala Harris will take over.

The Italian defense, security and aerospace company Leonardo SpA used military satellites to change votes for Trump to votes for Biden.

Deceased Venezuelan Marxist Hugo Chavez rigged Dominion voting machines to change Trump votes to Biden votes.

Donald Trump will be reinstated in the White House in August 2021.

The DNC servers are in Ukraine.

Windmill noise causes cancer.

Trump won the 2020 election.

Deep State! Deep State!

ObaMao is a Muslim. We know this because he attended the Trinity United Church of Christ for decades and killed more Muslims than any other president, including the Muslim responsible for the greatest attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

President Trump is facing down a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles, including Crooked Hillary, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, John Podesta, and other high-ranking Democrats.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya. We know this because there is zero evidence his mother ever visited there.

Deep State! Deep State!

Jeffrey Epstein was killed by Bill Clinton.

Every God-fearing American knows it is okay to cheat on your hot third wife as long as it is with a horse-faced whore who sells her body for money. After all, she has big fake tits and there’s a verse in the Bible somewhere about that being a loophole.

If you are a Christian who loves and observes the Holy Bible, it is entirely sensible to sell your mind, body, and eternal soul to a thoroughly unrepentant, thrice married, serial adulterer and pathological liar who bears false witness against others on practically a daily basis. Every good Christian must back an unapologetic con artist who made his fortune by exploiting every human weakness with gambling houses, contests of the flesh, and a reality TV show, and robbed the elderly through a fake university. It is also incumbent upon you to slander every other Republican candidate who you once vociferously supported. Because the Republican Party is the party of Family Values.

Lyin’ Ted Cruz's dad was complicit in the assassination of JFK.

Deep State! Deep State!

It is the epitome of honesty to constantly whine aloud about Obama’s spending as he cut the deficit by more than half, and then be completely silent as Trump and the GOP Congress doubled the deficit in his first two years, because the Republican Party is the party of small government.

Anyone who lies has no credibility. Except Trump.

It is everyone’s job to meekly fall in line with Trump’s claim Saddam never had WMDs, after you spent 12 years claiming Saddam did have WMDs.

It’s okay to still vote for Trump if he commits murder on Fifth Avenue. What the hell, he’s broken all the other Commandments thousands of times, what’s one more?

Obummer used a “Muslim prayer curtain” as a backdrop in the East Room for public appearances.




These, and other batshit insane beliefs, are ricocheting around the inside of the skulls of Trump and his supporters.

*Two people on this forum actually made this claim on this forum. I shit you not. God help us all.




Oh, I agree that they should have done better. We are at the beginning of the water cycled and are very careful about building. LA uses some of our water along with Las Vegas and others. The build like drunken sailors.

But, while they may deserve the wildfires, we don't. And that smoke goes for over a thousand miles.
they should not be getting your water, your state is already headed that direction. I was out there on a bike 10 years ago and had to ride through areas where ash had be cleared off the road due to wildfires, keep giving your water away and you will be the next California
Actually they will say, liberals destroyed their natural resources like in California with decades of water table abuse and then looked to blame conservatives because their lifestyles were unsustainable

Newsflash, cupcake, when you are dealing with a strong capitalist, guess which side they are on.
hey donny - what makes you think with all that makeup & hair product you sport, you are really an alpha when it really just makes you a bitch?

I can't imagine what it must be like to live 24/7 forever with an entity in my head which I hate with my entire being. Do you enjoy hating? How does hating help you? Does it make it easier to sleep? Does it make your morning coffee taste better. What's the attraction of 24/7 hate?

Seriously, some of us would like to know.
they should not be getting your water, your state is already headed that direction. I was out there on a bike 10 years ago and had to ride through areas where ash had be cleared off the road due to wildfires, keep giving your water away and you will be the next California

Every so often, we go to court and the courts decide the percentage that must be allowed to pass outside the state. We will NEVER be like CA since we orginate the water. And the burnt out areas have almost nothing to do with the amount of water. But the Temperature is the driving factor and the fact idiots keep building too close to fire breaks.

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