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Rabbi believers Arch of Baal is NWO's model for "Temple of Darkness" in Jerusalem

To answer some of your questions
Book of Jeremiah:

I saved some of David Cloud's & Nicholas' commentaries on the various Pope's claims
I'll post it below.
Regarding humoring the Vatican, in the name of interfaith relations and good will the liberals in Israel will always accommodate certain aspects of the wishes of the Vatican to assure protecting religious rights and holy sites. One of those was Shimon Perez, but there's not many that will accomadate the more intrusive demands.

David W. Cloud put these facts together from various sources:

At the end of the NINTH CENTURY, "Tergandus, Bishop of Treves, called the Pope antichrist, yea, a wolf, and Rome, Babylon" (Martyrs Mirror, 5th English edition, p. 240). In THE TENTH CENTURY, Arnulphus, Bishop of Orleans, called the Pope Antichrist, in a full council at Rheims (Peter Allix, The Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont, 1821, p. 229). In THE ELEVENTH CENTURY, Berenger of Tours denounced Rome's dogmas and maintained that the Roman Church was the See of Satan (George Faber, The History of the Ancient Vallenses and Albigenses, 1838, p. 159). THE WALDENSIANS, throughout their long history, identified the Pope as the Antichrist. The Waldensian treatise titled the Noble Lesson, dated 1100 A.D., stated: "Antichrist, the predicted murderer of the Saints, hath already appeared in his true character, seated monarchally in the seven-hilled city." In 1120 or 1160 A.D., A Treatise Concerning Antichrist identified the Pope of Rome as the Antichrist. George Faber identifies this as a production of Peter the Valdo (Faber, pp. 379-384). In 1206, at the conference of Montreal, the ALBIGENSES made the following confession: "That the Church of Rome was not the spouse of Christ, but the Church of confusion, drunk with the blood of the martyrs. That the polity of the Church of Rome was neither good nor holy, nor established by Jesus Christ" (Peter Allix, The Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of the Albigenses, 1821 edition, first published in 1692, p. 178). The BOHEMIANS, a colony of Waldenses in Bohemia, held the following beliefs, according to the Roman Inquisitor. This description was given in the 14th century but uses material from the 13TH CENTURY: "The first error, saith he, is that the Church of Rome is not the Church of Jesus Christ, but an assembly of wicked men, and the whore that sits upon the beast in the Revelation. ... They declare the Pope to be the head and ringleader of all errors" (Allix, Ancient Churches of Piedmont, pp. 242-259). The LOLLARDS of the 14TH AND 15TH CENTURIES maintained "that the Church of Rome was not the Church of Christ, but of infidel heathens; and they despised all ecclesiastical laws, together with all the Bishops and Ministers of the Church" (Allix, Ancient Churches of the Albigenses, p. 230). The Petrobusians judged the Pope to be the Antichrist (Allix, Ancient Churches of the Albigenses, p. 142). Throughout the Reformation era, Rome was considered the Mother of Harlots. On September 9, 1560, Pastor Jean Louis Paschale of Calabria, just before he was burned alive in the presence of Pope Pius IV in Rome, turned to the Pope and "arraigned him as the enemy of Christ, the persecutor of his people, and the Anti-Christ of Scripture, and concluded by summoning him and all his cardinals to answer for their cruelties and murders before the throne of the Lamb" (J.A. Wylie, History of the Waldenses, c1860, p. 120). All of the REFORMATION leaders considered the Pope the Antichrist, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Huss; their successors in the 16TH, 17TH, 18TH, AND 19TH CENTURIES persisted in this. Bible translator William Tyndale identified the Pope as the Antichrist in his treatise The Practice of Prelates and in the Preface to the 1534 edition of his New Testament. Many of the early Protestant Bibles contained dramatic wood cuttings portraying the Scarlet Woman of Revelation 17, plainly identifying the Roman Catholic Church with this apostate religious system. In his 1893 work titled Union with Rome, Bishop Christopher Wordsworth of the Church of England stated the view which prevailed among Protestants at that time: "... we tremble at the sight, while we read the inscription, emblazoned in large letters, 'Mystery, Babylon the Great,' written by the hand of St. John, guided by the Holy Spirit of God, on the forehead of the Church of Rome." These examples could be multiplied almost endlessly. Old-line Protestants, Baptists, and other Fundamentalist Christians continue TODAY to identify Rome with Revelation 17.
Every feature of this religious Harlot is found in the Roman Catholic Church and it�s rituals & idol worship: Yoked together with secular government, having great wealth, clothed in purple and scarlet, drunk with the blood of the saints.
-------end David Cloud�s research---------

----------This portion researched by Nicholas---------
"The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ
himself, hidden under the veil of flesh." Catholic National July 1895.
"For thou art the shepherd, thou art the physician, thou art the director,
thou art the husbandman, finally thou art another God on earth." Labbe and
Cossart's "History of the Councils." Vol. XIV, col. 109
The title "Lord God the Pope" is found within a gloss of Extravagantes of
Pope John XXII, title 14, chapter 4,
Roman Catholic Canon Law stipulates through Pope Innocent III that the Roman
pontiff is "the vicegerent upon earth, not a mere man, but of a very God;"

The Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution
that ever existed... It is impossible to form a complete conception of the
multitudes of her victims." W.E.H. Lecky, History of the rise of
rationalisim in Europe 1910, vol. 2, p.32
----end that portion-- Researched by- Nicholas---
Thank you, HaShev. I have not heard of David Cloud before. This is outstanding information. You mentioned Shimone Peres. You do realize that Shimone Peres was a Jesuit? Yes. Peres was an agent of Rome and the man who nominated Pope Francis for the position of head of a One World Religion at the United Nations.
Israel’s Jesuit President, Shimon Peres heads again to Rome to offer Pope Francis I the Cenacle (Church with the Upper Room) and an International Jerusalem

Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion – The Truth

Pope Francis Picked to Lead One-World Religion. Cornelia Ferreira

Peres proposes ‘UN for religions’ to pope at Vatican

sheeeesh Shimon Peres always gave me the creeps JUST AS DOES
FRANCIS---------now I know why. For Sassy-----are you aware of the
factoid that Shimon Peres WAS ON YIGAL AMIR's hit list?
(yigal amir is the kid who shot rabin)
To answer some of your questions
Book of Jeremiah:

I saved some of David Cloud's & Nicholas' commentaries on the various Pope's claims
I'll post it below.
Regarding humoring the Vatican, in the name of interfaith relations and good will the liberals in Israel will always accommodate certain aspects of the wishes of the Vatican to assure protecting religious rights and holy sites. One of those was Shimon Perez, but there's not many that will accomadate the more intrusive demands.

David W. Cloud put these facts together from various sources:

At the end of the NINTH CENTURY, "Tergandus, Bishop of Treves, called the Pope antichrist, yea, a wolf, and Rome, Babylon" (Martyrs Mirror, 5th English edition, p. 240). In THE TENTH CENTURY, Arnulphus, Bishop of Orleans, called the Pope Antichrist, in a full council at Rheims (Peter Allix, The Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont, 1821, p. 229). In THE ELEVENTH CENTURY, Berenger of Tours denounced Rome's dogmas and maintained that the Roman Church was the See of Satan (George Faber, The History of the Ancient Vallenses and Albigenses, 1838, p. 159). THE WALDENSIANS, throughout their long history, identified the Pope as the Antichrist. The Waldensian treatise titled the Noble Lesson, dated 1100 A.D., stated: "Antichrist, the predicted murderer of the Saints, hath already appeared in his true character, seated monarchally in the seven-hilled city." In 1120 or 1160 A.D., A Treatise Concerning Antichrist identified the Pope of Rome as the Antichrist. George Faber identifies this as a production of Peter the Valdo (Faber, pp. 379-384). In 1206, at the conference of Montreal, the ALBIGENSES made the following confession: "That the Church of Rome was not the spouse of Christ, but the Church of confusion, drunk with the blood of the martyrs. That the polity of the Church of Rome was neither good nor holy, nor established by Jesus Christ" (Peter Allix, The Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of the Albigenses, 1821 edition, first published in 1692, p. 178). The BOHEMIANS, a colony of Waldenses in Bohemia, held the following beliefs, according to the Roman Inquisitor. This description was given in the 14th century but uses material from the 13TH CENTURY: "The first error, saith he, is that the Church of Rome is not the Church of Jesus Christ, but an assembly of wicked men, and the whore that sits upon the beast in the Revelation. ... They declare the Pope to be the head and ringleader of all errors" (Allix, Ancient Churches of Piedmont, pp. 242-259). The LOLLARDS of the 14TH AND 15TH CENTURIES maintained "that the Church of Rome was not the Church of Christ, but of infidel heathens; and they despised all ecclesiastical laws, together with all the Bishops and Ministers of the Church" (Allix, Ancient Churches of the Albigenses, p. 230). The Petrobusians judged the Pope to be the Antichrist (Allix, Ancient Churches of the Albigenses, p. 142). Throughout the Reformation era, Rome was considered the Mother of Harlots. On September 9, 1560, Pastor Jean Louis Paschale of Calabria, just before he was burned alive in the presence of Pope Pius IV in Rome, turned to the Pope and "arraigned him as the enemy of Christ, the persecutor of his people, and the Anti-Christ of Scripture, and concluded by summoning him and all his cardinals to answer for their cruelties and murders before the throne of the Lamb" (J.A. Wylie, History of the Waldenses, c1860, p. 120). All of the REFORMATION leaders considered the Pope the Antichrist, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Huss; their successors in the 16TH, 17TH, 18TH, AND 19TH CENTURIES persisted in this. Bible translator William Tyndale identified the Pope as the Antichrist in his treatise The Practice of Prelates and in the Preface to the 1534 edition of his New Testament. Many of the early Protestant Bibles contained dramatic wood cuttings portraying the Scarlet Woman of Revelation 17, plainly identifying the Roman Catholic Church with this apostate religious system. In his 1893 work titled Union with Rome, Bishop Christopher Wordsworth of the Church of England stated the view which prevailed among Protestants at that time: "... we tremble at the sight, while we read the inscription, emblazoned in large letters, 'Mystery, Babylon the Great,' written by the hand of St. John, guided by the Holy Spirit of God, on the forehead of the Church of Rome." These examples could be multiplied almost endlessly. Old-line Protestants, Baptists, and other Fundamentalist Christians continue TODAY to identify Rome with Revelation 17.
Every feature of this religious Harlot is found in the Roman Catholic Church and it�s rituals & idol worship: Yoked together with secular government, having great wealth, clothed in purple and scarlet, drunk with the blood of the saints.
-------end David Cloud�s research---------

----------This portion researched by Nicholas---------
"The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ
himself, hidden under the veil of flesh." Catholic National July 1895.
"For thou art the shepherd, thou art the physician, thou art the director,
thou art the husbandman, finally thou art another God on earth." Labbe and
Cossart's "History of the Councils." Vol. XIV, col. 109
The title "Lord God the Pope" is found within a gloss of Extravagantes of
Pope John XXII, title 14, chapter 4,
Roman Catholic Canon Law stipulates through Pope Innocent III that the Roman
pontiff is "the vicegerent upon earth, not a mere man, but of a very God;"

The Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution
that ever existed... It is impossible to form a complete conception of the
multitudes of her victims." W.E.H. Lecky, History of the rise of
rationalisim in Europe 1910, vol. 2, p.32
----end that portion-- Researched by- Nicholas---
Thank you, HaShev. I have not heard of David Cloud before. This is outstanding information. You mentioned Shimone Peres. You do realize that Shimone Peres was a Jesuit? Yes. Peres was an agent of Rome and the man who nominated Pope Francis for the position of head of a One World Religion at the United Nations.
Israel’s Jesuit President, Shimon Peres heads again to Rome to offer Pope Francis I the Cenacle (Church with the Upper Room) and an International Jerusalem

Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion – The Truth

Pope Francis Picked to Lead One-World Religion. Cornelia Ferreira

Peres proposes ‘UN for religions’ to pope at Vatican

sheeeesh Shimon Peres always gave me the creeps JUST AS DOES
FRANCIS---------now I know why. For Sassy-----are you aware of the
factoid that Shimon Peres WAS ON YIGAL AMIR's hit list?
(yigal amir is the kid who shot rabin)
You have to understand that the Jesuits (Vatican military arm - deep cover) have their own people orchestrating such happenings in order to protect those who were the mastermind behind it. This is classic Jesuit strategies, Rose. The Jesuits are masters of deception. Keep in mind that Shimone Peres was a Jesuit.

Read this one:
The Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem: Shimon Peres charged with the murder of Yitzhak Rabin!
April 27, 2006/ 30 Nisan 5766

We, the undersigned, leaders of major Jewish groups and organizations, hereby sorrowfully acknowledge our lack of leadership in pursuit of justice for slain Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

We deeply regret standing idly by the blood of our brother Yitzhak Rabin, especially after the initial shock of his assassination wore off and gaping holes were exposed in the corrupt conclusions of the Shamgar Commission that we refused to believe. However, we are now convinced the Shamgar Commission represents nothing more than the official Israeli government cover-up of the Yitzhak Rabin assassination, orchestrated by the Israeli oligarchy outed by Forbes Israel, who were just following their Euro-Nazi orders, specifically Shimon Peres, as part of their plan to sell out Israel to foreign interests.
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?
With five thoroughly researched books on the subject all asserting
that the General Security Services (Shabak) organized the murder, Barak
has to be very worried. Most worrisome of all, three of the books
contend that Barak’s Minister Of Regional Affairs, Shimon Peres, was the
mastermind of the assassination.

“All in all,” notes Bainerman, “the case against Peres is
circumstantial, but the weight of the evidence is impressive enough to
start legal proceedings against him.”

The case for an internal coup is based on indisputable police and
medical reports that defy the official version of the assassination.
According to the government’s version, Rabin was shot twice in the back
from a foot-and-a-half range. But the police crime laboratory proved
Rabin was shot at point-blank range. More shocking, the hospital
records prove Rabin was shot not twice, but three times, and once from
the front.

Linda Goldman co-produced a four-minute report of the assassination
for “NBC-Extra.” She observes: “The police and hospital records prove
beyond doubt that Amir could not have been Rabin’s killer. All the
filmed and eye-witness testimonies ...

Read more at A skeleton in Barak’s closet
Do not be shocked, Rose. The Vatican's Jesuits have infiltrated the highest offices in every country including Israel (and America). The Jesuits have a history of assassinating Presidents (Jesuits were behind Lincoln Assassination) Kings, Queens, Prime Ministers, anyone who is in their way. One of the ways to expose these people is to watch what they do (not what they say). We know that Peres sought to internationalize Jerusalem. That he was the man who nominated Pope Francis to be the UN head with unlimited authority / power over all religion / One World Religion. With Moshe Dayan we have a man who gave the Temple Mount back to the Muslim Arabs just ten days after the 1967 six day war. A man who personally oversaw and involved himself with archaeological digs (for decades) and took whatever was discovered and of importance into his personal possession and we know that after his death it was discovered that these artifacts were missing and what was left behind was perhaps -not so ancient as the list included flashlights, etc. So where did those missing artifacts disappear to? It is likely they are sitting in the Vatican vaults right now. The enemy is not only inside the gates. The enemy is within and installed in the seat of power (at every level) reporting back to Rome.
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?
Something else the Black Pope and his Jesuits are known for doing. They will allow a discredited source to tell the story because they believe that will further their agenda for the majority of people not to believe it. It's another tactic for getting out in front of the truth. They are also big on accusing anyone who opposes them as "crazy," "unhinged," "a nutcase." Shimon was a Jesuit. He was educated by the Jesuits! Look at what he did. Rabin? Some accused him of being a Mason but it was never proven and even if he had at some point become a member there are those who are in the know and those who are not. So that in itself would prove nothing. Yigal Amir? The Vatican has their own people inside the Islamic religious communities to arrange such events in exchange for something or they may use deception and the Islamic community is none the wiser.
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?
Something else the Black Pope and his Jesuits are known for doing. They will allow a discredited source to tell the story because they believe that will further their agenda for the majority of people not to believe it. It's another tactic for getting out in front of the truth. They are also big on accusing anyone who opposes them as "crazy," "unhinged," "a nutcase." Shimon was a Jesuit. He was educated by the Jesuits! Look at what he did. Rabin? Some accused him of being a Mason but it was never proven and even if he had at some point become a member there are those who are in the know and those who are not. So that in itself would prove nothing. Yigal Amir? The Vatican has their own people inside the Islamic religious communities to arrange such events in exchange for something or they may use deception and the Islamic community is none the wiser.

Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?
Something else the Black Pope and his Jesuits are known for doing. They will allow a discredited source to tell the story because they believe that will further their agenda for the majority of people not to believe it. It's another tactic for getting out in front of the truth. They are also big on accusing anyone who opposes them as "crazy," "unhinged," "a nutcase." Shimon was a Jesuit. He was educated by the Jesuits! Look at what he did. Rabin? Some accused him of being a Mason but it was never proven and even if he had at some point become a member there are those who are in the know and those who are not. So that in itself would prove nothing. Yigal Amir? The Vatican has their own people inside the Islamic religious communities to arrange such events in exchange for something or they may use deception and the Islamic community is none the wiser.

Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
My mistake. The Vatican has its own agents inside the Jewish religious communities AND the Islamic religious communities. It means nothing. Bottom line is I believe that Jesuit Shimon Peres was the mastermind behind the assassination.
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?
Something else the Black Pope and his Jesuits are known for doing. They will allow a discredited source to tell the story because they believe that will further their agenda for the majority of people not to believe it. It's another tactic for getting out in front of the truth. They are also big on accusing anyone who opposes them as "crazy," "unhinged," "a nutcase." Shimon was a Jesuit. He was educated by the Jesuits! Look at what he did. Rabin? Some accused him of being a Mason but it was never proven and even if he had at some point become a member there are those who are in the know and those who are not. So that in itself would prove nothing. Yigal Amir? The Vatican has their own people inside the Islamic religious communities to arrange such events in exchange for something or they may use deception and the Islamic community is none the wiser.

Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
My mistake. The Vatican has its own agents inside the Jewish religious communities AND the Islamic religious communities. It means nothing. Bottom line is I believe that Jesuit Shimon Peres was the mastermind behind the assassination.

oh----well Yigal was not actually living in a religious community like "b'nai brak" he was
an adult attending college-------he WAS very much influenced by some sort of activist who
seems to have been a little shady-------but Yigal REALLY was out to get Peres TOO!!!
It is --maybe possible---that the person who was pushing at YIGAL saw him as a
vulnerable PAWN. sheeeesh
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?

Barry Chamish the Canadian-born Israeli writer and public speaker is just delving into uncomfortable and unpopular subject matter in the way any conspiracy writer gets people to think outside their comfort zone.
A nice well intentioned guy, you shouldn't make comments like that just because you disagree with some theories.
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?
Something else the Black Pope and his Jesuits are known for doing. They will allow a discredited source to tell the story because they believe that will further their agenda for the majority of people not to believe it. It's another tactic for getting out in front of the truth. They are also big on accusing anyone who opposes them as "crazy," "unhinged," "a nutcase." Shimon was a Jesuit. He was educated by the Jesuits! Look at what he did. Rabin? Some accused him of being a Mason but it was never proven and even if he had at some point become a member there are those who are in the know and those who are not. So that in itself would prove nothing. Yigal Amir? The Vatican has their own people inside the Islamic religious communities to arrange such events in exchange for something or they may use deception and the Islamic community is none the wiser.

Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
My mistake. The Vatican has its own agents inside the Jewish religious communities AND the Islamic religious communities. It means nothing. Bottom line is I believe that Jesuit Shimon Peres was the mastermind behind the assassination.

oh----well Yigal was not actually living in a religious community like "b'nai brak" he was
an adult attending college-------he WAS very much influenced by some sort of activist who
seems to have been a little shady-------but Yigal REALLY was out to get Peres TOO!!!
It is --maybe possible---that the person who was pushing at YIGAL saw him as a
vulnerable PAWN. sheeeesh
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?
Something else the Black Pope and his Jesuits are known for doing. They will allow a discredited source to tell the story because they believe that will further their agenda for the majority of people not to believe it. It's another tactic for getting out in front of the truth. They are also big on accusing anyone who opposes them as "crazy," "unhinged," "a nutcase." Shimon was a Jesuit. He was educated by the Jesuits! Look at what he did. Rabin? Some accused him of being a Mason but it was never proven and even if he had at some point become a member there are those who are in the know and those who are not. So that in itself would prove nothing. Yigal Amir? The Vatican has their own people inside the Islamic religious communities to arrange such events in exchange for something or they may use deception and the Islamic community is none the wiser.

Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
My mistake. The Vatican has its own agents inside the Jewish religious communities AND the Islamic religious communities. It means nothing. Bottom line is I believe that Jesuit Shimon Peres was the mastermind behind the assassination.

oh----well Yigal was not actually living in a religious community like "b'nai brak" he was
an adult attending college-------he WAS very much influenced by some sort of activist who
seems to have been a little shady-------but Yigal REALLY was out to get Peres TOO!!!
It is --maybe possible---that the person who was pushing at YIGAL saw him as a
vulnerable PAWN. sheeeesh
Making Yigal a perfect candidate. It's known as "killing two birds with one stone" which is a saying attributed to Jesuit John Heywood. The Jesuits have quite a few interesting sayings you'd recognize. Once you realize the utter depths of their wickedness you'll find deeper meaning to what they were quoted as saying.
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Jasper and John Heywood

I should add that Jesuit John Heywood married the mass murderer and Catholic Inquistor Thomas More's niece. Thomas More was sainted for his "work" for the Roman Catholic Church. Thomas More - Wikipedia
Last edited:
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?
Something else the Black Pope and his Jesuits are known for doing. They will allow a discredited source to tell the story because they believe that will further their agenda for the majority of people not to believe it. It's another tactic for getting out in front of the truth. They are also big on accusing anyone who opposes them as "crazy," "unhinged," "a nutcase." Shimon was a Jesuit. He was educated by the Jesuits! Look at what he did. Rabin? Some accused him of being a Mason but it was never proven and even if he had at some point become a member there are those who are in the know and those who are not. So that in itself would prove nothing. Yigal Amir? The Vatican has their own people inside the Islamic religious communities to arrange such events in exchange for something or they may use deception and the Islamic community is none the wiser.

Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
My mistake. The Vatican has its own agents inside the Jewish religious communities AND the Islamic religious communities. It means nothing. Bottom line is I believe that Jesuit Shimon Peres was the mastermind behind the assassination.

oh----well Yigal was not actually living in a religious community like "b'nai brak" he was
an adult attending college-------he WAS very much influenced by some sort of activist who
seems to have been a little shady-------but Yigal REALLY was out to get Peres TOO!!!
It is --maybe possible---that the person who was pushing at YIGAL saw him as a
vulnerable PAWN. sheeeesh
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?
Something else the Black Pope and his Jesuits are known for doing. They will allow a discredited source to tell the story because they believe that will further their agenda for the majority of people not to believe it. It's another tactic for getting out in front of the truth. They are also big on accusing anyone who opposes them as "crazy," "unhinged," "a nutcase." Shimon was a Jesuit. He was educated by the Jesuits! Look at what he did. Rabin? Some accused him of being a Mason but it was never proven and even if he had at some point become a member there are those who are in the know and those who are not. So that in itself would prove nothing. Yigal Amir? The Vatican has their own people inside the Islamic religious communities to arrange such events in exchange for something or they may use deception and the Islamic community is none the wiser.

Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
My mistake. The Vatican has its own agents inside the Jewish religious communities AND the Islamic religious communities. It means nothing. Bottom line is I believe that Jesuit Shimon Peres was the mastermind behind the assassination.

oh----well Yigal was not actually living in a religious community like "b'nai brak" he was
an adult attending college-------he WAS very much influenced by some sort of activist who
seems to have been a little shady-------but Yigal REALLY was out to get Peres TOO!!!
It is --maybe possible---that the person who was pushing at YIGAL saw him as a
vulnerable PAWN. sheeeesh
Making Yigal a perfect candidate. It's known as "killing two birds with one stone" which is a saying attributed to Jesuit John Heywood. The Jesuits have quite a few interesting sayings you'd recognize. Once you realize the utter depths of their wickedness you'll find deeper meaning to what they were quoted as saying.
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Jasper and John Heywood

could be Yigal was targeted------Yemenites have a REALLY SINGULAR REPUTATION for
being emotional naïve pushovers in Israel. (that's how I nabbed my Yemenite)
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?

Barry Chamish the Canadian-born Israeli writer and public speaker is just delving into uncomfortable and unpopular subject matter in the way any conspiracy writer gets people to think outside their comfort zone.
A nice well intentioned guy, you shouldn't make comments like that just because you disagree with some theories.
That Barry Chamish's name was slandered so viciously (not referring to Rose's comment here) leads me to believe his name is worthy of great respect. Only those who are on the frontlines of the battle for truth come under such fire. On that note, anyone searching for the truth about Jesuits should make it a priority to read everything ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera exposed about the Vatican - White Pope / Black Pope and Jesuits. Avro Manhattan is another excellent source as is Alexander Hislop - these books are still published by Chick publications much to the dismay of Rome. There were at least 6 attempts on Rivera's life before they (Jesuits) finally murdered him.
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?

Barry Chamish the Canadian-born Israeli writer and public speaker is just delving into uncomfortable and unpopular subject matter in the way any conspiracy writer gets people to think outside their comfort zone.
A nice well intentioned guy, you shouldn't make comments like that just because you disagree with some theories.
That Barry Chamish's name was slandered so viciously (not referring to Rose's comment here) leads me to believe his name is worthy of great respect. Only those who are on the frontlines of the battle for truth come under such fire. On that note, anyone searching for the truth about Jesuits should make it a priority to read everything ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera exposed about the Vatican - White Pope / Black Pope and Jesuits. Avro Manhattan is another excellent source as is Alexander Hislop - these books are still published by Chick publications much to the dismay of Rome. There were at least 6 attempts on Rivera's life before they (Jesuits) finally murdered him.

I will revisit the chamish output------I read some of his stuff years ago and it seemed
Something else the Black Pope and his Jesuits are known for doing. They will allow a discredited source to tell the story because they believe that will further their agenda for the majority of people not to believe it. It's another tactic for getting out in front of the truth. They are also big on accusing anyone who opposes them as "crazy," "unhinged," "a nutcase." Shimon was a Jesuit. He was educated by the Jesuits! Look at what he did. Rabin? Some accused him of being a Mason but it was never proven and even if he had at some point become a member there are those who are in the know and those who are not. So that in itself would prove nothing. Yigal Amir? The Vatican has their own people inside the Islamic religious communities to arrange such events in exchange for something or they may use deception and the Islamic community is none the wiser.

Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
My mistake. The Vatican has its own agents inside the Jewish religious communities AND the Islamic religious communities. It means nothing. Bottom line is I believe that Jesuit Shimon Peres was the mastermind behind the assassination.

oh----well Yigal was not actually living in a religious community like "b'nai brak" he was
an adult attending college-------he WAS very much influenced by some sort of activist who
seems to have been a little shady-------but Yigal REALLY was out to get Peres TOO!!!
It is --maybe possible---that the person who was pushing at YIGAL saw him as a
vulnerable PAWN. sheeeesh
Something else the Black Pope and his Jesuits are known for doing. They will allow a discredited source to tell the story because they believe that will further their agenda for the majority of people not to believe it. It's another tactic for getting out in front of the truth. They are also big on accusing anyone who opposes them as "crazy," "unhinged," "a nutcase." Shimon was a Jesuit. He was educated by the Jesuits! Look at what he did. Rabin? Some accused him of being a Mason but it was never proven and even if he had at some point become a member there are those who are in the know and those who are not. So that in itself would prove nothing. Yigal Amir? The Vatican has their own people inside the Islamic religious communities to arrange such events in exchange for something or they may use deception and the Islamic community is none the wiser.

Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
My mistake. The Vatican has its own agents inside the Jewish religious communities AND the Islamic religious communities. It means nothing. Bottom line is I believe that Jesuit Shimon Peres was the mastermind behind the assassination.

oh----well Yigal was not actually living in a religious community like "b'nai brak" he was
an adult attending college-------he WAS very much influenced by some sort of activist who
seems to have been a little shady-------but Yigal REALLY was out to get Peres TOO!!!
It is --maybe possible---that the person who was pushing at YIGAL saw him as a
vulnerable PAWN. sheeeesh
Making Yigal a perfect candidate. It's known as "killing two birds with one stone" which is a saying attributed to Jesuit John Heywood. The Jesuits have quite a few interesting sayings you'd recognize. Once you realize the utter depths of their wickedness you'll find deeper meaning to what they were quoted as saying.
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Jasper and John Heywood

could be Yigal was targeted------Yemenites have a REALLY SINGULAR REPUTATION for
being emotional naïve pushovers in Israel. (that's how I nabbed my Yemenite)
I've never met your Yemenite but from what I know he has a pure heart and pure hearts are often mistaken for being naïve because to the pure all things are pure.
It is written: Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

Now I believe it was the divine providence of G-d that He chose your husband for you. I doubt you could have persuaded him otherwise had it not been G-ds will.
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?

Barry Chamish the Canadian-born Israeli writer and public speaker is just delving into uncomfortable and unpopular subject matter in the way any conspiracy writer gets people to think outside their comfort zone.
A nice well intentioned guy, you shouldn't make comments like that just because you disagree with some theories.
That Barry Chamish's name was slandered so viciously (not referring to Rose's comment here) leads me to believe his name is worthy of great respect. Only those who are on the frontlines of the battle for truth come under such fire. On that note, anyone searching for the truth about Jesuits should make it a priority to read everything ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera exposed about the Vatican - White Pope / Black Pope and Jesuits. Avro Manhattan is another excellent source as is Alexander Hislop - these books are still published by Chick publications much to the dismay of Rome. There were at least 6 attempts on Rivera's life before they (Jesuits) finally murdered him.

I will revisit the chamish output------I read some of his stuff years ago and it seemed
The truth often appears outlandish. Until it does not.
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?

Barry Chamish the Canadian-born Israeli writer and public speaker is just delving into uncomfortable and unpopular subject matter in the way any conspiracy writer gets people to think outside their comfort zone.
A nice well intentioned guy, you shouldn't make comments like that just because you disagree with some theories.
That Barry Chamish's name was slandered so viciously (not referring to Rose's comment here) leads me to believe his name is worthy of great respect. Only those who are on the frontlines of the battle for truth come under such fire. On that note, anyone searching for the truth about Jesuits should make it a priority to read everything ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera exposed about the Vatican - White Pope / Black Pope and Jesuits. Avro Manhattan is another excellent source as is Alexander Hislop - these books are still published by Chick publications much to the dismay of Rome. There were at least 6 attempts on Rivera's life before they (Jesuits) finally murdered him.

I will revisit the chamish output------I read some of his stuff years ago and it seemed
That is fair.
I remember the name barry chamish ------I am withholding the urge to GOOGLE HIM------Just
about all I remember is that he is a nut. Shimon was a Jesuit? Was Rabin also a Jesuit?
How about Yigal Amir?

Barry Chamish the Canadian-born Israeli writer and public speaker is just delving into uncomfortable and unpopular subject matter in the way any conspiracy writer gets people to think outside their comfort zone.
A nice well intentioned guy, you shouldn't make comments like that just because you disagree with some theories.
You are not meshugenah. I apologize. We do not agree on certain matters but on other matters we do agree. I do appreciate your insight and research on Rome. It's quite helpful.
Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
My mistake. The Vatican has its own agents inside the Jewish religious communities AND the Islamic religious communities. It means nothing. Bottom line is I believe that Jesuit Shimon Peres was the mastermind behind the assassination.

oh----well Yigal was not actually living in a religious community like "b'nai brak" he was
an adult attending college-------he WAS very much influenced by some sort of activist who
seems to have been a little shady-------but Yigal REALLY was out to get Peres TOO!!!
It is --maybe possible---that the person who was pushing at YIGAL saw him as a
vulnerable PAWN. sheeeesh
Yigal Amir is DA JEW who killed Rabin. His background includes either one or both parents---
Yemenite (hubby did not eat for a week) He is very religiously observant------and a bit clever---
whilst in Jail----he not only managed to marry a nice pretty Russian immigrant ------and----he even
managed to impregnate her LONG DISTANCE. He stated that RABIN was on his hit list----both
rabin and peres. I believe that if Moshe Dayan was still alive when Yigal was shooting-----he would
have been on the hit list. Yigal was motivated by issues of religion----and JERUSALEM
My mistake. The Vatican has its own agents inside the Jewish religious communities AND the Islamic religious communities. It means nothing. Bottom line is I believe that Jesuit Shimon Peres was the mastermind behind the assassination.

oh----well Yigal was not actually living in a religious community like "b'nai brak" he was
an adult attending college-------he WAS very much influenced by some sort of activist who
seems to have been a little shady-------but Yigal REALLY was out to get Peres TOO!!!
It is --maybe possible---that the person who was pushing at YIGAL saw him as a
vulnerable PAWN. sheeeesh
Making Yigal a perfect candidate. It's known as "killing two birds with one stone" which is a saying attributed to Jesuit John Heywood. The Jesuits have quite a few interesting sayings you'd recognize. Once you realize the utter depths of their wickedness you'll find deeper meaning to what they were quoted as saying.
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Jasper and John Heywood

could be Yigal was targeted------Yemenites have a REALLY SINGULAR REPUTATION for
being emotional naïve pushovers in Israel. (that's how I nabbed my Yemenite)
I've never met your Yemenite but from what I know he has a pure heart and pure hearts are often mistaken for being naïve because to the pure all things are pure.
It is written: Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

Now I believe it was the divine providence of G-d that He chose your husband for you. I doubt you could have persuaded him otherwise had it not been G-ds will.[/QUOTE

I will tell him you said so-------he is already fond of you ----JEREMIAH is his fave prophet

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