Questions to Bernie Sanders

So is he a socialist or a democrat? I thought he was an "independent". Funny how he's a socialist in Vermont and in the senate, but runs for President as a democrat, hmmmmmmm

He is just a "useful idiot" that Lenin would be proud of. He is a hate and envy filled scumbag who hides behind different descriptions of himself, because he can't admit who he really is.

And make no mistake, he would be perfectly happy to confiscate all the wealth from those who have it and send them to concentration camps not unlike the gulags. He certainly displayed sufficient hatred towards the "rich" to do just that, luckily he can't. At least not yet.

If he did send innocent people to concentration camps, he would just follow the example set by the idol of the Left, FDR.
Equality is a Social concept; are you going to socially enforce a federal Doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will?

Nothing in his statements that I've found indicates that. Maybe you have another source?
I would ask Sanders what is the maximum % that a middle class person should pay out each year in taxes, considering Federal, State, FICA, property taxes, sales taxes and so on.

I would not ask Sanders what percentage of income he would confiscate, I would ask him how much of one's hard earned pay would he graciously allow one to keep.

For all the "free" stuff he keeps lying about he would have to ignore the advice of Abraham Lincoln that you can't bring up the poor by tearing down the rich.

Oh, yeah, he already knows that but knows that the freeloading dupes he preaches to don't know that.
I would ask Sanders what is the maximum % that a middle class person should pay out each year in taxes, considering Federal, State, FICA, property taxes, sales taxes and so on.

I would not ask Sanders what percentage of income he would confiscate, I would ask him how much of one's hard earned pay would he graciously allow one to keep.

Then you'd be completely uninformed about his platform despite the numerous sources of information out there.

BTW, does the Trump Kool-Aid come in different flavors or is it the same color as Glenn's?
I would ask Sanders what is the maximum % that a middle class person should pay out each year in taxes, considering Federal, State, FICA, property taxes, sales taxes and so on.

I would not ask Sanders what percentage of income he would confiscate, I would ask him how much of one's hard earned pay would he graciously allow one to keep.

Then you'd be completely uninformed about his platform despite the numerous sources of information out there.

BTW, does the Trump Kool-Aid come in different flavors or is it the same color as Glenn's?

Your answer to my post, quoting the first sentence and ignoring the rest shows that you are unable or unwilling to debate meaningfully.

Which would indicate to me that you happily accept this fraud's contention that all the problems of the world will be solved if only all the rich people in the world are eliminated, their wealth are EQUALLY distributed to the freeloaders. You believe that, because you know you are safe, your wealth will never be confiscated because who the hell would want your three dollars in the bank.

I prefer ice cold club soda to cool aid.
Which would indicate to me that you happily accept this fraud's contention that all the problems of the world will be solved if only all the rich people in the world are eliminated, their wealth are EQUALLY distributed to the freeloaders. You believe that, because you know you are safe, your wealth will never be confiscated because who the hell would want your three dollars in the bank.

That's an incredible fantasy that bears no resemblance to anyone in the Presidential race. If you ever want to discuss the actual candidates, let me know.

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