R-W'ers will make fun of this poll by Gallup...nonetheless....

The poll surprises me about Hillary...but not about Trump.....Most Americans are waking up.

For 76 years in a row, the Gallup poll has named the “The Most Admired Woman” and the “Most Admired Man.” This year, Americans chose Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to top the lists, moving Donald Trump to the side. Jeffrey M. Jones with Gallup reports on this year’s picks.

Americans once again are most likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most, as they have for the past 10 years. The pair retain their titles this year, although by much narrower margins than in the past. Obama edges out Donald Trump, 17% to 14%, while Clinton edges out Michelle Obama, 9% to 7%.

In regard to the title of this thread you have created....I for one
will not make fun of it.

Nah...No reason to...That fatass Whore isn't President and that Jaboni
who was Prez, saw 60% of the States reject his policies at the Polls
in 2016.

The only thing I would make fun of is that somebody actually quoted
and began a thread about this meaningless drivel.

But, I am an understanding type and thus I pity those snowflakes
whose lives have been snatched from them as America climbs back to
the top in Power across the entire Globe.


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With no one individual getting more than 20%, the poll doesn't mean much. What would truly be interesting would be to find the average IQ of those who said Barry was the man they most admired.

No Rhodes Scholars, I assure you.
the poll says the most admired person anywhere in the world...

Again, reading comprehension issues......Excerpts from the O/P

This year, Americans chose Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to top the lists, moving Donald Trump to the side. Jeffrey M. Jones with Gallup reports on this year’s picks.

Americans once again.......
The poll surprises me about Hillary...but not about Trump.....Most Americans are waking up.

For 76 years in a row, the Gallup poll has named the “The Most Admired Woman” and the “Most Admired Man.” This year, Americans chose Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to top the lists, moving Donald Trump to the side. Jeffrey M. Jones with Gallup reports on this year’s picks.

Americans once again are most likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most, as they have for the past 10 years. The pair retain their titles this year, although by much narrower margins than in the past. Obama edges out Donald Trump, 17% to 14%, while Clinton edges out Michelle Obama, 9% to 7%.

In regard to the title of this thread you have created....I for one
will not make fun of it.

Nah...No reason to...That fatass Whore isn't President and that Jaboni
who was Prez, saw 60% of the States reject his policies at the Polls
in 2016.

The only thing I would make fun of is that somebody actually quoted
and began a thread about this meaningless drivel.

But, I am an understanding type and thus I pity those snowflakes
whose lives have been snatched from them as America climbs back to
the top in Power across the entire Globe.

Sorry for quoting myself folks...but "Nat" awarded me a "funny."

Every time I type something he cannot respond to...he gives me a

The poll surprises me about Hillary...but not about Trump.....Most Americans are waking up.

For 76 years in a row, the Gallup poll has named the “The Most Admired Woman” and the “Most Admired Man.” This year, Americans chose Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to top the lists, moving Donald Trump to the side. Jeffrey M. Jones with Gallup reports on this year’s picks.

Americans once again are most likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most, as they have for the past 10 years. The pair retain their titles this year, although by much narrower margins than in the past. Obama edges out Donald Trump, 17% to 14%, while Clinton edges out Michelle Obama, 9% to 7%.

In regard to the title of this thread you have created....I for one
will not make fun of it.

Nah...No reason to...That fatass Whore isn't President and that Jaboni
who was Prez, saw 60% of the States reject his policies at the Polls
in 2016.

The only thing I would make fun of is that somebody actually quoted
and began a thread about this meaningless drivel.

But, I am an understanding type and thus I pity those snowflakes
whose lives have been snatched from them as America climbs back to
the top in Power across the entire Globe.

Sorry for quoting myself folks...but "Nat" awarded me a "funny."

Every time I type something he cannot respond to...he gives me a


He does that to everybody.
the poll says the most admired person anywhere in the world...

Again, reading comprehension issues......Excerpts from the O/P

This year, Americans chose Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to top the lists, moving Donald Trump to the side. Jeffrey M. Jones with Gallup reports on this year’s picks.

Americans once again.......
you forgot this part......likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most.....and did i ever say Americans or was that you and the old lady?....you are right nat,you have reading comprehension issues....go see tiger,she can help you.....
Trump is the second most admired person in the world, according to Americans.
Boy, doesnt that put a twist in you bedwetters panties.
And who in the fuck did this poll? 4/5 of the people on that list are complete fucking losers.
Well, Ray.........I DO detect quite a bit of racism in that "proposal" of yours....
Mindful, however, that most naturalized citizens would fare better than US-born ones since they actually study a bit of civics for the citizenship test.

Also, given the education level and quality in most of deep red states, you may be arguing AGAINST your own side of the aisle.

Sure........your argument may exempt quite a few blacks and Hispanics in Louisiana or Mississippi......BUT, it may also make exempt from voting a lot of FOX watchers.........LOL

Now if that don't beat all.........accusing another of racism with a racist filled response.

Hypocrite much???
This year, Americans chose Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to top the lists, moving Donald Trump to the side. Jeffrey M. Jones with Gallup reports on this year’s picks.

Americans once again.......

Congrats to the snowflakes for FINALLY finding a competition where winning the 'Popularity Contest' makes them the winner!


Maybe this win will appease them and they won't be such seditious, butt-hurt sore losers in 2018....

Bwuhahahaha.... :lmao:
Sorry for quoting myself folks...but "Nat" awarded me a "funny."

Every time I type something he cannot respond to...he gives me a


Actually, I (most of the time) abide by George B.Shaw's adage about NOT wrestling with pigs .......

Especially with someone who actually uses the screen name of "DJT for Life"......If there was ever a Trump Cult member, this idiot is IT........LOL
you forgot this part......likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most.....and did i ever say Americans or was that you and the old lady?....you are right nat,you have reading comprehension issues....go see tiger,she can help you...

Still INSISTING that you e labeled an ignorant moron,I see......

Here, I'll make it simple for you.....

Did Gallup poll people throughout the planet......OR, did they just poll people in the U.S.????
Now if that don't beat all.........accusing another of racism with a racist filled response.

Hypocrite much???

Someday, when you grow some more brain cells.....you MAY (not sure) figure out the difference between "racism" and mockery of the UN-educated.....

The poll surprises me about Hillary...but not about Trump.....Most Americans are waking up.

For 76 years in a row, the Gallup poll has named the “The Most Admired Woman” and the “Most Admired Man.” This year, Americans chose Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to top the lists, moving Donald Trump to the side. Jeffrey M. Jones with Gallup reports on this year’s picks.

Americans once again are most likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most, as they have for the past 10 years. The pair retain their titles this year, although by much narrower margins than in the past. Obama edges out Donald Trump, 17% to 14%, while Clinton edges out Michelle Obama, 9% to 7%.
nat so trump is the 2nd most admired guy in the world....he beat the shit out of all those "admired" guys below him...even the pontiff.....
Which makes sense to nobody. Imagine the thin skinned whiny little bitch being more admired than the pope. Maybe only in Bizarro world.

So you agree this poll is nonsense.

Then where is the disagreement?
And what TF is there to admire about hillary?

Well for one thing; she slept her way into a Governor's Mansion, the White House, the Senate and the Secretary of State's Job, so... when it comes to sleeping your way to the top, she's the all time champ.:D
Aint nobody gonna fuck that
Thats part of hillarys problem. Bitch needs to get laid

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