Questions for the ‘Majority of Scientists Agree’ Climate Changers

The reason people like you won't say it out loud is because it would then turn into simple math and you can't have that so it's better for you to not say at all.
It has been posted here, and I reposted an article on it. But you will not read it as you wish to retain your willful ignorance.
It has been posted here, and I reposted an article on it. But you will not read it as you wish to retain your willful ignorance.
The current sea level is 26 ft lower than the peak sea level of the previous interglacial which was 2C warmer than today with 120 ppm less CO2 than today.
No, there is NO evidence. There are computer generated stories. Stories are fiction, they are not data.

The scientifically illiterate, that would be you, don't know the difference because you are...........illiterate.

Here is a case in point. The Maldives are supposedly going to be underwater soon. So why is anyone investing billions to build international airports?

The 5 New Airports in Maldives 2020​

Last night, Transportation Minister Aishath Nahula announced the dates of the openings of new airports in Maldives in 2020.

5 airports are to be opened this year: Funadho Airport, Maavarulu Airport, Madivaru Airport, Hoarafushi Airport and Fares Maathoda Airport.

Funadhoo Airport in Shaviyani Atoll will be opening earliest in January. The runway stretches to 1,200 meters. The first airport in Shaviyani Atoll is developed at a cost of USD 5.742 million.



There is no evidence?
There are two glacier ss in Antarctic that are melting and the two combined hold enough water to raise sea levels by 5 metres.
Not sure where you aren t getting information from its wrong.
There is no evidence?
There are two glacier ss in Antarctic that are melting and the two combined hold enough water to raise sea levels by 5 metres.
Not sure where you aren t getting information from its wrong.

LOL another warmist/alarmist falling for the stupid Antarctica glacial melting bullcrap since it has been melting for YEARS but sea level rise rate is still unchanged.

Here is the scary mass balance change for Antarctica,


Both Glaciers have ACTIVE VOLCANOES under them, Air and water in the region is too cold to melt them down much at all.

You have no idea what is going on down there.
There is no evidence?
There are two glacier ss in Antarctic that are melting and the two combined hold enough water to raise sea levels by 5 metres.
Not sure where you aren t getting information from its wrong.

I guess you missed the part where they are ALREADY IN THE WATER.

No I didn't. I guess you missed the part where they are still totally unmelted.

Don't try to be funny. You don't have the smarts.

The ice SHELVES are already in the water..... mostly unmelted.

Gee you are sure new at this stuff.
No I didn't. I guess you missed the part where they are still totally unmelted.

Don't try to be funny. You don't have the smarts.

Ummmm, put ice in a glass of water. Watch it melt. Tell us what happens.
What qualifies a title of scientist?
Is there any conflict of interest that disqualifies said scientist?
Throughout history every scientific understanding of the world around us today was once a minority position. So why is it scientific to discount all non majority views?
Attacking anyone for simply pointing out the economic and physical impossibility of what the majority are telling the public. Why is that good science?

Scientific consensus on climate change - Wikipedia

Opposing (The AGW Consensus)

Since 2007, when the American Association of Petroleum Geologists released a revised statement,[29] NO national or international scientific body any longer rejects the findings of human-induced effects on climate change.".."[28][30].

Ummmm, put ice in a glass of water. Watch it melt. Tell us what happens.

Wow, seriously.

Here, let me help you out. Durrrrrr...

This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

That’s because the image misrepresents how icebergs affect sea level rise.

An iceberg is a chunk of ice that broke off from a glacier, ice shelf, or a larger iceberg. They float in the ocean (or lake) and unlike sea ice that freezes and melts in the ocean, icebergs are composed of freshwater because they formed on land.

When an iceberg melts, it doesn’t raise sea levels, said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the National Snow & Ice Data Center. But, he said, that’s because the iceberg already raised sea levels when it moved from the land into the ocean.

A better illustration of how icebergs affect sea level, said William Colgan a senior researcher at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, would be to suspend an ice cube on popsicle sticks above the water. When it drops into the water or melts into the water, the water level will rise.

You also don't take into account the OTHER effect of melting icecaps. The water in glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica is FRESH water. When it melts and drains into the ocean, it reduces the salinity of the ocean. Which means that life in the oceans that has adapted to live in a certain level of salinity are effected.

Wow, seriously.

Here, let me help you out. Durrrrrr...

This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

That’s because the image misrepresents how icebergs affect sea level rise.

An iceberg is a chunk of ice that broke off from a glacier, ice shelf, or a larger iceberg. They float in the ocean (or lake) and unlike sea ice that freezes and melts in the ocean, icebergs are composed of freshwater because they formed on land.

When an iceberg melts, it doesn’t raise sea levels, said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the National Snow & Ice Data Center. But, he said, that’s because the iceberg already raised sea levels when it moved from the land into the ocean.

A better illustration of how icebergs affect sea level, said William Colgan a senior researcher at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, would be to suspend an ice cube on popsicle sticks above the water. When it drops into the water or melts into the water, the water level will rise.

You also don't take into account the OTHER effect of melting icecaps. The water in glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica is FRESH water. When it melts and drains into the ocean, it reduces the salinity of the ocean. Which means that life in the oceans that has adapted to live in a certain level of salinity are effected.

A. Politifact is a Leftard propaganda tool.
B. Who the hell are you to think todays climate is optimum and must be preserved at all costs? Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees and dinosaurs were living in Alaska.
And man had nothing to do with those climate periods either.
Whether it’s someone talking about possible medical cures, origins of the universe or the weather, the Left have only response if it doesn’t fit their religion: censorship.

They can’t debate using science, it’s all about fascist censorship.
Here is a case in point. The Maldives are supposedly going to be underwater soon. So why is anyone investing billions to build international airports?

The 5 New Airports in Maldives 2020​

A few things.

First, they were not international airports, one was even for sea planes.

Second, the current models show it being underwater by the turn of the next century, plenty of time to make money on the investments.

Third, the country has taken the threat very seriously and unlike you all is not ignoring the problem. They do not care what is causing the changes, just that it is happening and they are doing what they can to protect their country. It is a lesson we should take to heart, quit fighting over what the cause is and prepare for the changes.
A few things.

First, they were not international airports, one was even for sea planes.

Second, the current models show it being underwater by the turn of the next century, plenty of time to make money on the investments.

Third, the country has taken the threat very seriously and unlike you all is not ignoring the problem. They do not care what is causing the changes, just that it is happening and they are doing what they can to protect their country. It is a lesson we should take to heart, quit fighting over what the cause is and prepare for the changes.

I didn't say the ones pictured were international airports, I said they had built 20 international airports. You should look up just how much building is going on in the Maldives. It's amazing considering they are supposedly vanishing in 80 years.
I didn't say the ones pictured were international airports, I said they had built 20 international airports. You should look up just how much building is going on in the Maldives. It's amazing considering they are supposedly vanishing in 80 years.

80 years is a long time away, plenty of time for those investing their money to get a return and be dead. It is a vacation hot spot right now and people are trying to cash in on it. Heck the wife and I are looking at going there for our 30th anniversary next year.
80 years is a long time away, plenty of time for those investing their money to get a return and be dead. It is a vacation hot spot right now and people are trying to cash in on it. Heck the wife and I are looking at going there for our 30th anniversary next year.

Not to repay billions of dollars in investment. Those are plays that require real long term stability. No one would build an Empire State Building on a sinking island.

Yet they are doing just that.

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