Quiet Hurricane Season: Is Global Warming Now Under Control

Just google "Glacier Girl" or "The Lost Squadron". You will find that hundreds of so called "annual layers" & 265'ft of ice formed on The Lost Squadron in just 46 years. This means the worlds thickest ice sheet formed in under 2000 years.

If word of this ever got out the global warming scientist would be out of work. Global warming scientist are the most well funded in the world even beating cancer research.

Clinton / Gore global initiative has made $8 billion of this scheme so far. If you think the Clinton credit default swap derivatives that created the sub-prime bubble were fun then you are going to love his carbon swap derivatives.
Just google "Glacier Girl" or "The Lost Squadron". You will find that hundreds of so called "annual layers" & 265'ft of ice formed on The Lost Squadron in just 46 years. This means the worlds thickest ice sheet formed in under 2000 years.

If word of this ever got out the global warming scientist would be out of work. Global warming scientist are the most well funded in the world even beating cancer research.

Clinton / Gore global initiative has made $8 billion of this scheme so far. If you think the Clinton credit default swap derivatives that created the sub-prime bubble were fun then you are going to love his carbon swap derivatives.

See, but the ice growing actually means there's less of it, see? More = Less. That's the Core Formula in SUV=MMGW Theorem.

It's a milder hurricane season can only mean that Global Warming, er I mean Climate Change, er I mean The Great Climatic Googly Moogly!!! is to blame

If it weren't for ManMadeGlobalWarmerCooleringClimateChangeDeadlyCO2 then we'd have a Normal Hurricane Season.

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There aint nothing worth reading in the posts of this thread. When I see people quoting "experts" than I see people who are completely ignorant.

Hurricanes are good for the USA, sure devastating to the coast but they push moisture into the interior increasing crop yeilds.

Bottom line is we do not effect the weather, nobody is even close to proving we do, its all propaganda which has made 200 million for Al Gore.
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Just google "Glacier Girl" or "The Lost Squadron". You will find that hundreds of so called "annual layers" & 265'ft of ice formed on The Lost Squadron in just 46 years. This means the worlds thickest ice sheet formed in under 2000 years.

If word of this ever got out the global warming scientist would be out of work. Global warming scientist are the most well funded in the world even beating cancer research.

Clinton / Gore global initiative has made $8 billion of this scheme so far. If you think the Clinton credit default swap derivatives that created the sub-prime bubble were fun then you are going to love his carbon swap derivatives.

First, that was Phil Gramm's baby, not Clinton's.

Second, care to back up your accusations with a link or two? Otherwise, you stand as just another ignoramous spouting idiocy, like Frank and Doooodeeee.
El Nino...

NOAA/PMEL/TAO Frequently Asked Questions about Climate, El Niño and La Niña

Atlantic Ocean
It is believed that El Niño conditions suppress the development of tropical storms and hurricanes in the Atlantic; and that La Niña (cold conditions in the equatorial Pacific) favor hurricane formation. The world expert in this area of study is Prof. Bill Gray of Colorado State University. Please see their Web pages, including Frequently asked Questions about Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tropical Cyclones. The Tropical Meteorology Project at Colorado State University maintain Web pages on Forecasts (Hurricanes, ENSO, African Sahel Rainfall, etc.).
Just google "Glacier Girl" or "The Lost Squadron". You will find that hundreds of so called "annual layers" & 265'ft of ice formed on The Lost Squadron in just 46 years. This means the worlds thickest ice sheet formed in under 2000 years.

If word of this ever got out the global warming scientist would be out of work. Global warming scientist are the most well funded in the world even beating cancer research.

Clinton / Gore global initiative has made $8 billion of this scheme so far. If you think the Clinton credit default swap derivatives that created the sub-prime bubble were fun then you are going to love his carbon swap derivatives.

First, that was Phil Gramm's baby, not Clinton's.

Second, care to back up your accusations with a link or two? Otherwise, you stand as just another ignoramous spouting idiocy, like Frank and Doooodeeee.
Excuse me lie telling Old Rocks in the head !!!

S.900 Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 was signed into law on 11/12/1999 by President Bill Clinton.

I am new & have not yet earned the ability to post links yet.

If you can't google "Glacier Girl" or "The Lost Squadron" then you really are a fool.

It looks to me like you were wrong 3 times in one post.

Liers never win Old Rocks in the head.
Just google "Glacier Girl" or "The Lost Squadron". You will find that hundreds of so called "annual layers" & 265'ft of ice formed on The Lost Squadron in just 46 years. This means the worlds thickest ice sheet formed in under 2000 years.

If word of this ever got out the global warming scientist would be out of work. Global warming scientist are the most well funded in the world even beating cancer research.

Clinton / Gore global initiative has made $8 billion of this scheme so far. If you think the Clinton credit default swap derivatives that created the sub-prime bubble were fun then you are going to love his carbon swap derivatives.

I saw where the ice from snowfall was 265 ft. deep. I saw nothing at all about hundreds of 'annual layers'.

There are currently measurements being taken by satellite on a daily basis of both Greenland and Anarctica. The information all says that the ice in both caps is melting at an accelerating rate.

Now if you have some real scientific sites or articles from peer reviewed scientific journals that support your opinions, just post them here.
There aint nothing worth reading in the posts of this thread. When I see people quoting "experts" than I see people who are completely ignorant.

Hurricanes are good for the USA, sure devastating to the coast but they push moisture into the interior increasing crop yeilds.

Bottom line is we do not effect the weather, nobody is even close to proving we do, its all propaganda which has made 200 million for Al Gore.

please move to the florida coast

and spewing your delusional opinions makes you look 10 times more ignorant
From your site;

Urban Heat Islands: Hotter Cities (ActionBioscience)

Do urban heat islands affect global climate?
Urban heat islands themselves are not responsible for global warming because they are small-scale phenomena and cover only a tiny fraction of the Earth’s surface area. However, there are some urban to global scale connections that are worth noting:

Urban heat islands are models for climate change research.Approximately half of the world’s population currently lives in cities, and this value is expected to increase to 61% by 2030.16 The high rate of urbanization, particularly in the tropics, means that increasing numbers of people will be exposed to impacts resulting from heat islands in the future.

Urban areas have historically been the site of some of the earliest established observation stations that are used to help construct the global surface temperature record used to document large scale climate changes. The effects of urbanization, and consequently urban heat islands, on these stations over time can lead to some “contamination” of the temperature record. The ability to fully remove these influences remains the subject of some debate since changes can occur independently of population17 and current techniques used to remove urban effects may be inadequate.17-19

Most greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change come from urban areas. These emissions therefore contribute to both local and global scale weather and climate modification.20 Further urbanization will increase emissions originating from cities. Investigation of the larger scale impacts of urban emissions is seen as an important area of future research.20

The climate modifications that have occurred in large cities over the past century show similarities in terms of the rates and magnitude expected with projected future climate changes. Therefore cities may serve as a model for assessing the impacts of, and adaptation strategies to, climate change on both local and global scales.4

The heat absorption factor of cement is not quite global warming Rocks.
In case you are color blind, that was pointed out in the first sentence of the article.
Since we were told that global warming causes more hurricanes and more violent hurricanes does this mean that global warming is under control? Or is global warming now responsible for less violent and less frequent hurricanes? and if so, why is that a bad thing?

Quiet Atlantic hurricane season a boon for insurers | U.S. | Reuters

Hurricane Season was never out of control. The claim was made at the time of Katrina. The seasons after that were all mild. Hell we haven't had a Hurricane hit NC in years now.

The bullshit claims were because people were and still are not doing the math. Using damage costs as an estimate of how bad in comparison a hurricane was over the different years requires you to factor in the values associated with those years, the amount of density of human habitation in the years per the year involved, and the differing monetary values of property present as a total for each year.

When you do that Katrina was not even near the top on damage caused.
Look 'E', the physics of global warming was established in 1896. Here is where you can read the history of the investigation of GHGs;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

This is an American Institute of Physics site, not some bloggers post.

As far as it being the sun, with a long solar minimum, and a strong and persistant La Nina, we should have had some very cold years for 2007, 2008, and 2009. Instead they all placed in the top ten warmest on record.

Also, commenting on science, one should give one's sources. So what is the scientific source for your opinion?

Once again, you're measuring geological and astonomical occurances with a stop watch. The very minor changes in the TSI add up to big impacts for us only because we operate so comfortably within such a narrow range of temperature.

When the TSI drops by 3 on a scale of 1365 across multiple decades, we get the Little Ice Age. When it rises by the same amount, we get 1998. The actual swing in temperature is only about 2 degrees.

Our civilization has worked pretty well in the upper degree of that 2 degree span. When we drop to the lower degree of that 2 degree span, which is what you campaign to do, we find planetary famine and death by exposure.

When it starts to warm, we get things like the Age of Reason and Pax Brittania.

Are you sure that cooling is the right goal to pursue?
In case you are color blind, that was pointed out in the first sentence of the article.

Your end of post highlights go to radical nonsense.

Your definition of radical seems to be anything that has to do with real science. Here is the home source of that article;

ActionBioscience - promoting bioscience literacy

So your thesis is that Heat Islands give a better picture of future warming than does global averaging of temperature?
Look 'E', the physics of global warming was established in 1896. Here is where you can read the history of the investigation of GHGs;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

This is an American Institute of Physics site, not some bloggers post.

As far as it being the sun, with a long solar minimum, and a strong and persistant La Nina, we should have had some very cold years for 2007, 2008, and 2009. Instead they all placed in the top ten warmest on record.

Also, commenting on science, one should give one's sources. So what is the scientific source for your opinion?

Once again, you're measuring geological and astonomical occurances with a stop watch. The very minor changes in the TSI add up to big impacts for us only because we operate so comfortably within such a narrow range of temperature.

When the TSI drops by 3 on a scale of 1365 across multiple decades, we get the Little Ice Age. When it rises by the same amount, we get 1998. The actual swing in temperature is only about 2 degrees.

Our civilization has worked pretty well in the upper degree of that 2 degree span. When we drop to the lower degree of that 2 degree span, which is what you campaign to do, we find planetary famine and death by exposure.

When it starts to warm, we get things like the Age of Reason and Pax Brittania.

Are you sure that cooling is the right goal to pursue?

Code, it is not the TSI that controls the timing of the ice ages, it is the Milankovic Cycles. And you are talking a very big swing for the TSI. The observed swings over the last 100 years have been less than one tenth of one percent. In fact, not 3, but 0.8. From 1365.4 to 1366.2.

The actual swing has only been about 2 degrees with the amount of GHGs that we had in the atmosphere. For two million years that has been from 180 ppm to 300 ppm. We are at 390 ppm, and will undoubtedly hit at least 500 to 700 ppm by the end of the century. More likely to exceed 1000 ppm.

That will create an increase of from 3 to 7 degrees, and the effects on food production will just as catastrophic, if not more so, than the Little Ice Age.

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