R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

They just can't bring their racist, elitist asses to pat a black man on the shoulder and say good job when warranted....

grow up. its not about race and never was. its about his liberal socialist hate-America ideology. it has nothing to do with him being half blackj
Yes because the Founding Fathers were Classical Liberals, which today is called a Conservative.
No such thing....a liberal is a liberal is a liberal

They fight the challenges of their day by applying liberalism to it....our founders were the greatest liberals of their day

Conservatives supported the crown

Wrong. 18th Century liberals were believers in free market capitalism. Modern liberals are Stalinists.
We didn't have free market capitalism in the 18 th century

We had an INTERNAL Free Market to ensure competition between Americans, and tariffs against foreign competitors.

And we grew to be the world's largest economy.
We had an agrarian economy and survived off of tobacco and firs

The marketplace was very limited

Correction: my bad, I was thinking more of the 19th century.

Still, the 18th is interesting reading.

"From 1700 to 1775 the output of the colonies increased 12 fold, giving the colonies an economy about 30% the size of Britain's at the time of independence. The free white population of the colonies enjoyed the highest standard of living in the world. Population growth was responsible for over three-quarters of the economic growth of the British American colonies. There was very little change in productivity and little in the way of introduction of new goods and services.[1]
Under the colonial system Britain put restrictions on the type of products that could be made in the colonies and put restrictions on trade outside the British Empire."
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R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

They just can't bring their racist, elitist asses to pat a black man on the shoulder and say good job when warranted....

grow up. its not about race and never was. its about his liberal socialist hate-America ideology. it has nothing to do with him being half blackj
Things are doing better than when Boosh walked into retirement, America is still the world's leading military and economic power, WTF, even Reagan could't do no better...
Republicans has given Obama everything. What you showed me that democrats gave Bush are all liberal programs which I was against. Shows Bush was more liberal than conservative.
Ok then

Name a single Obama initiative that Republicans supported
There must be one

Republicans supported those Bush initiatives. He couldn't do it without them
What has Obama not got? Republicans always cave at the last minute.
Republicans play a game of all or nothing
That is why they end up with nothing
So you admit you are wrong?
You have problems with reading comprehension?
Obama has gotten everything he has wanted, yet you still blame the republicans.
The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.

Really? You should have been here for Bush's last two years... well, no... You should have been here for his entire term. The left was just as bad, so step down from your high horse...

YEP, there are a few of us OLD TIMERS on here that went through the WHOLE BUSH Administration. I haven't seen Avatar much lately. he was another old timer

Like I said: they were BIG BAD Bush haters back then and NOW look at them

waaaaaaa wwaaaaaa
The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.

Really? You should have been here for Bush's last two years... well, no... You should have been here for his entire term. The left was just as bad, so step down from your high horse...

YEP, there are a few of us OLD TIMERS on here that went through the WHOLE BUSH Administration. I haven't seen Avatar much lately. he was another old timer

Like I said: they were BIG BAD Bush haters back then and NOW look at them

waaaaaaa wwaaaaaa
I wasn't here then but on other boards. The same people that called Bush every dirty thing in the book and then some demanded we treat the office with respect when obama took over. Then called us racists when we didn't. Dumb fucks can't see how transparent they are.
You see what the new comers from the left that come here forget. there are a few of us OLD TIMERS that went though Bush with them. I joined in 2004 along with a couple other still here.

so we can SMACK down their lies and of how rwingers just hates the black man Obama liar because it's racism.

go back in that time folks you want to REAL HATE for a man who is President
so we can SMACK down their lies and of how rwingers just hates the black man Obama liar because it's racism.
Uh-Oh.. Stephanie is in SMACK DOWN mode, everybody duck and cover, this could get bloody. :D

"Fasten all seatbelts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the three ring circus, secure all animals in the zoo!" -- Colonel Sandurz, Spaceballs
Are you denying the fact that they were white Christian males?

What a stupid question....(as expected)...Sure, they were white and males, BUT they specifically wanted to keep Christianity to be separate from governance. You're more stupid than usual.

The issue here is what non-white non-Christian immigrants have done to make this nation great. So far, none of you leftwing turds have been able to list anything.

Well, The Chinese invented gunpowder, which was used to wrest all this great land from the Indians. It also enabled colonialism and imperialism; both of which contributed to the "greatness" of the USA.

I asked what non-white non-Christian immigrants have done to make this nation great. Gun powder was invented in China by citizens of China.
Liberals wrote the Constitution over the objections of Conservatives

The people you're calling "liberals" would spit in your face if they ever met you.

Yes because the Founding Fathers were Classical Liberals, which today is called a Conservative.
No such thing....a liberal is a liberal is a liberal

They fight the challenges of their day by applying liberalism to it....our founders were the greatest liberals of their day

Conservatives supported the crown

Wrong. 18th Century liberals were believers in free market capitalism. Modern liberals are Stalinists.
We didn't have free market capitalism in the 18 th century

We had it the minute the Constitution was ratified, numskull.
so we can SMACK down their lies and of how rwingers just hates the black man Obama liar because it's racism.
Uh-Oh.. Stephanie is in SMACK DOWN mode, everybody duck and cover, this could get bloody. :D

"Fasten all seatbelts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the three ring circus, secure all animals in the zoo!" -- Colonel Sandurz, Spaceballs

lol, yep, I'm like oh noooooo you aren't going to get away with saying that.

that's why I'm so loved on this board. :badgrin:
Yes because the Founding Fathers were Classical Liberals, which today is called a Conservative.
No such thing....a liberal is a liberal is a liberal

They fight the challenges of their day by applying liberalism to it....our founders were the greatest liberals of their day

Conservatives supported the crown

Wrong. 18th Century liberals were believers in free market capitalism. Modern liberals are Stalinists.
We didn't have free market capitalism in the 18 th century

We had an INTERNAL Free Market to ensure competition between Americans, and tariffs against foreign competitors.

And we grew to be the world's largest economy.
We had an agrarian economy and survived off of tobacco and firs

The marketplace was very limited

"Free market" means the government didn't interfere. The fact that our economy wasn't industrial yet is a result of the fact that it takes time for industry to develop. It doesn't spring up miraculous from the ground the instant you get government out of the way.

All you ever prove with your posts is what a colossal dumbass you are.
Americans don't hate Obama - they hate he added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years.

Americans don't hate Obama - they hate that he refuses to enforce existing immigration laws, refuses to end Sanctuary cities that violate federal law....

Americans don't hate Obama - they hate he dragged the US into his own war without Congressional approval and used our military to help Al Qaeida - who slaughtered over 1,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - take over their own country

Americans don't hate Obama - they hate he has supplied, armed, trained, and protected ISIS

Americans don't hate Obama - they hate he dragged us into the middle of Syria's civil war by issuing his stupid 'Red Line'

As usual, right wingers like you who claim that you don't hate Obama.....actually hate him because FACTS versus whatever you've been spoon-fed by the lying machine called FOX don't match.....

For example....

The DEBT is now clearly seen because under GWB the war-costs and TARP were NEVER accounted for....your "rationale" is tantamount to blaming the auditor for discovering the misdeeds of a previous administration.

The moronic assertion that Obama is on the side of ISIL and Al-Qaeda by arming, training and protectinf them, CONFIRMS your stupidity and susceptibility to swallow the crap that FOX feeds you and/or the fact that you're one of those who STILL thinks that Obama is a Muslim and somewhat dark-skinned.

Congress has repeatedly REFUSED to vote on any action in Syria and would, from the side-lines, rather blame Obama for either doing NOTHING or doing too much.

Finally, check out how many "illegals" Obama has sent back versus how many GWB sent back....It'd be "enlightening" to your biases.
As there are real ideological and policy differences between the two parties, how do you know that the "hatred" is not based on serious policy differences?

Actually, quite "simple"......

Attack (as I have) Obama on such policies as health care initiatives (which did not go far enough) or for not locking up half of Wall Streeters.

Instead, most criticism of Obama on this forum and others are based on questions of his legitimacy as president; his "religion"; and, most of all, his race.....If you doubt that, be kind enough to review THIS thread alone from your fellow right wingers.
It has been scientifically demonstrated that liberals are the worst at understanding people who are different than them.

If you had half a brain you would be embarrassed.

"It has been scientifically proven"????? Perhaps from the same "scientists" who claim that global warming is a myth while coughing through the smog?

(By the way...if YOU had a half-brain, you'd tilt to that side.)
No such thing....a liberal is a liberal is a liberal

They fight the challenges of their day by applying liberalism to it....our founders were the greatest liberals of their day

Conservatives supported the crown

Wrong. 18th Century liberals were believers in free market capitalism. Modern liberals are Stalinists.
We didn't have free market capitalism in the 18 th century

We had an INTERNAL Free Market to ensure competition between Americans, and tariffs against foreign competitors.

And we grew to be the world's largest economy.
We had an agrarian economy and survived off of tobacco and firs

The marketplace was very limited

"Free market" means the government didn't interfere. The fact that our economy wasn't industrial yet is a result of the fact that it takes time for industry to develop. It doesn't spring up miraculous from the ground the instant you get government out of the way.

All you ever prove with your posts is what a colossal dumbass you are.
There was no government capable of interfering. The market for our goods was extremely limited and anything but free

I love when conservatives try to attribute their agenda to the founders. Makes them look like desperate fools

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