Quran, a gift of guidance to humanity

Instead, the Qur'an rejects the New Testament account of Christ, particularly those passages that described Him as being the Son of God.


Only ignorant followers of islam reject the NT and The Son of God.

The authors of the Koran had only kudos for the Biblical material that they copied into their opus.

In short, the Qur'an is not saying Christ lied; rather, it says the authors of the New Testament have created a false image of Him.


>75% of the Koran was wholesale paraphrased from the Biblical Book of Revelation to begin with...and...any student of scripture readily knows that The Book of Revelation is ALL about The Son and His deity.

You apparently believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, but Muslims do not share your belief.

The Koran never once claims to be the Word of God.


Any mention of 'inspiration' within its pages refers to the Biblical material that was used in its construction.

............................^^^ certified loon .... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
I've called these kinds of ludicrous posts 'argueing with a child over the color of the sky.' Just as I wouldn't that, sometimes you just gotta ignore it and trust smarter people will do the same. Not being interested in the thoughts of children, adults with the mind of a child are equally worthless.
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Instead, the Qur'an rejects the New Testament account of Christ, particularly those passages that described Him as being the Son of God.


Only ignorant followers of islam reject the NT and The Son of God.

The authors of the Koran had only kudos for the Biblical material that they copied into their opus.

In short, the Qur'an is not saying Christ lied; rather, it says the authors of the New Testament have created a false image of Him.


>75% of the Koran was wholesale paraphrased from the Biblical Book of Revelation to begin with...and...any student of scripture readily knows that The Book of Revelation is ALL about The Son and His deity.

You apparently believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, but Muslims do not share your belief.

The Koran never once claims to be the Word of God.


Any mention of 'inspiration' within its pages refers to the Biblical material that was used in its construction.


The Bible doesn't claim to be the Word of God either. In fact, it's pretty clear that Jesus Christ is the Word of God. The Bible contains God's words. It also contains the devils words as he tempts others. It contains the words of good men and bad men. And the words of an ass rebuking a man on the road.
The Bible doesn't claim to be the Word of God either.

Then you haven't taken time to study it...

And he says to me, Write: Blessed are the ones having been called to the supper of the marriage of the Lamb. And he says to me, These Words of God are true. (Rev 19.9)

And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, having been prepared as a bride, having been adorned for her Husband. And I heard a great voice out of Heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God with men! And He will tabernacle with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. And death shall be no longer, nor mourning, nor outcry, nor will there be pain any more; for the first things passed away. And the One sitting on the throne said, Behold! I make all things new. And He says to me, Write, because these Words are faithful and true. (Rev 21.2 – 5)

In fact, it's pretty clear that Jesus Christ is the Word of God.

Of course...in both the OT & NT.

Even the authors of the Koran knew this.

The Bible contains God's words. It also contains the devils words as he tempts others. It contains the words of good men and bad men. And the words of an ass rebuking a man on the road.

The Book of Mormon and the Koran were never divinely inspired....they are simply the opus' of men...
Quran, a gift of guidance to humanity?

With all due respect....."UGH"

Read it, was disturbing
I've called these kinds of ludicrous posts 'argueing with a child over the color of the sky.' Just as I wouldn't that, sometimes you just gotta ignore it and trust smarter people will do the same. Not being interested in the thoughts of children, adults with the mind of a child are equally worthless.

Now, now...

My son sits down with pencil and paper and decides to design a time machine out of my old Chevy pick up truck. Two people are in the cab. I ask who the driver was and he says "That's me".

Then I asked who the passenger was and he says "That's Brendan", his cousin of the same age. I was kinda hurt. I said "Why aren't you gonna take me into the future with you? I'm your dad."

He said "If I made the seat so you would fit, I'd be too low to see where I was driving."

Wisdom is never worthless and often comes from the most unexpected places.
There are 114 chapters (surah's) in the Quran.

Yes and they are not in chonological order, but mostly lumped together with the largest suras at the front and the smallest at the back. I always recommend people new to the quran to start reading it in the reverse order. That is to say read sura 114 first.
It is less taxing to the intellect to read the short verses, rather than starting with sura 2 which is a long and complicated ramble.
Surah 19 is called Maryam (Mary) and details the story of the virgin giving birth to Jesus (Isa)

Mary is the only female mentioned by name in the Quran and is given the honorific title of 'Sister of Aaron'.

And Jesus is called the 'Son of Mary' which is extremely unusual in a culture where linage is identified by a person's male family members.

Actually, Sunni, it identifies Mary the mother of Jesus as Moses sister and also identifies her as sharing the same father as Moses but here is the problem, Sunni. Mary the mother of Jesus didn't come along until 1600 years after the Mary ( Miriam -same name ) had already died. It was an obvious mistake in the Qur'an and one that has never been explained satisfactory as it is impossible. A mistake is a mistake. Mohammad was human. He made a mistake. It is alright to admit that when he heard the story of Jesus and also the stories of Moses on his caravan travels he got the two women confused. Therein he repeated the story to his followers incorrectly and they in turn recorded it into the Qu'ran exactly as he taught it. Still, it is an error. Mary the mother of Jesus was not 1600 years old when she gave birth to Jesus. She didn't have the same father as Moses and she was not the sister of Moses either.

Unfortunately, you are trying to use a rational argument for a possible Metaphysical event.

Remember: With God all things are possible. So it is possible that Mary, mother of Jesus is the same Mary that was brother to Aaron(and Moses!). All that was necessary was that God resurrected/recreated Mary in order to give birth to Jesus.

If you dislike or don't approve of the above, then how do you non-christians feel about the idea of Jesus bringing the dead back to and his resurrection?

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