Questions for Donald Trump

Lets see….

Who thinks Trump really won the election?
Who believes Obama was born in Kenya?
Who believes Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor?
Who thinks Climate Change doesn’t exist and vaccines are a scam?

Climate change don't exist, not when the solution requires everything related to energy to be torn down and replaced with a 100,000xs more stuff. A $100 trillion economy replacement program.

Sure, there is a problem and the solution is to build more and more and more?
Trump supporters have higher IQs than democrats.
You don't want to call anyone dumb, especially when democrats are borderline retards.
Trumptards are "geniuses".

Hundreds of conspiracy theorists gathered at the AT&T Discovery Plaza in Dallas to await the arrival of former President Donald Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr., whom they expected to announce an unlikely campaign for the White House around 12:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Remember when we told you that hundreds of Trump supporters lined up in Dallas anticipating the return of John F. Kennedy and JFK Jr.? Well, they’re still waiting.

Just two weeks ago, hundreds of Trump followers gathered in downtown Dallas to witness the return of the deceased president and his son. They were supposedly planning a joint campaign with Donald Trump to reclaim the White House.

Now, Trump supporters has dusted themselves off from the failed resurgence of JFK and arose with yet another outlandish conspiracy theory: JFK is actually alive and well, but he’s disguised as famous guitarist Keith Richards from The Rolling Stones.

On the same day as the predicted the appearance of JFK and son, the ever-faithful Trump supporters pivoted after it became clear they did not RSVP to the event and headed to a Rolling Stones concert in the city—the only logical next step obviously.
Climate change don't exist, not when the solution requires everything related to energy to be torn down and replaced with a 100,000xs more stuff. A $100 trillion economy replacement program.

Sure, there is a problem and the solution is to build more and more and more?

In the Colorado Rockies (just this month) we are having an 8 degree average increase in temperature. Are you aware what an extra 8 degrees warmer does to the snow fall, rain fall, forest fires, air quality, etc.? And we've cleaned things up but have a long way to go. Either we clean things up or we lose a lot of housing, businesses, commerce and lives. Don't let your "Hoax" get in the way.
In the Colorado Rockies (just this month) we are having an 8 degree average increase in temperature. Are you aware what an extra 8 degrees warmer does to the snow fall, rain fall, forest fires, air quality, etc.? And we've cleaned things up but have a long way to go. Either we clean things up or we lose a lot of housing, businesses, commerce and lives. Don't let your "Hoax" get in the way.
Yet, the science states it is only 2 degrees in the last century. You are reporting the weather not the climate.

And if the solution is to build and manufacture 10,000% more, how dies that industry not contribute to the problem.

Nobody can answer why, the solution is to build more stuff then we have ever built in history.
Mr. Trump.

I like you. I think you are a patriotic American and a good person, but I think you are "out of your league" and your first term proved it.

You need to explain to us why you totally fucked up so many appointments and why your next term will be different.

Why did you appoint Chris Wray to FBI?

Chris Wray was a Zionist Fascist lawyer for W.

What did you learn from your disastrous failure appointing a traitor like Wray?

Why should we believe you won't just appoint another disaster if you win in 2024?

Until you can explain why you appointed so many disasters and why that will not be the case next term, you do not have my vote...
First of all, our government is way too big. It needs to be made smaller. Second, there is a learning curve for an outsider. It takes time to learn the phonies from the good people, especially since politicians and bureaucrats are such great liars. How long do you think Wray or Fauci will last in Trump's second term? I'd bet anything that they both retire before his second inauguration.
Yet, the science states it is only 2 degrees in the last century. You are reporting the weather not the climate.

And if the solution is to build and manufacture 10,000% more, how dies that industry not contribute to the problem.

Nobody can answer why, the solution is to build more stuff then we have ever built in history.

Climate is an average everywhere. Weather is reality. And we have seen more than a 2% increase per year in the last 5 years. With a seasonal average of 32+- degrees, and a real temp of 40 to 58 degrees (yes, we hit 58 degrees yesterday) it's bad. And our weather patterns affects the entire western part of the united states. When we have a poor year for water (which we have had for a number of years) the states that depend on us for water have severe droughts.
Climate is an average everywhere. Weather is reality. And we have seen more than a 2% increase per year in the last 5 years. With a seasonal average of 32+- degrees, and a real temp of 40 to 58 degrees (yes, we hit 58 degrees yesterday) it's bad. And our weather patterns affects the entire western part of the united states. When we have a poor year for water (which we have had for a number of years) the states that depend on us for water have severe droughts.
And, every scientist, every research agency says, the increase is only 2 degrees in 100 years.

And fine, you have stated the worst case scenario, great.

So, explain how creating a new heavy industry that uses billions of tons of raw material to build the largest, most inefficient, electric power sources is the solution.

Explain how cutting trees down, how destroying 100's of miles of land is the solution
How….by running quite possibly the most successful presidency in half a century?
He told me he would unite America’s best citizens, build a wall to stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more darkies from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily, put the U.S. back in command of the world, bring troops home from overseas, demand peace in the middle east, give me a tax rebate, drive my investments off the charts, drive my income through the roof, ride the asses of biopharmaceutical companies to promptly formulate a covid vaccine.....He did all of did you get fucked by his presidency? Mean tweets aimed at filth? Are you filth?

You should ask to explain how he appointed so many fucked-up people and still was able to kick serious ass for the American people.
He hired a bunch of bottom feeders because nobody else wanted anything to do with him other then his asseaters like Sessions & Barr.
And, every scientist, every research agency says, the increase is only 2 degrees in 100 years.

And fine, you have stated the worst case scenario, great.

So, explain how creating a new heavy industry that uses billions of tons of raw material to build the largest, most inefficient, electric power sources is the solution.

Explain how cutting trees down, how destroying 100's of miles of land is the solution

We started making the change in the early 70s. First Coal was only allowed if it had the proper scrubbers which were very expensive. The Sugar Industry of Western Colorado was devistated on that one. And along with it it took the hops industry with it as well as those same trains that were no longer running, grains needed them as well for beer. WE had already traded most of the diesel and coal fired plants for Hydroelectrics because Hydro enabled Colorado to start exporting electric energy. But Coal put one hell of a fight. Most Coal Fired that was left was replaced by NG by the early 2000s. I think the last one gave up the ghost a couple of years ago. The fact remains, it could have been worse, a whole lot worse if you got your own way. And it's not the worst case scenario, it's what's really happening NOW.

As for power for industry, sometimes we just do what we can do. And Coal isn't in the equation at all except as an ingreduent for something like plastics, fuel and steel when we have an excess of NG. And that we can do without affecting the tally.

Tell you what, you come around here and try chopping down trees, you are going to get a rude surprise when everyone regardless of party takes a baseball bat to you. That line will be miles long waiting each persons turn.
We started making the change in the early 70s. First Coal was only allowed if it had the proper scrubbers which were very expensive. The Sugar Industry of Western Colorado was devistated on that one. And along with it it took the hops industry with it as well as those same trains that were no longer running, grains needed them as well for beer. WE had already traded most of the diesel and coal fired plants for Hydroelectrics because Hydro enabled Colorado to start exporting electric energy. But Coal put one hell of a fight. Most Coal Fired that was left was replaced by NG by the early 2000s. I think the last one gave up the ghost a couple of years ago. The fact remains, it could have been worse, a whole lot worse if you got your own way. And it's not the worst case scenario, it's what's really happening NOW.

As for power for industry, sometimes we just do what we can do. And Coal isn't in the equation at all except as an ingreduent for something like plastics, fuel and steel when we have an excess of NG. And that we can do without affecting the tally.

Tell you what, you come around here and try chopping down trees, you are going to get a rude surprise when everyone regardless of party takes a baseball bat to you. That line will be miles long waiting each persons turn.
You are chopping down trees to build solar plants and wind turbine plants.

How does chopping dow trees and destroying farmland by the mile for solar and wind save the climate.

How does creating more pollution to build 1000ft tall wind turbines save the climate.

How does spending trillions manufacturing solar panels forever save the climate.

You are chopping down trees to build solar plants and wind turbine plants.

How does chopping dow trees and destroying farmland by the mile for solar and wind save the climate.

How does creating more pollution to build 1000ft tall wind turbines save the climate.

How does spending trillions manufacturing solar panels forever save the climate.


You have never been here, I can see. We have very diverse lands. In fact, we have lands that have no trees or bushes or grass or people. Nothing short of cacti grows on it. There are millions of acres. Some of it makes great solar since the sun shines upwards of 20 hours a day while other parts have winds that makes it great for wind farms. 20% of the power around here is from those two. The other 80% is from Hydroelectric. We have been an exporter of Electric Energy for the last 50 years.

Now, please stop trolling.
You have never been here, I can see. We have very diverse lands. In fact, we have lands that have no trees or bushes or grass or people. Nothing short of cacti grows on it. There are millions of acres. Some of it makes great solar since the sun shines upwards of 20 hours a day while other parts have winds that makes it great for wind farms. 20% of the power around here is from those two. The other 80% is from Hydroelectric. We have been an exporter of Electric Energy for the last 50 years.

Now, please stop trolling.
I ain't trolling,

Where are you speaking of?

Even cacti convert co2 into oxygen, why do you destroy miles of desert and the life that lives there.

And you can not address how all this new manufacturing by heavy industry creating even more co2 solves the problem.

How, please explain

And where do you speak of.
Climate is an average everywhere. Weather is reality. And we have seen more than a 2% increase per year in the last 5 years. With a seasonal average of 32+- degrees, and a real temp of 40 to 58 degrees (yes, we hit 58 degrees yesterday) it's bad. And our weather patterns affects the entire western part of the united states. When we have a poor year for water (which we have had for a number of years) the states that depend on us for water have severe droughts.

Explain why Michael Mann’s team at Penn State manipulated the temperature data to create the hockey stick graph.
Climate is an average everywhere. Weather is reality. And we have seen more than a 2% increase per year in the last 5 years. With a seasonal average of 32+- degrees, and a real temp of 40 to 58 degrees (yes, we hit 58 degrees yesterday) it's bad. And our weather patterns affects the entire western part of the united states. When we have a poor year for water (which we have had for a number of years) the states that depend on us for water have severe droughts.

The world has had cycles since God made the place. Trying to determine warming on earth by a couple of years is like trying to determine the weather today by a couple of minutes. Even if we have warmer weather now, in 1000 years we may have much colder weather. It's just how it works. The ice age didn't end with cars and industry.
In the Colorado Rockies (just this month) we are having an 8 degree average increase in temperature. Are you aware what an extra 8 degrees warmer does to the snow fall, rain fall, forest fires, air quality, etc.? And we've cleaned things up but have a long way to go. Either we clean things up or we lose a lot of housing, businesses, commerce and lives. Don't let your "Hoax" get in the way.

I always like to pose this question to people like you, but never seen to get a coherent reply: What would it take to shut you people up about climate forever and how much would it cost us? Use CO2, billionth of particles, whatever. Tell us all what your goal is here to make sure you people are happy.

The reason I ask is because this pollution, global warming, and now climate thing started many years ago. I remember it since a child back in the 1960's. Since that time we've spent trillions of dollars trying to make you people happy. In spite of that, you're more miserable today than you were 50 years ago.

The truth of the matter is there is no goal here. Global warming or climate as you people changed it to can't be controlled by man no more than we can control rain or hurricanes. It's a bottomless money pit all the money in the the world can't fill.
The world has had cycles since God made the place. Trying to determine warming on earth by a couple of years is like trying to determine the weather today by a couple of minutes. Even if we have warmer weather now, in 1000 years we may have much colder weather. It's just how it works. The ice age didn't end with cars and industry.

A perfect reason to ignore ongoing climate change and continue to dump toxins into our atmosphere.

We shouldnt do anything until Ray is convinced there actually is climate change. Should take a century or more.

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