Questions For Evolutionists.

Evolution is simply's like saying the code for running the USMB Board was just a series of random accidents and that is FAR LESS complicated than even a virus.
Around 4.4 Billion years ago cells started to develop and split - due to asexual reproduction. Around 4.4 billion years later Homo-Sapiens evolved (evolution from a cell)
Some 500,000 years later a neolithic fellow counted his fingers and therefore set the basis for mathematics. 30,000 years later a guy developed BASIC and Bill Gates became very rich.

Bill Gates wealth therefore originates from a cell splitting some 4.4 Billion years ago.
Around 4.4 Billion years ago cells started to develop and split - due to asexual reproduction. Around 4.4 billion years later Homo-Sapiens evolved (evolution from a cell)
Some 500,000 years later a neolithic fellow counted his fingers and therefore set the basis for mathematics. 30,000 years later a guy developed BASIC and Bill Gates became very rich.

Bill Gates wealth therefore originates from a cell splitting some 4.4 Billion years ago.

If Bill Gates had any idea how much more complex a cell was than any Windows operating system, he'd call evolution BS
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All well and good but if life forms existed for billions of years without sex organs and the need for sexual reproduction then it makes no sense to evolve sexual organs as a means for survival.

It's a shame you don't understand ... it's obvious you've never taken a basic Biology class ever ... or you'd be using this logic against cell membranes ...

You should discuss religion with other religious folk ... you're definitely not knowledgeable enough to discuss religion with the Heathen ... you're looking for human sensibility in atomic structures ... the world doesn't work like that ... humans are just the last dying bud on a deceased branch of the Tree of Life ... the world is better off without such delicate egos ... too bad if that hurts your feelings ...

There's NO CRYING IN SCIENCE dammit ...
If Bill Gates had any idea how much more complex a cell was that any Windows operating system, he'd call evolution BS
No, he and many others invest billions into AI - if one day workable, which is far more complex then a cell dividing and mutating into other cells and then forming new lifeforms, due to e.g. environmental circumstances.

Cells are very primitive life forms - originating form e.g. a Lightning strike some 4.4 billion years ago.
It's the continued evolution of cells within 4.4 billion years that seems complex, but isn't at all.

Lightning may have provided the spark needed for life to begin.Electric sparks can generate amino acids and sugars from an atmosphere loaded with water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen, as was shown in the famous Miller-Urey experiment in 1952,
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No, he and many others invest billions into AI - if one day workable, which is far more complex then a cell dividing and mutating into other cells and then forming new lifeforms, due to e.g. environmental circumstances.

Cells are very primitive life forms - originating form e.g. a Lightning strike some 4.4 billion years ago.
It's the continued evolution of cells within 4.4 billion years that seems complex, but isn't at all.

Lightning may have provided the spark needed for life to begin.Electric sparks can generate amino acids and sugars from an atmosphere loaded with water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen, as was shown in the famous Miller-Urey experiment in 1952,

You have absolutory no idea what you are talking about.


See how simple a cell is?
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You have absolutory no idea what you are talking about.
You don't understand the difference between an existing CELL and it's further evolution via cell division, (which isn't complex) and the initial creation of a Cell (which off course is complex as hell) due to it's own evolution.
To kick off the creation of a primitive cell - a lightning strike may be sufficient, it's ongoing development is the "mystery"
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Science is great at describing that things evolved.
they evolved, not so much.

You don't understand the difference between an existing CELL and it's further evolution via cell division, (which isn't complex) and the initial creation of a Cell (which off course is complex as hell) due to it's own evolution.
To kick off the creation of a primitive cell - a lightning strike may be sufficient, it's ongoing development is the "mystery"

Again, you have no idea how complex a single cell is
You don't understand the difference between an existing CELL and it's further evolution via cell division, (which isn't complex) and the initial creation of a Cell (which off course is complex as hell) due to it's own evolution.
To kick off the creation of a primitive cell - a lightning strike may be sufficient, it's ongoing development is the "mystery"

A lightning strike, you think a lightning strike make things work better? Please don't believe it just because someone says it's so
You don't have enough education for this conversation.
That won't help. The more I study evolution the less plausible it becomes. Too many giant leaps in chains of biological changes that would require hundreds if not more small changes at the molecular and even the atomic level.
Science is great at describing that things evolved.
they evolved, not so much.

View attachment 830053
Pretty much.
In this instance, scientist know that early organisms began injecting their DNA into other organisms and that evolved into two specializations: ones that inject DNA, and ones that accept DNA. Male and female. We are still practicing this very act these organisms did 1.5billion years ago.
We just don't know when and how it happened.
Cells are very primitive life forms - originating form e.g. a Lightning strike some 4.4 billion years ago.
It's the continued evolution of cells within 4.4 billion years that seems complex, but isn't at all.

Lightning may have provided the spark needed for life to begin.Electric sparks can generate amino acids and sugars from an atmosphere loaded with water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen, as was shown in the famous Miller-Urey experiment in 1952,

I'll leave off AI ... can she he create stories? ... write quality poetry? ... or does she he just "paint a Starry Night again" ... sure, AI can find that Joni Mitchell quote, but can AI say why Joni said it? ...

We do have some life forms today that could have existed 4.4 billion years ago ... google "prokaryotic fermenters" ... although few are obligate fermenters ...

Photosynthesis evolved roughly 2.8 billion years ago ... and this produces oxygen, which is extremely toxic to life ... it could be as few as a single species of cyanobacteria simply killed off all other life on Earth within a scant 600 million years through poisoning the oceans and atmosphere with oxygen ... only the life that was producing the oxygen could survive in an oxygen environment ...

Respiration alone is more complicated than a computer's operating system ... splitting DNA and pulling mRNA out is still poorly explained ... and poorly understood ... whereas everything in a computer operating system is fully explained and (preferably) posted in the remarks ...

// Every line of code should have remarks ... just saying ...


Sorry about the gender confusion ... intelligence takes the feminine form in French, but masculine in German ... we need to decide these issues if we're going to bring gender back into our societies ... someone ask AI and see what "it" says ...
The simplest of organisms grew by cell cloning. That advanced into some of those organisms implanting DNA into other organisms, which is considered the earliest form of "sex".
This advanced into organisms that are believed to have been more successful by DNA implanting than cloning... a monumental advancement in life. That then advanced into more organized organisms where some specialized in being implanted, and others to implant. We know those organisms existed. We just don't know how they got from cloning to implanting DNA, we just know it occurred.
And - interestingly enough - that is exactly what humans do. Males implant specialized organisms that carry DNA into the female, who has her own specialized organism - an egg - that has her own DNA in it - and whalaaah!! Biology!

....and DNA just happened by random happenstance??
A lightning strike, you think a lightning strike make things work better? Please don't believe it just because someone says it's so

All that was shown is that lightning could have had a roll ... not that lightning did have a roll ...

Seal a vessel full of pure methane and in a couple of weeks it will be contaminated with ethane ... throw in some ammonia and water and we'll find amino acid contamination ... just weeks ...

After a million years, we'll get waxy esters, i.e. earwax ... or better ... lipids ... random chance is all we need ... and lots of enzymes ...
A lightning strike, you think a lightning strike make things work better? Please don't believe it just because someone says it's so
You are obviously a denier towards the principals of evolution.

Evolution in any life-form starts of with a primitive specimen. For a cell it's primitive form is the primary cell or stem-cell, that then due to in-numerous chemical processes evolves, including it's organic molecules (evolution) into a complex cell. Namely those cells known to us nowadays. Cells come from preexisting cells. This evolution took millions - hundreds of millions - billions of years.
Viruses and their RNA evolved around 3.8 billion years ago. And a virus needs a cell.

It would be an illusion to define as to what an initial cell looked like - but we can envision the properties that such an initial cell beheld.

Since this complex cell evolution hasn't been fully researched, neither the factor of a virus (maybe only existing a billion years ago) impacting the regulation process of a cell - religious protagonists come up with - you see, you can't document the evolution of a cell - therefore it must have been GOD, who snapped his fingers and created a complex cell as we know of it today.

Just as stating: you can't document the evolution of a Human, so God must have created him.
I'll leave off AI ... can she he create stories? ... write quality poetry? ... or does she he just "paint a Starry Night again" ... sure, AI can find that Joni Mitchell quote, but can AI say why Joni said it? ...
That is why I mentioned "if workable" one day ;)
You are obviously a denier towards the principals of evolution.

Evolution in any life-form starts of with a primitive specimen. For a cell it's primitive form is the primary cell or stem-cell, that then due to in-numerous chemical processes evolves, including it's organic molecules (evolution) into a complex cell. Namely those cells known to us nowadays. Cells come from preexisting cells. This evolution took millions - hundreds of millions - billions of years.
Viruses and their RNA evolved around 3.8 billion years ago. And a virus needs a cell.

It would be an illusion to define as to what an initial cell looked like - but we can envision the properties that such an initial cell beheld.

Since this complex cell evolution hasn't been fully researched, neither the factor of a virus (maybe only existing a billion years ago) impacting the regulation process of a cell - religious protagonists come up with - you see, you can't document the evolution of a cell - therefore it must have been GOD, who snapped his fingers and created a complex cell as we know of it today.

Just as stating: you can't document the evolution of a Human, so God must have created him.

Sure. DNA and RNA just randomly evolved.


What possessed DNA to "evolve" in the first place?

If these are all random, then winning and losing are all equal...there's nothing to be gained from molecules to evolve to proteins, amino acids and a fully functioning cell in evolving. "At this point, what difference does it make?"


It's all random.

If you randomly throw a bowling ball in any given direction, the vast majority of which are not even down the lane, what are the odds of bowling a perfect game?

It's all random
Sure. DNA and RNA just randomly evolved.


What possessed DNA to "evolve" in the first place?

If these are all random, then winning and losing are all equal...there's nothing to be gained from molecules to evolve to proteins, amino acids and a fully functioning cell in evolving. "At this point, what difference does it make?"


It's all random.

If you randomly throw a bowling ball in any given direction, the vast majority of which are not even down the lane, what are the odds of bowling a perfect game?

It's all random

Ribose is a simple sugar, it forms throughout the universe ... yeah ... just randomly ... DNA, RNA and proteins are made up of simple units strung together ... the ribose and amino acids individually are easy to make ...

Just ethane, water and ammonia forms an amino acid ... and this amino acid then persists ... possibly forever ... so the universe is filling up with amino acids ... the key is enzyme production, the enzyme is returned whole after the chemical reaction, as all good catalysts do ...

If you randomly throw a bowling ball in any given direction, the vast majority of which are not even down the lane, what are the odds of bowling a perfect game?

There are an infinite number of directions, so we throw an infinite number of bowling balls and so we score an infinite number of strikes ... yes ... during an infinite amount of time, we will score 12 consecutive strikes at least once ... [weasel weasel] ... the assumption of Evolution is "once is enough" ... "no matter how small the odds are for a single trial, as the number of trials approaches infinity, the odds of at least one positive result approaches certainty" ...

Statistical artistry at her finest ...

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