Rabbi Michael Lerner:What I Said at the Largest Gathering of North American Muslims


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The Rabbi will get lots of hate mail an death threats

I was honored to be asked to speak to 20,000 peace-and-justice-oriented Muslims at the largest North American annual convention of Muslims — called Reviving the Islamic Spirit — which took place over Christmas weekend in Toronto, Canada. I’d like to tell you a little of what I said, and a little about the fascinating discussions that took place.


My talk:

I’m happy to report to you that on one issue a very large number of Jews are united: we will not let the actions of some violent extremists who claim to be acting in the name of Islam become the excuse through which prejudiced haters in Western countries blame all Muslims and seek to demean them, and in the United States, seek to discriminate against Muslims.

Jews made clear our refusal to buy into that Islmophobia when in the November election we joined with Muslims and African Americans in being one of the only 3 groups that voted against Trump and his Islamophobia. 70% of Jews voted for Hillary Clinton, not because we thought she was an embodiment of our highest ideals, but because we wanted to say as clearly as possible that we would not overlook the way the Trump campaign was manipulating hatred of African Americans and Muslims as well as hatred of feminist women and promoting an ultra-nationalist revival that claimed to be about “lets make America great again” but whose subtext was “lets make America white and right-wing Christian again.”

We stand firmly with our Muslim sisters and brothers who have felt the lash of prejudice and discrimination in this country. We will not accept attempts to bypass the Constitution by imposing religious tests on immigrants.

We call on our fellow citizens to stand up against every attempt to erode the institutions of democracy, the press, religion, labor unions, political parties, the judicial system and the rule of law itself. Having made significant gains in efforts to protect the endangered environment, we will vigorously protest moves to withdraw from the international climate treaty, to weaken regulations on carbon emissions and undermine the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Even if the majority of our fellow citizens join the chorus claiming the moral supremacy of America, we will not. Should laws be passed calling for limiting the rights of the Muslim community, we will oppose this. Should Muslims be required to register, we will register as Muslims. Should the Government move to deport eleven million undocumented aliens from the United States, we will resist.

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