R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

Wrong. 18th Century liberals were believers in free market capitalism. Modern liberals are Stalinists.
We didn't have free market capitalism in the 18 th century

We had an INTERNAL Free Market to ensure competition between Americans, and tariffs against foreign competitors.

And we grew to be the world's largest economy.
We had an agrarian economy and survived off of tobacco and firs

The marketplace was very limited

"Free market" means the government didn't interfere. The fact that our economy wasn't industrial yet is a result of the fact that it takes time for industry to develop. It doesn't spring up miraculous from the ground the instant you get government out of the way.

All you ever prove with your posts is what a colossal dumbass you are.
There was no government capable of interfering. The market for our goods was extremely limited and anything but free

I love when conservatives try to attribute their agenda to the founders. Makes them look like desperate fools

You're utterly wrong about that. The English government interfered with private industry in minute detail in those days. "Free market" means the government doesn't interfere. That's all it means.

Your expression "the market for goods was extremely limited" is utterly meaningless. Yes, fewer goods were produced and purchased in those days because our economy wasn't as developed as it is now. All you're saying is that we weren't as wealthy then. No duh? Are you an idiot? Why would anyone expect it to be just as advanced as it currently is after 200 years of the industrial revolution that came about solely because of the existence of the free market?

I laugh when turds like you attempt to deflect that causes economies to grow. It isn't government.
We didn't have free market capitalism in the 18 th century

We had an INTERNAL Free Market to ensure competition between Americans, and tariffs against foreign competitors.

And we grew to be the world's largest economy.
We had an agrarian economy and survived off of tobacco and firs

The marketplace was very limited

"Free market" means the government didn't interfere. The fact that our economy wasn't industrial yet is a result of the fact that it takes time for industry to develop. It doesn't spring up miraculous from the ground the instant you get government out of the way.

All you ever prove with your posts is what a colossal dumbass you are.
There was no government capable of interfering. The market for our goods was extremely limited and anything but free

I love when conservatives try to attribute their agenda to the founders. Makes them look like desperate fools

You're utterly wrong about that. The English government interfered with private industry in minute detail in those days. "Free market" means the government doesn't interfere. That's all it means.

Your expression "the market for goods was extremely limited" is utterly meaningless. Yes, fewer goods were produced and purchased in those days because our economy wasn't as developed as it is now. All you're saying is that we weren't as wealthy then. No duh? Are you an idiot? Why would anyone expect it to be just as advanced as it currently is after 200 years of the industrial revolution that came about solely because of the existence of the free market?

I laugh when turds like you attempt to deflect that causes economies to grow. It isn't government.
Conservative fantasy

Our founders were not concerned with keeping government away from big business
They were concerned with having a government that was concerned with we the people instead of the monarchy
We had an INTERNAL Free Market to ensure competition between Americans, and tariffs against foreign competitors.

And we grew to be the world's largest economy.
We had an agrarian economy and survived off of tobacco and firs

The marketplace was very limited

"Free market" means the government didn't interfere. The fact that our economy wasn't industrial yet is a result of the fact that it takes time for industry to develop. It doesn't spring up miraculous from the ground the instant you get government out of the way.

All you ever prove with your posts is what a colossal dumbass you are.
There was no government capable of interfering. The market for our goods was extremely limited and anything but free

I love when conservatives try to attribute their agenda to the founders. Makes them look like desperate fools

You're utterly wrong about that. The English government interfered with private industry in minute detail in those days. "Free market" means the government doesn't interfere. That's all it means.

Your expression "the market for goods was extremely limited" is utterly meaningless. Yes, fewer goods were produced and purchased in those days because our economy wasn't as developed as it is now. All you're saying is that we weren't as wealthy then. No duh? Are you an idiot? Why would anyone expect it to be just as advanced as it currently is after 200 years of the industrial revolution that came about solely because of the existence of the free market?

I laugh when turds like you attempt to deflect that causes economies to grow. It isn't government.
Conservative fantasy

Our founders were not concerned with keeping government away from big business
They were concerned with having a government that was concerned with we the people instead of the monarchy

They were concerned with property rights and keeping the government from interfering in commerce. Those are the foundations of the free market.

You're simply and idiot who refuses to acknowledge the history of this country. You can't, because then you'd have to stop believing everything you believe.
I love when conservatives try to attribute their agenda to the founders. Makes them look like desperate fools

There is one aspect of right wingers' proclivities (were they allowed to do so) that match the Founders':

while the fathers of our nation were writing our Constitution and fighting for our liberty, they did, in fact, have hundreds of human beings that were listed in their account books as personal property and worked for them as slaves. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Patrick Henry were all slave-owners.
As there are real ideological and policy differences between the two parties, how do you know that the "hatred" is not based on serious policy differences?

Actually, quite "simple"......

Attack (as I have) Obama on such policies as health care initiatives (which did not go far enough) or for not locking up half of Wall Streeters.

Instead, most criticism of Obama on this forum and others are based on questions of his legitimacy as president; his "religion"; and, most of all, his race.....If you doubt that, be kind enough to review THIS thread alone from your fellow right wingers.

To subjective to confirmation bias, on both sides.
They were concerned with property rights and keeping the government from interfering in commerce. Those are the foundations of the free market.

....that is, until they needed roads, railroads and a protective Navy for their commerce to grow....
It has been scientifically demonstrated that liberals are the worst at understanding people who are different than them.

If you had half a brain you would be embarrassed.

"It has been scientifically proven"????? Perhaps from the same "scientists" who claim that global warming is a myth while coughing through the smog?

(By the way...if YOU had a half-brain, you'd tilt to that side.)


[FONT=Lato, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/25/books/review/the-righteous-mind-by-jonathan-haidt.html?_r=0


"The hardest part, Haidt finds, is getting liberals to open their minds. Anecdotally, he reports that when he talks about authority, loyalty and sanctity, many people in the audience spurn these ideas as the seeds of racism, sexism and homophobia. And in a survey of 2,000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves “very liberal,” were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals. Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment.
Haidt isn’t just scolding liberals, however."

Understanding Conservatives and Liberals | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

"This is a stunning finding with enormous implications. The first is that conservatives can relate to the moral thinking of liberals, but the converse is not true at all. Haidt, who is liberal himself, elegantly explains how and why conservatives will view liberals as merely misguided while liberals tend to view conservatives as incomprehensible, insane, immoral, etc. - See more at: Understanding Conservatives and Liberals | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom."
Wrong. 18th Century liberals were believers in free market capitalism. Modern liberals are Stalinists.
We didn't have free market capitalism in the 18 th century

We had an INTERNAL Free Market to ensure competition between Americans, and tariffs against foreign competitors.

And we grew to be the world's largest economy.
We had an agrarian economy and survived off of tobacco and firs

The marketplace was very limited

"Free market" means the government didn't interfere. The fact that our economy wasn't industrial yet is a result of the fact that it takes time for industry to develop. It doesn't spring up miraculous from the ground the instant you get government out of the way.

All you ever prove with your posts is what a colossal dumbass you are.
There was no government capable of interfering. The market for our goods was extremely limited and anything but free

I love when conservatives try to attribute their agenda to the founders. Makes them look like desperate fools

Modern Conservatives does incorporate the Age of Enlightenment philosophy of the FOunders, while modern "liberals" do not.

ONe of the easiest ways to see this is to ask a conservative and a "liberal" if they believe the Rights are God Given/Inherent, or granted by the State.

LIberals generally get side tracked by their knee jerk opposition to anything Christian, but if you can spend a few days getting them back on topic, believe Rights are granted by the Government, not Inherent.

Conservatives agree with the founders, that they are God Given, or Inherent.
I love when conservatives try to attribute their agenda to the founders. Makes them look like desperate fools

There is one aspect of right wingers' proclivities (were they allowed to do so) that match the Founders':

while the fathers of our nation were writing our Constitution and fighting for our liberty, they did, in fact, have hundreds of human beings that were listed in their account books as personal property and worked for them as slaves. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Patrick Henry were all slave-owners.

We didn't have free market capitalism in the 18 th century

We had an INTERNAL Free Market to ensure competition between Americans, and tariffs against foreign competitors.

And we grew to be the world's largest economy.
We had an agrarian economy and survived off of tobacco and firs

The marketplace was very limited

"Free market" means the government didn't interfere. The fact that our economy wasn't industrial yet is a result of the fact that it takes time for industry to develop. It doesn't spring up miraculous from the ground the instant you get government out of the way.

All you ever prove with your posts is what a colossal dumbass you are.
There was no government capable of interfering. The market for our goods was extremely limited and anything but free

I love when conservatives try to attribute their agenda to the founders. Makes them look like desperate fools

Modern Conservatives does incorporate the Age of Enlightenment philosophy of the FOunders, while modern "liberals" do not.

ONe of the easiest ways to see this is to ask a conservative and a "liberal" if they believe the Rights are God Given/Inherent, or granted by the State.

LIberals generally get side tracked by their knee jerk opposition to anything Christian, but if you can spend a few days getting them back on topic, believe Rights are granted by the Government, not Inherent.

Conservatives agree with the founders, that they are God Given, or Inherent.
You overstate our founders views that God was the source of rights.They knew that if you wanted rights you had to seize them
We had an INTERNAL Free Market to ensure competition between Americans, and tariffs against foreign competitors.

And we grew to be the world's largest economy.
We had an agrarian economy and survived off of tobacco and firs

The marketplace was very limited

"Free market" means the government didn't interfere. The fact that our economy wasn't industrial yet is a result of the fact that it takes time for industry to develop. It doesn't spring up miraculous from the ground the instant you get government out of the way.

All you ever prove with your posts is what a colossal dumbass you are.
There was no government capable of interfering. The market for our goods was extremely limited and anything but free

I love when conservatives try to attribute their agenda to the founders. Makes them look like desperate fools

Modern Conservatives does incorporate the Age of Enlightenment philosophy of the FOunders, while modern "liberals" do not.

ONe of the easiest ways to see this is to ask a conservative and a "liberal" if they believe the Rights are God Given/Inherent, or granted by the State.

LIberals generally get side tracked by their knee jerk opposition to anything Christian, but if you can spend a few days getting them back on topic, believe Rights are granted by the Government, not Inherent.

Conservatives agree with the founders, that they are God Given, or Inherent.
You overstate our founders views that God was the source of rights.They knew that if you wanted rights you had to seize them

the founders believed that rights came from God but that men needed laws to enforce those rights, hence, they wrote the constitution.
You overstate our founders views that God was the source of rights.They knew that if you wanted rights you had to seize them

NO other source in trampling civil rights is more apparent..... that religious zealotry. Have conservatives forgotten Sharia Law?
Why do we support a system that divides us so they can line their pockets, its like nfl teams, people are hardcore fans even though theyre not making the money the players are they have this loyalty to them like they get something out of it.

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Why do we support a system that divides us so they can line their pockets, its like nfl teams, people are hardcore fans even though theyre not making the money the players are they have this loyalty to them like they get something out of it.

You may believe me ....or not.......but I have NO love lost for any politician, including Obama and the entire DNC or RNC. For me, term limits (like the oval office has) and limited public funding of candidates consist the ONLY method of curtailing the greed for power and money of any politician.
I love when conservatives try to attribute their agenda to the founders. Makes them look like desperate fools

There is one aspect of right wingers' proclivities (were they allowed to do so) that match the Founders':

while the fathers of our nation were writing our Constitution and fighting for our liberty, they did, in fact, have hundreds of human beings that were listed in their account books as personal property and worked for them as slaves. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Patrick Henry were all slave-owners.


As Freud once stated (or quipped)....."sometime a cigar is just that......a cigar."
Are you denying the fact that they were white Christian males?

What a stupid question....(as expected)...Sure, they were white and males, BUT they specifically wanted to keep Christianity to be separate from governance. You're more stupid than usual.

The issue here is what non-white non-Christian immigrants have done to make this nation great. So far, none of you leftwing turds have been able to list anything.

Well, The Chinese invented gunpowder, which was used to wrest all this great land from the Indians. It also enabled colonialism and imperialism; both of which contributed to the "greatness" of the USA.
What's keeping you here?
My Apache heritage is keeping me here. You got a problem with that?

What is keeping you here? Obviously you don't respect the Will of the people who elected Obama Twice.
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R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

They just can't bring their racist, elitist asses to pat a black man on the shoulder and say good job when warranted....

grow up. its not about race and never was. its about his liberal socialist hate-America ideology. it has nothing to do with him being half blackj
Oh, I am so glad you said that it is not about race. Millions of Americans thought so;but, I guess you cleared that up. Gee you are a wizard....

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