Race and Crime in America..

So "Race and Crime In America" is now HISTORY! THANK GOD!
So "Race and Crime In America" is now HISTORY! THANK GOD!
Some of it is, some of it isn't. Your OP is.

"History" is a term even the most elementary must comprehend. Now, your guilt is certainly not history, but I suppose a personal and contemporary matter to you but of little consequence to the rest of us.

Still, not appropriate for pimping.
So "Race and Crime In America" is now HISTORY! THANK GOD!
Some of it is, some of it isn't. Your OP is.

"History" is a term even the most elementary must comprehend. Now, your guilt is certainly not history, but I suppose a personal and contemporary matter to you but of little consequence to the rest of us.

Still, not appropriate for pimping.

You do understand a "title" is part of an OP.........

But I'll celebrate that the OP is a part of American History finally. It took the weak minded long enough to admit they didn't discover America.
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Maybe this thread started because we kidnapped blacks at gun point.

We did no such thing. If you're going to cite history, then cite it accurately. We bought slaves, we didn't kidnap them. Other Africans enslaved them and sold them. The likely alternative to enslavement was death, for most of these slaves were captured during tribal wars or were criminals.

What's your argument, that it would have been preferable that these slaves were killed by their African captures? Some people do in fact argue that death would have been preferable to a life of slavery, so is that your argument? The mass murder of 12 million African captives would have been the better option to take?

The Atlantic slave traders, ordered by trade volume, were: the Portuguese, the British, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch Empire, and the United States. They had established outposts on the African coast where they purchased slaves from local African leaders. . . . .

Africans played a direct role in the slave trade, selling their captives or prisoners of war to European buyers.[20] The prisoners and captives who were sold were usually from neighbouring or enemy ethnic groups.[8] These captive slaves were considered "other", not part of the people of the ethnic group or "tribe" ; African kings held no particular loyalty to them. Sometimes criminals would be sold so that they could no longer commit crimes in that area.​
You are still a bigot. Same bigot, different targets for your bigotry.

Awesome. Care to explain or do you just rely on vague posts? Am I a bigot against whites now because I understand our history?

Perhaps I said something bad about whites that wasn't just a post about a historical fact?

*thumbs up bro!*

For you, people who carry guns are bigoted morons. You also mentioned rednecks.

It is clear that you hate whites because to you whites are moronic bigots.

Such a pain to explain.
How is it that America is a terribly racist nation and yet the POTUS is a black man and minorities of all stripes are treated better here, than in any other nation?
This isn't a "political question board" it's a Political Forum. Learn the difference there kiddo.

The topic in this section is "Politics". There is another section titled "History". Learn the difference, pissant.

So we are covering bigotry, welfare, racism and hatred. <--Which of these are not politically based. So I can find the correct place to post this in the future where the bigots, racists and hate mongers won't reply so much. :)

I'd say in another day or so, that will be any thread that has your name on it.

Way to establish yourself right at the outset, fuckstain. Not everyone can be dismissed and ignored within a handful of posts. Bravo! :eusa_clap:

American Holocaust of Native American Indians (FULL Documentary)
American Holocaust of Native American Indians (FULL Documentary) - YouTube

Or maybe you thought I would be talking about a different race..

Ya we should be doing something about something that ended how many years ago?

Why is this in politics? Not one single party in the current Government does it, supports it or past any laws concerning it.

Gotta know your past to understand your present..

Same thing is happening today. Same hate, different "color".

Jesse Jackson wannabe? Need to work on your rhyming.

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