Quote for the day

If you're depressed you're living in the Past. If you're anxious you're living in the Future. If you're at peace you're living in the Now.---Unknown

I think that quote is from the book The Power of Now. It is so practical. If you realize this simple wisdom, you will get to live your life to the fullest.
"They say someday the Lion will lay down with the Lamb. That's nice. But I'm still putting my money down on the Lion." - Mark Twain.
If you see a Bible in poor condition and falling apart, you can be pretty sure the owner of the Bible is not in the same condition.
Face the future declaring "Ill do more. Ill become a better human being." Joy is an eternal process of continual growth. - Daisaku Ikeda
“ Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true. ”--— Leon J. Suenens

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