Questions for the ‘Majority of Scientists Agree’ Climate Changers

Wow, seriously.

Here, let me help you out. Durrrrrr...

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That’s because the image misrepresents how icebergs affect sea level rise.

An iceberg is a chunk of ice that broke off from a glacier, ice shelf, or a larger iceberg. They float in the ocean (or lake) and unlike sea ice that freezes and melts in the ocean, icebergs are composed of freshwater because they formed on land.

When an iceberg melts, it doesn’t raise sea levels, said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the National Snow & Ice Data Center. But, he said, that’s because the iceberg already raised sea levels when it moved from the land into the ocean.

A better illustration of how icebergs affect sea level, said William Colgan a senior researcher at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, would be to suspend an ice cube on popsicle sticks above the water. When it drops into the water or melts into the water, the water level will rise.

You also don't take into account the OTHER effect of melting icecaps. The water in glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica is FRESH water. When it melts and drains into the ocean, it reduces the salinity of the ocean. Which means that life in the oceans that has adapted to live in a certain level of salinity are effected.

It is sad when you fail to see how you were misled, here is the critical part you didn't understand:

"When an iceberg melts, it doesn’t raise sea levels, said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the National Snow & Ice Data Center. But, he said, that’s because the iceberg already raised sea levels when it moved from the land into the ocean.

A better illustration of how icebergs affect sea level, said William Colgan a senior researcher at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, would be to suspend an ice cube on popsicle sticks above the water. When it drops into the water or melts into the water, the water level will rise.

"Here they’re starting with icebergs in the water," Colgan said. "But the moment the iceberg crosses land into water, it’s raising sea level."


All correct but incomplete can you figure it out what they left out?
It is sad when you fail to see how you were misled, here is the critical part you didn't understand:

"When an iceberg melts, it doesn’t raise sea levels, said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the National Snow & Ice Data Center. But, he said, that’s because the iceberg already raised sea levels when it moved from the land into the ocean.
But when the Glacier moves down the slope and onto the ocean it DOES raise sea level.
The end: calving of a berg no, of course.

But when the Glacier moves down the slope and onto the ocean it DOES raise sea level.
The end: calving of a berg no, of course.


Can't you read?

"All correct but incomplete can you figure it out what they left out?"

There is a more to it than this which is why it is incomplete.
LOL another warmist/alarmist falling for the stupid Antarctica glacial melting bullcrap since it has been melting for YEARS but sea level rise rate is still unchanged.

Here is the scary mass balance change for Antarctica,

View attachment 595515

Both Glaciers have ACTIVE VOLCANOES under them, Air and water in the region is too cold to melt them down much at all.

You have no idea what is going on down there.
You can deny it forever and who cares but you are wrong.
Ummmm, put ice in a glass of water. Watch it melt. Tell us what happens.
I did mention about your attempted humour. Please. You're embarrassing yourself.
The ice SHELVES are already in the water..... mostly unmelted.

Gee you are sure new at this stuff.
Are they really? Perhaps you should advise the world of your unique access to this. I'm sure they are searching for a remedy to avoid global disaster.
It's very selfish of you to contain that vital information.
But you are a Republican says it all.
You can deny it forever and who cares but you are wrong.

I did mention about your attempted humour. Please. You're embarrassing yourself.

I posted the evidence with sourced data thus your reply was dead on arrival.

I allowed for the melt rate from the start, but you can't stop to think about it which is why you just made a complete fool of yourself.
Are they really? Perhaps you should advise the world of your unique access to this. I'm sure they are searching for a remedy to avoid global disaster.
It's very selfish of you to contain that vital information.
But you are a Republican says it all.

Your partisanship is making you foolish since I am an INDEPENDENT which I have stated many times in the forum.

It is well known 101 information stuff you still haven't learned, they come off the continent still intact and onto ocean waters.

There have been plenty of published papers talking about ice shelves grounding on bedrock UNDERWATER off the Continent.

Here is one such paper,


Rapid submarine ice melting in the grounding zones of ice shelves in West Antarctica

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Your partisanship is making you foolish since I am an INDEPENDENT which I have stated many times in the forum.

It is well known 101 information stuff you still haven't learned, they come off the continent still intact and onto ocean waters.

There have been plenty of published papers talking about ice shelves grounding on bedrock UNDERWATER off the Continent.

Here is one such paper,


Rapid submarine ice melting in the grounding zones of ice shelves in West Antarctica

You are no more independent than my dog. You're a Republican so cut the lies.
Again, if you know so much why arent the world waiting for your expert opinion. Huh?
Ever thought of that?
You are no more independent than my dog. You're a Republican so cut the lies.
Again, if you know so much why arent the world waiting for your expert opinion. Huh?
Ever thought of that?


I see that you have been here only a short time which is why you never saw the many postings I made against Trump claims of a stolen election and disagreed with Trump over what Pence can do on the electoral votes in Congress.

Posted that since December 12, 2020, Trump should have stopped pushing the Stolen election narrative since SCOTUS said no to the Multiple lawsuit and having lost many other lawsuits by that time.

I have posted saying I am supporting limited Abortions have castigated both democrats and republicans over their failure to compromise on Abortions I have supported Gay rights here in the forum too.

I have stated openly in the forum that President William Clinton should not have been impeached as he didn't commit high crimes and misdemeanors it was a partisan bullshit investigation from the start.

Ooops there goes your bullshit claims!

I told the truth that I am an Independent and have been for years since I left the Democrat party back in the early 1990's

Meanwhile I notice your bluster over my link you haven't read yet. I posted a published paper that supported me 100%

Stop making a complete fool of yourself.

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80 years is a long time away, plenty of time for those investing their money to get a return and be dead. It is a vacation hot spot right now and people are trying to cash in on it. Heck the wife and I are looking at going there for our 30th anniversary next year.
What happens in 80 years, a switch flipped?
Moron, your fake ocean catastrophe is underway right now.
But everyone except you sheeple useful idiots know it’s bullshit.
No, you listed scientists who make money from it.

Not one of those listed doesn't.

Try again.

What I listed were several scientific understandings that have never been minority opinions. I didn't mention ANYONE in my original post so it seems you don't actually need to read my posts before responding to them. Is that your A-game?
What I listed were several scientific understandings that have never been minority opinions. I didn't mention ANYONE in my original post so it seems you don't actually need to read my posts before responding to them. Is that your A-game?

There have been many Consensus failures BECAUSE they don't follow reproducible research, you prefer the way of politics.

There have been many Consensus failures BECAUSE they don't follow reproducible research, you prefer the way of politics.

.Show us some published, non-reproducible climate research. Show us that such data are the primary basis for the IPCC conclusions.
What I listed were several scientific understandings that have never been minority opinions. I didn't mention ANYONE in my original post so it seems you don't actually need to read my posts before responding to them. Is that your A-game?
Yep. Fascists hate science, it’s a majority or get censored world.
.Show us some published, non-reproducible climate research. Show us that such data are the primary basis for the IPCC conclusions.


The IPCC doesn't even think this way,

"The climate system is a coupled non linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible" --- IPCC

Waiting to see if you can work up the effort to address my statement:

"There have been many Consensus failures BECAUSE they don't follow reproducible research, you prefer the way of politics."

It appears you don't know of consensus failures; how can you be that ignorant?
.Show us some published, non-reproducible climate research. Show us that such data are the primary basis for the IPCC conclusions.
Name one climate doom prediction of the last 50 years that’s actually even come close to reality.

What happens in 80 years, a switch flipped?
Moron, your fake ocean catastrophe is underway right now.
But everyone except you sheeple useful idiots know it’s bullshit.

I love how the ocean stays at the same level for 80 years, then MAGICALLY drowns the Maldives.

The idiocy on display is pretty impressive.

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